AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Minimum Fill Depth For Sub Assemblies
Jul 11, 2013
I have a road that I am engineering and have set up my subassemblies using the daylight standard. But i would like to force a cut section until the fill gets to 2'. so that when i have 2" of fill it will still cut my ditches.
I am trying to create a custom subassembly using SAC 2012 that will place a 1' deep ditch at the bottom of the slope in a fill condition. The trouble I am having is how to hold a consant 1' depth on the backslope and vary the foreslope since the daylight offset and elevation is variable depending on the slope of the existing ground. I need the attachment point to be the edge of the shoulder so it seems like a loop that varies the foreslope length would be required but loops are not allowed. I will also have the option to target a profile but I also need the ability to hold a constant ditch depth.
I created a volume surface between the as-built and design surfaces, now I would like to show the points that display the cut/fill depths between these two surfaces. I tried modifying the surface property of that volume surface but doesn't seem to offer what I want.
I'm trying to use assemblies when creating a corridor. The Tool Pallette is emply but I can drag the assembiles in from the Catalog. I've also created an assembly using the ASC. Neither work when I try to use them. The error message is attached.
I'm using a network installation and I do not have the option of changing it to a DVD installation.
I am using a Pipe Network for all my drainage culverts on a large industrial site. I have created all my pipes from "Create Pipes from Object", which were all feature lines. While generating the pipes, I told it to use the object as my pipe invert.
I have set up my pipe rules (i.e. minimum/maximum slope and cover) to what I want. Also when creating my pipes I assigned my design (top of sub grade) surface to them. But I noticed that it's calculating my pipe cover from the middle of my pipes.
My pipes all have the right wall thickness, etc...set in the style. Is there a setting I'm missing telling the pipe to calculate it from the top of the pipe...instead of the middle of the pipe?
minimum turning radius of cat 777f at 30km/hr? need to figure out the horizontal curves to use for this.we have been using 60 to 100m curves but i think it maybe smaller. small curves works with these steep terrain.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
I am working on basin areas for a very large project area When I use the catchment option, it will give me the immediate area around the point I have selected sometimes no more than a acre, and it is obvious that the contributing area extends well beyond the lines of the catchment area. Is there a way to adjust the catchment area to a minimum size so it will look beyond the immediate contribution and search for the actual basin area, or am I just wishing/dreaming?
I have been using the parcel layout tools to set a minimum frontage and lot sizing. In the table creation tools for parcels, you can bring in the parcel name, area, perimeter, and all of the line segments. Is there anyway to include only the frontage versus all of the line segments?
What do the data in the summary of volume calculation mean? In LDD, typically the minimum and maximum elevations are within the range of elevations where the volume is being analyzed. In my current vol calc summary it shows something that really makes me frown, e.g, min elev of -26.00 and max elev of 752. I have checked all the proposed elevations and the minimum is 720.
Would be interested in a strategy for a varying depth overlay, i.e. where the overlay assembly follows a centerline design profile rather than a pavement depth up from existing grade. Then the trick would be for the software to calculate the asphalt volume between the new top surface and the existing roadway surface.
I have two surface ( OG surface and Gravel LIFT ), i need to have a table that Show me Depths range between those two surface with a color range, in a table and also to be able to see it in the the top surface.
Basically, In every Spot of the surface, need to represent a Depth range between the OG and the gravel surface by a specific Color.
For a surface: I would like to a boundary above a inlet point that is 3" deep.
I would like something like catchment area but the ability to specify a depth distance. Or specify a depth in the water shed analysis in the surface properties.
The only way I know to do what I want is user defined contours for each elevation. Is there a better way to do get a specific shed area for a depth?
I am working in an Inventor Assembly .iam, I have about 250 fasteners (screws) that are constrained to a flat washer and lock washer. I would like to put them in as a single unit (sub assembly if you will) and then promote or explode them in the top level so that my bom has 250 screws, 250 washers, and 250 lock washers all at the same level, not associated to one another except thru the constraints that were entered in the original assembly. I have tried Promote but that doesn't work because it removes the washers from the original file and I end up with only 1 instance of the assembly. Am I approaching this incorrectly? Is there a better way? I run across this scenario with different components quite often.
