VideoStudio :: Blur Out With New Blue PIP

Feb 27, 2011

I am trying to use the Blur Out option with with New Blue PIP but all I get is a sharp edge in the VS preview window. In the New Blue filters preview window it looks perfect. Blurred outer edge just as I want.No matter what I try this does not carry over to VS and in playback the object outer edge is sharp.Now the" Blur In" works fine in both the filter preview window and the VS preview window.I actually had this trouble on X3 but dismissed it as I was only playing around but now I would really like to use this effect and I'm having the same issue on X4. How to be able to use the Blur Out in PIP successfully?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 - Blur Over Someone Face

Oct 14, 2011

In FX what plugin do I use? I remember seeing it but cant find it.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Face Blur Not Working?

Nov 9, 2011

I am using VSP X4. In trying to blur or pixelate a face in a video, I first copied the video from the main track onto the overlay track. I then added crop and with keyframes followed the face. I then added the pixelate filter and adjusted. It seems no matter how I adjust the pixelate sliders, the finished product is a very minimal blur and you can still identify the person (I am using a video of me for practice). I have left trancparency at zero in the Mask and Chroma key section.

On the same topic, is there a way to hide the face with color rather than pixelate?

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VideoStudio :: New Blue Titler EX For Pro X6

Mar 7, 2013

I have just installed the new Pro X6. How to get the Newblue Titler EX into Pro X6? The Corel comparison pdf shows that it should work. I still have Pro X5 installed.

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VideoStudio :: New Blue Audio Polish FX

Jun 13, 2012

I was trying to use a filter to clean up my audio. The original video was of a chorus concert. I was trying to add the New Blue Audio Polish to add some Ambiance. It adds an annoying clicking sound when using the separate audio track after it was just split. I think the problem might have been that I was using the audio from the AVI rather than a separate WAV file, and also I think Dolby Digital might have interfered.

My findings were that although the audio sounded just spectacular in VS X5 while previewing the entire project, once it rendered to DVD, there were too many clicking sounds.

I was using Dolby Digital for the output. I am rendering a new project with the audio from the video entirely removed, and inserted the separate WAV file I created previously with the New Blue Audio Polish. The settings I used on the filter were that everything was set to zero (compression down to minimum) with the ambiance setting at 85 (about 3/4 around the circle). I played around with it quite a bit, and I hope this works this time. I am keeping the project at LPCM stereo to see if the problem resolves because maybe it was the Dolby Digital causing problems.

I was wondering if I should use the "Interleave audio and video" option in this case.

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VideoStudio :: New Blue Effects Display

Oct 23, 2012

I am an avid user of New Blue Effects. Film Effects, Video Essentials V and Stabiliser all appear correctly in the FX Filter drop down box and when one of these is clicked on, the correct New Blue effects display.However, with Video Essentials 111 and Colorfast, whilst they display in the FX Filter drop down box, when clicked on, nothing happens, the effects do not display, they are there when selecting "ALL" so they are installed correctly, Colorfast is not really an issue because it is just one item, but with Video Essentials 111, it is necessary to search through the complete FX list to find the one I want Not sure if this is a Corel issue or a New Blue issue. Using Video Studio X5 Ultimate.

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VideoStudio :: New Blue Video Essentials IV Don't Appear?

Dec 10, 2010

Last night I purchased and downloaded New Blue Video Essentials IV (Merry Christmas to me!). Installation seemingly went without a hitch. All the new New Blue vft files are in the vft folder. However, in both VS X3 and v10, nowhere do my new filters appear in the FX lists. No Video Essentials IV directory was created, they are not in All, they are not in any of the others.

My receipt states "Registration Information: Serial Number: 12345678910. For those familiar with purchasing New Blue FX, does this need to be registered before it can be used? If so, how do you do it, as I was never prompted to do so?

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VideoStudio :: New Blue Not Visible In Pro X5 Ultimate?

