AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Selecting Boundary Surfaces For Materials In Material List
Jul 3, 2013
When I'm creating a material list, every time I select two surfaces and one is smaller than the other, a vertical boundary is created rather than a boundary with the shape of exactly the space between those two surfaces.
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Aug 16, 2012
How to compute volume of material bounded by three surfaces in a section view?
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Dec 5, 2012
I need to run two reports one for Cut and Fill, and one for Materials (shapes). I would like two material lists for the same alignment and sample line group.
The process, setup the materials list for Pave, Base, and Subbase. Generate report, delete list and setup for Cut and Fills, run the report. You do this over and over. Autodesk please add a way to save and import these setups, and a way to create multiple lists for each alignment and sample line group.
Note: Why the Civil 3d default for the interlude into the actual Compute Materials dialogue is Pave, Subbase, Base is beyond me, could someone tell the programmers that Subbase is generally below Base. Each time I have to delete the CIvil 3D defaults and redo this step.
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Nov 6, 2013
I am trying to get a material volume report for a corridor structure. The overall dirt cut fill is working, but the pavement and base keeps showing up as zero.
I started with the surfaces made, (perhaps that’s the problem,) I made an alignment, used an assembly, made a profile, and sample lines, made the corridor. The assembly draws in the cross sections, but the materials report shows zero in the pavement and stone.
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Sep 4, 2012
Trying to get the cut/fill quantities by computing the materials & I'm getting confused.
I imported another criteria & for ground removed it has existing as below & my datum as above. For fill, it has the datum below & existing above. The cut/fill matches a comparison between the 2 surfaces, but I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Explain why for cut the datum's set to above & for fill it's set to below,
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a problem with disappearing materials on the surface of my 3D models. I spend hours adding materials and color to my drawings using the 'ctrl' select option on the surface of 3D objects, but when I save the drawing and go back to it another time the materials seem to disappear.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have successfully opened a STEP file from our Engineering group and saved it away as an Inventor Assembly. I would like to define Materials and/or Surface finishes for all parts. Why wouldn't the Surfaces and Materials synchronize between the Styudio's Surface Creator and the BOM Materials Control in the Assembly area?
I have found the way to define a new Surface in the "Inventor Studio" Interface and saved it with a unique name. Now, I would like to assign that Surface as a Material to the parts in the assembly ... and of course I would like to define numerous other surfaces and materials for assignment to all the parts throughout the assembly. Finally, I would like these surfaces / materials to follow the model into Showcase for presentation purposes.
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Nov 9, 2012
i need to know if there is any way to control the points in the point cloud.
1. either only import the point cloud in a polyline area i specify
2. add all the points within a boundary not limited to the pointclouddensity = 100, freaking default is 15 almost cost my job today. extremely stressed out right now.
i am talking about extreme lidar surveys. 1km 1km LAS/0.5m contours/xyz files times 355 of them. covers a 2km wide corridor. but i only need 100m wide after i define the road alignment. no need to have all the extra points.
right now i densify the heck out of it and end up like 5-12m points. decent but not good enough because the geotech is bitching about that accuracy is not good for some feasibility study. or is there any software i can do this besides civil 3d.
what i want can also do is automate the 'add points to surface" under point cloud and have the software do multiple boundaries without having me baby it over the night. right now every click is 5 minutes and adds like 400k to 1 million points. Civil 3D 2012
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Apr 30, 2013
How to get the all the materials back in the materials palette?When I switch to 3D Modeling and go into the Render Tab in the Materials section, I do not have any materials loaded.
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Mar 8, 2012
Best way to quickly paint materials on the surfaces of a linked file? We need it for documentation of our interiors. Paint does not work through to the linked surfaces.
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Jul 4, 2011
I am looking for ways to add actual custom materials - not (just) in appearance, but in actual material properties (elasticity, etc). I have looked at wiki and searched this forum (and others) but I haven't been able to find anything of the sort... but the properties of the few aluminium alloys available are not those that we use... besides that we need them at specific temperature ranges (and honestly, I haven't been able to find any temperature controls in the FEA yet either.) And.. is there a more direct, faster, way to assign materials then [big I Pro button] > iPropperties > Physical? Right click on the solid and selecting "material" seems so much more ideal.
