AutoCAD 2010 :: Change Text Width Is Replaced With 3D Visual?
Apr 24, 2013working at new job with 2d but some how properties where i can change text width is replaced with 3D visual. how can i change this back to 2d properties?
View 1 Repliesworking at new job with 2d but some how properties where i can change text width is replaced with 3D visual. how can i change this back to 2d properties?
View 1 RepliesI want to know is there any formula/calculation for the width of text object before creation/insertion? At now I used approximated width size via a simple .
(Defun GetStrWidth (str H W) (fix (*(* H W) (strlen str))));;usage: (GetStrWidth "This is a Text." 2.5 0.8);;H: TextHeight; W: width factor.
I know that for the existed text in drawing I can use textbox command, but for the texts that has not been created, what can I do? Is there any formula/calculation depends on font name, text height and width factor?
I found this routine [URL]...... that changes the width of an attribute in a block. After use it, I need to use the ATTSYNC to update the other instances of the bloc in my project.
How to modify this lisp that I receive a prompt to choose if the width attribute will be change just in the selected block or in all instances of the block? In that way, I would not have to use the ATTSYNC command each time.
I need to be able to grab all polylines and change global width at once. This is a repetitve task that i have created a button for. I am trying to use this but it is not working. It gets hung up on me wanting to manually select the polylines when i thought i grabbed them with the first line.
(ssget "X" '((8 . "LayerName")))
(command "PEDIT" "w" "9")
I have a bolt program that draws the thickness of a bolts in elevation as a polyline with a global width, what i need is a lisp to then change this lwpolyline to a hatch, ie if global width is 20 and the polyline is 30 long i need to change this to a 20x30 solid hatch, is it possible to get the the global width and length and convert this to a boundary hatch? I need the same thing done for bolts in plan too as the circle is a lwpolyline also.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm working with AutoCAD 2012 and I want to modify the width of the Layer Panel in the ribbon. I have layer names that are sometimes too long to see. Is there still a MNU or MNC or a file like that that I could edit and change the width of the panel in the ribbon?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to change the color of two pieces of specific text in lisp? I want to change where it says (strcase ln6) & (strcase ln7) to the color of green. I tried it a couple of different ways but I'm having some trouble. First I am setting the current layer with a color of blue. I am then running the text command a couple of times. I want to run the mtext command a couple of times but I want the text to be green & I want the width factor to be .85
View 9 Replies View RelatedSeveral times, we generate a drawing, and the text widths in the columns vary greatly. Some have text that is ten characters long, and others have thirty-plus characters.
Is there a way to be able to select the table (or perform the command to all tables in the current layout) and have each of the columns expand to the appropriate width, that depends on the longest string of text in that column, for each column. The problem I see, is that some tables have two columns, some have six, and of course other with any number in between. The same is also true for the amount of rows.
I create Table using Autocad .net api C#.
var table = new Table();
In single text(class DBText), change text width of the property - WidthFactor.
How change text width in table cell using autocad .net api C#?
Is there a way to constrain a few objects to an attribute text box width? I want the background box and line to stretch, based on what is typed in that attribute box.
I know that if I make the attribute, a multi-line attribute, I can add a backgroud mask. I don't want to take this route, because the mask boundary varies, depending on what character is typed. Also, there is a gap between the mask and line I would like to maintain.
I tried some constraint stuff, but all I seem to be able to constrain is the insertion point of the text box, and not the width grip...
I need to change the text line width in model space, not the overall text width or the text line width/weight in paper space. Our mold maker wants to measure that on screen and he wants to set the text line width to 0.060”, while the overall text width fixed.
For example, the text “REMOVE FROM BOAT” is 3” wide total from first letter R to last letter T and height 0.4”. That is easy to do. The hard part is that he wants the line in each letter to be 0.060” (1.5mm) wide. I practiced the true type text which is measurable in model space, but that is fixed with for a certain font with a certain size. I can change from one font to the other and get different thickness but cannot change the width freely to 1.5mm as requested.
I'm having trouble with the spacing of my text when I import a .rtf file. The spaces change width based on the width of the columns. The problem does not effect all the paragraphs only select ones. If I change the width of the column the spacing of the text will fix itself. All of the text is the same text style. I have attached a copy for reference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to CorelDRAW. I am using it to generate scientific application notes that contain both graphics and text. I am running into a problem where I have a negative number that is close to the end of a text line (using justified format). CorelDRAW wants to treat the negative like a hyphen and keep the "-" on one line and then moves the number to the next line. For example, if the phrase "...cooling to -150 C for 5 minutes..." were to wrap across a line, it would look like:
"...cooling to -
150 C for 5 minutes..."
Instead of:
"...cooling to
-150 C for 5 minutes..."
The only way I can figure out how to get past it is to change the width of the text box so the lines wrap in different places. I have tried adding a space or two, adding hidden text (text with the same color as the background).
