Xara :: Creating Simple Animations?

Nov 13, 2012

I'm about as far from "artistic" as a person can be, I'll be the first to admit. But I think I can do OK with simple stuff if I just knew what I was doing! Any basic tutorial for creating simple animations? For example, I downloaded an animated "fire" font for use on our website but it's not animated when I use the font. It'd be nice if I could just make my own.

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Photoshop Elements :: Create Simple 2D Animations

Jan 24, 2014

I've just bought Photoshop Elements 12 with a view to using it to create simple 2D animations.  However, all the tutorials seem to either ignore tihs use or are based on earlier versions and I can't seem to follow them as 12 doesn't work quite the same way/have the same icons/menus. creating/editing animations, or tell me I'm using fundamentally the wrong software for animation and should just give up and buy something else.

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Photoshop :: Layer Position Resets When Creating Animations

Dec 11, 2012

I'm creating an animated gif from a video clip (cinemagraph). In order to acheive the effect I need, I need to move each layer with the move tool to get an object to stay in the same position. I have gone through layer by layer and used the move tool to move the contents of each layer. When I play the animation I see the layers in the position I put them in. I stop playing the animation the contents of each layer snap back to their original positions. I have tried using the lock tools (both lock position and lock all) but they don't make a difference. why layer positions would reset when creating animations and how to get it to stop?

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Xara :: Simple DTP In XDP 7

Aug 30, 2011

I'm doing a bit of very simple DTP in Xara and I wanted to check my approach to creating text across multiple pages:

1) Create a text block (I think Xara calls these a 'story') about the size of the page on Page 1 and then enter a bunch of text until it spills out of the bottom.

2) Add a second page.

3) Here's where I may not be doing things 'correctly'... I want the spill over from Page 1 to go onto page 2 so I copied the text block on Page 1, Paste it in-place onto Page 2, deleted the text content on Page 2 then finally go back to page 1 and drag from the little icon in the bottom right of the text block into page 2's block.

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Xara :: How To Create Simple Animated GIF

Apr 5, 2013

I've tried searching, but haven't been able to find any straight-forward instructions for creating a simple animated gif.

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Xara :: Replacing Color In Simple Bitmap

Jun 21, 2013

I have a low-res bitmap. It has a dark grey background with a plain white icon. The transitional pixels are various shades of grey.

I want to make the dark grey into a bright blue, leave the white white, and have the transitional pixels changed to maintain their respective "in between" values.

I do have Photoshop CS2 but I though Xara was more likely to be able to do this.

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Xara :: Drawing A Simple Oval In XPGD7

Mar 1, 2013

I just tried to draw a simple oval in XPGD7, and it seems I can only draw a circle.

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Xara :: Create A Simple Animation With 6 Frames In Gallery

May 11, 2012

I have created a simple animation with 6 frames in the gallery. I want to link each individual frame to different websites. So, as the animation on the site is changing, you can click on one frame, and it takes you to one site, or you click on the next frame and it takes you to another site.

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Photoshop :: Creating Simple Borders

Mar 31, 2006

I have been having one heck of a time creating a professional quality border. I use the ruler and I cannot get the borders to match up perfectly. Is there a trick?

Can someone give me some tips??? I want to have the border in black, and so it will go to close to the edges of standard piece of paper. I'm thinking a box border followed by a gap then another box border. Then contents will go inside and I can handle that ....

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3ds Max Modeling :: Simple Way Of Creating Curved Surface?

Apr 1, 2011

I've been working on creating a sword in 3D Max for the last couple of days and have run across a problem. At the base of the blade, it goes up straight for about an inch and then tapers out and up another half inch in a curve.From there, the blade tapers/curves back in, then out once more to create a thicker end of the blade, width wise. I need to know a simple way of doing those curves. A friend of mine suggested using quick loops, then individually scaling them to get the curving effect. That just seemed like it took too much time to me, and I thought there must be a simpler way. I tried adding a taper modifier to the selected area, but that didn't really seem to do much, except give the opposite effect that I wanted.

