AutoCAD 2010. I was editing a block in the block edit screen and it wouldnt save the block. My screen froze and I had to reboot the computer. Now when I open the drawing it is still in the block edit screen and I cant get out of it.
i use autocad lite 2012 and it works fine except for when i edit a block (either block editor or block in place) when i open the block i can edit it fine but then when i go to close the block and save changes my computer will usually lag and most likely autocad will crash. i then lose all the work that i did in the block. i don't know how to fix this problem but it takes time out of the day. and always have to redo the work.
sometimes editing the block will only lag when it closes for after 10 seconds and other times it never goes back to the model and cad crashes
a side note is that i tried REFEDIT and the same problem still happens.
I will double click into a dynamic block to edit it in Block Editor. None of the blocks dynamic attributes will show up. Then I try to exit the block using either "bclose" or by clicking "Close Block Editor" and get this message: "bclose command only allowed in block editor". Um... hello Autocad, I'm in the block editor.
My only option at this point is to close the file... CAD politely asks me if I want to save my changes, and unfortunately I made the mistake of saying yes the first time this happened. If I choose to save the changes, when I re-open the CAD file it will only be the block that I was editing! It purges everything else in the file (and it is apparent that it only saved the block b/c my file size is much smaller than the original). The backup file is also only the blocks information, b/c CAD believes it is saving correctly. My other choice is to not save, and lose all of my changes since the last save or since the last autosave.
I was in Block Editor and when I hit the save changes button it closed my drawing. Now when I open the drawings, the only thing in it is the block, but it is exploded. I can not find any of the information that was in the drawing. The file size is still 1.3 MB. I would have to lose the 3 hours of work I have done and go to a previous version file of the drawings I was in.
I discover synchronizing the attribute block does not work. Say I want to change the value E16 to E16a in block editor and after synchronizing the attribute does not change. What worse is that if I erase one attribute E16, then synchronize, the other attribute value (E18, E8) change to a different number (E16, E18*) . Attached is an example dwg.
I got a problem in my .dwg drawing. When I go to Block Editor of my drawing , I get some unexpected text like below screeshot (red marked) which disturb my afterwards activities. How can I make them off?
my "block editor settings" dialog box won't show up wether i try to access it via command line, options, or the block editor. everything else disables like it should be running..... but no dialog box?
Is it just me or do the actions associated with parameters disappear on occasion from the block editor? Sometimes a regen will make them reappear, other times not. Closing/opening the block editor is one way to make them visible again (worked a few times at least).
This was originally posted under 2009 - but I have this issue in 2010!
The old post was: Block Editor Posted: Aug 1, 2008 7:01 PM
When I go into block editor, edit the block then close it out. My cursor is really jerky in model space. Especially bad when I go into a command and try to select something. The only way to get rid of the jerkiness is to close auto cad and restart it. Is there anyway to cure this?
I have 2010 and am experiencing this exact same problem. It is intermittent and will sometimes 'go away' after a few minutes. Block editing is definitely related as a cause. I use SDI = 1 predominantly and it seems to be session independent. In other words one drawing session is experiencing the problem but jumping to another concurrent session exhibits no issues.
Task manager shows off the chart 99% plus on process ACAD when it is occurring.
Palette transparency is off globally. I have installed the latest NVidia driver for my Quadro NVS 285 video card. I am running a 3GHz P4 with 4 Gigabytes of ram - Dell Precision 380 workstation. Block Editor background color is default.
Restarting AutoCAD does make it go away - for the moment - but it is soon back. Even closing all tool palettes has no effect.
This does seem to be drawing specific - 2010 seems to be sensitive to something in older drawing blocks - prototype drawings from hotel vendors for instance - most likely inherited from a third party DXF process exhibit the issue heavily - and blocks from these drawings to a lesser degree. I have to constantly purge, audit, and wblock/replace my drawings to keep them clean. My default file type is 2010 which 'seems' to work, but it still happens. Audits show constant drawing errors cropping up, and repeating an audit, shows the same errors until a wblock replace is performed.
We've just started using an attribute in a dynamic block and I'm curious if there is a faster way to edit the text, like how you just click outside the dtext or mtext editor to save and exit. the editor.
We only need to edit the value field, not any of the other attritubes. I really like how the dynamic block is saving us some time, but the outdated editor is really irritating, and it's not always convenient to hit Tab then Enter on the keyboard.
Is there perhaps an alternate editor, or a way I can edit the value text in the mtext editor by default rather than opening up the Enhanced Attribute Editor?
I have created a bock in ACAD 2011 LT. I then save the block using the command line or ribbon button then immediately try to close the block editor without moving or changing anything. A dialog appears saying the changes have not been saved to the block and would I like to save? If I say no don't save my changes and reopen the block the changes have in fact been saved.
