AutoCAD Architecture :: Converting Over From CTB To STB?

Nov 9, 2011

While in the drawing I want to convert I started with CONVERTCTB, the dilague box appears and I selected my current CTB plotstyle (the one I use to do my regular plots with) and upon accepting it another dialogue box appears asking me to name the new STB plotstyle. I did so and a message came up informing me the conversion was successful.

I then typed CONVERTPSTYLES and a message comes up followed by the dialogue box where I am to select an STB file. Here I selected the file I created in the CTB conversion in the previous step.

The conversion seemed to work correctly but when I go into the layer properties manager the plotstyles all have the same named style ie style 1, when I select one of these plotstyles to change it all except 3 styles are noted as missing.

I read that when I complete the conversion I should have plotstyles with old_pen_01 etc.

I have attached a snap shot of the resulting layer manager. The active plotstyle is the one that was converted during the CTB process ie the first step above

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2012 - Converting 3D To 2D

Oct 20, 2011

I have a number of drawings of our facilities that have been added to and revised over the years prior to having an established standard. Most of the drawings are in 2d (lines, hatches, etc.) but portions of the the newer projects were done partially in ADT/ACA (walls, doors, windows, etc.). I need to strip out the 3D information and convert to 2D for an application we will be using. Is there an easy way to do this?

I have done the Save As, Export to, and AECOBJECTEXPLODE routes but all leave 3d faces that can't be exploded any furher. I don't wan't want to use hidden line projection as that creates a very large drawing as all hatches are converted to individual lines.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Converting Drawing To PDF File

Nov 11, 2011

If I use the CAD 'Plot Stamp' while converting a drawing to a PDF file (DWG to PDF), everything works as it should.

If I try to print it out on paper, it doesn’t work at all, even though it looks ok in the preview (however, if while in the preview, I try to zoom in on the Plot Stamp to see what's actually written, it disappears). Instead of being 'BR vertical' it's 'BR horizontal', It prints mostly out of the printable area and the text is a smaller size than specified.

What's the best way to get a high quality PDF from a DWG?We find the quality from the 'DWG to PDF' printer to be a bit disappointing. If we 'Publish to PDF' from a 'Sheet Set', it's a bit better...

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Autodesk Doesn't Support 2008 Architecture

Sep 21, 2012

I updated my computer to windows 7 32 bit and need the file: AdskHwCertificationDatabase.xml - version so that I can find out the correct driver for my OS and my quadrofx 1700 graphics card. Autodesk doesn't support 2008 Architecture and the on;y file I can find is buried in a torrent file with a pirated copy of 2008 and I DO NOT wish to download that.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: File Size Against Revit Architecture?

Jan 23, 2011

Im currently using Autocad Architecture, is it true that Autocad Architecture creates a bigger file size compared to Revit Architecture? Lets say that same structure and components are created.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Architecture Content Browser Not Working

Jan 29, 2013

The content browser in AutoCAD Architecture 2013 does not seem to be working on a standard users computer. The profile has been rebuilt alongside a repair/reinstall through the control panel.


Tools > Content Browser

and typing content browser in the command do not result in anything.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Why Autodesk And Revit Architecture Is Too Similar

Dec 26, 2012

I do not get why new Archicad Architecture has 3d modeling when Revit architecture already provided for it. What is the different between those two? I really want to know the difference.  It bothers me somewhat about them.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sheet List Insertion From Project Navigator To Architecture Sheet

Jun 15, 2011

Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens.  The sheet index will not insert.   Why does this happen?  Better yet, how can I fix it?

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AutoCAD LT :: Converting DWG To PDF

Jul 9, 2013

I have upgraded my Adobe reader to XI and when converting DWG to PDF the files comes out very heavy (heavier than the DWG!) and all curved lines comes out very very light comparing to straight lines.

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AutoCad :: Converting To PDF

May 18, 2012

I have just started using v2012 from a 2008 version and whilst i had no problem converting to pdf before I now cannot do so. The command acad.pat cannot find file appears when i load up Autocad and since i don't understand the consequences of this I just cancel the window but when I try to PDF a DWG the same command appears so I guess it is quite an important file that is perhaps missing. Do I need to reload the software or how do I resolve this.

