AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Print DWG To Adobe PDF
May 1, 2012I can't print dwg to Adobe PDF. Printer drivers ale installed and work fine in other application. Only in AutoCAD 2012 is some problem.
View 9 RepliesI can't print dwg to Adobe PDF. Printer drivers ale installed and work fine in other application. Only in AutoCAD 2012 is some problem.
View 9 RepliesI'm trying to print to Adobe pdf. I know I can use the DWG to PDF which works great, but I don't know if this is a bug or a setting that I have to adjust. At first I thought this was an Adobe Pro X problem, but now I'm 100% sure it's a setting or something in ACAD. When in model space, if I print and print to adobe pdf, the file looks good, sharp. I can zoom in all the way and it looks good. But in paperspace, when I print to Adobe, the quality is awful. like if it printed an image. It looks ok zoomed out but when I zoom in (and not that far in), the quality is terrible, what is it that I'm missing? What setting needs to get adjusted? It looks like an awfully compressed pdf file. Also, when printing in paperspace, it also takes twice as long. Its quick in modelspace and looks great.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAdobe Colour Management Print defaults seems to be assigning RGB meta to B&W pages and incurring Colour Print charges for B&W prints.I can manually change the print colour management to Printer managed on a per print basis instead of the default adobe colour managed which "cures" the issue but I do not seem to be able to save that setting as the default.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to constantly print PDF to email to client and to print directly from printer for our project leader to review. But whenever I print by "Adobe PDF" the color is lighter than if I just print from our office printer.
I setup plot style by making different % of screening on each color and by adjusting line weight on drawing layer.
I recently upgraded to PhotoshopCS5.5 and find that I can't print on my HP Photoshop Premium printer. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I also am unable to open 2 images at the same time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i attempt to plot some layouts to adobe pdf, they are coming out with sections that are blank. They are scattered around the drawing but the drawing content is missing. when i use the built in pdf creator, it is shifting some things around to where they don't belong and i can't have that!
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I try printing to an adobe pdf file I obtain the following error:-
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: limitcheck; OffendingCommand: string ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
When I am in page setup manager and want to use the "Adobe PDF" plotter device, I can't set a paper size other than the standard one like letter, legal, 11x17 ect. I need to have the "Adope PDF" plotter to print a Arch D size paper but that selection dosent even show up.
I have troubleshooted all the usual supects, of going to properties next to the printer selection bringing me to the plotter configeration page, where in the device and documents tab I then proceed to the custom properties selection, where the adobe document properties page comes up and under the adobe pdf setting tab...I still cant change or find the Arch D 24x36 paper size under the adobe pdf paper size selection tab other than the standard seletions.
I try to load AutoCAD 2010 on windows 7 but it keeps on failing Language Pack - English failed installation aborted, Result 1624 so it rolls back and doesn't install.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'd like to know is there a way to 'print' PDF files from Photoshop in OS X since Adobe PDF printer is no longer available in this version of OS X? I'm new to OS X and find this quite annoying since it was really easy to get compressed PDF files doing it from Win XP. I read somewhere that the only way to get the same result is to save Postscript file from Photoshop and then convert it to PDF but obviously something's wrong in my settings. When for example I need to get B2 size wallpaper, I get only a piece of it in A4 size document. I tried everything (different paper sizes etc)
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am working on autoCAD LT 2010 and attempting to print out files originally from 2004. My problem is that I cannot print red or any other hue in the red field. I have gone through and changed the layer, setup and everything else I could think of .
View 9 Replies View RelatedI get an error saying I need to install a printer ... but CS2 works fine. What do I need to do?
Windows XP, Konica Minolta C253
I have Lightroom 4 and recently purchased a Canon 70D. I shoot in raw but Lightroom 4 doesn't recognize my raw files. I did some searching on the Internet and found that I needed to download the Adobe DNG Converter in order to convert my raw files to dng files. The program won't open. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium, service pack 1. I am thinking I might not have the right system requirements. I did download the windows version. So frustrated that I have a new camera and can't process my raw files!
View 12 Replies View RelatedMacBook Pro with Mountain Lion, 10.8.2. Can't print from Adobe Illustrator CS3 or CS4. Crashes evertime. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the printer. An HP 3100 series.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter plot using "DWG to PDF.pc3", Autocad 2012 will open the pdf with Adobe PDF, how can i prevent is to do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI trying to print from autocad LT 2014 in a HPCM1415 printer, but the autocad program is closing after i send the print and shows the message in the Jpeg attachment:
My machine is a Dell precision T3600 with windows 7 professional 64 bits.
Since installing Photoshop CC, I cannot associate jpg's or psd's with Photoshop CC. I have used the "open with..." dialog box (something I have done a million times, so I know what I'm doing), but after choosing Photoshop, it does not appear in the list of recommended or other programs and will not open the jpg or psd file in Photoshop.
