3ds Max :: Save JPEG To Same Output Location

Oct 30, 2012

I am having an issue with Backburner (2013.0.0 & 2013.0.2). I recently tried to render a 2011 3ds Max File Through backburner and since then I have been getting this error:

INF Sending instructions for job '(File name)' to (computer name)
WRN Task Error for (computers name)
ERR Job '(file name)' (Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 (64-bit)) failed for Cosmo
ERR Error message: 3dsmax adapter error : Autodesk 3dsMaxDesign 15.0 reported error: Error writing to file "(out put location)".

My render farm and Backburner were working perfectly before this (using 3ds Max Design 2013 and Backburner 2013.0.0), however, ever since I tried to render out the 2011 file I am unable to render even fresh Max 2013 files through Backburner. I don't know if this is important info but the 2011 file was worked on in Max 2011 and 2013.

I rendered out the scene through 3ds max (not Backburner) and was able to save the the Jpegs to the same output location that I need to save to when rendering with Backburner (I have an external network drive so all the nodes can access the necessary data). When I change the file output to my Desktop Backburner works correctly and I do not get this error, however, I need to set the output to the network drive. I tried installing backburner 2013.0.2 and the hotfix file.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Set Output Location To Be The Same Folder As Original

Dec 14, 2013

Windows 7, LIghtroom 4.4 - when exporting files all works fine when I set the output location to be the same folder as original. If I select 'Specific Folder' then press 'Choose' LR then Lightroom stops working. I've upgraded to LR 5.3 but the same thing happens.

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Photoshop :: Output JPEG Looks Different Than Edited RAW Image

Aug 26, 2013

I just got CS6 and have been working on some new images in RAW.  Once I finished the editing I wanted to do in RAW, I saved the image as a JPEG, then clicked "open image" at the bottom of the RAW window. 

The image that came up in Photoshop looked nothing like my edited RAW image.  It's as if none of the edits ever occurred. 

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GIMP :: Not Opening Own Output (JPEG Files)

Jun 2, 2011

GIMP 2.6.10-1 on Debian 6 does not open JPEG files recently written by itself. The program freezes and the only way out is to reboot. Older JPEG files are opened as usual, and the problem files can be opened in Digikam and Fotoxx. A sample problem file is attached.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Tiff To JPEG And Automatically Open JPEG Copy

Apr 24, 2013

I got this workflow,

1) From LR export to PS
2) Do all essential editings.
3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy)
4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg'
5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'.
6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Defaulted Its (Save As) To JPEG 2000 - Restore It Back To JPEG?

May 28, 2013

I got a new computer (Windows 7) at work this April and as of today, when I work on any of my JPEG images in PS CS5,suddenly it has defaulted its "Save As" to JPEG2000. How did this default change and how do I get it to default save as. JPEG again? There was nothing I noticed and no warning as to why this has changed, I didn't touch a thing!
(Last week, Adobe had to work with our IT manager to fix a problem that started occuring with my new Adobe Acrobat Pro 11 program. They had to log into my computer and change a registry thing to get it to work properly again...also something that changed without warning!!)

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Paint.NET :: Batch Single Folder Path Location Save / Save As

Dec 4, 2013

AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.

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Photoshop Elements :: Grainy Output When Converting CR2 To JPEG In CS5?

Nov 8, 2013

Output JPEG becomes grainy whenever I am converting cr2 file to JPEG.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: JPEG Showing File Location

Aug 30, 2013

I have inserted a jpeg into autocad (a map to roughly draw more information on). In model space it only shows the map and the info I want but in layout space it has a print along the jpeg showing where the image is saved. How can I get rid of the print?

It's Autocad 2013.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Save To Jpeg File From Save As Menu

Jun 14, 2012

From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.

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Photoshop :: JPEG Size Differs For Save-as And Save For Web?

Jan 6, 2013

I have a PSD file (16bits/prophoto RGB) with some layers. I combine the layers to ONE and change the bit depth to 8 bits.
Then I do one of two things:
(a) I save the file for the web in JPEG 90% high-quality and with sRGB ... filesize 340 602
(b) I change the color profile to sRGB and save the file as JPEG in the highest quality (10) ... filesize 174 549
I am at loss here. How on earth is it possible that the second file is almost half the size as the one saved for the web?What effect causes this? It is very easy to save for yhe web but as long as the JPEGs are that bigger it's no option.

