VideoStudio :: Working With Instant Project Templates
Sep 23, 2011
Is there anyway to insert these projects to the timeline at any random spot, versue the defaults to place at the beginning or end? Seems so limited that you only have those options. If you edit forward and only add material to the timeline as you need it, then it is no big deal to insert to the end... but if you add all your material to the timeline at once and then decide "oh, lets use an instant project here" then it is difficult to place in the middle.
I've copied some of the images in the templates to my library so that I could mimic those effects ( copy same attibutes to a clip) at anytime I want... just seems like there must be an easier way.
---first, I am NOT referring to the "extra" templates, etc. you download after the program is installed... (the vpt files) -- I understand how to install these & already have them installed properly
---I have a VS X4 DVD... the program from this DVD is installed on my desktop... I also just installed it on my on my laptop since I will need to work on my projects on the laptop for awhile
---When I opened the program on the laptop, I discovered many Instant Project templates there I don't have on my desktop [in the "beginning", "middle", "end" categories... After quite a bit of comparing & searching, I believe these were never installed on my desktop for some reason! [I found the file names on the laptop, but they are nowhere to be found on my desktop]
---I tried opening the program DVD to install them from there, but it's not obvious to me where they are...
These Instant Project templates would really be useful to me --
1) why did they install on the laptop but not on the desktop
2) how can I get them installed on my desktop WITHOUT uninstalling and re-installing the program? Is there an "easy solution?" I don't want to risk losing all of the other extras I already downloaded, etc. & needing to start all over!
One file which is part of one of the templates is called "HM_Multioverlay track 01_Start.wmv" ----- On my laptop, it resides in the C:Program Files (x86) CorelCorel Video Studio Pro X4en-USEditing StyleStyleBeginningNTSC26_HM_MultiOverlay track01.wvs [this can't be found on my desktop]
I have downloaded few instant project templates Yet when I go to the Instant project window I do not see the import Icon . I only see the orange Icon(get more content). Is there something wrong with the installation of my VSPro x3.
I am using an instant template at the end of my video. I am trying to add photos to the placeholders. I tried control click and drop to the placeholder but that isn't working.
I had videostudio 4x which was upgraded from 2x on a laptop computer. I recently got a new desktop and loaded the X4 on that. The laptop has many files listed to choose from when I go to the instant projects. They are listed under the drop-down menus "beginning", "middle", "end", "complete", etc. There are probably 20-40 choices for each drop-down choice.
On my new install, there is only 1 choice on each. I did not purchase any add on templates. How do I get the others back? Is there a way to transfer them from the laptop?I tried loading some templates from the help button/do more tab and downloaded and installed the templates there, but got only some very simple templates that went under the "custom" drop-down menu.
Was there some free template pack that I downloaded or got on the original X2 disk, or X4 downloaded program that I did not install to the new computer or that I downloaded after installing the X4?
Using VSP X4. I have d/l one of the templates that has a complete video w/ placeholders. All of the placeholders except the first one are flat rectangular images which are easily replaceables, the first one that is a 3d Type of rectangle with a slant. How to replace it. How to adjust the image to fit into this 3d placeholder?
I downloaded the trial version of pro 4x and love the video clarity and smoothness....even running at 60FPS. However, when I try to start editing with the "Instant Project", I start to have issue.
1. The intro is fine.....very smooth
2. However, when it gets to the video portion, the quality and "shuddering" of the vidoe is horrible.
I have inserted instant project T04 in my VSX5 timeline and imported an image into the placeholder.I distorted the image to (what I thought) fit the placeholder.When I play it back, the imported image is not a perfect fit in the place holder frame.I cant find a way to get back to the overlayed image so that I can fine tune the image to fit the placeholder.
Everything was working fine with my VS PRO X5 program until after I downloaded and installed the following "Instant Template" from within VS. I chose the one which has a surfboard in it's bmp on the page with all the other Instant Projects to choose from.
C:UsersNEWDocumentsCorel VideoStudio ProVSPTemplate 039_HD-Project. I think that download might be corrupted because that's the ONLY thing I've downloaded/installed to VS before this happened.
Immediately after installing that project, my computer would freeze immediately as soon as I either loaded it up, or clicked on any of the icons such as "Instant Template," etc. Even CTRL/ALT/DELETE fails to operate normally.
All my system files are up-to-date, no viruses/malware found, rebooted computer to flush memory, etc. before starting VS. The same problem happens each time, and ONLY with Video Studio. Sometimes, if I wait 5 minutes or so while the hourglass is spinning and the top bar says "Video Studio is Not Responding," suddenly, it will then begin working. But, it works only until I click on the Instant Template choice again.
