We are experiencing a case where the sheet list table will not insert into a page. It works on all other jobs, but this one won't let a sheet list table insert into any page, by any body.
I even tried inserting a block of the table from another set and then updating - all the lines disappeared.
We have done about 200 jobs with these, without trouble and this is the one giving us problems now.
Using Set Sheet Manager, I am trying to create an Office Standard Sheet Index Table.
I have begun by copying the Standard table and modifying it. I have adjusted the cell styles to reflect our colors and text types and sizes. I have also added two additional columns for revision number and revision date.
I have tried saving the new table ... and inserting a new table through the sheet set manager
the only tables i can bring in include the 2 original columns (sheet number and sheet title) and specified text font, size and color are maintained, but the additional columns and the column width are lost.
Ideally i would like the office format to be maintained...with little or no modification required of the user.
I am having an issue with the sheet set manager's tool to insert sheet list table. I have a new sheet set for a new project that was created entirely in Autocad 2012. When I try to insert a new sheet list table, after I click OK in the Sheet list Table dialoge box, it simply closes to an empty command line with nothing inserted. Why nothing is inserted?
Just created a 2nd drawing sheet in my IDW, and when i place a revision table it is missing most of the data that is shown on sheet 1. All i get are the description column entries, nothing else.
I moved the hole table from the original sheet to an other, but the fields in the title block of the new sheet don't update with the iproperties of the model
a customer has a title block with a revision table ( standard vault revision table) add on top of it.
If you change the sheet size the revision table remains his position.
If found the way to reposition the table with a ilogic rule.:
'point afstand in cm PointX=(ActiveSheet.Width/10)-13 PointY=5.5 'punt vanaf rechtonder gemeten in cm
This is working perfectly. But now the challange how to trigger this rule to run if you change the sheet size?
if tried:
to create a userparameter and added this line in my rule : Size=ActiveSheet.size, normaly is you change parameters it triggers the rule to rule. but both way didn't work.
Can event triggers from the API be used? Do i need the "Onchange" event? Any example for a ilogic rule?
When placing a puch table in a flat pattern drawing, can the origin point be placed anywhere or does it have to correspond to the origin point of the Inventor drawing (0,0,0)?I placed the origin point at some point which I randomly chose but no table popped up for me to chose the puch table option.
How can I move a detail view to another sheet in a drawing in 2009? I have only been able to copy the detail and it's parent view to the 2nd sheet and then suppress the parent view on the 2nd sheet so that only the detail view is visible.
However, when I go back to the first sheet and try to suppress or delete the detail view, it also deletes / suppresses the detail circle from the parent view.
In our company, we put Excel tables in our drawings. The reason we've chosen for Excel-tables is that we can adjust the layout of the table quite easily. These tables consist of grouped cells in a particular company-specific layout. We select the range of the desired cells, copy and paste them in our AutoCAD drawing. This drawing is sent to our customers. The disadvantage of this method is, that when our customers (who use CAD-software of other brands) open the dwg, they don't see the table, but some kind of picture of the table.
Is there a way to 'explode' the excel-table, but keep the specific layout of the table? For attributes in blocks there's the 'Explode Attributes'-command in the Express-tools, but is there something similar for Excel-tables?
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
I have over a 100pg plan set and have changed page numbers and added more drawings and deleted a few. so now we have to go through the entire Table of Contents and drawings and renumber everything. Is there a way to link the fields in the Table of Contents with the page numbers on the drawings?
I am trying to solve a problem. My company uses AutoCAD 2013. We set up a sheet set manager template that has custom properties linked to fields in an attribute block. Now we want to finish configuring a sheet list table. The problem is that we cannot get the sheet list table to look the way we want it.
In the sheet list table we add the drawing number, the revision, and then three titles (all from left to right). The three titles come from three separate attributes in the title block. The titles say the discipline (electrical) then the system type, then the particular drawing itself. We want to figure out how if possible, to have these three separate attributes in the same sheet list table cell.
We tried to do a multi-line text, which did place all three titles into one table cell, but then had issues with the multi-line text placing the three different titles into position on the title block.
I am insert a sheet list table - Two Columns "Dwg #" and "Sheet Title" under the first category (building 1) each column works fine) then under category 2 (building 2) it gets the file name under the dwg #.
The angle or radius are outside the table boundaries. I have used bend tables before and have not run into this. See screenshot. What I don't understand is that in the error dialog box the Thickness is correct the Radii are correct and the Angle is correct except it is showing a -90 degrees. Is that the problem? The negetive? Why is it showing a negative number. I can't change the way the part is formed. The problem seems to be with the lower left hand curl. It does go ahead and flatten it, but I don't trust the results when I have the three errors.
I have a part where I have placed a number of table driven iFeatures. These features generate parameters in the model that I can see in the parameter table. I am trying to find a way to have these iFeature parameters show up in the hole table in my drawing.
By 'exporting' the parameters, I have been able to get the values to show in notes and drawing view labels but I can't find a way to add them as a 'New Property' in my hole table.
Im trying to change the table style formatting and nothing seems to stick. I want to turn the border off in the title cell and only use a thick underline.
I change the schedule cell, save changes to the style and Ive tried saving as a new style but when I reinsert the cell format is gone. Back to the out of the box state.
Also, when I save the OTB style to my new A3 Sheet Keynote style the new style doesnt match what was saved.
I have an older drawing with an outdated sheet format. I'm wanting to update to a new custom sheet format without having to redimension and recreate views. Is it possible to just update the sheet format?
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
I have a dwg file with three sheets in, just default names, I can access sheets 2 and 3 but get the attached errors when trying to access sheet 1 form either sheet 2 or 3
This file was originally created in IV2009 I've had no problems then or with the various conversions of it.
It seems to be memory related so here's the sitrep as for memory 8GB DDR2 RAM, and Virtual Memory set at min of 8192MB and a Max of 16384MB, I did have it set a systems managed but that gave a warning of low virtual memory with almost every drawing file that I opened.
I am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box. =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1 displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?
I have imported an Excel 2003 spreadsheet into an AutoCAD 2010 Table, all came in fine except the following formula =ROUNDUP(((SUM(E27:E33))/24),0)
Does 2010 not support ROUNDUP ? The formula is used to calculate the number (whole) of driver boards required to drive the number of LED's calculated by the SUM function. Each driver board can drive 24 LED's, so if i have 23 LED's I need 1 driver or if I have 25 LED's I need 2 drivers
Also is there a list or table that shows what Excel functions are or are not supported in AutoCAD? I can't seem to find one.
I'm attempting to create a table within autocad that I can update as I add new things to my drawing.
I have a ton of dblocks that carry attributes with them, and I want to be able to have the table in autocad populate with the information from each insertion.
The table in autocad will be linked to an excel spreadsheet that should also be updated (either as a separate action or automatically... not sure what would be better).
The table in excel will go through a system of formula that will divide it up into useable groups for me. How do I update a table within Autocad, instead of having to create a new table every time I want to add data to the extraction information?
We use a table with an inserted jpeg image (company logo) as our title block. Everything works fine when you start a new drawing, however, when one tries to insert the template into an existing drawing or thru a new layout, the table that is our title block comes in mirrored with the rows and columns all out of whack.