3ds Max Animation :: Skin Modifier Weight Painting
Oct 21, 2012
I've migrated from Maya to 3ds Max for character animation and was wondering - When I apply a skin modifier then go to 'Edit envelopes' - is there an equivalent to maya's artisan interface? i.e. Can I paint weights with a brush rather than vertex by vertex or entering numbers?
Got this low-poly model here. I created some bones for it and inserted them into the mesh. But when I use the Skin Modifier into it, and use the 'add' button under "Parameters". No bones appear in the list?
I have a single-mesh model, pre-rigged and textured. I am trying to export it into a format which has a bone-limit of 59 bones per mesh. This model, however, has over 100 bones.
I'm really not very good at doing rigging from scratch; someone else rigged this for me. I need to split up the mesh, so the model meets the less-than-59-bones-per-mesh rule.
Is there a way to do this without destroying the skin modifier, and having to re-skin the whole thing? I'd like it to end up as several meshes, which all work as one in terms of rigging.
Skin modifer, skelleton has moved outside the mesh.
I flick the light on and off on skin modifier, when its off the skelleton fits the model perfectly and when it,s on the hand and arm has been liftet outside the skel.
I created a rig in MAX 32bit but recently loaded 64 bit MAX but now when I choose the skin modifier/edit envelopes, I cannot choose bones to edit. The interface just flashes and I am not able to select verts on the mesh. I had originally used the weight tool to change the weights of each vert on the mesh, now it doesn't work at all.
Is there a way to quickly assign all the Skin vertices with 0.0 weight to their correct biped link?
In my attachment there is about 50 vertices remaining having already corrected about 50 by hand. This is not a problem to do by hand however I have 20 more characters to modify after this any scripts/tips etc.
I have recently starting skinning my human model and everything was fine until I found out that the chest bone I have on each side of the chest isn't being noticed by 3ds Max as being symmetrical with the other bone. This means I can't use mirror bones or mirror vertices to that part of the model. How to make two bones that aren't being recognized as symmetrical by 3ds Max symmetrical? When using the envelopes in the skin modifier, when I go to mirror the bones or vertices, the two bones are red instead of blue or green to show symmetry. The two bones are relatively in the same place on opposite sides of the model. They aren't the same size but close. Is there something I need to do to make them have symmetry or is there a way to make 3ds Max recognize that you have two bones that you want to be symmetrical?
I have got a model wearing a shirt and pants that have the skin wrap modifier applied. all works fine animated in the viewport. When I render however the skin wrap gets lost, both in the render and then in the viewport.
A: Can I export skinning information from one mesh to another. I have two identical versions of the character except I forgot to weld some verts on the model before skinning. Can I weld the verts and then export > import the skinning data? If so how?
B: I have someone working on some animation for me in CAT, I have since made some minor changes to the CAT rig (increased width of chest bones, that is all). I also changed all the skinning. Is it possible to export the animation data and load it onto an almost identical CAT rig? If so how?
how to rig a character using a biped, and following everything closely on a character I made earlier.
However, when I clicked the attach to node button after applying the physique modifier my character mysteriously disappeared...While in the tutorial he could select the biped after clicking on the button and assign it.
Now the problem probably has something to do with me having 3Ds Max 2011. How to make sure my character won't simply disappear.
How can i apply a skew modifier to rotating wheel and preserve skew gizmo from rotation? I am trying to achieve a cartoon like fast moving car. Seems to be simple thing to do but I can`t get it.
I have an old figure that is high poly and skinned to a bone skeleton. I want to rig it to a CAT rig for some of its quick animation features. Ultimately I want to be able to export the model into UDK to learn 3d demonstration and game development.
I have aligned a CAT rig to match the bones of the old figure. If I select and link the bones to the respective bones in CAT rig I can get the figure to animate perfectly and quickly, but when I export to the UDK through FBX the figure is severely distorted. I've found that the old rig needed to match the rotational axis order to the new CAT rig bones which worked a little on several of the limbs, but the initial translation of each bone does not get transferred giving an offset to the bones that still distorts the figure.
I want to rig the character with the CAT, but the figure uses painted vertex weights. I could spend an immense amount of time to try and replicate the quality done by the vertex weights, but if there is a tool or script that could speed up the process. I am looking for a tool that would be able to transfer vertex weights between bones. Ideally I'm looking for a workflow like so
1. Load figure 2. Add CAT bones to skin 3. Edit envelopes 4. Select bones or vertexes to copy 5. Copy vertex weights 6. Select bone destination 7. Paste vertex weights
The paste should then delete the influence on the original bone to complete the process.
I've seen something very similar to what I've been needing from this artist that goes by the name of Sun Dawei. A search for "Dawei Sun transfer vertex skin weight" minus the quotes gives you a video that would visually show the process I'm looking for. I don't know the policy on putting links for videos that I don't own so I won't put the actual link here.
I would like the script that Sun Dawei developed, but I could not find a download for it. He might have wanted to keep his work private, so I'll respect that.
I've got a character that is based on a product and I want the face to animate without distorting the texture. ie I'd like the texture to slide across the geometry in a specific way as it animates.
