I am looking for the Lens Blur filter in Photoshop CS3 and I simply cannot find it. I'm sure that it is just me overlooking things, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, you would be of great help.
I seem to have lost lens blur. It's no longer in the drop down of Blur in filters. Does this have something to do with smart filters? Perhaps I've unwittingly converted my filters and lost lens blur.
I go through the steps and while in the lens blur screen, it looks like it's working. Then I hit OK once I'm happy with my level of blur but then the blur doesn't apply. I've redone this a number of times, rebooted, etc. Has worked a couple times but mostly doesn't. Is this a bug?
I'm working on a portait where I want to give it a more shallow DOF (depth of field) than originally shot. In other words: I want to turn the background blurry while the foreground and subject should be sharp. I decided to use the Lens blur filter (Filter-Blur-Lens blur) for this.
Basically I just duplicated the image to a new layer, turned that layer into a smart object, added lens blur to it, then used a gradient filter on the mask in order to make the blur fade away in the front (just like a camera lens wide open would). Finally I used a brush to carefully remove (mask) the blur from the subject, revealing the (unblurred original image) bottom layer.
The problem is that the blurred layer also introduces a "halo" around things which isn't very attractive (see screenshots below). Is there a way to make the background blurry without adding halos? I've tried Gaussian blur as well but the same problem was there. I'm using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.
Original image
Duplicated layer blurred (lens blur) -notice dark "halo" above hair
Masked to reveal sharp (original) layer for subject. The halo is of course still there. Not very flattering
I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.
To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:
As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.
I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....
i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.
LightRoom and Camera Raw have profiles for Lens Correction and all the current available lens are in the list for the Canon 6D raw files. BUT the Filter/Lens Correction when in Photoshop CS6 only have 2 Tamron lens listed. Odd that there are lens profiles for the Canon 6D raw files in Lightroom and Camera RAW but not CS6 Filter/Lens Correction.
Camera RAW, LR and PS are up to date..... NOTE: I have a Canon 7D, G11 and 1D Mark II N and all their files work as expected. It's only RAW files created by the Canon 6D.
Why won't the Lens Correction filter recognize my camera and lens, which is shown in the metadata below the correction window? I had been using the venerable Canon 5D Mk II and now the Mk III. For images taken with the III it doesn't even list Canon in the Camera drop down -- too new? Even with the II, I had to choose the camera manually and then choose the lens from a very tedious list, and had no indication if it was using the focal length in the case of a zoom, or the aperture.
I do strongly prefer to do this correction in Camera Raw or Lightroom, and realize it needs to be done on an uncropped image to be accurate. why even present it as an auto correction if it can't use the metadata? Why not just limit it to the manual correction?
Using LR 3.5.1. When applying Lens Corrections/Profile/Enable in Default, my Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 actual lens is being corrected by the profile for a Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 lens. I can tell it's the wrong correction because the barrel distortion after using the default profile is not corrected, and when I manually select the 4-5.6 lens the correction is perfect. So I know the right data is embedded in the LR correction data bank but is not being used.
I found that when I set the profile Setup selector to "Auto" the correct lens is selected and the correction it makes is "correct." But then moving to the next photo it switches to Default again, selecting the wrong lens, and so has to be set to Auto for each photo. This action doesn't seem to me to me an expected result called "Setup." I need this for my home interior photography, and with hundreds of photos a week I don't want to manually operate this. This didn't happen until v.3.4 or 3.5, I think.
So, how do I get it to select the right lens as the Default, or get the Auto setting to stick? Either would do. (Seems to me they logically are the same thing).
In addition, why isn't it possible to have the profile itself enabled as a default perhaps in a preset - or is that possible and I don't know how to do it? In other words, once it's working right, why not make it an import preset for that lens?
I'm trying out the new Sigma 24-105 DG lens with my 5D M II. The lens profile is not yet in the list of Sigma lenses. I checked and my LR is up to date with the latest version 5.3. Is there a way to find the lens profile to import for LR lens correction function? Or do I just need to wait until LR updates for new lenses?
