3ds Max :: Using The Import / Replace Feature

Dec 9, 2011

I placed 385 bolts in my scene. I then realized that the bolts were high poly count, so I created a new bolt that was less than half the polys of the original. When I "replace" the 385 bolts in the scene with the new and improved one, MAX replaces them just fine, but all the bolts are facing the same way. Is there a way to tell MAX to look at the rotation of the bolt that need to be replaced and rotate the new bolt the same way?

EDIT: I was wrong. They are not all facing the same way. None are facing the correct way, and they all seem to be offset from where they belong by roughly 3 inches one way and 2 inches another. (I didn't measure....just a guess)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Family Template - Import Part Invalid

Apr 19, 2010

I am using inventor 2010 sp1. I have a content center part that I want to replace the family template. I am having problems doing so on random components. Sometimes it lets me and sometimes not. I cannot pinpoint any differences or irregularities between the different library parts.

I am recieving the message indicating..."Import Part Invalid"

Here is my process

Open from content center and save to another folder with or without the same name.
Open Content Editor
right click and replace family template
Recieve this message. "Import Part Invalid"

Note that i made no changes to the file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Family Template - Import Part Is Invalid

May 13, 2013

I've got an error everytime I try to replace a Family template in my Content Center (I work with Inventor 2011).

I try with a simple part.  Here's the steps:

1- Create a simple part (cube with Width, Height and Depth parameters)

2- Create an iPart with 12 members

3- Publish the part in the Content Center

4- Modify the part (add a column in table)

5- Save

6- Open Content Center Editor and click on Replace Family Template

Got the error: "Import Part is Invalid".

I tried "Save As" instead of "Save" and got the same result.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Import Feature Has Frozen?

Jun 4, 2011

In trying to import image files in CorelDraw X3, I click to select file file to import and Corel freezes showing the hourglass and I get "not responding". It is locked!

All else works fine.  I tried re-install, default reset and looked for any upgrades with no success.  I'm running on XP Professional and SP3.

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Illustrator :: Import Graphics While Using Perspective Feature?

Nov 1, 2013

How does one import graphics into Illustrator while using the perspective feature?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Import SHP File And Create Object Data - Map Feature Annotation

Jul 3, 2012

I have centerline data from SHP file that I can either import or attach to.  Has a few lines of object data with it including a centerline of road name.  Each one unique.  When I attach to the data, I can then "join" with it additional data from a database.  When I select a line and look at the properties, it contains both the original object data AND the additional data from the database.  SO far So good.

When I edit the style and try to add feature labels only part of the labels come in.  I end up with a lot of them with only the letters "text" or just not there.  If I right-click on the line and select "Show Data Table" I can confirm that there is data for that label.  I find nothing in common with the map features that have labels, or don't have labels.  Kind of random.

Question: If I import the SHP file and create object data I need to know if there is a way to "ADD" the rest of my data that is in the database to this object data.  If so then I think I could define a Template and label each piece with the block with attributes.  Is this possible?  OR

Is it possible for me to export to a new SHP file after I have connected to the data (both shp file and database).

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Import Outlook Contact List When Using Share Feature

Sep 15, 2013

I cannot import my Outlook contact list to Photoshop when using the Share feature. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Find / Replace After Export It And Replace Star With A Column

Feb 23, 2012

i have a csv file that has 6 columns, PNEZD and a 6th column which is my notes..i type a star in the data collector after my code, make my note, and then find/replace after i export it and replace star with a column..that gives the desired 6th column in excel that my boss wants....problem is he also wants to see that next to the Full Description in Civil 3d 2012...i tried adding a Point File Format with a 6th Column, User Defined, String for type...named the column Notes...but if i go to edit the point there is no 6th column in the Tool Palette.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Data - Feature Was Not Saved In The Target Feature Source

Jun 16, 2011

I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Feature Labeling - Obscure Feature Symbols

Jul 24, 2012

I am running Autodesk Map3D 2012 and I need to label my feature points no matter if they overlap or not.The Map3D documention refers to a check box that will allow what I believe I need- but I cannot find the checkbox in the style editor. Here's a clip from the Autocad documentation:
To allow labels to obscure points on the selected layer..In the Display Manager , select the point layer. Click the Style button.In the Style Editor, click Allow Other Labels To Obscure Feature Symbols On This Layer.

