I have an xref that I am trying to xclip. Normal xclip works fine, but when I try to invert the clip (which I was I need), a light grey background shows up (in preview mode and on prints) around most of the boundary, and takes up most of the screen.
It also clips objects from other xrefs along the plane of the boundary, even though they're not actually within the boundary (they are visible in the drawing, but clipped in preview mode). I have purged and audited both drawing and xref.
I've been using XCLIP for years. Never had an issue.
Today I installed 2012 and found that the ability to stretch and edit XCLIP boudaries had finally been added. SWEET!....wrong.
I was working merrily along when all of a sudden my screen blinked, refreshed, or something, and 80% of the lines within my XCLIP boundaries just disappeared.
I closed the drawing and reopened. Closed ACA and reopened. Rebooted and reopened. Gone.
If I delete the XCLIP, it all comes back. Apply a new XCLIP, gone again.
Open the drawing in ACA2011, still gone. EGADS!
Is this a totally new problem???
It literally took less than an hour after installing to find a problem in ACA 2012. My Autodesk woes continue.
I'm trying to hatch floor patterns in suits. I draw a pline aroudn perimeter. There are a couple of problems.
First, when I do a hatch by selecting the pline ("object"), it doesn't detect islands, such as our room tag. This is likely because the hatch is over an xref (the suite is an xref, room tag and pline are not), and hatches don't seem to like xrefs.
Next option is to hatch by "pick points". When I do that, and select a point on the floor of the suite, all of a sudden an old xref or xclip appears in 2 locations, and the hatch boundary takes the lines from that new xref into consideration. The crazy thing is that this xref does not exist in any form in the drawing. I have purged/audited the drawing, and the drawing no longer even exists in our computer.
I have drawn a special brick pattern that I need to use at the hatch for a three story building. The idea was to draw the pattern on a large scale and then use xclip or clipit to crop the pattern to the openings in the wall, i.e. windows, doors, etc. The polyline that I'm using to clip the brick pattern block is quite complicated. When I use it to clip the block, stray lines appear OUTSIDE the boundary. The xclip frame does match the boundary I want. Note, the entire block isn't appearing, just a row of lines here and there. It's obviously a glitch of some sort.
So I have a reference that has been xclipped. We have multiple drawings that need to be xclipped using the same boundary. It is a HUGE boundary and very complicated. It would take me at least half a day to recreate it (the time it took me in the first place). I copied the drawing and am trying to find a way to essentially explode the boundary in order to create a new polyline. I don't care about the reference, I just want the boundary.
Im now using Autocad 2013 and when I click in the open area of the drawing the xclip windows from the many xclipped block in the darwing all highlight at once. See example attached It is very distracting. Is there a way to turn that feature off?
Lets say I have file 1 and files 2,3,4, file 1 contains several layers and is an xref in files 2,3,4.
Can I somehow set a layer to off or frozen in file 1 and it will make sure to be switched off in my files 2,3,4 aswell? I have played around with New VP Freeze but if I add a layer at a later time and files 2,3,4 already have several viewports that doesn't do me very good.
I am not sure if i ever noticed this before, but if I get a dwg file from an architect who has XREF another dwg background and then I enter the command _AECEXPORTTOAUTOCAD2010 on the main dwg will that take all the XREF files and convert them to blocks as part of the exported file? This seems to have been done and wasn't sure why?
I am trying to reference a drawing in AutoCAD 2012 and whenever I try to atrtach the drawing by XREF it does not come in viewable. none of the layers are seen. this is the second or third drawing that this has happened to me. I have checked to see if it is on a frozen or off layer. or some non-plot layer. I have opened a fresh drawing to reference it in. none of these have produced a result. The only thing different about the layers is that the layer rhombus, which is usually Blue, is now grey
I have found that since installing the service pack for 2014, xclips in paper space have become blank, or, on occasion, 1 will show, but others won't. The invert still works, strangely enough.
