I receive an error message upon loading a particular file and I would like to rectify the problem
The error message is the one that talks about TS13717811 knowledge base virus. It says it's looking for Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
I did a search on the pc for acad.vlx, didn't find it, it's also only one file, and when I open the drawing, all the text is there and works. Also to further prove that it wasn't the virus I copied everything out, and placed it in to a new drawing and the error message doesn't appear on the new file.
So I believe it's not a the virus. But something specific to that file, now once I open the drawing I am unable to find any errors with the drawing also I am unable to find what is pointing to these language packs. There is no errors in STYLE, also after doing a PURGE and an AUDIT I am still unable to find the error.
So what I am after is #1 confirmation that my assumption about the virus is correct and #2 how to locate what is pointing to these language packs so I can manually remove it, as obviously the purge was unable to do that.
Also looking for the same to find SHX files that are unable to be found, cause no errors and yet are unable to be found or purged.
My windows xp is upto date i believe , yet i cannot open some drawings as i get the missing language packs error.
When error pops up i cant ignore it as my autocad2011LT locks up and i have to use task manager to close it down, the drawings do open up on other computers fine in the office? Iv checked computers that can open drawing and they appear to be the same settings as mine ?
Few days ago when I installed PS CC and worked with it that error did not appear. Why now? What does it means? The only updates installed on my computer since installing PS were those related to Adobe applications: PS, Illustrator, InDesign.I am on MAC with OS X 10.8.4. The same license and installation is on my second computer. That error do not appear.
Sometimes when loading some DWGs, I get this Warning (plaese see the French JPG capture) saying that maybe I could need : Korean, Japan, Chine, etc language module !
I would like to bypass this Warning automatically because I open these DWGs with a Script to do some automatic actions and I resave them ...
At the Warning question : Do you want to open --> YES
I don't think that I can control this warning (--> Yes) through a special System Variable !?
I have a user who needs to be able to enter Chinese characters into AutoCAD 2010. The characters display properly in Windows, but AutoCAD cannot recognize them. I believe I need a language pack. Where can I find the official 2010 AutoCAD language packs? I don't see them in Subscription.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
A fellow co-worker accidentally checked the box that says "don't open this file" (or something like that) that appears when a language file is missing upon opening a file from a client. He then also "accidentally" clicked the "perform this action every time" so as the warning window wouldn't appear any more. As a consequence there are now files that we cannot open on that computer. I've searched through system variable lists and come up empty handed.....
Planning to be off line for several days and starting getting into photoshop composition. Are there any well known, good value, texture/pattern packs, that are popular and you would recommend that would contain textures/patterns I could use in compositing some backgrounds. Specifically I had in mind:
* inside rooms - wall & floor textures * old rooms - rock, tiles, cobbleston textures * outside areas - trees, grass, road surface, walls, vegetation
That is so offline I would have a nice large range to choose from to blend into background compositions. I know you can "google" to get various results, but if there are a few specific well know & large/comprehensive packs of this type of thing at a good price..
I am using VideoStudio Pro Ultimate 6 and it offers me certain Menu Packs and Title Packs, but when I try to install I get the message "Installed Version of the application could not be determined. Setup will terminate". All of the single Title packs install without a hitch, but several of the packages will not. At a lost of how to troubleshoot this and wonder have others here experienced anything similar or same. I was thinking because I upgraded from Version 4 ultimate and never got 5 because I got Mercalli and ProDad with the Ultimate upgrade in Version 4, that maybe it is looking for version 5. Other than that supposition, I am at a lost.
I have reinstalled Windows 7 64 bit to clean up my computer. I was hoping that his issue with the Title Packs Menu packs would also be resolved. The message keeps coming up: "The installed version of application could not be determined. Setup will terminate. System has not been modified".
Do hyperlinks work when exporting to PDF with X6 without service packs? I created a hyperlink and it is showing up in the document but not when I export the PDF. I checked the box on the Document tab. Not created a hyperlink before so I may be missing something.
I've been using Gimp for sometime now.It's a fantastic program, but I thought the area where it lacked the mostwas the brushes. It only came with a few basic brushes, and you often hadto download extra packs for that something extra. This in itself wasn't ahuge deal, although if you had brush sets more like those of PaintTool SAIor MyPaint, that would be really great. Those program don't have as much asGimp, but they have some really great brushes, which makes them fun to drawin.
My bigger concerns is adding your own brushes to Gimp via imported brushpacks. While you say you integrate all files, the brush manager is lacking.If I wish to add a few brush packs to see what they do, the brush listquickly becomes clogged. You can't seem to delete brushes without goingback into the brushes folder which you first put them in, and then deletethe files. This also means if you like a few brushes in a pack, but therest of it is useless to you, then you have to have everything, or nothing.
There is a lot to be desired in terms of the brushes, and I hope you canimprove these soon. I stand by Gimp, even though people often call it awatered down version of Photoshop, but Gimp 2.8 has been a hugedisappointment for me.
On a final note, when choosing a new brush, especially for the animatedtexture brushes you include, I think it would be useful if youautomatically went to the brushes native size. This saves time and energy,especially if you are testing out new brushes. MyPaint has this feature,and I have found it incredibly useful. This also means I can just click thebrush a second time to reset it to the default settings.