FYI, I installed Photoshop CC while Photoshop CS6 was still on my computer. I then deinstalled Photoshop CS6 and that is when I noticed the problem.
I opened my Adobe Photoshop CS3 Web Premium and it told me I cannot use it anymore. Same with Adobe Fireworks. It was running fine previously until THAT day.
I was told by the error message to uninstall or reinstall the progam, which I did. But after uninstalling and installing CS3 again, only Adobe Acrobat was successful. All other components failed.
I have been unable to sign into my Adobe acount through Photoshop Elements 10.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI usually remember to save things, but this time I didn't. I went straight to print. But before I did, I hit the wrong button and pressed "cancel print". It's now saying, "cancelling print" for 20 minutes. I know its likely frozen but I don't want to lose my work. I have a mac and so I made a JPEG of the image, using GRAB application. Is there any way to save what I have? I know if I "Quit" the application, I'll lose it. How can I get it to finish it's "cancelling?"
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have edited some Raw photos in Adobe Photoshop CS5. The photo size is less than 5 MB, but while uploading them to the sites such as Picasso or Facebook, I get an error. Not a single photo is getting uploaded.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSince applying the latest Microsoft updates to XP/SP3 last week I can now no longer add Open Type 1 or Type 1 fonts to Fonts in Windows, and therefore can't add more fonts for use in Photoshop CS3. I tried a new hard drive, reloaded with XP/SP3 plus updates and the exact same thing occurs. Any of those types of fonts I try to add come up as corrupt/can't load, when in fact they are not corrupt and the exact same font files load with no problem in another XP/SP3 machine that hasn't had the updates applied, and they also load without a hitch in a Vista machine. Anyone else, who has all the updates installed noticing this? Anyone have a solution? I know that this isn't exactly 100% related to Photoshop only, but it does affect the program.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI earned a free 8 by 8 photobook with shutterfly. I tried making one on their website but I could not find any that I liked. I would like to professionally print my photobook I already made with adobe photoshop 7. I need step by step instructions how to put my photobook made with adobe onto shutterfly. I would also like to know some websites that will print pre-made adobe photoshop books for cheap in case shutterfly does not work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAdobe 5 closes immediately when I click the "Print" button.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to autocad, I downloaded autocad 2013, When I tried to print/plot it always blank(white), Is there any settings I need to for print/plot?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy work entails regenerating new drawings from aging specification drawings and figures. Very little actual CAD, more hand-tracing JPGs than anything. I'm new to AutoCAD LT and haven't used most of its features. But the one feature I really need right now is to be able to print a black box on a sheet of paper.
As in, a 2-D closed polygon with a solid black fill. Unfortunately, AutoCAD LT doesn't think I should be allowed to print a black box on a sheet of paper.
I've tried assigning the color to the box using properties. I've tried defining layers and moving the box to the "black" layer (funny that "black" isn't a defined color in AutoCAD...that's way cool...). I've tried various settings in the Plotter setup screen.
I have a color plot table selected and I'm trying to print to .PDF. I work strictly out of the model view and do a lot of print previews. What am I, or have I, done, or not done, that I'm supposed to be doing, to print the box?
Adobe asked me to change the password. After doing this, I have been unable to activate the Photoshop and perhaps also the other Adobe products. The activation process ask for the serial number and when I'm giving it, the system says that it is too short. If I'm trying to make a phone call to Adobe, the support is only in English and I cannot understand the spoken English of the support.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can´t change the standard program in Adobe Bridge CC on my Mac to Photoshop CC. How can i change this!?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to create a Personal URL when registering Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. I receive an error message that simple states "an error occurred and your changes were not saved." I then get redirected to the same page to create a personal URL. It is an endless cycle.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to email pics via Adobe email for the first time, they send you a "code" ( my words ) and ask you to email it back to them so it may be verified.. My problem is that the "code" to my email is never received. Where is it? We've tried checking if there is a blocker on my computer.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have one workstation running Autocad LT 2007 on a windows 7 32 bit OS, and needs to print to a non plot printer, which is a Kyocera KM-4050 KX. I am unable to print to this printer through Autocad LT 2007 and recieve the following error message . . .
"\ServerNamePrinterName: This plotter configuration conanot be used for one of these reasons: The driver cannot be found, the device can not be found, or the driver has a problem. The None plot device has been substituted."
The Printer works fine with all other applications, and the rest of the users who have Autocad LT 2011 have no issue printing.
I followed the instructions in [URL] ..... and did not see my printer model in the list and was unable to load the driver from a disk.I believe the file it was looking for was .hif, which could not be found.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled the printer driver, and did some testing, so the printer works fine except for this application. According to the user the print function never worked for them in Autocad LT 2007.