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Photoshop :: Why Can't Save Or Even Save As Projects To PSD / JPEG File

Apr 29, 2012

when im about to save my file *project* nothings happen

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VideoStudio :: Save Output File As M2TS For PS3 Viewing?

Dec 10, 2011

I am evaluating VS Pro X4 (trial version) and one of my tests consists in importing a .m2ts clip, strip some parts of the original clip and save it in the same formats (codec, resolution, aspect ratio, file) as the imported clip.

The original clip is a NTCS HDMV file format (with the .m2ts extension), H.264 video 720p60 (16:9), digital Audio Dolby (AAC).

I'm able to do the first 2 steps without any problem. However, when I want to save the result in a file, I cannot find any way to indicate the software to save in the same format as the original clip. So I am looking for any way to save the video in a 720p60 (59.94 to be accurate) with the same video and audio codec that can be read by a PS3 console (H264, AAC) as a .m2ts file.

Is it possible to do this using VS Pro X4? Or do I need to use a non-trial version? Or do I need to use the Ultimate version? Or is it simply impossible to do this (yet)?

Things I tried:When I want to create a video file, and choose "as per project's parameters". But it appears they are set to NTSC SD for DVD-like output. If I go in the project's parameters menu, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD.Among the AVCHD outputs in "Create a video file", I only find 1080i and 1080p resolutions. Same for Blu-Ray outputs. Why is there no 720p resolution in both outputs?In the "Customized" output, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD. Is it normal?

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Illustrator :: Can't Save To PDF - No Dialog Box Open To Set Output File

May 3, 2010

I am just trying to save a PDF from my illustrator file. However, when I go to Save as, and select PDF, no dialog box opens to allow me to set how I want the file outputted. IF I just hit enter, the file does save.. its just like the Dialog box is hidden or not appearing. The reason I need the dialog box is because I need to add bleeds to the PDF and my default save doesn't do that.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web In Action - Change Output To Pixel Width

Jan 28, 2013

We do hundreds of images for our main client for print purposes. As part of the work, they want all of the final images run through Save for Web saved as both a .jpg and .png file at 1000 pixels wide.
The problem is, if you try to create an action for this, the size the action saves is a percentage and not a pixel width. So it's impossible (so it seems) to save an action that sets the scale as a proportional resize with a fixed output of 1000 pixels wide. Since all of the images vary in size and it insists on saving the size as a percentage, you can't create an action that will work.
I've tried to see if there's a way to modify the action to change the output to a pixel width, but can't see how to do it. Is this even possible? It would save us TONS of work not having to manually open each image twice and saving for each format.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save As JPEG - Save It As PSD

Sep 10, 2013

I am working on many files today and for some reason, even though they are JPG files, when I save them, the dialog box comes up and wants to save it as a PSD. It's wasting a TON of time because I have to change it to JPG even though the file is already. I tried the open as-JPG option on any of them and it gives me the error message of -"Could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file". I'm in CS6 because there were too many issues with Photoshop CC.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Only Let Me Save As Jpeg

Sep 19, 2008

I got a file that's only let me do Save for Web in jpg format. I choose png24, click save and it changes to jpg in the save dialog. Then I created a blank doc, copy everything from the problem file over to the new file and I can Save for Web in png just fine.

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AutoCad :: DWG To PDF Publish Save Location?

Dec 13, 2011

Perhaps I have changed a setting inadvertently, although lately the following has been occurring when using the built in AutoCad DWG to PDF plot:

- if I plot a single sheet, I can choose the save location and it is all good

- if I go file publish and print multiple layouts at once (into the pdf), I am not given the option of where it can be saved, instead it is saved in the location the last pdf was (annoying when that is different job folders etc)

What do I need to change to fix it so I can always choose the save location?

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Lightroom :: How To Save A Map With Data (location)

Jun 24, 2012

Any way to save a map with my data (locational) on it for import into the book module?

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InDesign :: Permission To Save In Location?

Mar 13, 2014

I recently upgraded to Windows 7, reinstalled InDesign CS5.5. Now when I try to save a previouisly created InDesign document in InDesign I get the message: "You don't have permission to save to this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission." I am the administrator.

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Photoshop :: Windows 7 Hangup / Slow Save And Output Times - Software Crashes

Jan 30, 2013

we are running photoshop 8 in a windows 7 environment, and are experiencing daily hangups, slow save and output times, and software crashs....are there any patches or hotfix downloads avail? or maybe just tweaking? I've search thru the "help" section and can't really identify any.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Save For Web - Don't Remember Folder Location?

