VideoStudio :: X4 Ultimate - Move Clip Or Picture In Certain Way?
Sep 22, 2011
Have VideoStudio X4 Ultimate.I have a major issue here and sure hope this is user error - otherwise it would be a major drawback for me.
How can I move a clip or a picture in a certain way.An example:I want it to move in from the left side small, while going to the middle get bigger, then rotate 180° and continue to move it in the upper right corner.
Basically I do a lot of dog rescue/foster stuff and doing videos (even if they are slide shows) of the dogs really get adopted. I am "ok" at doing a normal slide show. Here's a link for one I have already done
But, I would like to "spice" them up a little. One thing someone suggested was doing a slide show, like above, but having multiple pictures on the screen at once. For instance a picture appears in the Upper left, then upper right, then lower left, then lower right. So there are 4 pictures that are on the screen at the same time, but appear at different times. Like if you were showing some one snapshots and setting them on a table, with some covering up others.
If there are any 3D plugins that will work on Pro x6 Ultimate . I've had a look at the VIDEO COPILOT | Element 3D - 3D Object based Particle Plug-in. It lists a lot of programs it will work with but not Corel.
I recently purchased the x5 ultimate pro edition, but a few years ago i had an older version but i noticed something....
the older version used to have close to 40 transitions, but the new one even with the extra download pack still only 3 transitions.. did something not get installed?
I'm having a real problem with VS X4 pro crashing!Ive just started a project I have a video in the toptrack..I've used a instant project the one selected in yellow all seems fine! I move the text from the instant project & select a Title text effect
Preview it all is well! Now change the text from LOREM to Dublin IPSUM to 2012..Change other text & 9 time out of 10 VS4 crashes when i preview the Project.If i don't use the Title text effect it seems fine!I just reinstalled my OS (windows 7 64bit) it will be somthing Ive missed but ???
How long Corel take to send out disc? Im waiting for a VS5 Pro ultimate? i bought VS4 a couple of weeks before they released VS5 & Corel done a deal!
Since downloading the new version I have ran across a display issue. When editing, all of the popup display boxes are too large and extend under my taskbar. I have tried everything such as changing the monitor's screen resolution to nearing every setting. And I have searched and attempted to come up with a fix from with in the preferences, UI layout, etc.
I have prepared a folder using AVCHD for BLU RAY Disc( that is I am not trying to burn Blue Ray from timeline). When I go in share-create disc-pick blue-ray, the program aborts with message 'Program will abort Contact technical support'. No details on error
The file size is less than 6 GB
I am using WIN 8 have 16 GB of ram, Have Blue Ray burner and Quad Core CPU. I have checked and Burner's firmware is up to date Same for Videostudio 15. It has all the updates and patches installed.
I've tried installing the purchased downloaded version of the software to two different Windows 7 64 machines and installation just stops on the first screen. "Next" never becomes active. Corel told me to delete my temp files and I've done that, to no avail. I had the same thing happen with the trial version and just figured that they would have fixed the for sale version.
I am running Vid Studio Pro X4 and am 3 months into a year long project. I was interested in upgrading to Vid Studio X6 Ultimate but wanted to know if X6 will be able to read and properly load the .vsp file for this project which already has many clips, transitions, effects, and audio. Or, should I just stay with X4 until December when my project is finished and then upgrade starting next year's project fresh.
I have done all the updates etc that Corel has suggested and I still cannot make a 3D movie. I do all the steps to make it and when I play it back the audio is there but there is either a white or black screen.
My new Pro X6 doesn't show me the Smart Sounds. You can't klick something in the smartsound window! I also have installed Pro X4, and here I have all smartsounds!
I've been a Corel Video Studio user for almost 10 years and never ran into this issue. When creating a disc (DVD or Blu Ray), I get an error message while the program is "converting the menues" for burning to blank disc. The message reads "convert step got some problems (257.0.0)". Figuring that something got corrupted, I closed the program and rebooted the computer. I then again set up the menues I wanted to use only to get the same error message. I then decided to burn a previous project that I knew to be successful and it burned properly. I then decided to create a new project using the same video files and menus that previously failed. That too proved to be unsuccessful. I went to Corel's website but there was no info available covering my error message.
I have been playing around with the screen capture fature of X5 Pro Ultimate and I am having problems.