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Photoshop :: Use The Sharpen Feature And The Unsharp Mask Feature?

Nov 24, 2003

I like to use the sharpen feature and the unsharp mask feature but haven't gotten very good at it. Mostly I'm wondering if there is a way to calibrate the sharpen function so that it doesn't sharpen quite so much each time I click it.

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Photoshop :: Can Replace One Of The RGB Channels

Sep 9, 2013

i have a picture where the Blue channel is totaly black and noise, so i to know if is possible delete this and create a copy a of the green or red channel and apply this as blue channel ?

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Photoshop :: Replace Bridge CS5 With CS6?

Nov 13, 2012

Having been using Photoshop CS5 with Bridge CS5 happily for sometime, we've now purchased InDesign CS6 which has installed Bridge CS6.Can I uninstall the now redundant Bridge CS5  without upsetting Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Color

May 6, 2012

I have an image taken from off the Net that I need to edit and change some colors.
In the Replace Color dialog I can select the "source color"  but I can't specify the "destination color" except by dragging the Hue slider.

I'd like to be able to specify the "destination color" I want in more detail, like selecting it from a pallette, inputting RGB/HSB values etc.

How could I do that?

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Photoshop :: Replace One Color With Another From Same JPG

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to use the Image -> Replace Color tool in photoshop cs5 to replace one color in a jpg with another from the same image.It wont let me. The new color has to be from the palate apparently??

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jun 5, 2006

A basic question for a basic user. I have a layer in an image which I created by using a paintbrush to create a shape using the colour black on a transparent background. I want to change this outline shape to a certain green. I go to Image/Adjustments/Replace Color. I click the radio button called Image and I see my black outline on a white background. The colour in the little boxes is black, same as outline.

I change the foreground colour to the green I wish to use and this changes the colour in the little boxes in the Replace Color window to that green. However, whichever eyedropper I choose to click on the black outline in the image just changes the colour in the little boxes back to black. So it is working in reverse to what I want to happen. How can I get the outline to turn from black to green?

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Photoshop :: Replace All Of One Color

May 22, 2009

I would like to know if there is a method to replace all of one color, with another. I am working with a graphic, and not a picture, so I have it easy, but I would still like to know.

I am new to photoshop, but it has served me well so far.

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Color?

May 8, 2009

I have in my document a green brush-stroke, with very feathered edges (brushsize=47px, hardness=0). I want to replace all of it with red. I selected Replace Color effect, and all is fine- for the central green that is. It becomes red. But the blurry green edges remain green, even with maxed Fuzziness.

What can I do?

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Photoshop :: REPLACE COLOR

Mar 14, 2005

It's possible in photoshop cs to replace a color by an other? I have a black part in my picture (rgb = 0) and i want to replace this color by a red color (rgb = 255).

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jan 27, 2005

Photoshop CS.

I have a document with a number of layers. Each layer has lines of a single pure colour.

When I try to replace a colour, Photoshop is replacing it with the wrong one!

For instance when I try to replace RGB 128,0,128 with 96,56,17, the outcome is 105,61,18. I try to replace 212,0,212 with 96,56,17, the outcome is 145,85,25.

In the colour picker dialogue, the radio button R of RGB is currently selected. Web safe is not enabled. The file is RGB, 8bits, so this seems reasonable. The eyedropper tool is set to point sample, but as I said the lines are pure colour anyway.

The layers are all at default settings for blending etc.

One thing I have noticed is that when I click on the 'result' colour panel in the replace colour dialogue, the colour is always out by 1 in the blue channel. Since I change this using the RGB numbers, this should not impact the result either.

