AutoCAD 2013 :: Stopping The Mbutton From Zooming All Extents?

Jan 22, 2013

I usually use my mbutton to pan dwg. Just started using AutoCAD 2013 and I notice it zoom extents everytime I press the mbutton (the middle scrollwheel button). How do I disable this zoom extents?

One more thing, how do I disable the annoying auto complete whenever I type in a command? It seems to be slowing my work flow.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Zooming To Extents While Snapping From Endpoint?

Jul 17, 2012

While using V2013, the middle button on the mouse to pop up the snap chart (mbuttonpan set to 0), I'm getting the zoom extents command in the middle of a command using snap from, then snap endpoint.

Here a quick example:  while using hotkeys, I type c for copy-select objects-right click-choose basepoint, (here's where the problem occurs), middle mouse F(from) middle mouse E (endpoint).  If I middle mouse F (snap From) pause then middle mouse E (snap endpoint) this works as it should.  I click through the commands fast and it's slowing me down every time it zooms to extents in the middle of the command, which makes me zoom back in or cancel & undo. 

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AutoCad :: UCS Changes When Zooming Extents?

Nov 23, 2011

In AutoCad 2012, when I double click my mouse and zoom extents the UCS changes to about 20 degrees off of the default vert/horz cardinal directions planes. If I change my UCS back to world it is all good again, although when I zoom extents it goes back to the 20 degrees off cardinal planes.

I don't normally use a UCS other than the default, so it is probably a stupid question, although how do I stop it from doing this?

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AutoCad :: Viewports Zooming To Extents?

Oct 28, 2005

I have an intermittent problem, in ACLt '06.

On certain drawings, when I double-click in viewports that aren't locked they will zoom to extents, even when they have been set up to a certain scale.

The annoying thing is, not only does it zoom the selected viewport, it zooms every other unlocked viewport in the layout.

Does that make sense? and more importantly, how do I stop it from doing this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Random Zooming To Extents?

Feb 19, 2013

My C3D 2013 just started doing this last week...  I first noticed that it would zoom to extents when I operated the center mouse button for panning.  It was random, about 1 out of every 15 to 20 pans using the center button.

But then I noticed that it's not just the panning.  It will randomly zoom to extents when I type in a command. Earlier today, it did it when I did a REGEN, then again when I did a MAPWSPACE. 

The other notable thing is that there is no "zoom" command anywhere in the command history when this occurs. 

Besides changing the mice, I also tried rebooting and running a repair on C3D.  I have Win7-64. 

The problem seems to coincide with when I started using Autodesk 360.  Not saying it's related, but it's fishy. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Drawing Zoom IN After Zooming Extents

Jun 2, 2011

My drawing

Zoom Window.jpg

and AFTER I zoom extents

Zoom Extents.jpg

why does it zoom IN after zooming extents?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: UCSFOLLOW Set To1 - Any Way To Make It Not Zoom Extents

Aug 28, 2012

Is there a setting or variable that I can change so that when I have UCSFOLLOW set to 1 it doesn't zoom extents everytime my UCS changes?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Zoom Extents To 1 / 5.33XP Which Is 3 / 16 Scale

Apr 8, 2013

Trying to zoom extents to 1/5.33XP which is a 3/16 scale (64/12=5.33). So evertime I try to zoom extents to 5.33 it will do nothing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Disable Middle Mouse Button Zoom To Extents?

Dec 26, 2013

The double middle mouse button click command. I use the middle mouse button to pan, but if I pan too quickly, it interprets it as a double-click and zooms all the way out. I tried changing the double click speed in my mouse settings but that didn't work. I feel like there should be something in the shortcut settings I can change?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Viewcube Rolling - Zoom To Extents After View Change Box

Jun 13, 2013

I am having a small but annoying problem with the viewcube in AutoCAD 2014. In all the previous versions that had the viewcube, when I unchecked the "Zoom to Extents after view change" box, the view would pivot about the center of the screen. Now it seems to pivot about an arbitrary point an I have to zoom_e anyway.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: When Zooming Different Blocks Show And Disappear?

