AutoCAD 2013 :: Freeze Text Objects On Same Layer In One Viewport?
Oct 22, 2013Can you freeze text objects on the same layer in one viewport but have it still appear on the other viewport without having two separate layers.
View 3 RepliesCan you freeze text objects on the same layer in one viewport but have it still appear on the other viewport without having two separate layers.
View 3 Repliesi have one layer, when trying to freeze by viewport, does not show the icon for such, other layers do, what would cause this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to freeze a specific layer inside a block within the viewport?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn previous versions of Autocad 2008 and earlier you could start a new drawing xref in a drawing then switch to layout and create a viewport that would show the xref. Then you could click inside that viewport and run the FL (freeze layer) command and selectively freeze layers by clicking on them.
In my current version of Autocad Civil 3D 2010, when I follow the same steps as above and run the FL (freeze layer) command inside the viewport, the entire layer contents within the viewport freeze as if everything is on that one layer.
I notice that if I pull up the layer manager box and go down the list of xref'd layers and select the freeze in viewport option for each of the layers I need to freeze it will do what I need to have done, But I'd like to be able to be able to selectively freeze these layers visually within the viewport like I've always been able to do, instead scrolling down a long list of layer names and freezing them that way.
how to do this in Civil 3D 2010?
I try to freeze layer in ACAD LT 2013 from Layer-II toolbar menu but it is not working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to change the color of a layer in a viewport (different than the default layer color (i.e. model layer color)). Objects are set to bylayer. Changing the VP color in the layer dialog brings up the color dialog, select a different color, click OK and the VP Color DOESN"T change in the layer dialog. It stays at its previous color. Occurs on several machines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo I have created some text in Photoshop on top of a dark grunge type background, using various blending options. Now I want to change the background of the image, but I want the text to retain its look. Is there some way to freeze the text layer and its blending options so that I can change the background while keeping the text's look the same?
Here is the Photoshop file:
And here is the font used, if you don't have it:
I cannot get the layer color to change in a specific viewport. The property manager shows the new color I have selected, but the color does not change in my viewport.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have several .dwg files that I use as templates. I run find and replace VBA routines on the template .dwg files, ie find $Flavor$ and replace it with "Grape", and then I save the .dwg to another directory with a new name.
These VBA routines work well for acdbText and acdbMText objects, but I have a bunch of AcdbAttributeDefinition objects in the .dwg templates as well.
After much research about the AutoCAD object model (I'm mostly a Microsoft Access VBA programmer), I have come to understand that these AcdbAttributeDefinition objects are actually "remnants" of a block that no longer exists in the drawing.
Anyway, I'd like to convert all of these orphaned AcdbAttributeDefinition objects to acdbText objects in the templates and then delete the AcdbAttributeDefinition objects. I have some code that does just that.
However, the issue that I am having with the code is that the newly created acdbText objects are not on the same layer that the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects were on. I don't know the syntax to identify what layer the AcdbAttributeDefinition object is on or how to specify what layer on which the acdbText object is created.
how to keep the acdbText objects on the same layers as the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects during the conversion and deletion process?
Here is the code I am using currently:
Sub AttConvert(dwg as string)Dim oDocument as AcadDocumentDim ent as AcadEntityDim aa as objectset oDocument = For Each ent In oDocument.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then' DO SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY WHAT LAYER THE ACDBATTRIBUTEDEFINITION OBJECT IS ON
' DO SOMETHING TO SPECIFY THAT THAT IS THE LAYER TO CREATE THE ACDBTEXT OBJECT ON Set aa = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(ent.TagString, ent.InsertionPoint, ent.Height) End If Next ent For Each ent In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then ent.Delete End If Next ent End Sub
How to freeze a layer in model space but still be visible in a viewport.
The layer just gets in the way in my model, I could just turn it on whenever I need to print the page but surely theres an easier way.
Is it possible to find and zoom to text without switching back to the model space.
ie I am in a viewport in paperspace and i want to find text which resides in model space. I want to zoom to that text in the currently active viewport and not switch to its location in model space.
I am currently running map 3d 2012 and my co-worker is running 2013. When she plots in paperspace, there is text that gets plotted that is outside of her viewport. When I open up the drawing on my computer, it plots perfectly. I attached a clip of it, the thick black is our drawing border, the viewport is where the color stops.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get linetypes with text to read with the viewports?
*P-GAS,Gas Line ----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS----GAS--
It reads great in Model tab, but in paperspace tab, my viewport is rotated versus the Model tab
2013 Civil 3D
I am wanting to hide certain objects on a layer in a layout so they dont show up when i print it out. Is there a way to do this? But I still want the objects to show up in other layouts all the time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy viewport is currently struggling handling an imported 700k Poly ZBrush sculpt. My tech current specs are -
- 3DS Max 2011 - Updated, with no extra patches.
- i7 2.80GHz
- ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (Default Settings, DirectX 9 + Redraw Scene on Window Expose on)
- 2x2 Gig RAM
- Windows 7 64 Bit
the viewport will constantly freeze/pause for 3 seconds before orbiting or panning just fine, and when using tools such as relax or soft-selection on a small area of the basic naked human mesh (About 400 verts) the viewport will drop to be about 2 fps.
I don't know whether this is the most appropriate rig in the world, but from my previous experience with slower rigs on 3ds 7-9, 700k wouldn't produce unbearably stuttering viewport renders.
Are there any obvious ways I could improve 3DS's performace?