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Dec 8, 2011
how Inventor Materials are used in your companies, what is your customization level and usage level.Do you use Inventor Materials as they come out of the box ?Do you create your own materials?
Do you modify the properties of existing Inventor materials without changing the material name?Do you show material names on 2D drawings (in parts list etc)?
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Sep 6, 2013
On Ai CS3, while working with clipping masks I've been used to select masked objects with the direct selection tool, even the ones that fall outside the mask boundary.I can't do so with the CC version of Ai. Instead I have first to select it with the lasso tool. One can do so as well with the layers or else by selecting edit contents in the control box.So it's actually possible, but since I edit masked objects quite often those extra-steps are just annoying.
Would be in the preferences or else some option to fix it? Or do I have to make do with some bias..
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Nov 29, 2013
Been doing a couple of renders of a section through a wall with an external rain-screen cladding.Is there any way to alter the appearance / alignment of the texture shown in the cut surface (not the main surface - I can define that OK via the material).
Ideally I would like a realistic view of a material - but something that looks more like a cut CMU rather than the usual surface.Failing that - is it possible to use a flat consistent colour through all cut surfaces (ie all white) ?
I know I could do that last one in Photoshop - but it will be a real painstaking process.
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Apr 27, 2011
Materials do not show-up in either Iray or Mental ray Compact Material Editor mode.
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Oct 24, 2012
I used a 2d polyline to create a surface boundary for a surface created. The polyline is a closed loop. For the boundary type it is outer, unchecked Non-destructive breakline, and mid-ordinate distance = 1.
My problem is that when I do this I only get a small portion of the surface to show up within my surface boundary. If I don't have a surface boundary the entire drawing surface shows up no problem.
The purple polyline is my boundary and the light blue is the surface created within the boundary.
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Aug 31, 2012
I use a few material libraries I have saved quite often. I spent some time yesterday tidying up as well as creating new ones and saved them out.
However now they are not loading up any of the materials when I click on the tab in the Material Browser. The same libraries are working fine on the machine next to me (my colleagues machine).
I've tried saving them out on his as another name and opening a new material library, however they are still not showing up.
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Nov 8, 2013
is it posible to list all the materials from all libraries and catagories from Inventor 2013?
I am using this at the moment: Dim oMat As Inventor.Material For Each oMat In oApp.StylesManager.Materials comboMaterial.Items.Add(oMat.Name.ToString) Next
This works but only pulls through and lists the "Inventor Material Library" materials by default.
What is strange though is that when I apply a material from another library to a part then its almost like that library is now active and if the routine is run again it only pulls through materials from that library and not the "Inventor Material Library" again.
I know in 2014 its better supported but is there a way to get all materials in 2013?
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Mar 5, 2013
How & where I can add fields that I require for my equipment. I see I can add it to the bill of materials in the assembly but that doesn't carry through to the drawing.
I see that I can add to the parts list in the drawing but i don't want to have to add the information into my drawings every time I use one of my machines.
Basically I am busy creating a library of all the machines I use. This library will then be used for numerous drawing for many different clients. I need the required info to be in my drawing from the beginning without me having to add it to every clients drawing.
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Jul 8, 2012
I am trying to populate a multi-value user parameter with a list composed of the various materials available from the iProperties "Physical" tab. So far I have this:
For Each material In iProperties.Materials
Running the Rule gets this error message:
Rule Compile Errors in Material_Rule, in _Mounting_bracket.ipt
Error on Line 2 : 'Bracket_Material' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I think I am doing the "Bracket_Material.Items.Add(material) " line wrong, but I don't know enough VB to fix it. It seems to me it IS declared in the Parameters table - isn't adding the parameter to the parameter table sufficient to declare it?