Dec 6, 2012

how proDad wasn't visible. Looking through the X5 install folders, I see a bunch of New Blue filters not visible either. The attached image shows the filters in the vft_plug folder, that aren't available within the program.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Exporting Crashed In Blue-ray / AVCHD

Jan 6, 2011

I'm just trying out the VSX3 trial and have some problems exporting.

-Exporting crashed in Blueray/AVCHD, I disabled the HW acceleration on encoder and it seems to work (slow offcourse). I'm using a GTX460 and I saw the solution here

-When I try to make my own export profile I can see only one codec "Ulead Mpeg Now Encoder" limited to 720x576 ...

Is that last problem due to the trial version ? I installed all the last patches and now in version I'm using the french interface but that shouldn't be a problem I suppose ?

PS : The editing features are very intuitive and fast I like it ! But without a good export it's useless

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VideoStudio :: Installing New Blue Cartoon Filter

Oct 11, 2010

With VS 11+ not running on XP Home I went to


to download the New Blue Cartoon filter. I Selected the Host Platform as Windows In the free effects set up box VS was already selected Destination folder was designated as prog files New blue free effects for windows.

In the New Blue Free Effects install Assist for VS box it said that the path would be to the vft.plug (via prog filesUL SystemsULVS11). In my VS11+ vft_plug folder-- New Blue Cartoonr,vtf files 131kb and date modified 26 06 2010 showed.

But the filter is not there in the filter library of VS.Did not show on reboot either.I was not asked to register.

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VideoStudio :: Uninstalled New Blue Titler But It Still Shows In List Of FX

Jun 15, 2012

I had installed the NewBlue title Ex which link one gets when one registers VS X5. Since I did not prefer the same (compared to heroglyph) i uninstalled it, but the name NewBlue Titler Ex still appears inthe drop down FX menu tab. Is there some way to remove this redundant entry?

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Photoshop :: Blur Random Curves From One Side To Have Same Blur Distance And Effect On Whole Curve

Feb 24, 2013

I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.

To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:

As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Blur Tool Not Working (blur Filters Work)

Jul 23, 2012

I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....

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Photoshop :: How Do I Get Nice Blur Edges After Gaussian Blur

Dec 18, 2005

i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.

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Photoshop :: Image Blue And White - Batch Command That Will Change Blue To Black

Aug 16, 2012

i have 1000 eps files to work with and i dont have the time to go to each one and change the color from blue to black! all are different shapes so i need a batch command that will keep the white, white and change any other color to black!

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Make Blue Skies Less Turquoise And More Blue

Aug 8, 2013

I'm using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro.  My Blue Skies have too much green in them for my preference.  I'm sure there is a way to change this, but how?  Also, can I change the default 'blue skies' to something more to my liking for a long-lasting remedy?

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Photoshop :: Remove Blue / White Rectangle Leaving Blue Swirl On White Background

May 16, 2012

Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .

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Photoshop :: Cannot Print True Blue Colors It Will Only Print Same Shades Of Violet / Blue?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 64Bit running Adobe CS5 Master Collection. But ever since I allowed CS5 Photoshop to control my printer (HP Photosmart Prem 310-C) to do a test print of a graphic that I created all of my Blues print a violet/blue color, no matter what color blue. It has even affected MS Word & MS Project when I try to print blue colored font or Gantt Chart blues will no longer print blue, but will print the same blue/violet color. I've even tried a brilliant blue which will all view great, but prints the same shade of violet blue! All my colors and Blues will view great! I've calibrated my monitor and I've reset my printer several times and still the same thing! I never had this problem before I downloaded Adobe CS5! A strange thing is that I can run check printer test and the data & image that is stored in the printer will print blues perfect, including running a copy direct from the scanner bed and it will produce perfect blues. I almost feel as though Adobe CS5 has possessed my PC and printer, how do I get it back to printing like it did before installing CS5 Master Suite?

