After Effects :: Exporting An Uncompressed Movie Out Of CS3

May 20, 2013

I just upgraded to Mtn Lion from Snow Leopard.  One difference is I used to be able to export a QT movie out of AE that was uncompressed.  Now that option is gone, have to compress it with one of the many options. I have a sound added so I can't export stills.  The uncompressed will give me more options as i create different formats.

Quicktime installed 10.2
Mac OS 10.8.3 and 7
After Effects CS3

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After Effects :: Uncompressed Codec Won't Output Audio

Oct 15, 2013

I've had an issue over the last couple weeks with Ae CC where any time I output to uncompressed (audio) codec, no audio is attached.  I've verified that my output module was set to Audio Output On.  Bringing the file into Pr or back into Ae shows that there is no audio track, even though the setting should have at least made a silent audio track.  This happens regardless of the audio format in my composition (.wav, .aif, .mp3), and seems to only occur with uncompressed codec.  

Ae CC v12.0.0.404
Windows 7 64-bit

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Premiere Pro :: Quality Not The Same After Exporting Movie Made Up Of JPG Images

Feb 6, 2014

Basically I made an animation sequence on Autodesk Maya and rendered the sequence as 2000 jpeg images each representing 1 frame, put it in one folder and on Adobe Premiere imported and dragged the folder into the timeline to make a moving image so in other words my video is made up of hundreds of jpg images.
Now on the editor it all looks HD and fine but when I export it via file > export > media, in order to match the sequence to the screen I must click on 'match sequence settings' which will snap the whole movie into the window rather than have it widescreen and once I do this I can't modify anything else such as codec, etc (codec is automatically set as MPEG -Frame and the output automatically is mpeg), is this normal? Why is it mpeg ajnd not avi...
So once I export the video with these settings (image uploaded) the quality is ok but not as good as what I see in the Premeire editor, why? What can I do to improve the quality?
On the other hand if I don't click on match to sequence settings and personally customise the paramaters such as avi, I use max settings for many things but after exporting my picture quality actually goes worse compared tomatch to sequence settings? (which has less parameters)
Why is this happening, all my jpeg images are high quality 720p and I should just be able to export it as normal...
I am trying to make a cut-scene to get into Unity so the codec is important as well.
How can I make my video best quality as possible being mpeg or avi? What settings do I need to play with?

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After Effects :: Why Won't Render Whole Movie

May 28, 2013

I got a simple comp in after effects. Its just some text and a picture noe videos.  But i do got some effects, on the text and the picture im using :
Twitch in the twitch effect manuel , i am using "Bad disortion" And im using the wiggler, in the mid of the clip.
On the text i am also using twitch. I suppose is the same , which effect it is on the text. Cause it just a effect for a really short time.
So the whole project movie its about 48 sec long. But when i render it to mov , it just renders 3 second. So i can only watch 3 seconds of my mov.
Computer specs :
Macbook pro Retina 15.  
Processor : 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7 
Memory : 8GB 1600Mhz DDR3 
Graphics : Nvidia GeForce GT650M 1024mb 
Software : OS X 10.8.3

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After Effects :: Possible To Have A Movie In Its Time In Footage Panel Independent Of Timeline

Feb 13, 2014

I have some very long movies and want to insert some short parts of it in the timeline.So i open the movie in the footage panel mark in and out point and press ovelay insert to insert this part in the timeline.Next time i open the same movie in the footage panel to mark the next part i want to insert in the timeleine, my timeline  playhead jumps to the time where my playhead of the footage panel is in this clip. is it possible to unlink the footage panel and the Timeline?

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Lightroom :: Unable To See Effects After Exporting Picture

Sep 2, 2013

from last two days, i am unable to see the effects after exporting the picture.

