AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Getting Default Drawing1 Settings?
Dec 11, 2013
When I open CAD, a blank Drawing1 file opens. I know that under Options, you are able to modify certain settings. I also know that you can edit more specific settings such as what layers and text styles for that Drawing1 file under your C drive. I think it is:
C:UsersAppDataRoamingAutodeskC3D 2014enuSupport
I have done this before but I cannot remember how. An example of what I am trying to say is in the Drawing1 that opens when you start CAD, it does not have a layer called TOPO. I want to have it so that everytime I have a new drawing1 open, it automatically has the TOPO layer in it. I know that you can do this by changing the file it references in the C drive, but I forgot how I did it.
I am using Map 3D 2010/Civil 3D2010/AutoCad 2010. Is there a way to change the default settings in the Map Import dialog box? I want to "Create Object Data" and "Import Polygons as Closed Polylines" with every shp file I import. It would be nice if I could have these parameters selected by default instead of having to check them both with every shp file I import. Is this possible?
I am trying to change some default layer settings. I go to: Toolspace -> Settings tab -> Right click the drawing name -> Edit drawing settings -> Object layers tab. There I can set the default layers that objects are created on. I want to set "General Note Label" and "General Segment Label" to be created on what ever layer is current.
I am trying to change the default setting for "Pipe Flow Direction Method" currently it is set to "start to end" but I would like it to be "by slope". I have to assume there is a way to do this, I have tried everything i can think of.
Also need definitions of the "Pipe Flow Direction Method" options.I am currently using Civil 3D 2012, but will soon be moving onto 2014
I created pipe and structure settings, as well as the labels associated with them. I did this by going to each setting and revising the default “standard” setting to our company standards and saving it with another name. All the “standard” settings I changed were geared toward displaying the pipes and structures as existing sanitary features. I decided shortly afterwards that it would be better to have it set up so that when I want to lay out a new network, it will, by default, display the pipes and structures as proposed storm services. Existing sanitary pipe networks would display as light lines while proposed storm networks display as bolder lines with hatch.
I therefore went into “commands” and overrode all the default settings (the existing sanitary settings created from the “standard” settings) with the settings I created for the proposed storm. When I created a new pipe network and began laying out structures and pipes, they displayed as per the existing sanitary settings I created, not as per the proposed storm settings.
I then went to the pipe style and structure style, chose the settings I created for the existing sanitary, right clicked and chose “replace with” and picked the settings for the proposed storm. I again tried to lay out a pipe network but the structures and pipes again displayed as per the existing sanitary settings. How do I get the software to, by default, display the structures and pipes as per the settings I created for proposed storm and not existing sanitary?
I am using Description Keys for all my points that I bring in from surveying in the field. Any point that does not have a specific descriptor key ends up on a specific layer with a specific style that I cannot figure where to set. I have gone through my point default settings as stated in other postings but all seem to be set correctly mostly to <none>. I have gone through my Point Group settings without finding the culprit either. I can easily change the settings as I only have a few points that do this but I want to find the issue.
Where can I reset to default settings in Inventor 2010 ? Trying some configurations , but now I need to set my Inventor to original settings, where can I do that ?
I have been using autocad for many years but have never experienced this situation before. I have received a simple Electrical layout file from a consultant, after opening this file my settings in AutoCAD changed, for examples the snap angle to the cursor changed to 337.18 degree, the selection box (pick box) went to maximum and a few other settings also changed. I had to manually go back to the options and change some of the settings back to what I normally have which is very much similar to default settings. But I could not change everything back to normal. I had AutoCAD 2010 and later installed 2012 to see if it would fix the problems. What surprised me is that when install fresh AutoCAD 2012, the default settings is now changed to the settings that has changed in my previous AutoCAD.I would like to change the settings back to normal.
With all of my “plan view” blocks I add to the tool palettes I set “prompt for rotation” to yes. I am manually doing this every single time I add a block and of course I hear about it if I forget to do so.
