AutoCAD 2013 :: Constant Attribute Height For Scaled Blocks In Paperspace
Feb 27, 2013
I've got a block that I want to scale in pspace, but I would like the attrib height to remain constant even at different scales. I have used annotative blocks in vports with much success, but I would like to do the same thing only in pspace.
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Nov 26, 2011
In modelspace, architectural schematic plans sections elevations which, when viewported into paperspace drawings, are scaled to 1:100. I therefore work in modelspace with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 100. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:100.
What about when I move on to details, which in paperspace are scaled to 1:5? At present I start a new file with Current object scale = 1, global scale factor = 5. This makes dashed lines etc reproduce at legible scale in a drawing at 1:5.
Isn't there a way to achieve this, while keeping both the schematic and the detail drawings in modelspace on the same, single file?
Even the above system fails when I want to scale one elevation of the schematics at 1:50, or foundation details at 1:10.
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Mar 20, 2012
How I would be able to grab the block constant attribute by searching via tag.
e.g. block has a constant attribute 'Color' with value of 'red' and I wish to attain 'red'
I am currently obtaining non constant attributes using:
Dim attRef As AttributeReference = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(attId, OpenMode.ForRead), AttributeReference)
and grabbing the '.textstring' when looking at the '.tag'
How do I go about this with similar logic but pointing to constant attributes? I have tried searching thoroughly and almost all results for me were in VBA.
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Feb 14, 2013
I wanted to get a few opinions regarding exporting data.
We are working with AutoCAD 2013 Vanilla.
We have dynamic blocks with attributes that contain the block Name, Size, Color, material etc...
What is the best way to export the information?
Schedule and linked to a spreadsheet?
(I have experience with schedules but not so much with linking to spreadsheets)
DbConnect? (I know very little on this)
Another way to ask the question;
What is the best way to export the data that I can successfully train 20 designers on how to do it correctly.
So part one is determining the best method,
part two is training a group of designers to use it correctly.
I worked on getting a schedule out and linking to a spreadsheet but even after talking to my reseller support I feel that is too cumbersome. I would like a more streamlined process, you know the one, click here and presto!
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Apr 24, 2009
I am trying to determine whether or not the following is a bug:
1. Begin creating a new block using the block editor.
2. Add an object (circle) for reference.
3. Add an attribute with the following properties: Constant, Visible, Value (i.e. "34"), Justify: "Middle-Center." Make the tag
4. Save the block, exit block editor.
5. Insert the block into model space.
At least on my system, the constant attribute always shows up left justified. If I explode the block after inserting it, the constant attribute shows correctly. In addition, the constant attribute seems to be left justified with the TAG label from the block definition itself.
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Mar 27, 2013
I am looking for some code or something which can change the title block revisions from "01" to "02" in multiple drawings.
The title block revision block is set in attributes.
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Apr 3, 2012
We have a drawing here that involves many annotative blocks mirrored to create a layout, then on reopening the drawing the annottaive text of the blocks that have been mirrored are in the correct place but the objects have 'pinged' off the layout,
Have a look - if you change the anno scale to any scale you will see the blocks but change to 1:50 (the scale i want it at!) they shoot off to the left of the layout (outside the defpoint rectangle).
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Jan 24, 2013
I have a dynamic block with several visibility states, and each visibility state has one invisible-constant attribute. I can't seem to wrap my head around dynamic blocks well enough to get the value from the active visibility state invisible constant attribute. I know how to get the visibility state like this:
(setq ss (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(2 . "`*U*,<DynBlockName>") (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
but what next?
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Feb 23, 2012
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
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Jun 3, 2011
I've got hundreds of files to convert.
In VBA, how can I batch convert field attributes in blocks to text attributes while retaining the blocks? Is there a simple way to univerally convert them all at onceusing VBA? The plotted values for the fields must be retained, too.
Explode will not retain the value of the field.
Burst will not work as it explodes the blocks as well.
You can right-click on the field and slelct "Convert to text" from the RCM. So I know that the process exists within CAD, just need to batch the process for a quantity of DWGs at a time - in VBA.
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Jul 3, 2012
I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?
Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?
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Jan 24, 2012
I have the same block repeated multiple times in a drawing, and I want to delete the last attribute in all of the specific blocks. When I edit the block in block editor, the attributes do not show up. After I explode the block, there is no text. The attached image shows the properties of the block.
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Apr 1, 2008
This should be simple but I cannot figure it out. I am trying to process large batches of photos with varying pixel counts, but they will all be printed at the same size in inches. I want a constant height text watermark on all of them, but since Photoshop only allows you to specify text height in "pixels," my watermarks end up at different relative sizes on each picture.
For simplicity, just consider 2 different pictures. One is 1700x2200 and the other is 2125x2750. I want to print each one at 8.5x11 with a 1/2" high watermark, via the same batch operation. Whatever pixel height I specify for the text in my watermark, it will be a different size in inches on each photo.
Is there any way to do this WITHOUT re-sampling the files as part of my batch operation? I don't like re-sampling when it's not necessary.
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Feb 24, 2011
I want to put some blocks in a key (on a TitleBlock, in PaperSpace). I have imported my garden as an Xref - does the access to those blocks not come too? And if not, how do I import them - or do I have to open the Xref and copy each over individually?
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Jul 19, 2012
For starters, I am using AutoCAD 2013.
I am having trouble with changing the text height of attributes in a block. I know that I can normally use BATTMAN and ATTSYNC to change the text height, but those are not working in my case.
I am using a point parameter and STRETCH action to enable my attributes to be moved, while the main object stays in place. When the attributes are not tied to the point parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with any changes to attribute text height. When they are tied to the parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with the attributes at the text height that they were created at. The only way I can change the text height is to use BATTMAN in model space.
I can work with this, but it would be easier to use BATTMAN in the block editor since my attributes are aligned vertically and changing the text size ruins the spacing between them. It would be much easier to both change the text size and respace in the block editor.
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Feb 25, 2013
I have several title blocks each in their own paperspace pages. Could have the attribute filled in, but more than likely only one page will have values filled in the attributes. I am looking for a VL method for finding which pages title block is filled in so that I can get those values and fill in the equivalent attributes for all of the other pages. Currently I am using a long set of :
(IF (setvar "ctab" "8.5x11") (IF(TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-8.5x11") (IF (/= "" (get-att "OWNER" "TB-8.5x11")) ; Function to read a named attribute(editblk "TB-8.5x11") ; Function to pull up the attdia(IF (setvar "ctab" "11x17") (IF (TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-11x17") (IF(/= "" (get-att "CUSTNMFIRST" "TB-11x17")) (progn ; At the last page ditch the [Code]..........
The example is just a very simplified version of what I'm doing. I just need to find the information, if it exists in any page and store it for later. Afterward, I'll fill in each page's Title Block with the stored information.
I know that this can be done much more efficiently. As I am currently flipping through the pages too much action is occurring on the screen and it makes some people nervous. With VL I should be able to run the search quietly, but I would still like to (setvar "ctab" "to the page with the filled attribute value") after the LISP is finished storing values.
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Dec 12, 2013
All block containing Circle, Spline or Ellipse have Linetype Reset when they are scaled in a drawing who contain more that 1 ViewPort. (tested with CAD 2010 -> 2014)
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Apr 24, 2013
I'm having trouble plotting text with blocks in paper space... I can bring up and edit the text within the blocks themselves just fine. I revise the text, hit "ok" and nothing shows where it is supposed to within the paper space.
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Dec 12, 2012
Getting a lot of message pop ups about not accessible dst file. In conjunction with this is constant slow down if the sheetset is open with the blue cursor wheel constantly thinking. If the sheet set is closed, this immediately fixes this.
Ruled out network problems as 2012 works fine. I believe this to be isloated to 2013.
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Apr 30, 2012
I only do programming when absolutely needed so it usually only happens every couple years. I wrote this routine to count nested blocks inside of dynamic blocks to count parking spaces. The routine worked fine but was relying on the ltscale to scale a block containing an attribute for the total number of spaces. I want to update the routine to use an annotative block so the scale doesn't have to be set. I changed my block containing the attribute but now when I run my routine, the attribute height gets changed each time the routine is run. The text just gets larger and larger. Here is the portion of the routine where the attribute info is gathered and updated with the new value for that attribute. If you need the entire routine, I can post it with a slight modification so it will work outside our network.