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3ds Max :: Creating A Simple Race Track - Lofting

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to make a simple race track for my uni project. I've created the track's path using lines and arcs, and attached them all together into one single path.


I'm then trying to extrude the track geometry (a simple rectangle) along the path of the track (see the bottom image).

I'm following a tutorial that says to select the line, then under compound objects select loft. Then under creation method I should chose "Get shape" and select the rectangle, however I'm unable to click on "get shape", the option is greyed out.

Autodesk 3DS Max 2012 Student Version

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Photoshop Elements :: Creating Simple 4 Photo Collage?

Sep 18, 2013

How do I create a simple 4 photo collage with 4 different pics? Not looking to waste time with all the collage layouts and moving stuff around.

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3ds Max :: Creating Simple Pink Eraser - Radius Edge On Object

Jul 26, 2011

I'm creating a simple pink eraser by creating the outline with a spline to get the basic shape then extruded it. Now the edges are square/sharp. How do you get a radius on the sharp edges? I applied an "Edit Poly" modifier but it only allows for an edge chamfer and I need a smooth radius.

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Illustrator :: CS5 Freezing On Simple Tasks - Applying Texture Grain Effect To Simple Gradient

Jun 25, 2012

Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.

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Xara :: Creating Angled Shape

Mar 11, 2013

I created this video to achieve this using Xara P&GD. The video is here and the .xar file you need is attached.

This video shows how to create an angle based object for visual presentation, any object created with this method should not be used in manufacturers drawings where precision is paramount.

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Xara :: Creating A Table In Designer Pro?

Sep 12, 2012

I am wanting to use XDP as a desktop publisher and can't see any hints on table creation. There are lots of other useful word processing functions but not tables AFAICS.

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Xara :: Creating Glowing Text

Mar 15, 2012

how to create really great glowing text in Graphic Designer 7? URL....

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Xara :: Creating Cards For Different Decks

Aug 7, 2011

I'm creating cards for different decks. What the printer gets and what I get are two totally different things. This card (.xar file attached), has been designed with the diamond fill. I got poor results when I exported the .xar file itself to PDF format.

So I exported the .xar file as a 300dpi png, and next exported the PNG file to PDF, using Xara DP6 program. Turned out exactly as I want it. File attached.

So, I send the PNG file to the printer. He exports it to Adobe Illustrator, and it comes back with rectangles instead of the subtle starburst effect. I have four card designs that use this diamond effect, and they all do the same thing. His PDF file is too large to attach here because there are 11 card samples on it and it's 860kb. So I'm attaching a screenshot of how the red card turned out when he exported the PNG file to PDF. I'm also attaching a screenshot of the blue card, where you see the rectangles are quite prominently displayed.

(Blue card image being so large; I was working with Photoshop Elements and must have forgotten to resize.)

I could export the cards to PDF and send them instead of PNGs. Looking for taking a PDF export from Xara and using it in an Adobe Illustrator template?

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Xara :: Creating Chrome Bumper For A Car

Jun 8, 2013

How to accomplish this task or aspects of it in a different and possibly more effective way, drawing cars or other modes of transportation. I'm always open for a better or more effective way of accomplishing a desired effect.

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Xara :: Creating New Colors And Adding To The Palette

Jan 9, 2012

Current problem is that I've created certain colors for an art piece - basically, it's different poses of a character. I'm outlining each pose on a separate Xara page. So I've inked in the first pose, and, in so doing, created a couple of new colors, which I've named.

Those new colors do not show up in the color palette when I open a new page to ink in another character pose - the palette just defaults to its basic lineup. Is there a way to create a new color and keep that color in the palette for any and all art pieces?

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Xara :: Creating Glowing Lines Effect

Jun 12, 2013

I have looked everywhere at all sorts of photoshop and illustrator tutorials (because I couldn't find a Xara one) to accomplish this effect. I am creating a website for my client Jim and would like to incorporate a similar image to what he's using on his book cover, but with some different colors as the background to his site.

You can see what I'm trying to do in his blog header background here: [URL]......

