AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Model Existing Drainage Channel?
Sep 28, 2012
how one might model an existing drainage channel.
Here’s the scenario – field crews are going to collect data for a 500 ft long concrete (trapezoidal) drainage channel. The bottom width varies from 7 ft to 19 ft wide with vertical walls varying from 4 ft to 7’ high. The channel will be filled and capped.
I considered using one of the channel subassemblies with Civil 3d and establish targets along the existing channel top and bottom of walls. However, I don’t see that the stock subassemblies are intended for this and don’t really lend themselves to perform this. I suppose the other option is to use linkwidthandslope subassemblies and use multiple targets for inside bottoms, inside tops and outside tops of walls.
What do I draw the existing pipes as that will be under the surface that I'm profiling? I have the surveyed invert points I'm assuming that won't be polylines? how to get the pipe to show at the proper elevation on the profile?
I'm trying to add a sump/baffle box to a drainage ditch. I'm taking this project over from someone else. They had created a surface. However, I'm confused about how the surface they made was created, but I have used it to give me a reference to were the sump is located on the profile view. (circled in blue). Currently that surface has wall that are 1.5' high with a bottom at -1.5'. I have drawn in the sump on the profile view (highlighted in yellow).
I have tried to start over by using breaklines. I have already created a standard breakline on the N and W side at 0. However, on the east side, how to create a breakline and keep the drainage basin grading to the exisitng drainage basin grade.
I have attached screen shots of the plan and profile view.
Is there a way to design the road profile to use the low point at a certain Roadway station so you can put your storm inlets to line up with property lines. Because when you create a Sag the PVI is not where your low point falls on the profile. It would be nice to be able to drag the low point not the PVI to create the low point where you need it instead of a sort of back and forth dragging the PVI of the vertical curve.
How can I get the channel subassembly to attach to the assembly insertion point at the channel flowline marker? I need the flowline to follow my profile elevations.
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013 MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build) Microsoft Windows 7 64bit 350GB Bootcamp volume
I have a biped model animated in a cave scene, with several columns in the middle of the cave.
I am rendering the model in a different render pass than the cave itself.
I would like to render out the model with the alpha channel obstructed when a cave column comes between the model and the camera, so i won't rotoscope in nuke the shape of the column.
The company I work for is a wooden packaging company. We recently purchased Inventor to open large file models from John Deere to design a wooden pallet/crate to package the part. Basically, what I am asking for 'get started'. I know how to pull in files, but I am just trying to figure out how to design packaging around this existing model.
Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client. We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that. We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface... only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.
We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work. We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.
Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive? (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)
I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces. The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing. The outer red line is offset 0.25'. As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.
Now I'm trying to make another part, which will be aluminium plate that needs to have holes in exactly same points as the motor. My assembly containts both that parts.
What I'm trying to do is to reference in sketch a point that comes from different part (motor).
I could do it by hand, make it look that the holes are on top of each other but then there will be an error which doesn't seem professional.
In some tutorial on yt I have only found that using points one can reference the holes more easily, but it didn't show how.
I want to cut a channel through a existing surface; bottom width: 5 feet; at elevation 1950 and side slope 1:1 (45deg) up to existing ground.
What I am doing right now is create a feature lines 5 feet wide, at el 1950 and use grading tool to project it to existing ground with side slope at 1:1. What i am doing is correct?
I have recently purchased a 3d model of a car which I need to make 3d print ready for a project. I have come a long way since, getting to know the software and finishing all of the chassis. However, whilst editing parts of the car's bottom side, I noticed that when viewed from this perspective it is badly out of shape. When compared to a real model, one can see that the body is way too narrow in between the tires, making the whole thing kinda look like a bone. I have attached pictures of both, the unedited 3d model I purchased as well as a real model which I know to be very accurate to the real thing, to show you what I mean.
Is there an easy way to change all the model geometry from New to Existing in one easy command? I drew a three story building complete with structural columns, beasms, curtain walls, doors, walls, floors, etc. and I need to now make it all 'Existing'.
I am currently using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 for surveying work and have been trying to figure out how to use part of an existing survey of land model. I have it in a layout (paper space) and used a viewport to get the section I am after but there are some changes in labeling and minor model modifications needed to make it a stand alone model and I do not want to modify the original model to make these changes. How can I take a section like I have in view port and make it into its own model with a different scale so the changes can be made and the original model is left in tact?