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After Effects :: Exporting Motion Tracking (Becomes Out Of Position)

Mar 19, 2014

I am motion tracking a logo out of my clip by using simple motion tracking.  The shot is a bit shakey but the tracker does a pretty good job, then afterwards to be certian I am going through frame by frame to ensure the entire logo is blurred out.  (Its fairly big). And doing minor adjustments if need be. 
After rendering the clip in my composition window and watching it, its plays through nicely, exacly how I want it. 
The I hit (Command M) to "Make Movie" and render my clip out.  I use "Best Settings" and render it out, the issue here is that when it is rendering, my blur becomes out of place and does NOT follow the logo like it should be.  It jumps around, it dosent completely leave the logo, and jump all over the screen, but it makes the logo clealy visible. But it somewhat follows the logo across the screen in a horizintal matter, but does not stay in place like how the motion tracker/I set it to be.
This is weird to me because I have blurred out several things in the film using the same method already, and for some reason this one is just not working. 
I am on MAC OSX 10.9.2

Running Creative Suite CS5

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Premiere Pro :: Audio Effects Not Exporting Properly

Feb 6, 2014

I'm working with the denoiser filter cleaning up some audio in an interview. In the timeline the audio sounds clean but on the export certain clips revert to their non-denoised state. It seems to happen with the same couple clips and I have tried unlinking and relinking the media, outputting audio only, outputting just pieces of the timeline and, of course, restarting my machine. There are lots of other clips in the timeline using the same filter and they sound fine 

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After Effects :: Audio Sample Rate When Exporting?

Dec 30, 2013

I am having an issue with my audio sample rate. For some reason it is set at 8 khz by defualt when I am exporting. This was not an issue until the latest update (2 weeks ago). I'll try and give all the info I can up front. Also I tried customer support...
Ok the issue I am addressing is that the audio sample rate when exporting is at 8khz by default. Which to my knowledge has NO relevant use what so ever. Even when I set the file format to h.264 it insists on resetting to 8khz. Even if I manually set everything look at the render queue and click on output module again it changes the sample rate back to 8 khz automatically which I must adjust again. Why can it not just be set at 48000 like every other adobe product is and like it used to be two weeks ago.

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After Effects :: Sound Is Missed After Importing And Exporting In CS5?

Dec 8, 2013

1) After importing any video to After Effects CS5 , the SOUND is missed as well as import also. The problem arises after import.

2) While moving Current Time Indicator and selection of colours , the preview is not shown although preview is ticked. after selecting colour and clicking ok only the colour is applied. and after placing  the time indicator at a any place only it shows, but video is played from preview bar on RHS.

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After Effects :: Not Getting An Option Of Exporting In MPEG4 Format?

Apr 8, 2014

I am not getting an option of exporting in mpeg 4 format? Infact when I am rendering in AVI file the size of the file is extremely huge. Need reducing the file size & exporting in MPEG4 format.

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After Effects :: CC QuickTime Error On Importing / Exporting / Rendering (OS X)

Jul 11, 2013

I keep getting errors when importing Quicktime files (no matter what the codec is) and when exporting/rendering, (see attached screenshot for error on importing).
Error during rendering (after 10-15 seconds) is:

After Effects error: Rendering error while writing file "xxx". An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)
The only solution I found it's to close and restart AE CC. Yesterday I also got a couple of crashes when rendering.

CS6 was working perfectly, error began to appear when I started working on CC.

I have Apple pro apps installed, quicktime is updated. I mainly export in lossless, photo-jpeg or png sequence.

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After Effects :: Why Cineware Not Exporting Camera Data To C4D Lite

Oct 28, 2013

I have a live shot that I have 3D Camera Tracked using the built in AE plugin. I select 'Create new Camera and Solid'. AE creates a new 3d tracked camera and a solid. I save my comp. I go to 'File-Export-Maxon C4D', and create a new .c4d file. I import that file to AE, and put it in my comp. I go to 'Edit--Edit Original...'. C4D Lite opens up. I can see a new null, with a plane and camera inside. Everything looks great, but the camera has no animation on it. Upon closer inspection, I realize that none of the keyframes from my AE camera have been exported to my C4D camera.
I've tried exporting a new camera to C4D in as many ways as I can think of. The other strange thing was that the 'Merge Camera' button in the Cineware plugin in AE is grayed out, no matter how many new cameras I make. I've even made my own cameras and animated them without using the 3d Tracker plugin and it never exports correctly. I've also tried reinstalling C4D Lite.