I drew a cured line with the brush tool in illustrator CS5, but when I select the new "width tool" to change the width, it doesn't work.
Here are my steps:
1. Select the paintbrush tool
2. Draw something
3. Select the "width tool"
4. Try to change the width but it won't work.
Since I draw with the paintbrush tool, the "width tool" can be very handy if I can get it to work.
As the above mentioned, I have a drawing drawn using polylines with width from someone. The width of the line are suppose to represent area,
To put things into prospective, here is an example:
The polyline is 10 unit long and with a width of 2 unit wide. If i explode that polyline, it will become a single polyline without width. The line are suppose to represent 10 unit long and 2 unit wide; representing an area.
My question is is there a way to change the line above directly from polyline with width to a close polyline (4 x polylines) of 10 unit long and 2 unit wide.
In my model i need to display in 3D. When i change the visual style from 2D Wireframe to 3D Hidden nothing is changing.
Its not a problem with the software as if i draw a cube in the model this changes but my model still does not.
Also the model is imported from Tekla Structures in the same way as the 20 a week and this is the only one which i have had problems with.
I have a block "MANAGER" with Two Attributes "CETOP" and "CEBOT" I would like a lisp to replace what ever is in those attributes with defined text, for my purposes "Text1" and "Text2". I would like a simple routine that even I can understand so I can apply it to a couple of other lisp projects I have.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put together a LISP that changes the font of two text styles. One bing named "Standard", and the other "WD".
This is what I have so far...
(defun C:CHANGESTYLE (/ entities len count ent ent_data ent_name new_style_name)
(command "STYLE" "Standard" "Romantic" "" "" "" "" "")
(setq entities (ssget "X" '((0 . "TEXT")))
len(sslength entities) count 0);
I couldn't figure out how to select mtext and text all in one swoop, so i ran it twice
Now, when i run this code, i get the following error "lselsetp nil".
I just purchased CS6. I've got a document that I've been working on for several days. It has several layers of text. When I try to edit the text in a layer (layer is selected), the moment I place the curser and click, it changes all the text in the text box to a line of text that was previously in the area. It's almost as if the file doesn't see my current layer of text and sees a previous layer. I have several other layers of text that are doing the same thing, but not all of them are acting weird.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have this old lisp routine that I have been using for quite a while and it works and loads just fine, however I would like to open it to see/edit the code... when I open in Notepad however it opens with wierd symbols... How to get this back into normal text?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to change a lot of table cell text in one time, try to explain something.
In the front of my drawings i have a view tables. in the second column stays a code that represent a location.
e.g. LVC stays for Low voltage cubicle. Now it is my intention to substitute these code to the description of code in one time and only the second column. The several descriptions are written in an .txt file, like LVC;Low voltage cubicle and on the next row LVP;Low voltage panel, and so on.
I think it is only possible with Lisp? or there are other way?
In the past i did it one by one, because mostly there where 2 or 3 tables, now i have a big project with more than 20 tables.
I have a window schedule lisp routine that places a 6-sided polygon around text that label each window. I want to change the code so that its a circle instead of a polygon. Here is the code line that needs to be modified:
(command "polygon" "6" "fro" (cdr (assoc 10 (entget templine)))(strcat "@38,-" (rtos (+ (* linecount 18) 14) 2 0)) "C" "6")
im my current coding project im attempting to change the font stlye of 1 text item
i tried used the simple method of
(command "STYLE" "simplex" "ARIAL" "" "" "" "" "")
however, using this changes the text's font in the whole drawing
i searched the forums here and everything i found either didnt work or changed all the text.
is there a more elegant way of doing this with just a selected text item and not the text in the whole drawing?
I'm looking for a way to copy a text or a simple line, circle... ; after I copied it, the last entity change its color to green.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI attached some old PDF drawings and they are just perfect. The background is transparent and they really look pretty good. Is it possible to change the color of the pdf text?
Version: AutoCAD C3D 2010
In the old versions of autoCAD I could select everything in the drawing and use the text style pull-down to select the text style I wanted all of the existing text to be and it would change it when the style was selected. Is there not a way to do this in AutoCAD 2011 without using the quick select feature in the properties dialog box?
I solved the same problem with dimensions by turning the dimension toolbar on but the text toolbar doesn't have the style as an option on it.
I have approx 20 autocad files and I would like to change one text inside these files by running a simple script or lisp.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy text style height is set to 1/8, however my leader text height is 3/16. How do I change the leader text height? T
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've just recently learned how to use scripts to my advantage. I work for a company that uses a lot of custom details using AutoCAD and have now decided to switch them up and use different layers, fonts & styles. So far I have been able to come up with some script changing the styles of how we want the fonts to look, but I am trying to select one font style, change the layer & color of that text, then close the file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the text styles, lets say from "Standard" to "Romans", all at once within an attributed block, or do you have to update each tag attribute individually?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way that you can change the default justification of dtext?
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