In LR 4.4 lens correction profiles works fine for my Canon 70-200 f/4L IS USM, but when I use the Canon Extender 1.4 III with this lens there is no correction profile available.How do I obtain a profile covering this?
I'm a Sony user and installed the Lightroom 4 trial. It imported the old 3.6 catalog and gave me a nice new Lightroom 4 catalog. So far so good. Everything looked normal.
Now, when I import new .ARW (Sony Raw) pics into LR4, I'm not getting the lens information correctly. I use a tool call 'alphalensinfo' that reads .ARW files and creates .XMP files with the correct lens name. LR3.6 used to import the pics and read the XMP, giving a correct lens name in the LR catalog. LR4 seems to fail at this.
For instance, with my Samyang 8mm, Alphalensinfo would add the exif field to the XMP file saying "Samyang 8mm". LR3.6 then shows "Samyang 8mm" for the lens, after import. LR4 shows "---" for the lens.
Has something changed in the way LR 4 handles Lens EXIF information?
How or where can I get the lens correction profile for the Canon 18-135 STM lens in Lightroom 5 ? In effect he is not available in my list of correction lens so my lightroom is up to date apparently.
I have two versions of the sony 70-400 ssm lens versions I and II. Both lenses are identified as 70-400 SSM. However if I examine the exif data in the xml sidecar for photos taken with these two lenses they have different lens IDs 53 for the first version (70-400mm f/4-5.6 G SSM) of the lens and 69 for the newer version II (70-400mm f/4-5.6 G SSM II). How can I get lightroom to recognize these two lenses with different names.
I am using lightroom 5 at work and shot some images with a canon 5d2 body with tamron 24-70 2.8 vc and tamron 70-200 2.8 vc lense. According to the note below, both lens are supported since lightroom 4.1. However I can not find the profile of these two lens on lightroom 5. How I can bring the profile back in?
I am having difficulty with Gaussian Blur. I created a selection outline in an image and then filled it with black. I then selected Gaussian Blurr from the Filter Menu a set the radius to 100 and then deselected my previous selection.
In CS5 the edges faded into the background image however in CS6 the outline of the previous selection was still visible and the Gaussian Blur did not blend the selection as expected. Even ramping the radius up did not solve the issue as the outline still remained visible. how do i resolve this issue in CS6?
I did a search for "surface blur slow" and got nothing... Which tells me I've got something set wrong or there'd be a big discussion with lots of screaming about a function that still isn't usable after three major releases...
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. I7 - 920 running 3.8 GHz, 12GB of memory.
I remember in CS4 or 5 Surface Blur was essentially unusable, but isn't this the third major release of Photoshop with Surface Blur? Is there some specific set of preferences I need to set so this thing will be usable? I'm editing C300 images, so those are small at 12 megapixels (certainly compared to a D800) and it takes MINUTES do do anything. It can't STILL be this slow so I figure there's GOTTA be something I need to set differently... What's goin on?
I have used the motion blur filter, but it just does not look photographic. Does anyone know of any other 3rd party filters or techniques to make to the motion blur look more realistic. I know you can mask and erase parts. And, make a copy slightly transparent and offset.
It seems realistic motion blur has more solid highlights from end to end and soft shadows. Also realistic motion blur only goes in one direction.
I thought someone would have a better motion blur filter with more options with highlight and shadow control. and some random waviness as if not going exactly in one direction
is there a way of removing a blur or mask if someone has manipulated a pic. For example, if someone has posted a pic of their wife/gf and put a mask so you can't see their face...can it be removed?
I was wondering, how do you blur just the edges of your image in photoshop? I want it to blend more with a black background with a graphic i am doing in Illustrator
I'm attempting to run a batch process, more or less i have to blur out a certain section of an image for about 360 images... I searched around for a bit and couldn't find the answer on these forums...
The images were all taken on a tripod, so the spot remains in the same spot.
I created a new action set, and i start recording the actions, it records me selecting the blur location, but does not record me actually performing the blur. I then save while still recording.
When i run this process on the image directory all the images (except the first one i edited and saved) remain without the blurred section.
Is there a way to do this, or do i have to blur each image individually?