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After Effects :: Opacity Level Changing When Exporting Text With Alpha

Apr 10, 2014

I have animated text where some words are black at 50% opacity and some words are white at full opacity.  They are on a textured background.  I need to give the other editors a version of the text married to the background and one that is just text with an alpha.  When I export it and bring it into Premiere, the "married" version looks fine, but the black in the version of the text with alpha appears more transparent.  I can fix this by changing the blend mode to Hard Light or Luminosity, but this alters the color of the white text slightly (and I should note that the blend mode in AE was normal).  I can of course work around this by exporting my black and white text separately.
I am working on AE CC (ver12) and Premiere CC (ver7)

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After Effects :: Adding Layer That Has Different Aspect Ratio Or Exporting Transparencies?

Aug 19, 2013

CS6 on Windows 8
I have a project that is currently in 720x534. I would like to add a layer behind it that has the same height, but is wider and I don't want to mess up all the layers that are done in 720x534.
If I try to change the composition settings, it stretches out my original work.
I've tried creating a new project with the wider composition setting and simply importing the original video to layer over top. That works, except that I lose the transparencies of the original.
How can I either add a layer to a project that has a different aspect ratio without affecting the other layers OR export a video with transparencies.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Uncompressed TIFF Files Appear Particularly Large

Feb 22, 2013

In general, I save my documents as uncompressed TIF files. On a recent project I have noticed that the files being created appear particularly large and are significantly bigger than the size indicated in the status bar.
An example:
Document is 16-bit RGB with Background layer, copy of background layer, a new layer that contains a small amount of retouching work and 3 curve adjustment layers.
Status bar shows Doc 223.3M/502.1M.
Saved file size as uncompressed TIF is 1.22 GB. This would seem rather large to me, considering how many layers are in use. Perhaps I have just overlooked the size of files generated before. I do note that deleting unused layer masks reduces the size of the saved file to about 989MB.
I saved the file as a PSD for comparison and the resulting file is 611.7 MB (with Maximize Compatibility turned on).
So, I am wondering if the above is considered normal and, if so, what the second figure in the status bar shows? Does the size displayed in the status bar refer to the document size when saved as a PSD file (rather than uncompressed TIF), is it merely an approximation of the saved file size, or do have an issue with my installation of Photoshop?
For information, I am using Photoshop CS 6 Extended (13.1.2) on OS X 10.8.2. Forgot to add that I am not using any smart objects.

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Photoshop :: CC Uncompressed EXR File Size Is Huge

Aug 27, 2013

I'm used to working with older versions of Photoshop CS, where I 'just save' exr with no options. This previously resulted in file sizes half that of .hdr. In this latest version if I choose to save uncompressed (which I assumed the old versions of Photoshop did?) the file size is a good 10x larger than they used to be. If I save as zlib or wavelet, they're similar size (a fair bit less than a .hdr).
What did the old Photoshop use for compression? Or how can I find out? I don't remember my old exrs taking so long to compress and save either (with zlib) but I might be wrong.

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Photoshop :: Promoted That Document Is Large (over 2GB) Yet Uncompressed Is Under 1GB PSCC

Nov 24, 2013

I've had the prompt in CS6 but the actual document was nearly 3GB. I'm working on a composite and the side indicated at the bottom is 840.5MB, well under the 2GB limit.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Difference Between Uncompressed And Legacy Configuration

Jan 29, 2013

When creating a new project, what's the difference between "uncompressed" and "legacy configuration?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Colour Shift On Importing RGB Uncompressed QT

Jun 25, 2012

I have a job done in Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack and exported an RGB uncompressed QT. I can pull this pack into the same software version on any of the other 14 Smoke on macs I have and it is exactly the same as the original. I have installed the new bug fixed Smoke 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack2 and this same clip comes in with a large colour shift. The whole image is about 10% darker! I have exported the same clip as YUV2 uncompessed QT and also a TARGA sequence and pulled these into both software versions and it is identical to the origianl. NO CLOLOUR SHIFT.

I also have 2013 beta version and I'm getting the same colour shift.

Have you done something to the colour management of RGB Uncompressed QT's in your newer software releases.

All my masters source files have been RGB uncompressed QT's for years and this is now causing big concerns.

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Photoshop :: Saving Same Image As LZW Compressed And Uncompressed Tiff Files?

Oct 11, 2012

I am working on a project that requires saving my image files as uncompressed tiff files and then saving another copy using LZW compression and being stored on a different drive. I am scanning a large quantity of herbarium specimens one after the other and then saving these files on two different drives.