For whatever reason, everything reset back to default in my application settings. The only thing I remember happening was that at one point my Inventor was not able to establish a connection to the server where the liscence is stored and it gave out an error message. Ever since then, everything was reverted to default.
how to change the look of the highlights in the assembly environment when selecting parts? I can't remember where it's at.
how to adjust the default settings of my drawing units. I have adjusted these so that if I create a new drawing they are set as I want them. But when I output a drawing from
I work with a land surveying package. I use both AutoCAD 2006 and R14. When I export a cad dwg from the survey software and open it in R14 my drawing units are as I want them E.G Direction Control = North = 270 and should be set to clockwise. If I open the same exported drawing but in 2006 the settings change. If I create a new drawing in 2006, the settings are as I want them.
How to get back to default settings in layer manager. all drawings i am opening now, lost all layers, they are in layer states manager how can i get them back to show in normal layer manager.
I am installing AutoCAD for the first time in a lab at a high school. We have roaming profiles for each user. When I launch AutoCAD for the first time as a user, the program goes through it's first time configuration, check the "Privacy Statement" and uncheck the "Show at Start up" on the welcome box. After I log off and log back in and launch the program again, it goes through the setup again and I don't have the setting I had changed on the previous launching of the program. I think it has something to do with the roaming profiles because when I login as myself (I don't have roaming profiles) it works fine.
I have changed my template using the styles library. For some reason Inventor 2013 will not let me save my new settings as a default in my newly created template. Instead it gives me an error message that reads:
" The following style definitions in template ....... differ from the definitions in the style library; the style library will be used.
Part listart list (ANSI), Revision Table: Revision Table (ANSI)
If the style definitions in the style library are intended for the new document, update the template with the new style definitions. If the style definition in the template are intended for the new document, remove these styles from your style library using the Style Library Manager."
I'm trying to set up some new title blocks, I have some "prompted entry" Properties that I want to incorporate, I've got them in the title blocks OK but I can't seem to get em to return a default value, the prompts are all coming in blank when the dialog box comes up. I have set the defaults to what I need on the original ANSI template with the new title block, but when I create a new drawing using that template, the title block comes in without any values set. Is there a way of setting them to return a default value initially that you would change if required, I'm sure I'm missing something very basic!!
Also, in the 'edit property' fields dialog box, there does not seem to be a way of inserting symbols into the value field, have I not turned on the right variable, or missed have I something else??
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
I'm working on a project where I will have to do a lot of various scaling using Bilinear resampling. Is there a way to make this the default scaling method in PS CS6 (Mac OS).
I keep on forgetting to switch the scaling method, and thus often have to scale the image twice.
im doing this for class and the book tells me to hold trl Al and shift as soon as i open photoshop. this isnt working and because im doing this for school im on a bit of a time crunch.
My 3D camera view is acting kooky when I go into 3D mode. It's like I'm underneath the text looking up at it, and no matter what settings I mess with I can not get the view that I want. Yes I have went to all the little drop down window and clicked on default view and I still get this same underneath view. Is their a way to reset ALL default settings in PS Cs6.
I was disappointed to see that the CS6 More Options panel still has 8 bit dither. Why isn't it 10 bit by default ? Shouldn't Photoshop be sending 10 bit to monitors with 10 bit LUT for real wide gamut? Some printers are going beyond 8 bit now, also.
I need to compress about 1,000 jpg images and I'm using the "save for web" feature in Photoshop 7 but I'm running into problems because my file names are very long and its cutting them off. I found the workaround by editing the output settings and unchecking the "Mac OS" box under "Filename Compatibility".
However, the problem is that the default settings do not stay like this once I hit OK and I end up having to uncheck the Mac OS box for each and every file. Is there a way to permanently change the default settings so I can do batch processing for all my images?
when I start my Photoshop, everything resets to the default settings, from workspace to general preferences. Why does it do this and is there a way to stop it from doing it?
I was wondering how can we change the default setting of PS.
If you go to "Blending Options" in PS and click on "Outer Glow/Inner Glow/Drop Shadow/....etc" You will see that these options have already some colors as default, means Drop shadow has black color as default and inner glow and outer glow has yellow as default.
I wanted to change these default colors to something else. Like I want to change the YELLOW color of outer and inner glow to WHITE color. Is it possible?
way to simplify the "save as" procedure. I found annoying to have to select say, PNG, from a long list... Gimp remembers the last filter (... reuse sharpen?) but not the last file format and folder?