I've found that this is a stock photo used in a lot of places, but I'm not really interested in getting the original image - I have that, but as a Jpeg on a black background. I'd prefer to learn how to create a similar effect in Xara.

I have tried all sorts of things that are kind of close, but just not there yet. I've tried using a line with pen pressure with a glow shadow. I've tried lines with a stained glass color overlay. I've tried creating a number of different brushes with a few levels of color, some with Gaussian blur applied, etc. but I just can't get this effect down. It always looks pretty good when I'm done, but then I look at the inspirational original and I'm not even in the ballpark for the amount of shine, glow, impact, etc.

In the end, this may not even work for the site since will be putting it on a light colored background, but I still want to know how to create this, as I'm sure I'll be able to use the technique elsewhere.

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Xara :: Creating A Jagged Edge Border

Aug 17, 2013

How do I go about creating a jagged edge as is the case of the white background to the photo(strawberry and kiwi)? Image is attached.

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Xara :: Creating Transparent Curtain Effect

May 13, 2011

how to produce the kind of effect the Vista OS used in the logon screen. I imagine this has been done often with Xara, given that it has been such a popular effect. But I haven't been able to get a foothold on even the related terminology. What terms should I be searching for in order to find relevant examples and descriptions of methods?

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Xara :: Creating A Maple Dipped Doughnut

Jan 4, 2012

A video tutorial that shows the steps to create a sweet yummy doughnut covered in a thick layer of maple goodness! I have also posted the .xar for my doughnut in the Clipart Gallery for anyone who wants a closer look or just to use it as clipart.

Note: one thing I forgot in the video was to change the shadows on the icing layers to a dark brown color.

And as this tutorial makes use of named colors, if maple isn't your thing you could make it chocolate or vanilla cream

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Xara :: Creating A Sign Wave In Xtreme

Feb 11, 2014

I need to create a sign wave in Xara Extreme or Web Designer. I can generate it with another system I have and export that to a Graphics Stream File (GSF) or png image. Not sure if I can import either of those, though.

What I want to do once I get it into Xara is apply a color to the sine wave and fade from left to right (or vice versa).

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Xara :: Choose Nodes When Creating Shapes

May 9, 2012

I've been using the shape tool more and more at work and wonder... Is there a "preferred" or "best" way to choose nodes when creating shapes? Let's say we've got a french curl stencil that we want to make. Is it best to simply draw where the curves start and stop, or in the "center" of each curve as it bends?

EDIT: Perhaps a silhouette of a mickey mouse type ears + body would be a good example.

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Xara :: Way Of Creating Shortcut Keys For Select Next Frame

Nov 13, 2012

I'm currently using Xara Designer Pro 6.1,way of creating shortcut keys for 'select next frame' and 'Select Previous frame' functions for animating, I find this an essential tool for animating.

Alternatively, is there a Script or another solution?Lastly, does a later version of Xara Designer overcome this problem?

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Xara :: Creating Globe With Technology Type Things In And Around It

Dec 7, 2011

Now I am very limited in my use of Xara Xtreme but I am currently needing to create an image of a world globe and around it (maybe even spewing out of it) I would require like something that conveys technology.

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Xara :: Creating Icons For Android Or IPhone Apps

Oct 5, 2011

I haven't used any XARA product so I'm wondering if any of the XARA products are suitable for creating icons for Android or iPhone apps? I'm looking to create the fancy glossy icons that look 3D-like. Output would be PNG, JPG, and may need to import PSD (photoshop) file. The icons would have to be created in different resolutions/sizes.

Or should I stick to icon centric apps like IconWorkshop from Axialis?

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Xara :: Creating Square With Black Outline And Transparent Fill?

Aug 5, 2012

how do you create a square with a transparent fill (it has to go around part of a photograph)? I am using DP7. I can create the square with no fill, but how to get a black outline around it (to show that it's a square).

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Xara :: Creating Seamless Tiles In Designer Without Plug-ins Or External Software

Feb 22, 2011

I thought this might be of interest hereabouts since the subject has cropped up a couple of times lately..Creating seamless tiles in Xara Designer without plug-ins or external software

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