Aug 4, 2012

Found one more problem with Save For Web in Photoshop CS6.
1. New Document
2. Choose - Save for web
3. In dialog window Photoshop CS6 offer to save in - os My Document Folder
4. Ok, every time I don't really need to save in os folders - I save files to my folders. So, change folder ...for example to disc D
5. Create another New document
6. Choose Save for web
7. And.... - Photoshop CS6 offer to save my file in os My Documents AGAIN !!!
So, in fact it's real uncomortable!!! ...if I save different files for web frequently ....I need every time change My Documents....it makes me nervous.......Here - compare with CS3: CS3 remember "old" folder location even at another session (for example - after reload os)
Is there any fix this problem?
p.s. Testing on:
OS - windows 7 64 bit
cs6 - 64 bit extended
cs3 - 64 bit extended

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VideoStudio :: Save Location During DVD Authoring Process

Oct 20, 2011

In making movies I sometimes need to pause the DVD authoring process (Share, create DVD, with various clips in the timeline), and be able to pickup the procedure from the point of pause later. Not infrequently, after I've shut down the computer and restarted after a day or more. If I close the process, there's a message box displayed that says "saving project" but it doesn't say where nor give the opportunity for specifying a file name.

If the authoring process is re-started without computer or program shutdown and no intervening different work, the authoring process re-starts where it left off. But if there's a shutdown or diversion to other work, getting back the paused activity seems to be a lost cause: in the opening authoring panel there doesn't seem to be a 'get saved project' option available despite the various add video files/project files/other media buttons'

So, I set up a special test file with a unique name, made sure all the preference boxes pointed to the same working file space and did a sample run, closing the author process before getting to the burn stage. The save project file box appeared briefly. But . . . one cannot find the saved file in the locations specified by the preference boxes either in the main menu or the author panel preferences icon. And even if it was found, re-loading it seems to be a problem (see remark above)

This situation exists in VS11+ and also in VS14, so it seems to have existed for some time.

So, the questions:
1. under what name does the author panel save a partially completed work?
2. where does it save it?
3. how does one re-load a saved, partially authored work?

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GIMP :: Setting Default Save Location?

Jun 1, 2013

is there a way to set the default save location in gimp, when i create a new image and save it always starts in ~/Documents directory on the save dialog.

i tried to see if there was a setting i could override in gimprc but i was unable to find this, maybe i am looking in the wrong place.

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AutoCad :: Automatic Save File Location?

May 30, 2013

Using 2011 on W7 64 bit machine. When I try to set the location for the "Autosave File Location" or the "Temp Dwg File Location", I get the attached error message. I've done everything I know to fix it to no avail. I am on my personal laptop, I am an admin will full control rights of course, I've made sure the folders are not read only...

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Photoshop Elements :: 8 Default Save Location?

Nov 10, 2012

how can i set to save to the same file location, mine alway defalts to last opened file

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Old Versions Save Location?

Sep 26, 2012

Is there a way to set old versions folder to save to a different location than the working folder?

Our IT deletes these folders from our server, so I would like to have them save to my hard drive.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Save Published Files Location In Dsd

Jan 31, 2013

Is it not possible to save the published files location to the DSD file?

I am trying to setup different published sets to different folders (multi-sheet and single-sheet) but have no success on changing the default file location in Publish Options.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Default Save Location

Apr 18, 2012

How do I change the default save location?

It goes to my documents, but in options I can't find anything with that path.

I want it to go to a different folder but I can't figure out how to make it do that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Save Location

Jul 11, 2013

We have about 25 users on Inventor working via a common network on multiple projects, we do not have vault. 

In using the content center, I see one has to specify the location of instanced content center parts under options>file>>Default Content Center files. Is there no other way to get the instanced content center parts to save under the specific project file location without changing it manually each time via options>file>>etc. Is there a setting under projects?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Save All To User Specified Location

Sep 9, 2013

I´m trying to create an external iLogic rule that let´s the user specify a path and saves an assembly and all it´s components into one directory. Alternatively it could be the main workspace path which doesn´t have to be specified by the user so it can be handled internally.

The background is a design template that resides on a network storage which can be configured through an iLogic Form and when the user is done configuring the assembly to it´s liking it should be saved to it´s workspace.

I was looking through the snippets but couldn´t find anything related to "save all". I have the feeling that I have to cycle through all component occurences and save them one by one.

Getting a Save As dialog box seems to be possible as I could see on Curtis Waguespack´s blog but the commands he is using are nowhere documented. For example for calling the dialog box he is using


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