Sep 27, 2012

While creating a drawing inserting 3d blocks after closing and reopening the file blocks have disappeared from veiw. When i mouse over the block it shows but goes as soon as i move the mouse. also when zooming different blocks show and disappear?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Zoomed Out To Zooming Past Object In Drawing

Sep 10, 2013

Using 2014AutoCAD. Sometimes when zooming in using the mouse wheel by 1 click it the view will go from being zoomed out to zooming past the object in my drawing. this is happening in different drawings. 

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AutoCad 2D :: Selection Stretching / Zooming When Trying To Move Object In 2013

Aug 23, 2012

I have recently upgraded to 2013 from 2007 and I am having some weird trouble with the move command. I will try to explain.. I type the move command and then select a particular object I would like to move a little and it grabs some (not all) of other objects/lines near it and then stretches the lot in all directions! It actually doesn't allow me to move it at all without stretching/extending all these areas. I have tried everything I can think of and am not sure what I am missing. I thought it was somehow related to the polyline I was selecting, but it does it to single lines as well.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Stopping A Block From Being Erased

Jul 25, 2011

I am working on a .Net plugin and need to handle some events. The first one I'm playing with is the ability to prevent a block from being erased. My method for doing this was to add a handler to the database object of the current document, and look for blocks being erased and then check its name/attributes. I realize that the code is buggy and will only work for blocks - but it's currently just a proof of concept. I have hard-coded the block name, and set a check for if the attributes contain "123". It seems to work, but after I un-erase the blocks they don't redraw. I've gotten better results with calling .Draw on the object, but I still have to regen the drawing manually.

<CommandMethod("protectblock", CommandFlags.Session)> _ Public Sub protectblock() Dim currentDocument As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim currentDatabase As Database = currentDocument.Database AddHandler currentDatabase.ObjectErased, New ObjectErasedEventHandler(AddressOf callback_ObjectErased) End Sub 


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AutoCAD .NET :: Stopping Palette Being Restored On Startup

May 22, 2012

Is there anyway to stop AutoCAD executing the command used to create a palette upon AutoCAD startup?

I know constructing the palette without a GUID prevents this behaviour but I'd like keep this to preserve the palette size, position, state etc given when a GUID is provided.

I had hoped I could just close / make not visible  the palette just before AutoCAD exits and it wouldn't try and restore the palette upon the next AutoCAD started. I've tried doing this in the Application.BeginQuit event but the command is still called the next time AutoCAD is started.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Break Points Not Stopping Code On Modeless Forms?

Mar 8, 2012

I am using acad 2012, and VS 2010 (C#) on win 7 64 bit.

I made a form, and showing it as modeless via Application.ShowModelessDialog... as recommended by everyone and that works fine.

I have a button that does something, and I set a break point right on the first line of code for its callback.

The button runs fine, but VS is not stopping at the break point.

Is there a different technique required when debugging modeless forms?


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Photoshop :: Stopping The Magnetic Lasso

May 25, 2006

I using the magnetic lasso to select an image...if I mess up. I try to stop the lasso, it just keeps tracking whereever I go and I want to stop it from tracking .... what do I do to end it... I know I can go to where I started ......... but is there a better way?

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GIMP :: Stopping Automatic Blending?

Oct 8, 2013

URL...I use the fill tool next to an already established color and it does this blending, I'm assuming it's a simple fix or just user error somewhere, but how to fix?

(In case it's important the Gray color was made using the Free Select Tool and Fill with FG Color command and the White was the Bucket Fill tool)

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Paint.NET :: Stopping Tools From Having Focus?

Jun 9, 2011

but my lack of determing the answer has stopped me from using what is obviously an excellent product: Once I use a tool to perform something, say to draw a colored line in an image, I dont know what to click on from stopping the drawing tool from having control. I can click on another tool, but what if I just want to drag the image to another part of the screen? In a previous paint tool I used, PhotoImpact I believe, there was an icon in the Tools that basically stopped whatever tool I had last selected from being in affect.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read DWG Extents

Jul 1, 2011

I would like to make windows service (.NET C#), which would watch directory changes and read dwg extents, if file extension was .dwg.