Because I am working  on a Windows pc it defaults to saving the file as the same type and in the same place as the previous one. As a matter of efficiency I just save the file in the proper form for whatever drive I was last on then save the next one in the form it needs to be for the other drive - alternating back and forth.

My question is: If I save the original scan as an LZW compressed file first and then "save as" a second copy as an uncompressed Tiff. Is there any loss in image quality saving a LZW compressed to to an uncompressed form. Should I always save the original file in it's uncompressed form first? Does the file remain totally intact in Photoshop regardless of what gets saved first…

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Lightroom :: File Format For External Editing - Uncompressed 16 Bit TIFFs

Jun 23, 2012

I shoot in raw and typically edit files as ProPhoto uncompressed 16-bit TIFFs. It's been a while since I set that as my default and I can't remember what the tradeoffs were for compression and even PSD vs. TIFF. Is there a handy reference to inform these choices?

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Photoshop :: Unable To Prevent Uncompressed Compatibility Image Being Saved In 32-bpc Docs

Aug 19, 2012

Ps CS6
OS X 10.6.8
There seems always to be an uncompressed compatibility image in 32-bit PSD and PSB, and in 32-bit layered TIFF. That's regardless of Maximum Compatibility being disabled when saving. If Maximum Compatibility is enabled, there correctly is an uncompressed composite in the file. 
If Maximum Compatibility is disabled, there's an overhead equivalent to an uncompressed image with the document's size. I reckon the all-white compatibility image is uncompressed! If any image should be compressed, that surely is it. What a ridiculous waste of storage space. An unnecessary consumption of hundreds of MB per document in many cases.
This uncompressed compatibility image would explain why an embedded 32-bit PSB which stores the IBL of a 3D Layer consumes the enormous storage of a large uncompressed 32-bit image despite it being compressible to a few hundred KB.

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Premiere Pro :: Export Clips With Uncompressed Sound Only Allows Single Audio Track?

Mar 17, 2014

I am exporting dailes clips.We record dual system and there are two different audio levels - on the two different channels.However, when I export a clip from Premiere and set the audio option tol the uncompressed codec it defaults to a "single track" audio layout with no option to change.  However, if i change the codec to AAC or any other I am allowed to chose whether I want a single mono track or a stereo track.
Additionally - if that single uncompressed track is an amalgamation of my original two tracks - or if it has just defaulted to one or the other.

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Photoshop :: AVP Movie

Jan 22, 2005

ive seen the new AVP movie in theaters....i like the "AVP" text that they made for the movie....could i make this text inside photoshop...ive learned a lot about photoshop but ive got a lot to learn yet could someone giv me a quick tutorial...heh heh.....about making special effects for text....cuz thers no font that is like that (AVP) is ther?

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Photoshop :: Movie And Gif

Mar 13, 2004

how can I take a movie clip and change it to gif file..?

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Photoshop :: Movie To GIF

Jul 13, 2006

How do people take a movie clip and turn it into a GIF?

Do you have to just take a ton of screen shots.

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Photoshop :: Movie Star Looks

Feb 20, 2012

I want to create the movie star glow. Take lines out and make the face younger.  How can I do this without buying Portrait Professional.

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Photoshop :: How To Open A Movie In CS5

Jul 26, 2012

I'm trying to make an animated gif. 
I've tried several ways, but with no results. 
If I drag the .mov file to the CS5 app, I get the message:  "Could not complete your request because Photoshopdoes not recognize this type of file."
If I try to open from CS5, it does not "see" it as a readable file it can open.
If I try to open from Bridge, it does not list CS5 as an app that will open it.
Using 10.7.4, 2x2.66 GHz 6-core Intel Xeon, with 27GB of DDR3.
Repaired permissions prior to all this.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Saving Movie As WMV?

Aug 29, 2012

New Vs pro x4 user here.

I would like to save my movies as WMV files at a size of 640x480 . I found a template in the movie templates manager that has the size , however try as I might I cannot get to save the file at around 500mb's . it keeps saving the file at around 120 mbs how to adjust the save file size

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Photoshop :: Movie Theater?

Feb 15, 2006

to get that blue glow of a movie theater to actually appear real? specific colors or tricks?

Ive been playing with lighting effects mostly, something else that I might not have stumbled upon yet?

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