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Photoshop :: Lens Blur In CS3

Dec 5, 2011

I seem to have lost lens blur. It's no longer in the drop down of Blur in filters. Does this have something to do with smart filters? Perhaps I've unwittingly converted my filters and lost lens blur.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Surface Blur

Jan 15, 2013

I have Photoshop CS5 and when I run Filter>Surface Blur, it takes about 27 minutes to execute - I would say that is WAY TOO LONG EH!
I have an iMac with 8gb of memory, I have 600gn of free space, 70% of memory (5400nb) allocated to photoshop.
Something is not right - what should I check next?

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Photoshop :: Gaussian Blur In CS6

Oct 11, 2012

I am having difficulty with Gaussian Blur. I created a selection outline in an image and then filled it with black. I then selected Gaussian Blurr from the Filter Menu a set the radius to 100 and then deselected my previous selection.

In CS5 the edges faded into the background image however in CS6 the outline of the previous selection was still visible and the Gaussian Blur did not blend the selection as expected. Even ramping the radius up did not solve the issue as the outline still remained visible. how do i resolve this issue in CS6?

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Photoshop :: How Blur Can Be Taken Out Of Image

Apr 7, 2012

is there anyway that the blur can be taken out of this image?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Surface Blur

Nov 16, 2012

I did a search for "surface blur slow" and got nothing...  Which tells me I've got something set wrong or there'd be a big discussion with lots of screaming about a function that still isn't usable after three major releases...
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.  I7 - 920 running 3.8 GHz, 12GB of memory.
I remember in CS4 or 5 Surface Blur was essentially unusable, but isn't this the third major release of Photoshop with Surface Blur?  Is there some specific set of preferences I need to set so this thing will be usable?  I'm editing C300 images, so those are small at 12 megapixels (certainly compared to a D800) and it takes MINUTES do do anything.  It can't STILL be this slow so I figure there's GOTTA be something I need to set differently...  What's goin on?

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Photoshop :: A Better Motion Blur?

Mar 6, 2008

I have used the motion blur filter, but it just does not look photographic. Does anyone know of any other 3rd party filters or techniques to make to the motion blur look more realistic. I know you can mask and erase parts. And, make a copy slightly transparent and offset.

It seems realistic motion blur has more solid highlights from end to end and soft shadows.
Also realistic motion blur only goes in one direction.

I thought someone would have a better motion blur filter with more options with highlight and shadow control. and some random waviness as if not going exactly in one direction

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Photoshop :: Remove Blur

Feb 15, 2003

How do i make a image more sharp and not so blurry whitout making it look bad?

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Photoshop :: Blur Removal

Feb 13, 2006

is there a way of removing a blur or mask if someone has manipulated a pic. For example, if someone has posted a pic of their wife/gf and put a mask so you can't see their face...can it be removed?

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Photoshop :: Blur Edges

Jul 13, 2008

I was wondering, how do you blur just the edges of your image in photoshop? I want it to blend more with a black background with a graphic i am doing in Illustrator

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Photoshop :: Batch Blur?

Sep 23, 2006

I'm attempting to run a batch process, more or less i have to blur out a certain section of an image for about 360 images... I searched around for a bit and couldn't find the answer on these forums...

The images were all taken on a tripod, so the spot remains in the same spot.

I created a new action set, and i start recording the actions, it records me selecting the blur location, but does not record me actually performing the blur. I then save while still recording.

When i run this process on the image directory all the images (except the first one i edited and saved) remain without the blurred section.

Is there a way to do this, or do i have to blur each image individually?

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Photoshop :: Lens Blur In CS3

Sep 30, 2007

I am looking for the Lens Blur filter in Photoshop CS3 and I simply cannot find it. I'm sure that it is just me overlooking things, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, you would be of great help.

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Photoshop :: How To Blur An Image

Jul 8, 2008

I can't remember how to take a picture and use a tool (such as the eliptical tool) - make a circle around my image and then blur the edges of the image with a transparent background.

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Photoshop :: Abstract Blur

Nov 10, 2005

I've seen this effect many times, but have yet to succeed in perfecting the technique ....

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