(defun updateattrib ()
(setq CNT 0) ; sets count to 0
(while (< CNT (sslength ss)) ; starts loop while CNT is less than the number of objects in the group
I am running this in Civil 3D 2010 but will want it to work in 2013 so if the solution will only work in 2013, that is fine with me.
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May 13, 2013
I have a dynamic block of some door hinges. Depending on the height of the door, depends on the type & quantity of hinges used. I was wondering if it is possible to have a block that detects height? If I insert the hinge block onto my drawing, and snap the base point of the block to the bottom left of the desired door, stretch the pick point to the top, I would like it to automatically change from 2x small hinges (for doors under 312mm high), to 2x large hinges (for doors under 1000mm), and finally to 3x large hinges (for doors over 1000mm)?
I have attached a PDF for visual reference to what I'm talking about.
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Jun 18, 2012
Is it possible to stretch block depending of the insertion point so that the bottom part is always on the same high.
See attached image.
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Apr 30, 2013
I'm pretty new to using multi view blocks and rendering etc etc... basically all I want to do is show my surface (lake and landscaping) as grass, show a clear blue hatch to represent the water line and add some multi view blocks.. people and trees...
Using the multiview blocks toolpalette I have dragged and dropped some blocks into model space and ensured they are at the correct elevation to sit on the surface...
I have noticed that only one of the multi view blocks within the landscape tab is showing as I would expect - the rest all look like an extruded cross... I don't know how to fix this or whether this is correct.
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Apr 19, 2013
I'm trying to create a dynamic block that stretches between a minimum and maximum height. The block I'm trying to create is an "Acrow Prop" which has a height that ranges between 1050-1830mm. Is there any way to set a function that will stop stretching out side of these figures?
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Feb 21, 2013
I am creating an upper cabinet which has a fixed height but you can select different widths. What our firm does is also list the size of the cabinet. What I would like to do is make this font some sort of preset attribute and control it with the visibility states. I also want to control the font height by the scale of the drawing. my question is I if its possible and how? I've attached what I have thus far. The attribute is in teh top right corner and is justified as top right. The only way I can get this to work is if I manually adjust the font after its inserted into the drawing.
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Jan 26, 2012
knows a lisp to extract each attribute value from multi-entity single layer blocks to respective different user-named layers? Say tag1 value to layer1, tag2 value to layer2,entity1 to layer-entity1 .The source blocks are all in one layer containing texts and symbols/entities.
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to make a block with an attribute. But over the attribute I want to make a hatch. So at the place of the hatch the attribute shouldnt be visible. When I make the block AutoCAD puts the attribute on top. Is there a way that the hatch will be on top?
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Mar 30, 2012
when it comes to viewports in paperspace in 2013, due to the nature of my work i have several layout drawings all drawn on top of each other and all with ther own txt and dims etc, which again is all on top of each other making it impossible to work in model space, for this reason i work in paperspace within a viewport but now i have upgraded to 2013 while i am in mid command e.g. dimension and zoom into first point then zoom back out and in again to second point, by this time i have been kicked out of the viewport and just in paperspace so cant complete the command, doesnt always happen?
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May 25, 2011
I have an attribute definition and I need to add its value to an mtext. I added it in mtext insert field it is ok, every thinks work fine it is only needs a regen but it is not a problem.
The problem is when my mtext and att in a block regen does not work in model space, I had to enter block and regen. Is there any way to do it without entrance in block editor?
I attached a simple example.
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Nov 4, 2011
How do you edit attribute tags (only) and retain the values of the attributes? When I try to redefine a block the attribute values change with ATTSYNC.
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Nov 7, 2013
Using Enhanced Attribute Editor one can set attribute text rotation to 0 when the block is rotated. But it must be done for each block individually. Is there a way to do this for several blocks at the same time or globally?
I know making block or text annotative does it but it requires redefining block, something I do not want to do.
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