I have all 3 weights of the free font Lavanderia installed on my computer. However, when I go to use this font in Xara Photo & Graphic Designer, it only shows one of the weight (Lavanderia Delicate). I can't find the other 2 fonts in the list anywhere. why the program is not displaying all the fonts in this family? I really need to get a project done quickly that requires one of the weights not displaying.
Light now looks like regular, regular like bold, etc.. I've not stroked the fonts or changed anything in preferences. All was well the last time I set type 2 days ago.As an example this is how Gill Sans Light is setting..And this is how it appears when hi-lighted.
For some reason when I use my Paint Skin weights tool, the mesh does not go into a grey scale type shader. Instead, the textured model is still displayed instead of the black and doesn't display weight values in the greyscale I'm used to.
Did I mess up settings somewhere? I know I'm in Paint Skin Weights tool because I can see the bones when it goes into Xray. I can open other scene files and can view the weights just fine.
Note: I have tried the following fixes: copied the mesh into a new scene, made sure it wasn't a subdiv shape.
When i select my mesh and click paint weights i get this error:
// Error: file: D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2012/scripts/others/skinClusterInflMenu.mel line 568: No object matches name: LeftLung.liw //
LeftLung is a joint and i figure liw is "Lock Influence Weights".
I can change settings in the tool and then go to paint and it is a red x through a red circle. When i click to paint it resets all settings in the tool and logs absolutely nothing to the script editor, even with Echo All Commands on.
This leads to the next problem, locking weights is doing nothing at all. Locking them by selecting the joint or using the component editor shows them as "on" but it does not actually lock in any way. Putting influence to any other joint will remove/change the influence on the locked joints.
I think I have seen an post on the forums about a website where you can upload an image and it will give you a list of possible fonts that are in the uploaded image. I can't find it now.
I have AutoCAD 2010 (and AutoCAD MAP2010) and try to use the "dwg to pdf" driver.I got the error message from Adope Acrobat 9: "Cannot find or create the font ArialMT" and my text is replaced by dots.I have tried to set font handling in dwg to pdf.pc3 to "capture all" without resultThe I tried to set font handling to "As geometri" and still the problem exist.
no matter what font do I choose and export my work to PDF and try to open it with latest Adobe Reader I get this messege "Cannot find or creat the font "font name" .... " . I use autocad 2011.
I'm currently updating a LOT, and I mean A LOT of old forms, I have to replace the old Helvetica fonts for a new set we bought recently, and I realised that the Find Font dialog box is no longer "extensible". Is this now a "normal" behavior for Illustrator? Is there a workaround, or a preference somewhere I missed?
If this is a choice from the developers, let me say that removing features IS NOT a good way to go!In the meantime I'll revert to CS5 for that particular batch..If CC is going the same way I.E. removing features instead of improving old ones I'll pass..
I'm doing Designer Pro 6. I need a continuous background, but cannot find the way to do it. Is there an advantage of having Web Designer 7 over, or in addition to what I have?
Is there a way to 1: Find all instances of a font i.e. Arial in a PSD and change all of those instances to another font i.e. Arial Unicode MS without having to select each individual text box or character that has that font? Maybe a script or a plugin? I am using PS CS 5.5.1 - CS 6.
I use Illustrator cc version 17.1.0 (32bit) on window 7 pro sp1. I have to install JasmineUPC font on window 7 already. It have Bold , Bold Italic, Italic and Regular fonts in system . I have to run llustrator it cannot find JasmineUPC Regular font .
Currently running designer Pro X, I am finally getting around to trying to build or add additional bitmaps to my gallery so that I can customize my graphics. I cannot find, the bitmaps Gallery on my original install disk. Where can I find quality bitmaps to add to my gallery? Once I locate either a complete file and/or a single image how do I permanently added to my gallery file so that when I launch Xara the bitmaps will be available any time I want to use them as a fill from the paint menu?
I have been working on a book cover for a client and was asked to modify a capital letter in the chosen font. The letter "S" had a curly q at the top that needed to be removed. I converted the letter to an editable shape and deleted the offending nodes. Along the way I had to break the points and then reconnect. When I broke the points, Xara split the shape into 2 layers for some reason so I could not rejoin the points later. I ended up combining the layers and was able to rejoin the nodes that way.
The problem I had was that when everything was reconnected, I could only color the outline, the shape would not fill. I ended up having to export as a PNG to Photoshop, created an adjustment layer and painted it in. Everything looks great BUT I would have preferred to just reconnect the nodes and fill the letter in Xara.
I've read about the fact that bold fonts (even web safe) may not always display as desired. Does the same apply for font size?
I'm using Arial and find that when I go to preview the font size drops slightly. I'm using Firefox. I realize I have to try it on the real web to be sure but would like a heads-up beforehand. Detail: when the first page loads it's pretty much correct but the next page changes the text and on returning to the first page it's now modified.
If I export text to PDF my font become BOLD and does not look like in Xara. I used Arial font. Is it possible to prevent Xara from embedding font when exporting to PDF? I deselected that option in export settings, however, it still does it.
(it does not do that only if I select first option when exporting to PDF called Draft Quality, however, in this mode pictures are in low resolution)
The fonts on the menu (File, Edit etc) are way too small in comparison with other programs on my desktop. Is there a way to enlarge them? Adjusting the screen resolution is not an option. I have noticed this with previous version of Xara that I have used. How to do this if it is not in the program settings?
My wife is designing in Xara pro and has 1700 fonts she wants to be able to use.How can she organize them into like 20 categories and have access to them in Xara?
I am building a site for a client, and as such they employed the services of a graphic designer to design a company logo. Well the client has chosen one of the logos but the colors do not fit in as well with the sit layout as one would desire. I approached the graphic designer to request changes for the client, but they sent me the files and said I can modify them in Photoshop.
The trouble is, I don't use PS. How to make the appropriate changes using Xara? I did try to highlight the text but I think it may all be part of an object with the razor. I wanted to convert the larger text to white and export everything from a dark background so it doesn't have the white jagged edge you would see from a white background.
I have 26000 mtext that has overridden font inside the property. set to bold and print out look like crap.
see attached i want all the text to look like the text on the left. right is what they look like now. i just copied a few as an example.
can't find the font property in the mtext object:
PrivateSub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesButton1.Click Dim doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db AsDatabase = doc.Database [code]......
This didn't used to happen, but now whenever I open an Illustrator file, the "Find Font" dialog opens as though the fonts I'm using aren't found. Not sure what it wants me to do because no matter what I try nothing resolves. I simply click the "Done" button and go about my business. And there are no problems. Why is this happening? and why now? My fonts are always loaded before I open the file, the file looks and handles just fine.
Mac OS 10.5.5 CS3 Illustrator 13.0.2 Suitcase Fusion 12.1.7
I used to use Xara Xtreme 4 and loved it. Since changing my computer to one with Windows 7 I have not been able to use Xara Xtreme.
Needed to print out an old Xara image today so downloaded and installed Xara Web Designer 7 as this seems to be the nearest I can get to the old Xara Xtreme that runs on my laptop.
However, I can't find any "Print" option. It's not under File, Ctrl P doesn't do anything, nothing under right clicking. I need to print something quickly and I've given up trying to find the Print option. where have they 'hidden' Print?
Also, am I correct in thinking Web Designer 7 is the nearest program with features to Xara Xtreme or are the features of Xara Xtreme loss forever to this new web site design program?