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Photoshop :: 'Replace Color'

Jul 21, 2004

I am replacing a color using the 'replace color' under 'Image->Adjustments' to match a certain color. Is there a way where i can replace the selected color by typing in RGB values instead of moving the Hue, saturation, and lightness sliders? The sliders doesnt provide exact color matching, instead i have been eyeballing the colors to match, which is dangerous when it comes to deatail.

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Photoshop :: Replace Color?

Jun 3, 2005

i have an image with a white background that i would like to change to a specific shade of gray. obviously replace color would seem like what i needed to do, but i can't get it to function properly...basically all i want to do is select white and replace all white color in the image with the gray color ( i have the rgb/hsb values for the color i want). but everytime i use replace color, it will allow me to alter the hue, sat, etc values for any color in the image that i select except for white. when i select white, and then try to change the values, the color is always the same, with the exception that when i lower the brightness it becomes dark. i wanted to do a search to try to find this answer myself but i'm beginning to wonder if replace color is the command i should be using. even if there was some way to change the white to transparent i could put a layer of gray behind it and that would work, but i haven't been able to do that either.

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Photoshop :: Replace Colors

Oct 12, 2004

I would like to replace a specïfic color, e.g. #FFFFFF to another color, e.g. #E0E0E0. All other colors should not be changed. How would I do that in a simple way in Photoshop 7?

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to visualize paint colors in my house and figured the easiest way is to play around in Photoshop. But I cannot seem to find a way to virtually paint the walls in my room. I've tried doing a color fill with overlay and I've also tried doing a layer adjustment with Replace Color. In both situations, the results are not completely satisfactory. The resulting "virtual paint" color does not exactly resemble the color I selected and has too many ranges...for example, when I choose a mid-range green, the color on my selection ranges from almost white in certain areas to a dark green. Can anyone think of a way to accurately depict a virtual paint color (while still keeping the lighting and textures intact)?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Replace Objects For Another One?

Jun 20, 2012

If a scene have, lets say, an array of 100 boxes, is there a way to replace in a single step each of them for another specific object?

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AutoCad :: Replace One Block With Another?

Mar 24, 2008

I'm working in ACAD 2008 and have a drawing with multiple blocks (block 'a') that need to be replaced with block 'b'. Is there a command similar to edit/find that I can use to replace the block? I don't want to redefine my block and want to only select certain block 'a' to be replaced, not all block 'a'...

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GIMP :: Replace One Color With Another?

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to replace one color with another but I cannot get it to work.

I select by color

I click on a pixel of the color I want to replace

I click on the fill paint can icon

I click Fill whole selection

BUT...when I try to click on any pixel in the picture I get the little circle with the line through it on my cursor directly above the little icon of the paint can. Usually you would click anywhere on the picture and click and it would fill that section/selection with the color of your choice, but I am unable to. I have tried it in different formats, I clicked on the layer, I am out of options.

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Photoshop :: Replace Text (#) With Superscript?

Jun 15, 2012

how I could replace all the "#" in a photoshop layer with the number sign superscripted?  I have about 15 to 19 player names on a layer like this #99 Wayne Gretzky #11 Mark Messier etc.
The # looks funny and is bulky.  I know how to change one at a time but am looking for a global solution.

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Photoshop :: Remove Black (K) And Replace It With CMY

Oct 21, 2013

I regularly have to remove the Black (K) for printing cost reason at work... Some time ago, I found a small and easy trick which involved playing between a specific profile and then past the CMYK picture to the RGB mode and come back to CMYK...

The Black was replaced by a mix between the Cyan, the Magenta and the Yellow, without losing to much "relief" in the picture. It works perfectly except when I come back to my "regular" CMYK profile (which for Europe is the FOGRA39...), the Black is back again!
Remove the Black and replace it with CMY? I don't want to just remove the black, but also to replace it with CMY...

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Heads In Photos

Dec 2, 2012

I want to delete a person from my photo and replace with a different person from another photo.  Also want to use a different body & head from other photos.

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Photoshop :: Replace With Similar Image

Feb 22, 2012

Want to keep picture of house - but replace lawn with image of another nicer looking lawn(bottom pic).

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