VideoStudio :: Splitting Audio Without Breaking Things
Nov 21, 2012
I have done some interviews using a Nikon D90 (only thing at hand; build in microphone and bad audio). Now I need to clean the sound and focus on human voice – and hope the Audio Filter in VS will do the job.
If I split audio to apply filters, can I then continue to edit my project just as before – or will I break things when adding new clips, photos, titles etc.?
I decided to make the jump from X3 to X5 ultimate to give Corel a try again, actually the deciding factor for me was the included mercalli stabilization as it seems to be pretty good.
Anyway, I created about a 10 minute movie from a few videos, which is divided into many clips. Now I want to disable the audio from the video track and add a sound track. I found a nice sound track with the included auto music, but I can't figure out a way to mute the entire audio track from the video so I only hear the added music. I can only see how to do it one clip at a time. Is there a way to do all the clips at once?
I guess in hindsight I should have muted the audio from the video before splitting them into clips, but I've been used to using Vegas which allows you to mute the audio from the entire video track and thought I could do it later with X5.
Am I stuck with doing one clip at a time? Or do I have to save the movie then bring it in as one large clip then mute the audio from the video so I can replace it with a music track? the mercalli seems to work pretty good - which version it is they bundle with X5?
In Smoke 2012 attempting to select two audio tracks for merging and/or splitting results in the message "two layers must be fully selected". I have the two layers are selected in the far left-hand-side of the timeline with the selection buttons. The manual is not specific either.
Conversely, selecting a stereo audio track and applying stereo 'stereo split' results in the message "At least one stereo track needs to be selected". Selection was performed, as above, with the far left-hand-side track selection box.
The point is that creating a 'new sequence' results in a single video track. When two mono audio tracks are created to accomodate the audio portion of the clips they have to be converted to stereo.
I wanted to split a clip, but I've split a project (after 4 minutes). Now, when I want to insert an audio file, it stops playing after 4 minutes although it's much longer. Every new project is also split and I cannot insert music. It stops playing after 4 minutes. I have found the explanations about splitting the clip, but nothing about the splitting the whole project. How can I make my new projects "entire" and insert the full-lenght audio?
I am trying to split an avi file in the timeline. I split the clip at the required entry point (using the scissors). The 1st part is then marked with a yellow bar. As soon as I move the slider along to get to part where I want to split the clip again (the exit point) - the clip goes black and I can't see it. I if I click on "clip" the clip reappears - but if I click on "project" the section I am trying to cut out goes black again.
I have a very unusual problem and I can't work it out. I have 1920x1080 clips in AVCHD format taken from my Full HD Digital movie Camera. It's a cheapy - Kogan! When I place all the clips together in Studio Pro 4 and render the video outpout or even preview in the clip window I get the frames splitting above and below the frame. The clips play fine in all players and as you can see in the second attachment is the Pro preview player compared to Media classic which renders the clip correctly.
You can see the top and bottom of the frame is duplicated on every transition or start of next clip
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
I have on .avi video file from friend, that I can play OK with sound in VLan player, I just installed X3 and tried to make DVD from it and got it without sound, same thing if I play this loaded .avi in X3, don't have any sound ? Is there any secret encoding I have to look for ? Somebody told me that X3 will eat any format.
I am having a problem with way slow audio in Ulead Videostudio 11.5 plus. I know it's an older version, but the format is similar or the same for some of the programs and maybe someone else has had that issue on even a new software version.
I managed to make some music videos with the software, after going to Youtube, as the manual for the software really isn't that great in all honesty. it simply doesn't tell you much detail on doing things. Putting in a music track to the video clips and then turning the sound on each clip all the way down wasn't a problem, but now that I want to do a normal video-I'm finding the sound in the virtual clip or whatever(which I recorded into my digital camera-mov. files), plays like Jabba the Hut off Starwars!
What do I do here to make it sound normal and be able to edit properly and share it in normal sound?I tried splitting the audio and then it sounded normal, BUT it still had that nasty slow sound on the audio. No matter if you mute it or pull the sound down in the video/audio clips in editing. How do I get rid of that slow sound or change it to make it right? Do I even need to split audio there?
So I go to edit some video and now all of a sudden there is no sound/audio playback in any of my clips. The files are fine. They play fine in other software, and in other editing software as well. But this is the my software of preference and I can't use it. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. The same thing has also happened to my DVD Workshop 2 software. And the same thing happened to at least 3 previous versions of VideoStudio. Everything works great and then one day BAM, no audio. The data is there because if I go ahead and render it again and play the new file on something else the audio is still there. So the problem is only on Corel/Ulead products. As a matter of fact I just downloaded the VS X3 demo. I cannot find anything about it online anywhere. If I cannot figure this out I am NEVER going to buy another Corel/Ulead product again. And I am a longtime user, way back to version 3 or 4. And for some idiotic reason I keep buying the new versions.
Slideshow Creation: I'd like to make a slideshow DVD for Xmas to give out. I've made a lot of movies with VS but never a slide show and in fact i've never created a slideshow in any program.
Is this possible in VS10 or would it be better to use DVDLab Pro for this? If VS10 is sufficient to do this (just a fairly basic slideshow NOT HD). I really can't grasp it from the Manual since it really isn't covered in detail there (or did i miss it?) I'm looking to see what types of photos/graphics files and what resolution as well as a HOW TO. I'm clueless about slideshow creation.
