AutoCAD 2010 :: Inserting Blocks From Tool Palettes
Dec 26, 2012
I need to insert the same block from a tool palette multiple times into my drawing. Is there a way to do this without having to pick the block from the tool palette every time I want to insert it?
I'm using AutoCAD MEP 2014 (though it's present in all variations).
I am using OOTB settings to eliminate network permissions as my issue.
I open my ACAD to an OOTB template file. Create a new tool palette, call it "CS" for now. When I try to add blocks to my palette, I get the black circle with a line through it. I get the same result when trying to add to existing OOTB palettes.
I am a network administrator and administrator on my machine, permissions shouldn't be the issue.
Checked my Options->Files and everything is pointing to the OOTB locations on my C: drive, nothing special.
The .dwg files are on my desktop, so there's no network sharing issue.
I tried going through Design Center (ADCENTER). I browsed to the folder containing the .dwg files, right-clicked and selected "Create Tool Palette" or something to that effect. It created an empty palette with no tools.
I've also tried inserting a block from another OOTB palette, no issue. Then whe trying to drag that block back to the tool palettes, it doesn't let me.
Toolbars/Panels are not locked, though I don't think that makes a difference.
Hmm...trying to think what else I've tried...I've Googled for a couple hours now, obviously with no luck.
I have a problem with my tool palettes today. I've created some new blocks and saved them to our server, and i've then opened the design center and found the file location. I then click create tool palette of blocks. The palette displays but no blocks show on it, I've even tried dragging and dropping blocks to it but nothing shows.
I've downloaded the service pack and run a repair but still the same problem. My existing palettes have also had their block images turn into a white squares which need updating before I can see the image.
I changed the Tool Palette file location from where it was looking to a random file then it let me create palettes.
I know how to create a new Palette but I need to populate it with some terminal blocks i use every day, I currently open drawings and copy and paste, How do I add the terminal blocks I created to my custom palette. I have AutoCAD LT 2013
We are using LT 2011 and 2012.My company has cad standards is for everything to be drawn on a snap. All of our blocks are designed with that in mind. Now we want to start using tool palettes to insert our blocks. When we have tested using tool palettes, with the blocks we have made, sometimes the block will drag into the drawing to snap and sometimes it wont. I have also read online that tool palettes blocks will not go to snap at all. We have seen it work (sometimes).
I am currently creating templates for my drawings in order to standardise their use which includes the creation of templates, multileader styles, text styles etc... and placing them in custom tool palettes. I am also looking to add standard blocks such as fasteners and steel sections to my tool palettes however this has thrown a bit of a curveball. Basically I want all the blocks that I place in the tool palettes to move with the .dwt file I have created. At the moment it would appear that the source of the block is within the filing structure of the computer as apposed to just the template file it is placed in. Is there anyway to resolve this, or have the blocks so that they are stored within the template so that if the template is moved onto say a stand alone laptop elsewhere the blocks that appear in the tool palettes would go with the dwt file?
I just made myself another toolpalette, and the icons/images don't show up.Well, none of the icons/images show up except for the Junction Box (J with a circle around it.)I found that the Junction Box block is the only one that is NOT Annotative. All the other ones are ANNOTATIVE (as they should be.)
In Windows Explorer, it looks like images were saved for each new block I inserted into the toolpalette, but the images are blank except for the Junction Box of course. Is there a special way you have to put your Annotative blocks into a toolpalette so the icon/image shows up??
Is there a way to insert CAD blocks into the Multiline text editor, much like you are able to insert a block into a Table.
I am asking for the sole purpose of Plan Notes. When we lay out Plan Notes originally we place the note bubble next to the line of text it represents. When we have to come back at a later time and edit the mtext, sometimes add a line our users are in a rush and forget to re-align the note bubbles with the text. If there was a way to insert the block into the text editor and have it still be able to edit it.
Is this a feature in 2013?
AutoCAD MEP 2013 Window 7 pro 64 bit E5440 (8 CPU) ~2.8ghZ 16GB RAM NVIDIA QUADRO FX 3500 2270MB
I have updated the drawing file with the paper templates which has the paper sizes as blocks. I have deleted the Paper template palette and gone via the design center to create the updated tool palette which should have the updated paper template blocks. For some reason it is still inserting the old blocks even though the new source file has the amended details.
I have a drawing with some annotative blocks. ie Block name "BAR'.
If I insert another drawing (mostly old v2000 files) as a block which also contains blocks named "BAR" (which of course are non-annotative) the Blocks do not show up.
Is there any way to get arround this? Idealy I would like the old file inserted and have the annotion scale of the blocks in the inserted dbg set to the current scale.
Recently switched from AutoCAD 2006 to AutoCAD 2012, I have hatch patterns set up for different area, with scale, layer, etc., when inserted using the Tool Palette. Never had an issue with it, but in 2012 it doesn't seem to work. Instead of inserting the hatch with the layer specified in the tool palette, it assigns the hatch pattern whatever layer was used when hatching a previous area, using the hatch dialog box.
So I am trying to create a TP that has a few commands on it... the problem is I dont know where to start in order to make everything available to the others on my network...
I have created a new GROUP, dragged a palette into that group, made my commands, and they work on my PC... but how do I get them all so everone can see them. Exporting the "command tool samples" and importing it as "My layers" works, but the name is still command tool samples and breaks the actual command tool samples...
tool palettes from a directory called ACAD2008 to ACAD2012. Tool palettes can't find the associated blocks because the support path still points to the ACAD200 Directory.
