AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Expressions In Structure Labels
Feb 21, 2013
We have a Structure Style that places a hidden block at the invert of the structure which uses an expression to accomplish Placing the invert text below the structure. (please see attached).
This particular expression was written for a 1"=30 Horz. & 1"=5' Vert. scale and we use it to label our structures in the profile view.
It works great for the 1:30 scale scenario but we also produce 1:20 & 1:50 scale plan / pfl sheets.
3 label styles can be used to accomplish this but would like to create one that would work for all three scenarios if this is possible? (Goal is 1 expression & label style as opposed to 3 of each).
I thought I had it solved & have tried various formulas but can't seem to get it to recognize the various distortions in scale. (The constant being the 5' vertical dimension for all 3 options)
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
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Mar 18, 2013
I believe that I need to define a custom Expression and then add it to the Label Style of a Tangent Intersection.
1) I'd like to add the max superelevation (e max) value of a curve to the label. This might be impossible.
2) I'd also like to add the design speed value to the label as well. This could be pulled from that value set in the design criteria of the alignment creation.
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Feb 12, 2013
I would like to have the leader arrow attached to the rim of the structure in profile view. Now they are attached along the side of the structure well below the rim. This is for the dragged labels. How can I adjust the arrowhead attachment point?
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Sep 6, 2013
I am trying to make a single point label style that will return a blank line in the label if no data is provided.
The way i have it coded now my label for a structure with only two inverts comes out looking like this:
STCB 500 Rim=300.00
12" CONC N IE=295.00
12" CONC S IE=296.00
I would like the number of lines returned to match the actual number of inverts in the structure and leave out the place holders.:
STCB 500 Rim=300.00
12" CONC N IE=295.00
12" CONC S IE=296.00
I can work around this by having a label style for each number of pipes, but i would also like this code to be inseted into a table style and in that case i don't know of any way to assign multiple styles to one table.
My current code looks like this:
RIM=<[Point Elevation(Uft|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>
<[1 SIZE(CP)]> <[1 TYPE(CP)]> <[1 DIR(CP)]> <[IE TEXT(CP)]><[1 INV(Uft|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>
<[2 SIZE(CP)]> <[2 TYPE(CP)]> <[2 DIR(CP)]> <[IE TEXT(CP)]><[2 INV(Uft|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>
<[3 SIZE(CP)]> <[3 TYPE(CP)]> <[3 DIR(CP)]> <[IE TEXT(CP)]><[3 INV(Uft|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>
<[4 SIZE(CP)]> <[4 TYPE(CP)]> <[4 DIR(CP)]> <[IE TEXT(CP)]><[4 INV(Uft|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>
The problem is that 1 INV-4 INV are being defined by an expression that reads like
{Point Elevation}-{1 MD}
so when no data is intered for my UDP "1 MD" it returns the point elevation. I want an equation that says if rpoitn elevation -measure down=point elevation then no data is shown.
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May 24, 2012
we have serveral situations when we need to label both box culvert pipes and round rcp pipes on the same junction box label. what we cant do is have civil 3d differentiate between the two, it will either give us box labels or rcp labels but not both. we are using civil 3d 2011, does 2012 offer this feature and 2011 doesnt?
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Aug 16, 2012
I am labeling structures and need to use the station & offset for the street alignment not the alignment for the pipe network. It works great for the station but the offset is not working properly. It reads 0 as though it's reading the alignment for the pipe network. I've tried copying a label and adding reference text, creating a new label from scratch, putting 2 pieces of reference text in (1 for the station & 1 for the offset), and just doing the offset in the reference text instead of the station & offset...none of those have worked.
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Aug 12, 2012
Any way to label my structures in profile with a vertical line that shows the structure ID, Station number, invert data, etc. all on an adjustable length line. Ive got it worked out for how to show it on a fixed length line, but the problem is when you have multiple structures in close proximity the labels tend to overlap. Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line compnent with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. What I really want is a line component that stay perfectly vertical and remains anchored to the structure insertion point even though I drag the text of the label upward. Is there a way to do this? Seaching the internet and reviewing ym texts has yet to yield an answer.