I'm trying to create a ditch / channel with a 4 foot wide base and 4:1 side slopes. I was going to create one using a feature line and inserting it to my design surface as a break line. Is there an easier way or better process I can use to create this?
I have created an alignment and long section and over layed my assembly to produce the corridor through my alignment. However it is standard practice in the UK to show the channel levels on a long section.
I was recently trying to find the normal depth in a natural channel to use as an outfall water surface elevation in SSA. I double checked the normal depth calculations using the Express Add-On in Civil 3D. I found that while the normal depths correlated closely for channels with a single roughness coefficient, they varied considerably if a composite roughness coefficient was used for the left and right overbanks. This leads me to believe that composite roughnesses are being calculated incorrectly in SSA. I would like to use SSA for floodplain analysis, but am unwilling to do so until I have confidence in the calculations.
CIvil 3D 2013 / My drawing opens in layout view and all model objects are appropriately coloured by layer. If I hit plot at this point, my colour dependent .ctb file works fine. However, once I swtich to model view, all my linework turns white and if I switch back to Layout view it remains white and plots each line with the weight assigned to the colour white.
I am a screen printer and I print my separations from Photoshop. I routinely work with multi channel files or RGB files with additional spot color channels. I have created actions to place my registration marks, re-size images, etc to get ready to print but I manually have to create the text labels for each screen if they are missing from the original artwork.
The files I work with have channels named as "Base White, Red, Green, 284 Blue" etc indicating the ink color. What i would like to be able to do is click an action that would copy the text from the channel name and insert it into a separate or each/all channels near the top of the file so that when I print each positive it has a corresponding label for ink color.
I am not sure if this is even possible, and I am limited on my knowledge when it comes to actions and have pretty much got lucky in the past getting them to do what I want without unnecessary steps.
On my registration target action it creates a new channel with each individual reg mark then combines them into one separate channel in which I just copy the contents and select all the ink channels and fill with black to make them appear, i'm happy with the steps it takes as it isn't too much trouble and if this could do the same with labels I would be happy with that.
Just made sure updates for the video card and all the hardware were current and still getting this problem where when I go to adjust a channel of video a random frame from the below channel will insert itself into the clip that I just moved as if it was married into the source footage.
Adobe Premiere Pro Running an nVidia 660 with 331 drivers installed Win7 64 bit ultimate
I am trying to work on a previous file in my office, and when it opens on mycomputer, it does not display as it should.
In general, the purpose of the project is to reinstate the side slopes of a road abutting a river. Cut & fill sections have been generated on 20m station increments along the road corridor/surfaces in order to calulate cut and fill as well as to reference the design to flood levels.
When I open the file, all of these sections (and there are alot) have relocated themselves to various locations in model space, none of which are aligned with the viewports that are being used for printing.
Could it be software and/or hardware incompatibility with the computer they were originally created on? (I believe it was created with C3D 2010, or C3D 2011 - I am currently running 2012)
I have an existing topic dwg and it has points from the survey crew shots in the dwg, I need to label this points. I want to extract the TC and Gutter information from the points by picking the the points I want to label.
I have a set of styles created in 2010, the company I currently work for needs to have new styles added and I would like to use some of the styles I created to make my life a bit simpler in this process. I have created an Overall.dwt file using the current styles the company i work for has and I have imported my styles into this dwt. As im renaming these styles for my new company I noticed under the general tab for text style and block style I have text and block styles with my old companies name but i cant seem to find where the blocks or text style is being pulled from so i can edit it with a new name. So my question is where are these styles being saved so i can edit them
When working in a drawing with a surface referenced there is usually a flag attached to the cursor that reveals the surface and the elevation of the spot the cursor is hovering over; mine has disappeared.
I was wondering if it is at all possible to add a polyline to an existing alignment? The purpose of doing so would be to extend the alignment so that I can display the proposed kerb and gutter.
trying to create a model from existing polylines (at elevation). I have created a surface, went to definiltion, drawing objects, but there is no "polyline" option there. I must be missing something. How can I create a c3d model from existing polylines?
I'm a bit of a Civil 3D newbie. I've got a project that involves addition of storm drain to existing storm pipes. I'd like to be able to use Civil 3D to include existing and proposed pipes in the networks, but be able to show existing pipes differently than proposed pipes on plans and profiles, i.e. screened. I can't seem to figure out a way to do this--I can effect changes to all networks, but not invididual pipes.