After Effects :: CS6 Rendering Takes Forever?
Mar 3, 2014
I am currently working on After Effects CS6 and I'm wondering why it takes a long time for me to render a composition. I am not sure if the problem is with the mac that i am using or with the settings i have on AE. When I render the composition of 21 seconds video with 1080p 29.97fps it takes 5 hours and eralier i triend rendering again and it takes 7 hours. is this normal?
I am using Mac with this spe
Processor 2 x 2.4 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Memory 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ECC
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB
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Dec 24, 2013
I've noticed this with several other Adobe apps, but it seems to happen with Illustrator the most, it takes forever to shut it down. Why is it such a chore and a resource hog for this program to just close? Half the time, I need to use the Windows Task Manager to just force the program to close, because it's slowing down my system, and I don't have all afternoon to wait around.
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Aug 9, 2012
I hit Print. It takes at leas t10 secs... then if I change the number of copies, go into print settings, it takes another 30 secs..Photoshop cs4 and 5 do this.
Windows XP 64
Dual Quad Core
8gb ram
plenty of HD space this happens with numberous files and printers... we have several HP 1050c plotters, Sharp printers, etc..
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Aug 6, 2008
Just as the title says, every time i start photoshop CS2 (latest update) (windows xp) the first image always takes a long time to load (e.g. 30 seconds) no matter the image or how long i give photoshop to load first.
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May 22, 2009
I'm running CS4 in XP on a fast system with plenty of RAM. The last few weeks, loading up is taking a looong time. The start-up screen shows "reading preferences" for 2 - 3 minutes most times. I've re-set and trashed my preferences file with no change. I've also removed all plug-ins, also with no change. Once PS is up, it works normally. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Apr 11, 2013
Why does it take so long for illustrator to save a file when InDesign seems so much quicker?
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Feb 3, 2014
We are working in a shared storage environment with 4 editors runnig Premiere Pro CC. We set up a Master Project with all the raw media, then split it between 2 editors to sync and create rough assemblies. Afterwards, we need to import the assembly sequences into the master project. I select a bin, Import a project file, select "Selected Sequences", Dynamic Link shows that it's connected to the project, then it takes 10+ minutes (I wish this were an exaggeration) to "load" to project so that I can choose the sequence(s) I want to import. This is even more frustrating when I import a sequence and it brings in duplicate Master Clips, forcing me to go back to the project and figure out what has change with the interpretation of the clips. Is there any way to speed this process up? Projects contain 5000 - 10,000 media elements.
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Sep 25, 2013
Installed Elements 10 on Win 7 64 bit laptop that is plenty powerful.Created a shortcut to launch Elements directly from the directory it installed in. It can take several minutes to open, if it does. Have tried Run as Admin, no difference. Sometimes nothing happens and I have to try several times to get it open. Once open I went to Preferences and turned off all Media Analysis, and all Third Party things and anything else that might be slowing it. Only imported about 50 files into the album, and it still takes so long to open I can't tell it is even trying.
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Sep 4, 2012
when I first start LR4, loading the Book, Slideshow, Map and to a lesser extent, Web modules take forever. Especially the Book module - it takes a good 25-30 seconds to load. Once it's loaded it's fine. I've been told everything from "that's normal" to there's something wrong with my computer.
Laptop Spec's - Spring 2010 15" MBP 2.4 i5 with 8gigs of RAM, 256mb video RAM, 500gig 7500rpm HD.
Other's have reported similar delays (none reaching 25-30 seconds though), where as others don't have any issues at all.
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Apr 2, 2014
Every time need to Print on IdesignCS2 and press the print dialogue it takes for ages before it shows up. I have a feeling that its due to the excessive amount of printer drivers installed. Where can i find them to delete them cause i don't use them!
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Jan 16, 2012
We have a large assembly that we've been trying to get details views off of and it's taking anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to create each detail view. IDW. We're using LOD and derived assemblies as it's 5000+ parts, but Inventor is simply bogging down and sucking system resources in the creation process. I've used every trick in the book that I know, butIt's taken me all day to get one drawing done.