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Oct 16, 2012
Suppose you have an existing structure that you are going to tie into with a proposed pipe.
We label existing structures with smaller text and a different color (as opposed to proposed labels)
Is there any way to label the structure where the one single proposed pipe text is a larger text size with a different color, as shown here?
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a pipe network that has labels for structures and pipes. To be able to read the information better, I click on a label and try to move by the grip. The problem is that it freezes the cursor for approximately 10 seconds before I can move it to grip the label and relocate it to another place. Did I miss any setting. Since this is slowing me down in plan production.
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Aug 20, 2013
Some of our structure styles for null structures are set to display as a block in profile. When we label these null structures in profile, the label dimension line extends to down to zero, way off the profile view. When I change the style to display the boundary of the null, the label pops back into place, but when I change the style back to a block, it will drop back to zero. I just upgraded to 2014 and this did not occur in 2010-2013. I've upgraded a drawing with existing profiles and also created a new pipe network and the results are the same. What changed in 2014 that would cause this?
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Mar 1, 2013
I have questions in 2012 pipe network labels.
We are having problems with running out of space and would like to squeeze the line spacing between lines to get more room. We know how to do that in standard MTEXT but can't find the equivalent in the label settings.
I have also noticed problems getting dragged pipe labels to stack. I check the box to stack on drag, but it doesn't seem to do it. We created a separate stacked label style.
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Nov 4, 2011
We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers. The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them. However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.
I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.
Here is what the file looks like:
<ColumnConstList desc="Inner Structure Diameter" dataType="float" unit="mm" name="SID" id="CCL1" visible="1" context="StructInnerDiameter" index="0">
<Item id="i0">1200.0000</Item>
<Item id="i1">1350.0000</Item>
<Item id="i2">1500.0000</Item>
<Item id="i3">1800.0000</Item>
<Item id="i4">2050.0000</Item>
<Item id="i5">2300.0000</Item>
<Item id="i6">2550.0000</Item>
I tried modifying the last line replacing 2550 with 3600.
I also tried adding a line <Item id="i7">3600.0000</Item>
I saved the XML file and restarted the program with nothing changing that I can see.
Looking for correct file(s) to edit so I can modify the LISTS that come up in the piping modules.
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Feb 12, 2008
One good thing about null structures is the way they display in 3D. They cover that gap in the pipe segments. Can I steal that shape?
I am currently using a simple cylinder for water pipe "joints" and turning it off like most people do I think.
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Apr 30, 2012
I have drawn a pipe network with multiple concentric sturctures. I need to make them all eccentric now. Is there an easy quick way to do this, or do I have to redraw all of them. When I go to the properties, I cannot find an option that allows me to change this.
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Apr 11, 2013
Need writing an expressions in a label style. I have part of it working, it is {Rim to Sump Height}-6 now I would like it to put 0 if it is 0 or less but I don't know how to do it. It works great on positive number but I want it to put 0 if it is a negative number.
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Aug 6, 2012
Often we need to collect our topographic/boundary data using a state plane grid, but we still need to label property lines using the recoded deed bearings. We have a style with an expression set up to apply this rotation to lines and a similar one set up for curves. Is there a way to store this rotation and have both expressions look up the value from one place?
I am worried that I will type in the angle for the line labels and then forget to type it in for the curve labels, or maybe the angle is typed in correctly in one expression but incorrectly in the other. If it was typed in once, then even if it was wrong, at least the labels would be consistent and correct relative to each other.
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Jul 8, 2011
Good site that would show how to write VB expressions for the Sub Assembly Composer?
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Dec 27, 2013
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
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May 3, 2013
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
(aligment by aligment ...... of a whole project ?
Civil 3D (2013)
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Jan 2, 2012
I just merged two catalogs from my work laptop and my home desktop.
