AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cross Section Elevation Labels?
Jul 2, 2013Why not show the labels in sections?
View 2 RepliesWhy not show the labels in sections?
View 2 RepliesAttached is a pdf showing the issue I'm having with the way elevations labels appear on the outside edges of cross sections.
Issue #1:
I added the dimension to show that the bottom of the cross section is actually at 97.5 but is labeled as 98
Issue #2:
I would prefer the bottom of the cross section to be at an even elevation (98 not 97.5)
I am trying to annotate a floor plan to show the location/orientation of section, elevation and detail drawings. The labels must also indicate the appropriate drawing cross reference. (basically a circle with a arrow, text inside circle showing drawing cross reference). My question is - is there an automated way/library to insert such labels or do I have to create each of them from individual elements and make a block?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created several cross sections for a roadway design utilizing sample lines. I created multiple sample lines along the CL alignment and inserted the cross sections without any errors. The peculiar part is when I try to inquiry or label any cross section, nothing happens. Using the inquiry tool, I get an message that reads "Warning: Specified point is outside the section view. Try Again." If you see the attached PDF, you'll notice that the point I selected is dead center of the particular cross section in question. When I attempt to use labels to mark elevations, in the command line, it repeats "Pick a Point" but does not insert a label.
I created other cross sections in the same fashion and do not have this issue.
create a label style for cross sections that will label the travel way in the run:rise format and will label fore and back slopes in a percent format. I can figure out how to make them all one or the other, but am having trouble getting them to reflect correctly based on where they are attached.I am having trouble coming up with the actual expression or you can do it thru code set styles, but regardless of settings that I change nothing on the cross section view changes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedUsing 2011 - Having trouble with cross section labeling. I have multiple label markers such as ROW, and multiple EASEMENT types. I've created corridors for each label type - each will show up if their corridor has a corridor section line at the same station as the base corridor, but at odd ball stations (like driveway openings) the labels do not show up, I'm thinking its because I don't have these corridor section lines in each corridor. Is there an easier work around rather than manually adding the section lines in each corridor?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can the cross sections be setup to label the existing and proposed grade at the centerline of a cross section, see attached. Could do this in LD but have not been able to figure it out in Civil 3D
C3D 2013 (latest updates), 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
In 2011 the pipe network cross section labels had to be exploded or they would disappear once you closed the drawing (even with saving).
In 2012 can you close and open a drawing and have the labels not disappear?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
Is it possible to add additional cross sections (sample lines added after views were created) to an existing Section View Group?
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
In my section editor my labels show up correctly and in all the locations I want. But then, in my cross section file, I look in my section views and they are completely different. When I try to label more points under the Code Set Styles, they won't even show up on my section views.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing that someone else created that has a spot elevation label for a surface. It labels the surface (PAD) then automatically subtracts a set distance for another elevation (GFE) and adds a set distance for another elevation (FFE). After doing some research, it looks like it was created with an expression?
I have two questions:
First, where to go to get a better understadning of this? I'm not familiar with expressions.
Second, where can I find the expression in drawing to make an edit to the set distances. I can remove the GFE/FFE as they are separate components in the label style, but I don't see where to modify the distance it adds or subtracts.
We work with Hydro graphic surveys that have large numbers of points. We would like to be able to display girded spot heights colored to represent the elevation. (Similar to elevation banding)
I have created a surface and then created surface elevation points on a grid with spacing of 15m. I have tried looking at setting up a style that will adjust the color depending on the elevation ie 0 to -1 = red but haven't made any progress.
Our provincial standard requires subgrade and subbase surfaces to have a normal cross slope of -3%. The base and asphalt surfaces have a normal cross slope for the driving lane of -2% and -5% for the shoulder.
I have been trying to figure out how to do this in C3D. I have thought of different ways of handling this for a straight tangent, but have not tested them. What is causing me the most grief at the moment is how to handle this in a curve with super elevation.
The transition will be different for -2%, -3% and -5% Runout distances.
Can C3D handle this? What about using Subassembly Composer?
(I should mention that I have tried with Subassembly Composer, but I am not sure how to deal with superelevation. -
I just recently was upgraded to C3D 2013 and I am designing my first road using the software. I've been having all sorts of fun and frustrations with Corridors and Cross Sections and learning slowly, but its all the little things that keep bogging me down.
One of the problems I have run into is when I use the Code Set label for Grade/Slope in Cross Sections I get label that reads -2.00% and then the word "Vertical". Is there an easy way to get rid of the word "Vertical" in every one of my 90+ Cross Sections? I checked under Label Style and it seems the only option is {Link Grade} which is what puts the Slope and Vertical. I mean what is the purpose in that word even appearing? I know that I can right click on the label and change visibility to False and it won't show, but I shouldn't have to do that for 90+ Cross Sections. Also I've seen the word "Horizontal" labeled as well and I don't want that word to show either.