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a fairly simple 3D model in ACAD ARCH 2011. I am rendering it to a viewport on a layout that contains the company border / title block. If I render the model (presentation quality) to model space and send that to the printer (color laser) the print comes out in about 60 seconds or less. However, if I render the same image and quality to the viewport on the layout and send that to the printer, it takes between 10 and 15 minutes for the image to print. The layout is simple - just line workd border and title block. The images are identicla when finally printed.
Why does it take SOOOO much longer to print when with a layout as opposed to not with a layout? The rendering to screen takes the smae amount of time either way - it's just the printing procvess that is bogged down by using a layout.
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Mar 24, 2011
As title says, I create a new Excel Data Link using "Data Link Manager" but it takes forever! If so, how can I get rid of waiting long time when creating/editing a Data Link?
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May 8, 2013
I have recently upgraded to 2013 FDS and now when I try to import Acad files (sometimes up to 2000 solids) it takes virtually a full day to import one file. When I had 2011 I could import these files much faster.
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Nov 24, 2013
I have simple composition that animates a two shapes that I am using as a "screen" to show photos. The shapes are 3D; the camera movement is minimal. I have an Ambient light and two Spot lights.
I am on a one year old i7 processor with 16 GB of RAM. Cache files are written to an SSD.
Still it is taking a long time to render (it's a three minute project and takes about 20+ hours to render), and there's no pics added - just the "screen".
The final project is similar to the many templates you can find that show photos/videos. It's basically a fancy slideshow, but unlike those you can buy, it will hold 25 to 30 pics.
Any thoughts on what I can do to either use something other than a 3D shape (but still keep it 3D) or change parameters or workflow to cut down the render time. . . I am pre-rendering the composition now (which will take the 20+ hours) but obviously, if I want to change anything with the movement or the overall length, it means another day of rendering.
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Jun 21, 2013
I've noticed that After Effects CC takes much longer to save my current project than previously (about 2-3 minutes). I'm used to saving quite often so this is slowing down my workflow.
The project was imported from AE CS6. I've tried starting a new project and importing the previous one manually (instead of a conversion). Same lag.
All unused footage has been taken out and the footage has been consolidated.
The AE CS6 project file and AE CC file are about 15mb so CC is not any bigger.
There are about 50 files in Arri Raw 3K, the rest is in DPX and ProRes 1080p.
I'm working from a Macbook Pro Retina 16GB Ram and all media and cache are on an external Lacie Big Disk thunderbolt Raid SSD.
My impression is that AE CC is indexing all the files before saving so it's going through all the RAW sequenced files. This could slow down the saving process quite a lot.
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Apr 20, 2013
Is there a reason that After Effects keeps crashing and only getting to a certain render point when pressing "0"? If I split projects into different compositions I don't tend to get the same issues, but it's more pain than it's worth spiting one video into 4 parts.
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Jan 13, 2014
I am trying to make about a 7 second clip of some photography (converted into that cool 3D paralax effect) with a lens flare and a CC light rays effect. The damn thing took two hours and was less than halfway done, which seemed extremely long to me. Here is my setup:
i7 4770 (2 processes for system, and 6 for AE, with 2 gigs per process)
Nvidia 760 4bg
32 gigs ram (4 set aside for system and the rest for Creative Cloud stuff)
SSD: system, media cache
HDD: projects, files
Everything else I've tried to render has been reasonable times. For instance 5 minute clips usually take about 15 minutes. I've tried variations of the multiprocessing tab to no avail, and changing the media cache to HDD which didn't work also. Just seems like something is going terrible wrong.
So I guess my question is twofold.
1) How important would it be to get another drive? (I'm between adding one SSD or getting 2 HDD's per my budget, which presents another question of would a 2 SSD, 1 HDD setup be better than a 1 SSD, 3 HDD setup)
2) Do I possibly have something configured wrong?
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Jul 3, 2013
So today I was editing and I finished, so I tried to render it so I can have in a .avi. But once I rendered it I got no errors or nothing. So I went to the desktop were it should have been placed, I loaded it and it didn't render properly after a couple of secs the music stops playing and I didn't get the glow effects or the full edit. How do I fix this tell me if you need sertain information.
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Jan 5, 2014
Any way of creating a glowing object without using the rendering effects.I am trying to create an Acrobat 3D file using Tetra 4D which does not support 3DS Max rendering effects.