Since we switched to AutoCAD 2010 we have been having trouble with things disappearing when we plot to PDF. I can not find a pattern with the things that are missing (i.e., area on page, layer, linetype, etc.). When I do a plot preview everything appears the way it should and then after the PDF is made items are missing. Typically after a couple of trys of rePDFing the drawing everything appears and works fine. I am using Vanilla AutoCAD 2010 and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
I have just installed PSP X3. I have 2 questions that I could not find answers to when searching the forum (though admittedly I found searching through here very confusing at times)
First the Service Packs. Do I need to install each on of these in chronological order? Or, will installing Service Pack 5 include all the prior service packs, so I only need to install that one alone?
Secondly, Screen Capture. I have clicked on Import/Screen Capture. However, Set Up and Start are grayed out and will not allow me to do it. On my old computer the prior version of PSP worked beautifully with screen captures and I never had to do any tweaking to make it work. What do I need to do in order to get Screen Capture functionality?
I'm not a pro at any of this by any stretch of the imagination. I'm a journalist and I use PSP for the pictures that are uploaded to my column. I need this screen capture capability in order to grab important pictures that I need on occasion.
For some reason all of my linetypes have disappeared, and even when I go to Load, there are no options. The only linetypes available are lines and dashed lines, and I have a fence linetype but it does not show the circular pattern in the fence. How can I get these back?
Actually on one of my draughtsman's computer, when he hits Ctrl + P, he is unable to see DWG to PDF option in the drop down menu, have I fortgot to install some feature because for rest of my draughtsman they all are getting that option.
One of our AutoCAD stations handles Grips differently than the others.That station does not have the new Rectangular Grip at the midpoint of a Polyline's Line segments.
When I open one of his drawings, the Polylines DO have the Rectangular Grips at midspans.I haven't been able to find a Setting that controls this.
I have just noticed when attempting to move the attributes in the blocks of my drawing that the grips have disappeared, where they have gone or how to turn them back on?
We have AutoCAD 2010 installed on 5 machines in our office. These machines work and save files to our server. One of the workstations always gets a pop up that it is missing reference files. No other workstations are running into this issue. We've tried having multiple users log into this specific computer but they all encounter the same error.
Another thing (which may be related to this error) the drawings that do open up on this computer don't line up. For instance we have a field in the lower right hand corner wiith text such as job name/number, tech who worked on the drawing etc. One all other computers this information lines up perfectly but on this one it doesn't as well os other lines on this machine don't line up properly.
I've been working with a firm for 6 weeks now, and had no major AutoCAD problems for the first 5 weeks. We're running AutoCAD 2010 on my machine, and it crashes quite often when I close drawings, which is quite annoying. But last week after opening a series of drawings to print some stuff for the boss, and CAD crashing after every 1 or 2 prints, I got the message:
A display driver file (.hdi) is missing or has been corrupted. The program will be closed.
This problem may be caused by missing .hdi files in the following location:
C:program filesAutoCAD Architecture 2012drv
I ran a repair, then did a reinstall, and when neither of those worked I just uninstalled and reinstalled the whole program. I still got the error message, but I had opened AutoCAD Architecture and was using that instead for a bit and saw Autodesk do an update in the background. So I booted up AutoCAD 2010 and it was working again so I guess it fixed the problem. I used it for a few more days then yesterday I had to open and print another series of drawings for the boss and it crashed again after every one, as usual, and when I sat back down and tried to open up a drawing to work on it I got the same error message again. Frustrated and angry, I switched over to AutoCAD Architecture and imported my Classic setting and used that for the next day. But this morning I had to open and print 3 more drawings for the boss and Architecture crashed after every one, then it started giving me the same error that regular AutoCAD has been giving me about the missing .hdi file. I copied the drv folder from a co-worker's computer and replaced mine with the working one, but neither version of AutoCAD is working again.
So I ask, what do I do now? I can't keep uninstalling and reinstalling AutoCAD every week because of these crashes and missing .hdi files. I need a real fix, something to fix the constant crashes and missing files. Sometimes I have to open multiple drawings to pull blocks or whatever from an older drawing, and I can't risk CAD crashing after I close these drawings and me possibly losing some work on the file I am actually working on at the time. this is making me way less productive at work spending all this time trying to get AutoCAD to work.
I just upgraded our office from 2010 (architecture package) to 2011 and I was very excited to use the new hatch improvements, but whenever I try to use the hatch command I don't get the contextual tab. I tried playing around with HPDLGMODE, and I can get the old style dialog box, but I was really looking forward to having all that on the ribbon. I looked in the CUI and I found the hatch creation one, and it's empty. I also noticed that many other contextual tabs are empty. I think maybe it's because of some setting I had it import from my previous release maybe?
We have multiple seats where I work (I'm in charge of everything computer related) and mine is the only one where this happens. Everyone one else that I set up has the contextual tab.
Should I just reinstall it without pulling in my settings and re-build my ribbon the way I had it?
With 2011 I have noticed my DWG icons in explorer are displaying the generic icon and not the new DWG icon.I have gone through the Folder options and File Types tab to try to reassign it but no luck.
I have a problem with displaying the blockrefattribute in the propertypalette. They are missing.
I had the problem with an AutoCAD-version on another pc before. I solved it with reinstalling which takes quiet a long time.
Now I have the same problem with Civil2012 which is newly installed on a pc with autocad map 2009. AutoCAD Map 2012 and Civil are running without problems but on this pc we mostly use the "Civil as AutoCAD"-version. This is fully configured to our company settings but suddenly the blockattributes are not shown in the propertypalette anymore.
It doesn't matter if the blockref attributes are constant or dynamic or which blockref is active, non of the attributes are shown.
I'm trying to print to .pdf using AutoCAD 2011 using a print driver called CutiePDF. However, when I go to print, the lines that I can see in my AutoCAD file don't show up in the print preview.