I have several hundred cross sections for a surface that I need to label the major section breaks. Civil 3D gives the option of weeding based on distance, but I want to label only the major grade breaks (i.e. more than 1%). Is this possible, or is the only option manually labeling the section?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a project I designed and grading plan is almost done. My proposed surface lables read as 1256.50. How can I get them to read just 56.50? I have a FG surface I created and am labeling using surface elevations. I am running out of room and need to free up some space. I don't want do drop my surface 1200'.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have some cross sections showing existing and finished grade. The finished grade is a channel and floodplain with slopes to catch existing ground. I’d like to create a report of the offset and elevation at each grade break for the finished grade. Optionally, it could be offset and cut or fill at each grade break. I’ve found the tool to create annotation for the offset and elevation info, but the cross sections are too small on the drawings to accommodate all that text. Is there a way to generate a report for the section view group or even each section view that would contain that information?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to remove the extra (In) and (out) invert elevation from my labels? If the IN or OUT (I.E.) is the same there is no need to label them twice. So, can I remove them? If you can remove them, how do you do it?
This is what I have
if i have one feature line i want to project to all sections in a sample line group it would seem you should be able to pick the one line and assign in a label style and you would be done quick and easy. instead if you pick the multiple projection option you get this percentage distance box and it tend to grab stuff you don't want.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a cross section view with a canal section and a flat water surface section.
Is there a way for C3D to calculate the 2D area of the canal section that is under the water elevation?
Civil3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional - 64-bit
HP Z400
Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz
24GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
I'm just starting to get involved with using SSA, and I'm wondering if it's possible to import sample lines/alignments (a la Hec-Ras). I see that there's an irregular channel editor, but no import options that I can see. I'll end up with about a dozen or so x-sections.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a band label set up for my cross sections that will show existing grade and finish grade elevations at the 0' offset mark of each section.
However, the band does not show when I create my sections. The only way I can seem to get it to show is by right clicking a section, section view properties, bands tab, click 'import band set' at bottom of window, and select they style i want to use. But I have to do this for each section individually. That is a problem as I have over 200 sections for one piece of this project.
I'm currently working on a cross section plan and was wondering if there was any way I can change the direction of the cross section view. I'm currently just using 2 sample lines, so just 2 views are needed. My problem is that it seems like one cross section...the view is facing upstream and the other sample line, the cross section view is facing downstream.
Is this normal? How come both cross sections don't face the same direction? So with one x section it's in a East-West direction but the other is a West to East direction.
HP Compaq 8100 Elite
Win 7 Pro SP1 - 64Bit
i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ
AutoCad Civil 3d 2012 SP1
I am working with cross sections for the first time and have run into a few things I can't seem to figure out. In attachment XSEC CIVIL 3D.pdf you will see how the cross sections currently look in my drawing.
My questions:
1. I cant seem to edit the elevation labels on the right side of the section to match the left side. Where/how can I do this?
2. What is the red line? In some sections it exactly follows the assembly section, but in a few (like this one) it doesn't quite follow. Does this line show where manual editing was done?
3. Where the pavement ends, there is a vertical line which I only want to show on the two pavement layers, it shows all the way thru the assembly. This also happens at the centerline of the assembly and at the edge of shoulder. I figured out how to turn them all off, but I want the edge of pavement vertical lines there.
4. Although the assembly section comes in on color 161 which should plot black for my pen setting, it plots true color. I haven't been able to figure out how to switch this. The second attachment shows a section from a LDD project a few years back which is how I would like this section to plot.
I'm new to cross section in C3D.I'd like to be able to see my existing e/p lines i toped in the cross sections.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to rotate the point labels when working with point files from an elevation Survey in Ciivil 3D? When activating the labels visibility they are horizontal, but when I rotate the drawing to a side view I am can´t see them.
So far I was working with Autocad (importing a dxf). Is there a way to rotate at the same time all the points labels, wich in this case are just text items?
Trying to change the position of the "elevation" labels on the horizontal axis. They come default as being inside the profile and i want them shown on the outside of the profile box.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi created section view as in pic1. In Bands, Existing surface elevation labels at existing surface grade breaks, top of road elevation labels at top grade breaks, datum is the same. Can i add existing surface elevation labels at top of road grade breaks? (pic2)
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to crate Cross section like that below. i can crate data band consten elevetion and offsets. Question is how to crate grid and data like that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have my surface, aligment and sample lines created, but I cant get my sample lines profiles.
The grid apperas without data, it is like I have never selected a surface, but I did !
This is what I get , totally empty
How can I project a right of way line into a cross section.
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