Question: How do I uninstall or else get rid of the VS additional downloaded files, SAFELY, without losing any of my previous creations and files, or VS default templates, etc.? Will I have to uninstall VS completely and reinstall it? If so, what is the correct procedure recommended to do that. I can no longer use my program.
My computer crashed and had to reinstall everything, well almost everything, still re-installing. The issue that I am having is the Instant Project-Wizard button/icon, that is suppose to be located above the Timeline is not being displayed. This applies to both programs, VideoStudio X4 & X5 versions.
I recently upgraded to x6. My question is, there were some hd project templates that came with x3 that id like to use with x6. How to do this, or import or find the files?
I've a batch of videos that I'd like to edit and subsequently upload.
It is possible to create a sort of project template that has the same title screens, transitions, and a final end credits? What I've been doing to date is just copying the last project and changing the data manually.
Some of the Instant Projects in VideoStudio 6 might be useful if one could remove the "VideoSudio" text from them and maybe even add new text. Is there a way to do that? If not, what are they for?
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
I have built many websites for artists over the last 10 years and have mostly used Lightroom Flash based gallery templates as the tool for displaying artworks in portfolios. Everyone has been happy with these flash based templates, they have a look and feel which is preferable to the simple HTML templates. Also their customisation abilities are good to tailor to each artists work and preferences.
Increasingly, these artists are getting complaints and negative feedback that their galleries are not working through Ipads (as Ipads don't support flash). Most want to keep their galleries as they currently look and feel as they are happy with the design, however they want people to able to view their work.
provide a conversion utility or better still, provide their standard historic flash based web templates in a html5 version that will seemlessly work with all forms of browesrs, including ipads and iphones.
We dont want to change to look of the templates, although more dynamic HTML5 templates would also be nice, we just want to keep what we have working with changing technology.
Is there any more with X4? I searched the forums, but the "DVD menu templates" results are more about making your own.
I recall having quite a few more to choose from with the earlier versions of VS when going through the process of burning, but when I choose 'All' only 5 show up. Can I download or somehow acquire more?
I want to continue working in outline mode, using a template while in isolation mode, but the template disappears. Does that mean I'd have to copy the template to the group or layer I'm working in?
What programs are available to create dvd menu templates to be used in VS X4? Right now I'm using the TBYB version but if I were to purchase I would like to be able to create and adding my own templates since there don't appear to be very many that come with the program, only a couple that I can see anyways.
I like the fact that I can burn video files and menus to disc within VS but the current selection of menus makes this feature mostly useless so I'm wondering how I could add more.
Is it possible to import menu templates from Videostudio 11 to the latest Pro X4. I am trying to to keep all my holiday movies with the same template and can find the files in VS 11 but not sure if I can import and which file I would import it into.
I've read several topics here on the Instant Project templates. I'm working my way through the VS Pro X4 trial and about to purchase it just have a couple of remaining questions.
The trial I'm using has a very limited set of DVD templates for use when burning a DVD disc. I assume these are different than the Instant Project templates that I've read about here?
If they are different than the Instant Project templates are there DVD templates for download? I assume they're only available for a fully licensed install?
I just upgraded from X3 to X4 (probably means X5 is on the way...). When I upgraded to X3, I had some "My Favorites" DVD menu templates in VS10+ which I managed to transfer to Movie Factory SE by moving some files (*.ufo?) from some VS10 directory to somewhere in Movie Factory. It's too long ago -- can't remember the details.
I have a potential client who asked me to put his logo at the bottom of every scene, like a footer area. The movie will include imported video and stills - adding branding for stills would be easy enough using a third party graphics tool and importing, but how to do this for video?This got me thinking about templates, i.e. to create client templates with branding etc, to be used for future projects for the same client.
Is it possible to create templates URL....That led me to the 'Make Movie Templates Manager', but this seems to be a dead-end, I mean, how and where do I create the template ?
I just got X4 Pro...They FINALLY fixed the DVD/Blu-ray authoring party that was significantly gone from X3.I created my first Blu-ray disc with the new BD-J template and think it looks great. How can I obtain more templates, OR how can I create my own?
where to get more AVCHD disc menu templates than the 8 that come with it? I was wondering if the demo of DVD MovieFactory 7 has more and if I installed the demo if I could copy the templates over to VSX4.
I have a bunch of templates I created, and VS supplied, in VS 11 and X2 that I'd like to get over to MF 7se (That came with X3). When I open MF 7 through X3 there are only about ~12 DVD menu templates to chose from (Even with "ALL" selected).