I am working on a .dwg file in AutoCAD 2013 , and on one specific layer (defpoints), I am not able to select any of the objects. Initially, I thought that the layer may have been locked or frozen, but it is not. Additionally, I went ahead and locked then unlocked the layer as well as froze then thawed the layer, still not able to select any objects on the layer.
My next attempt to fix the problem was to run the command "AUDIT", and instructed to "Yes" fix any errors detected. The command seemed to execute correctly, however, it did not do anything. The objects on the layer still cannot be selected.
I am having problems using the publish command in Autocad 2013. The command works fine in 2010. I am able to plot normally in 2013. As you can see from the attached screenshots my settings are the same in both versions. The command freezes up during plotting of the second drawing in any group.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm working with a DWG that already has a-gazillion VPs.
I'm currently making new layers, but the "New VP Freeze" option only seems to apply to new VPs made AFTER the creation of the layer.
I need the new layers I'm making to be Frozen retroactively, if you will, in all previously-made VPs.
Short of going into each and every VP and manually VP Freezing these few layers, what can I do?
If there is a way to freeze a layer in one paper space tab and go to the next tab, same drawing, and unfreeze that layer and it not change the previous tab?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working a lot with layers and since i am also working with sheet sets, it would be very nice to be able to freeze/unfreeze layers for the whole sheet set. Right now i need to freeze / unfreeze layers separately for each page which takes me a quite long time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Autocad 2013, and im trying to freeze layers in certain viewports, but the VP freeze/thaw button is greyed out for all my layers and wont allow me to freeze anything. I dont want to use the New viewport freeze/thaw button.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis has been occurring numerous time more than it should. While in a drawing mid command, panning, typing anything pretty much my cad freezes. The rest of my computer is fine everything works properly but CAD is frozen and when i bring my pointer into the program it disappears. I can even open cad up again and the old CAD will stay open. It shows the drawings i have open on the tab bar and i can’t close out of them. I have a computer that’s more than capable to work properly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen would i use the on/off option in layers over using freeze?
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to hatch a larger area, my AutoCAD 2013 program freezes and I need to close the program and restart it, losing anything I hadn't saved prior to the freeze. In addition, certain areas won't hatch because the program is telling me I have open boundaries which is not the case.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEverything works fine until the center of my cursor passes over a 3d solid, the cursor then disappears, the spinning circle icon spins for sometimes minutes, and the display greys over, and I cannot click 'ESC' or Ctrl + C to abort this cycling. I have to wait, sometimes 30 secs, sometimes 2 minutes for it to stop freezing and the screen returns to normal.
As I work in 3d solids a lot, this makes Acad 2013 unusable to me. Acad 2007 was not an issue with this problem I still have it installed as I have to revert back to 2007 to do anything with 3d solids in it.
I have installed AutoCAD 2013 student on my Laptop (Win7 32Bit) and want to work now.
But I have the problem that my Menubar always freezes / becomes instabil.
-> When I open ACAD, the menu bar is by default on "Home", when I click on the tab "Insert", the tools of "insert" aren't visible, there are still the tools from "Home" shown (Line, Polyline, Circle etc.)
But when I click on these wrong shown tools, the tools of "Insert" become active. (Only the 'surface' doesn't react)
Well, I see always the Home-tools. All the other tools aren't displayed to me, but they work (if u know where they are, you can guess and click and hope you hit the right one )
At my office, we are experiencing a major malfunction with AutoCAD and server based files. I believe it is due to a server restructuring that occurred last week and we are having troubles since then.
Basically, on some drawings, all I need to do is select a HATCH object (of any size) and AutoCAD crashes. The same behavior is exhibited when editing an MTEXT object or, say, a dimension TEXT. I was also able to recreate the crash by typing STYLE, trying to edit the text STANDARD template, and essentially anything having to do with "simplex.shx."
i am opening file in autocad 2013, my all dimension tags and text and point are merged with my other drawing objects how can i separate.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try freezing my proposed storm structures inside Viewport for Existing Conditions sheet. My proposed DI's freeze because they use a block (in structure style). My proposed headwalls use the outer part boundary from catalog. BUT both DI and Headwall Style Component Layers are set to C-STRM-STRC.
In the pic for Existing Conditions Layout, you see a white headwall boundary. In proposed layout, you see a magenta headwall boundary. It's using the Object Layer and not the component layers for the headwall.
I didn't see another way to logically set up Object Layers for Pipes and Structures that contain Existing and Proposed Water, Storm, and Sanitary. My Object Layers have Pipes set to C-UTIL-PIPE and Structures set to C-UTIL-STRC, BUT the Component Layers inside the style are specific. Example: Existing Storm Structures and Pipes have layers such as V-STRM-PIPE and V-STRM-STRC. Proposed Storm would have Component Layers such as C-STRM-PIPE and C-STRM-STRC. The Object Layer for both existing and proposed use C-UTIL-PIPE and C-UTIL-STRC.
is there any way to freeze a layer without opening the drawing in lisp?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe problem is when I select a solid, autocad freezes for about a minute. After that minute, I can execute a command. During that minute of inactivity, I can use anyother program or part of windows normally with no apparent degradation. If I click in an autocad window, toolbar,etc, all the open autocad windows cloud over and the cursor turns to a spinning cursor. Outside of an autocad window the cursor is normal. This is how it works in the noun/verb process, grip editing. However, if a command is issued first, then the selection of solids is instantaneous. The solid(s) are appropriately highlighted and everything proceeds normally in the verb noun approach.
I have played with a variety of suggested performance settings in windows and in autocad. I have updated the graphics drivers so I always have the latest version. I have a quadro fx 3700, 16gb ram, and 2.5 tb of disc space.