Any way to control the visibility of any XRef in a drawing using Excel or Text file. For instance, I have 50 Xref placed in there positions and I want AutoCAD to select what should be visible by reading an external file--Excel or Text file.
The line weights in the xref are as they should be - I can change the line weight (plot by layer/color) and it plots correctly; when I attached this file to another drawing, the line weights do not plot. I can change the layer color to modify the weight (.ctb file) and the correct line weight appears on the monitor, but when I plot - the line weight looks like a standard default width.
I checked the lwdefault in the xref and three other drawings, and in every drawing it is set to '25'; the lines are lines (not plines), and have a zero elevation. The units are the same as the other drawings;
I believe it's a setting in the drawing (not the xref) - what setting it might be.
We are a small company with two PCs - 1 laptop and a server. We are having problems using xref drawings across the network. The laptop is mapped to the Z drive and the reference file is on the server (D drive). Each time we open a drawing on the laptop (Z drive) the xref files which is saved on the server (D drive) cannot be seen. We reattached the file and it works fine until we closed and reopen the drawing. When the drawing is opened on the laptop the xref is not loaded on the screen. However, the file extension can be seen but no drawing is visible.
In summary how can we tell get the laptop to permanently reference xref files saved on the server without them dropping out?
When saving an AutoCAD drawing there is a Thumbnail image saved (if you have the option turn on), but when the command "Edit Xref In-Place" is used there is no Thumbnail image saved. So now when I try to preview any drawing that has been edited through this command there is no longer a thumbnail.
I am using AutoCAD 2012 and the option to save a thumbnail is turned ON.
We have a base drawing that is xreffed into other drawings, it is made up of various building sections (some horizontal some vertical). We have dimmed the grids using linear dimensions. When we bring in the drawing as an xref and rotate it 90 degrees (so the vertical sections are now horizontal) all the dims are now upside down.
Is there a variable/method to stop this from happening.
If I have an image within in an XREF (lets say logo in a titleblock), when I open my drawing I get a image frame with the file path listed in its place. If I print, it only prints the frame and file path.
The way that this is fixed (temporarily) is If I reload the xref and image for each xref containing an image. Upon reopening the drawing, the same problem persists. I need to reload the xref/image every time I open the file if I want the logo to print on my drawing.
When inserting an xref, which I have prepared with a file name etc in a drawing, Autocad prompt me this message" The file you have chosen cannot be used as a block name or is greater than 8 characters. Autocad has assigned a shortened block name. Enter an Altenate name "
How do I globally change the Xref path to a new server? I tried adding it into the support/working path in Options etc. but hasn't up-dated drawings. I manually changed one drawing (there are posts on this) and it works, but I have many drawings and would like to keep the date last modified also if possible.
I'm attempting to bind an xref into a drawing. I keep getting an error message: "Some objects in the specified xref failed to bind." Any reason why some objects couldn't bind? I've thawed all layers in the drawings..
I am using autocad arch 64 bit on win 7 and am having problems switching out of xref classic so that the newer xref dialog comes up. i edited the SDI but then i cant close a drawing and opening creates more problems.
I am trying edit an Xref in place in a sheet file both through the paper space view port or within the sheet file's model space but receive a pop-up warning that states "Selected Xref Block is NOT editable". Other sheet files are set up the same way and allow edit Xref in-place.
My computer is not searching for the xrefs correctly. Whenever I switch to another job and try to load an xref, the computer searches under the last job I worked on and nothing else. I have several folders listed as search paths but it just seems to be ignoring them. We never used to have this problem and I cannot figure out what has changed.
I have a file I received from a consultant that has an annotative block in it. I've been trying to xref (attachment, not overlay) it into our files, and it's not showing up. I've got the affected layers on, the block units for both files are identical..
This block has editable attributes in it. The attribute is what is not showing up...the point, which is the other block component, displays correctly in the xref.
I wonder if its possible to Xref in DWG TrueView 2012, right now I can only open either the "Building drawing" or the "Plumber drawing" and I need to see them both.
Can I Xref or is it any other way to solve my problem?