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Mar 14, 2013
I was wondering if there was a way for me to render a full composition in Aftereffects as a Photoshop file (1 document) that contains all the layers?
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Mar 28, 2014
why my After Effect render so lousy???When i finish my rendering,the video play very slow and keep stopping....I've tried for many times,but it's still the same result..
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Feb 14, 2013
I downloaded a composition from and hit RAM preview to let it play smooth. Then whetever I move the CTI after that, it de-renders.This has never happend in other compositions I've worked in.
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Jul 9, 2013
just switched from a macPro to a Windows Workstation specs are:
Windows7 with ServicePack1
intel Corei7 3970X
Nividia GeForce GTX680
Using Quicktime Version 7.7.4
so everything runs smoothly till i try Rendering my comp in a .mov-Container Codec doesn't matter which one i take. Tried everything from Fotojpeg to DNXHD to png. Nothing Changes. As soon as i swiitch to avi rendering it's really fast. (Project rendered in 5mins whereas i cancelled the rendering after 15mins when trying to render to QT-Fotojpeg)
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Jan 2, 2014
is there a way to define a sequence of images to be rendered into a movie from the command line, without first creating any composition ? Basically loading media and creating composition by command line or by script ?
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Jun 28, 2013
I have a .wav file in my composition that I see the waveform going across the entire composition. If I grab the first 10 seconds of my composition and hit 0 on the number pad, it correctly plays the audio the entire time. When I render that composition, making sure audio is enabled, it doesn't work. The resulting .mov file plays the audio for the first 5 seconds and then just abruptly stops.
I'm using the Creative Cloud version.
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Mar 26, 2014
I have a fairly basic comp consisting of 3 or 4 3d layers spaced out along the Z axis, two precomps containing some edge lighting effects, a camera, a light, and the troublesome adjustment layer. The adjustment layer only contains some color correction and a flare. I thought perhaps a certain effect may be causing the layer not to render, but i eliminated that possibility by removing the effects i had and trying several other, the layer was still not rendering. I think I have exhausted all of the really simple solutions, nothing is solo'd, all the layers are visible in the preview, the layers are all in the correct order etc.. I can't SS the project right now as I am not at home, but i can tell you that I am working with CS5.5, on windows 8.1, i5 cpu, 8 gigs of ram. The really frustrating part is that a slightly earlier version of the project successfully rendered the adjustment layer and I don't remember changing anything major. Shots in the dark?
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Jul 30, 2013
i have the imac 27 680mx 32gb ram,when i render on cs6 takes very long time, the first one takes 8-10mins,when i do the second time its very fast 30seconds
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Jul 9, 2013
It seams that when editing in After Effects (CS6) despite doing everything i've been told to do i get no audio when editing video clips imported from my digital camcorder. The only audio it seams i can hear in it is an actual song or audio file (MP3) and the worst part is when i render out the video after adding my effect even when i check the audio output box in the Output Module, i keep most render settings the way they are? but i have tried everything that i have seen suggested but nothing seams to work and no matter what i do i cannon manage to get any audio from my finished products unless there is an actual song in it.I must also add that in the Output Module i have tried many formats such as MPEG4, H.26, AVI, WAV, Windows Media and many others, none of them make a difference to the audio, only the quality of the video.
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Dec 9, 2013
However my machine is not using all cores and is rendering very slowly.I have a mac pro running os 10.9, 2 x 2.4 GHz 6-Core, 64GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVidia Quadro 4000 with Cuda version 5.5.28. I've looked for updates, but everything seems to be current. Not sure what I should do?
Fast Draft:Available Texture Memory:1515.00 MBRay-tracing:GPU
Vendor:NVIDIA CorporationDevice:NVIDIA Quadro 4000 OpenGL EngineVersion:2.1 NVIDIA-8.18.22 310.40.05f01Total Memory:2.00 GBShader Model:-CUDA
Driver Version:5.5Devices:1 (Quadro 4000)Current Usable Memory:691.00 MB (at application launch)Maximum Usable Memory:2.00 GB
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Nov 14, 2013
sometimes rendering the RAM-Preview takes some time. while waiting I would like at least to read some articles on the internet. But as soon as I click into an other windows, AE stops rendering.
is there a special setting / workaround to avoid this (user-unfriendly behavior) ?
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