I'm currently setting up a band set and want to include a band "pipe invert depth" i.e. basically trench depth.
There are properites in the band label style composer for "pipe invert level" and for "cover" and for "pipe diameter" but not pipe invert depth.Is there a way to display the pipe invert depth relative to the reference (design) surface/alignment?
A secondary question to this is can you use basic arithmetic in the band label style composer? eg pipe cover + pipe diameter?
I was wondering if it was possible in c3d to label points in the fashion often used for nautical charts in which each sounding (elevation) point is labeled with the integer component of the number followed by the decimal as a subscript. For instance 7.3 metres depth would look like: 73
Also I've seen charts with depths as fathoms and feet so 64 feet depth would be 104.
I was wanting to know if there is a way stop part of a projected object from displaying if it is to far away from an alignment profile cut to be of any use.
I know in Revit you can set the deep of view from the section line not sure if you can do anything like this in Civil3d.
Any hydraflow calculates depth of flow and spread at sump inlets? Does it assume that the entire flow is coming from one direction (similar to an on-grade inlet)? Or does it make an assumption about how much flow is coming into both ends of the inlet?
I was recently trying to find the normal depth in a natural channel to use as an outfall water surface elevation in SSA. I double checked the normal depth calculations using the Express Add-On in Civil 3D. I found that while the normal depths correlated closely for channels with a single roughness coefficient, they varied considerably if a composite roughness coefficient was used for the left and right overbanks. This leads me to believe that composite roughnesses are being calculated incorrectly in SSA. I would like to use SSA for floodplain analysis, but am unwilling to do so until I have confidence in the calculations.
I've attached a screenshot of some "webbing" I have going on between regions in my corridor. As you can see on the left, there's the start of a left turn pocket lane, which is why I have two different assemblies. This is just one instance, but this is happening along my entire corridor. I've given up on trying to resolve and have made gaps in my corridor. But me being an engineer, gaps bother me and would rather figure out a solution. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with point codes?
I have a proposed road with a varying curb line. There is a minimum 5 foot tree lawn between the back of curb and sidewalk. I have used a lane transition and attached it to an alignment to get the curb to follow. Also used the urban sidewalk with buffer widths.
How do I connect the back of curb to the sidewalk and keep the sidewalk in the same offset from the baseline. In the attachment, I have used a zero inside boulevard width and slide the sidewalk over from the curb line in my assembly. Will this work?
I'm trying to construct a complex corridor of urban highway. To simplify corridor i've made assemblies for each side of the road (see picture). This solves problem of countless number of regions (and assemblies) that I'll need to set if assemblies are for whole profile.
The problem with seperate assemblies for each side of the road is that I cannot connect them using Median subassembly because Marked point and Median are in different assemblies.
It sounds like the transition should happen automatically (although some tweaking may be required).
But for some reason, I'm NOT getting a transition.
I had one assembly for the entire length and the designer wanted to have the curb stop at 0+40 and from 0+40 to the end, he wanted NO CURB--just an EOP.
So I copied the assembly, modified the copy so that there was no longer a curb and attached the shoulder (that was previously connected to the curb) to the EOP.
So the codes should all be same. I just attached a dwg file (created/saved in 2012) with my two assemblies in it.
When I click on Tool Pallets, I get the Metric Subassemblies Pallet, even though my drawing units are in feet and the Properties Pallet that comes up is in feet. How do I bring up the Imperial Subassemblies Pallet?
HP DV7 Laptop Intel Core i7-3820QM 3rd Generation Quad Core 2.7 GHZ CPU 16 GB DDR3 RAM ( 2 DIMM ) / 180 GB SSD Nvidia GeForce 650M Graphics w/2 GB Memory Windows 7 Professional 64 bit / AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
How I can put the above mentioned Sub-Assemblies in a CUT condition? They all default to a Fill condition (Attachment Point at Top of Wall). I need it to have the attachment point at the Bottom of wall. I cannot seem to find where to do this?