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AutoCad :: Converting DWG To DXF

Mar 10, 2013

I was giving the task of converting DWG files to DXF. Here's what I have question on.

1. The DWG file was created with certain formats such as text, arrow, lines types as well as the drawing being in a diff scale, ex: 2:1. Later changed to 1:1 for the DXF file.

2. When I convert the file, which was straight forward, no I lost all my settings as describes above. For ex: I have some dims with tolerances, but now gone.

3. Is there an EASY way of changing the DWG to DXF without losing any formats?

I have attached a screenshot of a drawing converted to DXF and not re-sized and the other re-sized 1:1

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AutoCad :: Converting TTF To SHX?

Dec 27, 2011

Is it possible to convert TTF fonts to shx fonts?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Converting STP / IGS To IPT

Nov 30, 2012

I have a file from a suppliers website that comes in either STP or IGES files.  I'm trying to convert it into an IPT to be useable in one of my models, but I don't seem to be having any luck with it.  I don't convert many STP/IGS files, and most of the time when I do they just work without many issues.

I can get the model to look proper in this one, its just that working with it makes Inventor run incredibly slow.  When I want to add an assembly to a drawing that is using this model, it takes several minutes just to place the view, removing the part and it works quickly again.  

The part can be downloaded here:


How to best get this file to a useable IPT file, as I can't have it grinding my computer to a halt every time I use the model.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Converting PDF To DWG?

Mar 8, 2011

Does Auto-Cad 2011 has the capability to convert PDF or TIF files to DWG files?

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AutoCAD LT :: Scan To DWG Converting

Aug 19, 2013

I have som old drawings of my house in paper. It is not possible to get the orignals on file.

Is there a way to scan and convert the drawings into DWG files?

I am planning a rebuid of the house, and have started the process of making new drawings. It is a bit tedious to draw to hole house again as long as I have the originals on paper, and I own a scanner...

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AutoCAD LT :: Converting Files To PDF?

Feb 28, 2013

I am using AutoCAD lt 2004.  I used to easily save files to pdfs using the plot command.  My previous HDD was C:.  Since replacing the drive and a few other things my HDD is now H:

When I try to save(plot) a file as a pdf now I get a message saying "windows is unable to read drive C;.  Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors".

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Converting All DWG To PDF At Once

Jan 9, 2014

When converting DGW into PDF . If I have a job with several tabs (same model but each tab has items exclusively for that tab ) and want to convert to PDF.

Can I do all drawings at once or can I only do one at the time ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Converting DRW To DWG

Jul 13, 2012

Looking for converting DRW files to DWG?  I have inherited a library of CAD files at work.  Unfortunately, they are all DRW and I only have AutoCAD at my disposal.  I need to convert these files to a form that AutoCAD can use.

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AutoCad :: Converting SHP Files To DWG?

Nov 29, 2004

How do I convert a shape file (.shp) from GIS into a file format that I can use in Autocad (dwg, dxf)?? I use Autocad 2002.I am trying to convert a GIS county land use map that shows things like roadways, waterways, etc. into Autocad.

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AutoCad :: Converting PDF Files To DWG / DXF

Oct 15, 2013

I'm looking for an application (retail) that does a good (accurate) job of converting PDF files to DWG or DXFs. I realize that it is not an exact science and each program has its strong and weak points.

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AutoCad :: Converting Drawing From 2D To 3D

Oct 19, 2012

I am in the process of converting our drawings from 2D to 3D . I need to change or make a diffuser from our standards to 3D

what would be the command or procedure.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Converting DWG To DGN

Dec 10, 2012

I'm using the convert to .dgn function of ACAD and I'm getting a message that tells me I can't use the 2D seed file because there are one or more objects not in the Z = 0 plane. There shouldn't be anything not in the Z = 0 plane. I've used the FLATTEN command and all that seems to do is reproduce a block (and the same block every time thats not even part of my object selection). I can't seem to find the object(s) that are not Z = 0 using all methods I can think of. Does the 'NORMAL Z' have something to do with this?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Converting SHP Files In LL83 To UTM NAD 83

Jun 8, 2011

I have an aerial ortho image with a world file and a .dwg that is in UTM NAD83 17N and some shapefiles that are LL83.