I've animated the UV coordinates so that it does this, but I'd like to link the UV keys to the morpher modifier so that they animate automatically.
am working on a rigged character thst's been weighted but I need to make some adjustments to the weights. When I try to zero out by painting the part of the mesh that;s being tugged during animation run I get a message "Warning, Specified weight can't be set due to locked influence".
I'm currently trying to set up bones in my character. What are some good resources for fixing skin weights, painting skin weights, and other weighting techniques. My problem is that when i bend a finger it squishes too much at the inside of the joint.
I've been learning about skinning and weight painting. I have a problem where I don't see any color feedback on my mesh when I paint it. My vertices move with my brush strokes but I'm basically painting blindly as I can't see the colors. In all tutorials that i've found on the subject, they just activate the tool and the mesh turns black (or colorful depending on their settings)
I need to paint the weights of two verts to cling to the middle back. These verts are on arrows that are stuck in a quiver. The quiver is painted to one back joint, as are the top of the arrows. However, the tips of the arrows are painted to the clavical.
I went into the component editor to try to weight them manually to the back, but in the CE, in smooth skins, they are weighted (1.0) to the clav. I know how to weight a vert to different bones if the CE lists them at the top, but since these verts are only weighted to the clav I don't have the option to set the clav weight to 0 and the back joint as 1. And, obviously, I don't know how to manually add the joint I need into the CE to weight it to 1 and kill the influence on the clav to 0.
I tried massively increasing my clip plane to zoom in, doesn't work. The paint weights brush just will NOT pick these verts up.
Is it at all a good idea to go about to skin multiple objects for your character?...or is it better to make it a single mesh?
if its practicable whats are the "things to do" to go about it in the right direction. ..instanced skin modifier? OR unique skin for each objects?
does it make any difference if i attach the objects? or keeping them separate as far as instanced skin modifier is concerned? (not making single mesh by welding vertices)
specifically speaking about the character i am working on ...it has:
a. head mesh b. a scarf mesh c. hand mesh (till their elbows) d. body/ trenchcoat mesh e. trousers f. shoes mesh g. shoelaces and eyehole rings mesh
NOTE: i at least need the trenchcoat to be a seperate mesh as i want to apply APEX on it later. (the APEX tut on youtube indicates the trenchcoat is a seperate mesh.)
PROBLEM: i tried to use a instanced skin modifier, however the scarf head and trenchcoat and the head where they should be together gets messed up when i check with some basic check poses.
I want to just bend the legs on a deer so I put some bones in, and added a skin modifier. I am having trouble with some vertices being affected above the leg joint. I can't seem to select them to change the weights. I have checked off "select Vertices" on the top area of the modifiy panel. I've posted an image below where you can see my problem of the bottom of the belly being affected by the leg.
I am currently trying to bind the skin for a character using a rig created from a Digital Tutors Tutorial. The rig I've build seems to be working fine however when I created the smooth skin bind the thighs collapse when the leg is raised. I've tried fixing it using the interactive skin weight tool but it doesn't seem to make any difference. i have included pictures of a quick render as well as the weight influence of the knee and hip joints.
couple of days ago i finished rigging, positionned my character in a nice pose for a render then closed maya. Foward a couple of days, now when i move my rig the character is not following it, he stays in the same pose as he was like if he was frozen.
We're having issues saving and importing skin weights, and mirroring these weights on our character meshes because our characters have some geometry that has been combined into their mesh (like eyebrows, fake spikey hair, eyelashes, etc)
Maya seems to take the UV's for all the combined meshes and stack layer them into the 0-1 space in the UV editor. When we save skin weights for the main mesh, the weighting maps are all messed up and useless for importing because they are based on UV's that are supposed to be clean and dedicated only to the main mesh.
how to save weights and mirror weights for meshes like ours?
I just sat down to use 3Ds Max '12 for the first time today after upgrading from 2010. This will probably be a simple fix, but I can't get any text to cap with the extrude modifier or bevel modifier. It happens with every typeface I've tried. I even tried using the cap holes modifier. Never had this problem with previous version of 3Ds.
I have an issue with the skin morph modifier. I have morphed the bend in the knee and fixed the crease behind the knee on the left leg. When I tried to mirror it over to the right leg, it goes crazy. I found out that the morph preview verts on the left leg are not staying on the model as the should be when I bend the knee. The model is perfectly symmetrical so the offset doesn't need to be changed and the mirror threshold doesn't seem to be doing anything to work.
skinMorph1: Both leg straight skinMorph2: left leg bent with verts off of the model skinMorph3: right leg bent with mirrored verts from left leg
I'm trying to use the same interactive skin capsules for multiple characters. Because the characters have different geometry I can't simply copy the weights. Is there some way to copy the capsules used for interactive skinning to a new model?
What I'm attempting to do is export a Skin and Morph based rig to test out in Unity. The bone and morph targets come into Unity but the actual morph animation didn't. I checked the controllers responsible and it appears that the curves driven by the Reaction Manager don't get baked when exporting to .fbx.
Now I suppose I can bake them myself to something .fbx understands before export but I can't seem to find a way to simply take the animation curves for the morph channels and bake it down.
I really would like to get Morph Targets working in Unity but this silly problem is preventing me from doing so.