Is there a way to "globally" change the associated path? There are too many blocks to think about changing each one manually.
Whenever I insert a block into my drawing from the Tool Palette, Autocad creates a Text Style and Dimension Style,both named Annotative. This happens on any drawing, with any block.
I can purge them after the block has been inserted. They are NOT nested in the blocks. I have tried recreated the tool. Nothing seems to be working.
I'm trying to save blocks to a new tool palette and it won't let me.
I'm doing everything I've always done. Right click on the tool palette, click "new palette" then change the name.
the new tab appears on the tool palette. I go then to drag the block from my drawing to the newly made palette.
As I drag over the tool palette with block, the black line appears on the palette as it should, but when I drop it to the palette its not there. I can drag and drop that same block to any of the other tabs on the tool palette whether it's a default one or one that I've made previously. I've done this process a thousand times, it always worked without a problem. All of a sudden it doesn't. I havent made any changes to my pc or os except for the microsoft updates.
I've also tried to load the blocks from design center to the new palette, no success!
I've checked to make sure tool palettes are saving to the right file....
C:Documents and Settingsuser nameApplication DataAutodeskAutoCAD 2011R18.1enusupportTool PalettePalettes
and they are not read only!
I'm running Windows XP Pro, never had any issues until now.
Is there an patch or update to fix this
Is there something I'm missing
It's very frustrating, when you can't work on a project the way your used to
I have a problem in Autocad2011model space when I drag blocks from the tool palette they disappear. The block initially appears when I grab it and drag it across the model space. Then when I go to insert it in position on the drawing as per normal it then vanishes. If I insert the same blocks using the 'insert block' method the blocks insert normally.
I am new to this company, we manufacture and build panelised buildings. We are 3 users in the drawing office, we all have Pallettes set up in ACAD and our pallettes all reference the same block files on the server.
We do Data extraction when we move into the production phase of any project and we extract all block information into Excel.
The problem is that when these blocks were made very little thought went into the naming of them. So now when ACAD produces a list of the blocks on the drawing I have electrical, plumbing, fittings etc all mixed together, making it time consuming to sort through them and put them together in their separate spreadsheets.
What I am hoping to do is go through our library of blocks and rename them all, simply giving them a single letter prefix at the start of the file name IE E - Single plug, P - Tap, D - 826 Door etc. The problem is obviously if I rename them then all 3 users have to reassign each individual block again to their palettes.
After 20 years of using Autocad thought it time to get serious about putting all my symbolslocks on palettes. Went to design center, selected a folder and right clicked to get "Create Tool Palette of Blocks". Creates a black palettes but no block tools ?
All symbolslocks are individual files. I'm using ACA 2014.
I thought when you created a tool pallet with blocks on a certain layer and put them in your drawing that the block would be placed on the layer it was created on? When I put a block that was created on 0 layer it will insert on my current layer? These blocks are on a network and I am the only one that has rights to modify them.
I am creating new tool palettes for lab equipment blocks. I was able to create a new palette and drag and drop blocks into it. When I go to create other palettes I am unable to drag and drop blocks into them. I am able to drag and drop into the tool palette I previously created and then drag and drop into the new palette.
But when I shut off Autocad and reopen the new palettes disappear. How can I create a new tool palette and it works, then create other tool palettes and I can not drag and drop to it? I am using Autocad Architecture 2013.
New to using VBA with AutCAD. On my drawing I have to plot some line which I am able to plot using VBA. But when it comes to delete those lines, I have to do it manually. So gave a try to BLOCKS.
When I run the macro, I get following error -Run-time error - 2145320929(802100f)
I am trying to insert some blocks that i read from CSV file. I am reading the values for X and Y position from a CSV file and inseting blocks with this values in AutoCAD.
I just created a dynamic block for our rev clouds, cause they're annoying to draw.
For some reason when I insert it, it is automatically inserting at 0,0. Why is it doing that? Also, if I put it into a Tool Palette (my boss just discovered these, so I'm creating a whole bunch for the company... those things are AWESOME) and when I use the Tool Palette, it works just fine.
Now, this won't be a problem as long as everyone uses the TP's I'm creating, but we have one Engineer in particular that's a toolbag and doesn't seem to remember to use all the stuff I spend all this time researching and programming.
I use the following code to create blocks in AutoCAD 2013. When the user goes to insert this block, the insert command does not show a preview of the block when moving the mouse to locate it, and it comes in exploded. This was working at one point, but something changed. Is there some setting in AutoCAD or through the API that would cause this behavior?
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Point3d p1 = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); Point3d p2 = new Point3d(10, 0, 0); Point3d p3 = new Point3d(10, 10, 0); using (Transaction Tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) [code]....
In our company we have a Tool Palette guru. She has READ/WRITE privileges to a Tool Palettes Development folder on our network. When she has an update to share with the masses, a network admin goes into the Tool Palettes Development folder and moves the corresponding files and folders to Tool Palettes folder where all CAD users have only READ access. All users point to the Tool Palettes folder on the network as well as a folder on tehor local machine so they can create their own custom Tool Palettes.
We have several users that have to reload their Tool Palettes every time they login to their workstation. Also, whenever a user logins to a different workstation, the Tool Palettes images have to be reloaded manually.I'm thinking there has to be a way so that
1) once the Tool Palettes are loaded for a user they don't have to be reloaded and 2) we don;t have to reload the Tool Palettes images when a user changes workstations.