Eventually I want to add the Bracket_Material Parameter to a form so the user can select material from drop down list and assign it to part.
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May 13, 2011
How to make the name of a material show up in the Compact Material Editor? For instance, if I double-click on a standard material, and put it into the first material slot, the name stays "Default-01" instead of "Concrete_brown_stucco" (for instance).
This isn't a BIG deal but it's just one more thing to slow the workflow down !
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Apr 1, 2012
We have a general template (excel file) for material list. Is there way to connect this template with inventor. Or alternatively change the inventor BOM list to suite our template?
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a Revit file with over 1,000 materials and associated appearance assets. It was created in a previous version of Revit before library support. What I want to do is create libraries from them. However, the only instructions to add them one at a time using dragging and dropping. That will take me days to do. Is there a way to simply create an asset or material library out of multiple materials from a project file at one time without having to individually select them?
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Dec 9, 2011
Necessary to convert list of material of the assembly (IAM) into archive pdf. (bill of Material)
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Dec 9, 2013
I made a change to my materials library. I changed the color (from dark grey to light grey) of one material. I then saved this back to my library.
Now, when I start a new part, I get a warning that the material does not match the library. So, rather than using the material in the part, I opened the template and updated the material to match the library. (Manage >Update Styles).
This is where the problems come into play. In the update styles dialog, if I compare materials against my custom materials and then compare it to my Favorites, it just a continuious circle. It is like the favorites are stored inside the part and do not get updated to match the custom materials library. (I thought the whole idea behind using a library was to get the information out of the parts).
Here is a short video showing what it does. [URL] .....
The only way I can get the favorites to match is to delete the favorite material, update the style and the add the favorite back in. That is a bunch of work. The problem I got with this is that there are thousands of parts that have been created that has this favorite in it. The only way to update these is to open each part (if I knew which one), delete the favorite, update the materials and then add the favorite back in.
I see the same thing in 2013 and 2014.
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Oct 11, 2013
In Inventor 2014, is it possible to export a list of all of the materials in a given material library..? As text, or into Excel, or something similar?
I have a material library in Inventor 2014 containing lots of custom defined materials. I would like to create a master list that I can give to someone who isn't using Inventor. The only property that I really need to export is the material name, e.g.' CSA G40.21-44W'.
In this case, engineering is trying to coordinate better with purchasing, by making sure that materials are specified in the same way in both departments.
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Jul 23, 2012
I know that the material list you get inside of the frame generator comes from CC, but is there a way to add other types of frame styles to the generator?
What I have is we need to create some Uni strut frames and this material is not in the frame generator and I would like it to be for the functionality that this tool brings.
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Oct 10, 2012
I dropped in a bunch of windows from an AutoCAD file into 3DsMax. I'd like to assign material to all of them without individually selecting each window frame, each window sash and each window glass. How would I go about isolating and selecting for instance, all window sashes at the same time or applying the same type of material to a particular type of object?
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Jun 20, 2013
In our part list we have a column for Material, ipt's display the material and iam's display blank expect for a few instances that display Welded Aluminum-6061(see attachment). These assemblies are all steel and not weldments. What would cause this and how can it be fixed?
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Mar 29, 2013
We use different types of sheet metals, from stainless to bronze, and different thicknesses.
Currently, in order to show the correct material on a parts list, I have to duplicate the material Stainless Steel, and rename it to say 20 Gauge Stainless Steel. Then again for 16 Ga, 14Ga, 12 Ga, etc...
I'd like to have the parts list show the common material such as "Stainless Steel", with another column for the sheet metal style such as "20 Gauge."
We also use items such as Plastic Laminate. I'd like to create a generic material for the physical properties of "Plastic Laminate", and then change the material appearance to say "Formica #1234 Walnut". Again, i'd like to be able to put this in (2) columns on the parts list.
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Nov 7, 2011
Im trying to create a list of text strings to select from defining material thickness and then plug that selection into a global form custom iproperty called "MaterialDescription".. Also, is it possible to access and pre-enter field text edit items in iLogic?
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