Is this possible to make on machine, where autocad isn't installed?

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Photoshop :: Stopping Highlights From Selected Layer?

Jun 3, 2012

In regards to the new adobe photoshop CS6, i am having some issues selecting a layer. It automatically creates a stroke on each selected layer

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Photoshop :: Stopping Shapes From Automatically Filling In

May 18, 2006

Why is it that Photoshop always fills in a shape every time you create one with the shape tools and how can I stop it from doing that? I'm trying to create just a single line of color and nothing else. Ideas?

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Photoshop :: Stopping Customized White Balance...

Mar 5, 2008

My preferred medium for photography is underwater, so it is crucial the white balance is set to the area and depth of the shot. When I use Photoshop CS3 to develop the shot in RAW, as soon as I click on to the shot in bridge it instantly reverts back to the default white balance, In UK fresh waters this usually means a strong green cast.

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Photoshop :: Stopping/restarting An Action While Batching

Jun 16, 2004

I'm trying to batch convert groups of photos to b&w. The action i want to perform involves 3 steps: 1)channel mix to b&w, 2)stop to do curves, dodge/burn,etc. and 3)finish b&w convert w/ hue/saturation. If i insert a Stop then PS does allow me to finish the action but it stops the batch. I need to do the Hue/Sat after adjustments b/c otherwise i get a color shift. If this makes sense,

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Lightroom :: Metadata File Needs To Be Updated Without Stopping?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm always getting "metadata file needs to be updated" notification for two TIFF files, not for others. I'm saving them to the disk, after two seconds they are giving the same notification ... I'm not touching my hands even to the keyboard ...

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Lightroom :: Stopping PDF Slideshows From Auto-advancing?

Mar 8, 2007

Is it possible to stop the PDF slideshow exports from LR from automatically advancing? I want it to remain on the slides until I hit the cursor button (like I can do from within LR.) My pdf slideshows, however, keep auto-advancing. I can get it to advance FASTER in either direction by hitting the cursor buttons, but I can't "stop" it from auto-advancing completely, which is what I want.

The LR slideshow export page says that "Adobe Acrobat transitions use a fixed speed," but I thought that this meant that you couldn't change the speed of the transition itself. Can you also not change the "rate of advancing" to the next slide?

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After Effects :: Render Audio In CS6 Without It Stopping In 30 Seconds?

Mar 20, 2013

I imported my files from Premiere Pro CS6. I rendered in Premiere Pro prior to importing it to AE.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Zoom To Extents Of Shapefile

Sep 19, 2013

Civil3d 2012

If you attach a shapefile through "Connect to Data" and try to zoom to extents by right clicking on the shapefile under "Task Pane" it zooms to a different location.  The shapefile and drawing PRJ is in LL84.  It works in Civil3D2010 but not in 11 or 12.  I have Service pack 3 installed.  Why?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Zoom Extents On New Database?

Sep 17, 2007

I have created a new database: Database newDb = new Database(true, true) Inserted a block into modelspace and now I want to zoom extent before saving.

Can this be done working on a new database in memory? all the examples I have seen on this board use Interop on a open document.

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AutoCAD VB :: Zoom Extents All Layouts With Vba

Oct 26, 2011

I want to make a code to zoom extents all layouts in a open drawing.I wrote this but it doesn't work at all:

Sub zoomextentslayouts()
Dim Laytab As AcadLayout  
For Each Laytab In ThisDrawing.Layouts  
Next Laytab  
End Sub

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Photoshop :: What Setting Is Stopping From Entering Text On Layer

Apr 22, 2012

I've been adding text to layers for a few months with no problem. I use the text tool all I get is a 'dot' with a line that extends as I type.  It does create a layer and the layer is named by whatever I typed but there isn't anything there.I've gotten the outline to show, but it's empty. the font size might be too small to see. I have a 25 inch background and set the font to 72 but still nothing.

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