When I set the capture to custom and then drag the frame/window or whatever you call it around the section I want to capture it always captures too high and then cuts off bottom. If I capture in full screen is there a crop feature?
The things I want to capture have a window within the full page and I am trying to capture just the window, ie. a Youtube or any other web based video. the dragghing custom isn't working and I see not crop option.
A project I'm working on needs Speech Bubbles with text in them. I Couldn't find this option anywhere.So I started creating the bubbles in PSP x4 and overlaying them in.This works but its a pain when you need 100 of them.Is there an easier way builtin to VideoStudio X4 Ultimate that I can use.
I just grabbed the upgrade to Ultimate (already had VSX4) because the product page said "Advanced video stabilization and image enhancement - Fix even the shakiest video with proDAD Mercalli SE—rock-steady video stabilization, rolling-shutter correction and zoom/pan optimization. You can also adjust color, white balance, tone, exposure and more with multicore processor-accelerated color correction, Advanced DeNoise, Auto Exposure and Lensflare filters." and I need some of these features.
Now that I installed it, I need to find where they hide everything.
I found the Mercalli filter for the "shake, rattle and roll" stuff but I haven't found the "Auto Exposure" stuff and I need to turn down the exposure of this video I am working on (lots of light flares). From the above description/paragraph, I would have though the exposure stuff was under Mercalli, but I haven't found it.
how proDad wasn't visible. Looking through the X5 install folders, I see a bunch of New Blue filters not visible either. The attached image shows the filters in the vft_plug folder, that aren't available within the program.
I am running XP and X5 Ultimate.My workflow follows :
File Insert media file to library Insert Digital media Select drive in import from digital media box Start
Then the screen goes black and the PC reboots with an error report box showing. The DVD has a UDF file system and it is 2.32GB and plays in Power DVD OK.
I've installed all the software and I can use the Boris FX as i can find it in the effects list and drag it on to a clip. However i Can't see Mercalli in the list or find anyway of accessing it from Video Studio
NB I've checked the ProDAD folder that installed and it's only 15mb in size and the .corel folder is empty
Since installing Video Studio Pro X5 and keeping my previous version (V.S .11+) installed as well,I am unable to open downloaded videos with X5.It is not available as an option even when I browse for it.I have to open it with VS11+ and then import it into X5.
My Instant Project Custom Templates have disappeared from the edit screen, if I click on browse, then select C:ProgramDataDownloadsTemplates, they are all there, when I try to open them it says they are already installed, yet they are not showing. They were there, but disappeared when I downloaded another 2 custom templates,these 2 are now the only ones that show in custom view. how to get them back
Oops, just noticed that my profile is incorrect, using win 7 Home edition, not XP, now just have to remember how to change my profile
I have already installed Service Pack 2 for VS x4 pro. I somehow missed Service Pack 1. Can I still install SP1 now, without uninstalling the whole application? I don't know whether it may be necessary to install them chronologically.
I recently purchased VS X6 Ultimate. I had been using X4 Pro. I chose the full install not the upgrade version of the software.
While using X4 for a while, the program would not burn a BluRay or AVCHD disk in Dolby 5.1 no matter what settings I chose. It would only burn in "Stereo". VS X4 DID burn these disks in Dolby 5.1 for a long time then it just stopped. I always selected Dolby 5.1 from tools or settings menu at the top of the program (I forget which one as I am not at the computer I use for VS). Also when burning my disk I select Dolby Digital 3/2 and 448kps.
When the disk was played back in my BluRay player, it only showed two channel stereo.
Then I upgraded to X6 Ultimate and the same thing happens! Yesterday I burned a short 16 min video consisting of mostly still photos, some HD video, and music tracks and transitions. I made all the "correct" selections to produce in Dolby 5.1 and the disk, when played in my BluRay player is again in Stereo. I have tried other disks to ensure my BluRAy player and home entertainment system is not faulty. The system readily shows Dolby 5.1 and 7.1 for studio produced disks.
-----> Strange thing is when burning a standard DVD, it burns in 5.1!<-----
I recently had a senior moment, sigh. I ended up deleting my video 5 ultimate . I finally installed it back again, For some reason, x4 samplesvideoPo3 UVP files doesn't exist. Actually I had Studio prox5,prior to buying the ultimate program. I also have problems with my auto music, cant find those files. I didn't think that I had the files from pro X 5. still in my computer, Is it possible to reinstall the prox5 and the missing files will be back where they should be?