Audio DVD Creation:
I do seem to recall that i did this once in VS10 - or was this a dream? Is there any tutorial on this as well?
When using the audio fade in and out to activate the fade should the bars be highlighted or dimmed? I don't seem to hear any difference between them. (Vid pro x4)
I got a new camera that outputs .avi files, and put together a video. When I click an individual clip in the timeline and play it, the audio plays... however, when I play the project, the audio does not play. It also does not play when I render it.
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
I have VideoStudio X5 Pro. Trying to add voice over using a mike. Problem I am having is the volume. On playback I can barely hear my voice. Have raise the volume level in X5 to the max, still have the issue.
My PC got a virus and I had to reinstall VideoStudio 11 afterwards.
For the first time since, I've burned a multi-chapter DVD and when I play it there is no audio on Chapters 2-4 but it sounds fine on the menu music and the first chapter. Each chapter is an AVI and plays fine in VS and then in the menu preview.
I've reinstalled the software a couple of times and tried a different DVD+R but still no audio on half of the disc.
I have been using VS11+ for a few years, and have never run across this problem until now. I am trying to import DVDs recorded on a specific machine and am getting video but no audio. There is audio on the DVDs. I have tried importing both as mpg and as avi (in project properties) but neither works. Although I've been using VS, I am self-taught and not very knowledgeable about codecs, recoding, etc. I mainly use VS for importing video from DVDs, editing, rendering and burning onto DVDs. I am not certain of the make/model of the DVD recorder, but I do know it is new. (I did a keyword search for "import DVD no audio" before posting, but it returned over 2,000 results).
I used to work in MediaStudio Pro which I really like it because it is very user friendly, then suddenly Corel killed them all by buying them, and never continue that wonderful program.How to edit the audio on the timeline? What I mean is, in MediaStudio Pro, from the Audio in Timeline, I can raise the audio up, then few minutes, low it down, then few seconds later, raise up again etc...From what I see right now on X6, for audio I can only either use the Audio filter to low down or to raise up the whole clip but not, raise up or low down at at any part that I want to.
In my current project, after spliting the audio from a certain clip, the Audio Filter buttom is greyed even the audio clip is marked, so I can't use it. It doesn't happen to me in previous projects.
I downloaded free trial of Video StudioPro When i am capturing video from external device and the video captures OKAY, but there is no Audio when i play back the video????
I add a video to the timeline video track (not the overlay track), and with 'clip' selected and playing... I have audio just fine, for the most part... sometimes the audio jumps and skips, and sounds garbled. With 'project' selected and the video playing, either the same thing happens as the 'clip' or there is no audio at all.
What I have discovered, is that this is common with AVI files. Other files, such as WMV, don't seem to have this problem. It affects only AVI files. The video plays just fine in WMP and VLC, as well as other video editors such as PowerDirector... so why dos VideoStudio have this odd sound issue? And I'm sure as Hell not gonna convert all my videos to WMV just to edit them.
This is on a fresh install of VideoStudio Pro X4 (as well as Windows), no updates, no Service Packs, no nothing... even WITH SP1 it's still does it. I've also removed and reinstalled my codec packs (from K-Lite to Shark007) with no difference.
I've also hear that people are now having this issue with VS Pro X3 as well (I have X3 to) so I assume it's pointless to install X3 as well. I really do NOT like using any editing software other than X4, since it's the best one I've used... so I do not want a reason to use something else.
I've recently upgraded the PC and re-installed VS10 onto the new, improved, beast in front of me now, but have hit a hurdle.
Whether I'm looking at an imported project or starting a new one from scratch, I seem not to be able to get the audio tracks to play when playing the project as a whole.
I can select the music track and play it from within the timeline without a problem, but select the project and all I get is the sound of silence.
after scanning and searching the forum I can't find anything that fits my bill so far.
Drivers have been checked and updated where found wanting. I'm at a loss to explain why. I never had this problem back on the old slow-coach...!
For info I'm running Vista on a dual core 2600Ghz machine with Asus P5K Pro 'board (on-board audio) and a GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card.
When I create a DVD from the project, the 'normalize audio' option in grayed out and cannot be selected. If I choose AVCHD, Blue-Ray, or BD-J the option is available. I only have the problem with this one project, all the other work ok I installed Video Studio on a new computer and copied the project to the new computer, and had the same problem so it must the tied to the project. I opened a log with Corel tech support but with no results. Version is X5 Ultimate, build
I've uploaded MPEGs from Panasonic DMC-TZ7 on HD quality. Audio works fine when playing clips and when played on Quicktime. When playing back on Project, I get a chopped pulsing noise on some parts (although they play OK as clips). I used simple fade to black transitions and trimmed clips. When I finish project, the sound was OK on the first clip but I get no sound or the odd pulse of sound on subsequent clips.
I have re-installed VS pro X3 and downloaded the latest patches but it makes no difference.
I just recently purchased Video Studio Pro X4 and found it to work well in most respects except when I have no audio when working with AVI files. I have wanted to burn to DVD but can not hear any audio. I have tried installing the KLite codec package as well as any other codecs I could find that might be relevant onto my Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit system.
when ever I bring a clip into the timeline and play it as a "Clip" the sound is fine. When I play it as a "project" the video plays normal but the sound is slowed way down out of sync. This problem carries over to the burned DVD also.