One has this folder structure:
One has this:
I'd like to get them together into one unified YY/MM/DD set of folders, preserving labels and collections from both catalogs.
If I delete images out of the catalog and re-import (to get LR to automagically move/create folders) I lose labels and collections.
If I export as catalog then import as catalog (to keep labels) the folder structure doesn't change.
Creating folders manually in the finder or Lightroom would take foooorever. Is there a way to get Lightroom to move everything into the structure I want, keeping labels, etc?
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Jul 4, 2012
To take civil 3D to the next level, is it possible to define a function in VBA and then use it in the label styles expressions?
Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014
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Apr 11, 2013
I have tried all of the expressions below to add the the vertical curve elevation at the pvi to my curve crest & sag labels on my profile and all I get is ??? for the value. I am currently running Civil 3D 2012.
IF({Grade In}<{Grade Out}, ({PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}), ({PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}))
{PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}
{PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}
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Nov 15, 2012
I am trying to get my bearing label short name spaced to read with a "." after the N & E. Example: N. 00 00 00 E.
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Oct 30, 2012
I'm trying to create an alignment label to display profile elevations at regular stations. Two questions:
1. I use an expression to set the text height. When I add a regular text component in the label this works fine, but when I add reference text I can't seem to use the expression as text height.
2. I want to use an expression to 'Truncate' the elevation, so that 178.35m displays as 78.35. I can't find a way to create an expression to do this (within the Alignment station labels).
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Apr 11, 2013
I have tried all of the expressions below to add the the vertical curve elevation at the pvi to my curve crest & sag labels on my profile and all I get is? for the value. I am currently running Civil 3D 2012.
IF({Grade In}<{Grade Out}, ({PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}), ({PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}))
{PVI Elevation}+{Tangent Offset at PVI}
{PVI Elevation}-{Tangent Offset at PVI}
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Jun 28, 2012
Having problems using custom pipe properties in pipe label expressions in 2013? I have some expressions relating to stub callouts and the ones that directly reference the custom properties lose that reference every so often.
For example I have and expression called "STUB-Riser-Length2d" which is defined as "{Riser Length} / SQRT(2)" where "Riser Length" is the custom pipe property. Every week or so it changes to "/ SQRT(2)".
I haven't been able to find the pattern as to exactly when this happens yet. All expressions not referencing custom properties seem to be holding steady. The pipe catalog is on a shared drive on the network, if that makes any difference.
Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7 Pro 64 - Dell T3500 - Xeon 2.67 - 24gb - Quadro 600
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Jul 31, 2012
I have this block called gate valve. The base point is at the middle of the block. When I use this block as a style and insert it in profile it always places itself down low on the pipe. As you can see the grip is way above the top of the block and I have to move it into place anytime I use one. If I change the pipe inverts the gate valve block style lowers itself once again and I have to move it up into place. I have changed the base of the block but it makes no difference.
This is how the structure look in the object viewer. Notice the one on the right is the block that needs to be raised, however in the viewer it shows placed correctly.
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May 21, 2012
Is it bad to make a structure table from a DS? I find I get missing data when I do.
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Feb 19, 2013
I have my pipe networks data referenced into my Utility drawing and I'm trying to add labels to my structures (catch basins, manholes...). I made styles and selected C-TEXT as the layer for the label, but for some reason they're all on layer 0. The 0 layer is frozen in my viewport but the C-TEXT layer is not, and the labels aren't showing up (but when I thaw 0 they show up)! I can see them in model space and when I click on each label the properties shows it's on the C-TEXT layer...
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there a way to show the MES Top Elevation as blank or a dash? It would be great if I could make an expression but without the use of text strings in the expression editor, I don't know how to accomplish this without using wipe out boxes over the elevations.
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Jul 30, 2010
Is possible to connect a pipe to a structure and not have in connected to the structure center?
I have some two-tiered structures that are 108" dia for the bottom section and 48" dia for the top section. The 48" top section is not centered I need my small 12"-15" pipes to connect to this section of the structure.
Civil 3D 2014
Win 7
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