My question is there a way to get around this dialog box -Suppress it like FILEDIA = 0 for block editor or an option so it doesn't ask me to save.
The goal is to do this all from the command line w/ out dialog boxes.
I have an existing title block a few text attributes, to which I wish to add a watermark. I have added it in the block editor as a normal attribute, with the same details as the other attributes that work, only a different tag name. It has a default value, "DRAFT" and is tagged "WMARK". It works fine in the Block Editor, and If I test the block I can edit it to display whatever I want, but if I save the block and open it from Autocad proper, the attribute is not in existence, either as a default value, or editable from block properties, attribute editor or title block editor, whereas all of the other attributes are there. I have used BattMan to verify the settings of the attribute, and the only difference is that the others all have "L" in the "Modes" column, but I think that means that their position is "locked" whereas my new attribute is justified "aligned" therefore cannot be "locked" (This is some assumption on my part, as the documentation on the "Modes" column is almost non-existent). I cannot afford to waste much more time on this issue, as the boss is breathing down my neck, but editing watermarks on every drawing after every revision is frustrating, when it could be an attribute that is editable from the title block editor.
My drawing- block is a little bit complicated, it contains few actions and parameters and everytime i open block editor to add, or to modify some action I can't see my drawing because actions grips and parameters grips obscure my drawing. I tried to refresh layout but it doesn't work.
I was in process of editing a block in "block editor" mode. I saved the dwg and exit instead of saving the block, exit block editor and then exit the dwg. When I opened again the dwg what I see on display is just the block. How to close the block and open the entire dwg?
I'm trying to add some attributes to an existing block using the block editor, but after I save and close it I cannot see any 'placeholders' despite adding a default value and the attributes work fine when I double click the block.
I've tried using the ATTSYNC and BATTMAN commands but nothing works and there are no invisibility states applied to either the attribute or block and all layers are switched on.
I just tried making a quick block from scratch and it seems to have the same affect, except the default value will show, but no 'placeholder' shown if left blank.
I swear with previous version I could see the tag when a value hadn't been applied, so is it that the version I now use (2012) does not have this feature or it's disabled?
I have several blocks saved as separate .DWGs, some of which are dynamic. I want to review and test these blocks, but I can't find a way to open the existing block definitions in the Block Editor without first inserting the blocks into a drawing.
I'm editing a title block using the Block Editor. Unfortunatelly after closing the block editor the linse & Polylines reflect the changes apported in nodel space, but the text did not mouve?
It has happened repeatedly, but on different occasions, that the close file X that should be in the top right position of the drawing has vanished. In other drawings that are open at the same time the X in present...Switching between drawings often brings the X back, but this is a weird bug that was not present before the 2012 release.
I am building finished piping assemblies from a collection of smaller parts I have been creating and saving with WBLOCK. I found a mistake on one of my parts(I needed to rotate a piece of pipe). Because the sub-part was part of the complete assembly, I could not rotate the sub-part independently so I opened the block in the block editor. Apparently, and this was my original question, UCS commands do not work in the block editor. The result of this fact was that I could not rotate the sub-assembly in the direction it needed to go. So first question: Can the UCS be moved in the block editor?It focused on exploding blocks that would not explode. I thought if I could simply explode the block back into its component parts, I could rotate the sub-assembly. This is where everything went to hell.
I am not even sure what happened but now I have a new definition of the block that will still not explode, references itself, includes other parts I don't want and is just generally making me PDM. I figure it will be easier to just delete the entire block and redraw the components rather than trying to fix my mess. I did try the undo command but it apparently will not undo the changes to the block definition. Second question: How do I remove all traces of a block saved with BLOCK and WBLOCK so I can start fresh?
Third question: I will not create another block until I learn more about them. Any reference related to intelligent block creation?
I haven't reviewed the recommended posts, but just a quick question. I am in the 'Dynamic Block Editor' command. I am trying to add a stretch application to the block (a simple section flag), and I have success up until the point where I save and go back into the drawing. There I do not get a pull-down tab and it will not allow me to stretch where I have defined the block through the 'Parameters' and 'Actions' tabs.
After I edit a block in the block editor, It regens to a blank black screen. Then I have to zoom extents and zoom back to where the block is. Is this normal? I would think it'd be better if it just put you back to where you were working. I understand the regen probably is necessary to change all the blocks that need to be updated. Just wonder why it puts you to a blank space.
I am currently using Autocad 2011 and my block editor suddenly won't open this morning... I have tried the blockeditlock to open it but nothing happens when I change the setting (0 or 1).