I know that these shapefiles correspond to the subject area, but right now these are not lining up at all because the shapefiles are in lat and long ie. -73.xx, and the UTM coords are i.e. 4870562.56, 555859.08.

How to do the transformation?I have tried to assign the NAD83 projection to the shapefiles, but they remain in the same lat long coordinate space.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Converting DXF To DWG - Some Error Occurred

Apr 7, 2012

I'm using AutoCAD 2012 version 18.2. I need to programmatically open .dxf file, change font and save as .dwg version AC1800. I do it with the following code [URL] .... The problem is that after saving as AC1800 and open the result file, Autocad says that some errors occurred and offer to recover file. After this it works fine. If I save as DwgVersion.Current or DwgVersion.Newest it works fine.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Converting 2D Polyline To Regular

Feb 13, 2013

Although I have found code that should allow me to convert 2dpolylines to regular polylines, I am having troubles implementing it.  At first I got the eInvalid Input but have since fixed that.  However, the error now is that there is no error.  Autocad just seems to lock up but I can still switch to visual studio and look at my code.  It as though Autocad thinks it is doing something but my code is not doing anything.  I can scroll around.

My code is this:

Try Dim acDrawing As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Using acDrawingLock As DocumentLock = acDrawing.LockDocument
Using acTransaction As Transaction = acDrawing.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
Dim acBlockTable As BlockTable =


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Converting EPS File To DXF

Mar 11, 2013

Question about taking an eps file and changing it to a dxf, I have another question. I downloaded and registered the Ghostgum software and also the pstoedit software to change the logo I have as an eps file into something I can import into CAD as a dxf. But it won't let me do it. I have searched the help menu in the ghostgum software for a solution but nothing seems to be working. A warning dialogue box comes up saying the interpreter seems to have failed and cannot proceed. I am attaching a copy of the logo I am trying to convert.

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AutoCAD LT :: Converting DGN To DWG Text Alignment

Sep 17, 2012

I work for a very large Electrical company in Toronto and we are having problems with one of our major clients (happens to be one of the biggest design construction companies in Toronto).

They designed the job with Microstation and the contractor and sub trades on site all use Autocad. However we have to edit all the original drawings from the designer with Autocad to do the as built drawings and then transfer them back into DGN for the submittals.

However despite all our efforts every time we transfer them in Autocad the text alignment is off. including the dimensions which for what ever reason show up upside down?

Now we are talking about thousands of drawings here so any easy way to convert files from dgn to dwg and have it work out perfectly.

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AutoCAD LT :: Lineweight Thick When Converting To PDF

Apr 3, 2013

I am currently converting my drawing to PDF.  However, certain lines on the drawing are showing up bold and thick when converting.  I understand that they are appearing and disappearing due to me turning on or off the hide/show lineweights feature.  But I would like the lines to be default size.  I don't need them thick.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Converting DWG Backwards

May 24, 2013

Anytime i have to go backwards it is such a hassle. In this case i need to convert it to 2010 with no aec objects.

I have etransmit to 2010 exploded aec, but the wipeouts become 3d faces. I feel i spend way more time then it should take. Are there any third party softwares?

Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Converting 3D Solids To 3D DGN?

May 10, 2013

I've been trying to convert 3D dwg models to 3D dgn models without success, using AutoCAD 2012.

The DGN either displays the solid, which isn't visible in a Microstation extraction or it just exports the centrelines/linework and not the solids.

Is this possible in newer version ? i.e. 2013/2014.

I've tried the export to ACIS .sat file and that works fine, but it moves everything to the same lavel/layer which defeats to object of seperatng the items in the first place.

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AutoCAD LT :: Get Error Message When Converting To Pdf

May 2, 2012

When i try to convert my .dwg to a pdf on my laptop (second computer) i get an error message that the drawing might be password protected. it happens on all my autocad drawings

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