Revit :: The Save Option Is Grayed Out And Unavailable
Oct 11, 2011
On some of my projects, the Save option is grayed out and unavailable. I can do a Save As and overwrite the previous file (which gives me no backups), but a simple Save doesn't work. It's not a central file or linked to any other files.
I wanted to convte an image to a quadtone then paste the original color image as a new object-layer beneath it, then experiment with the two with blending and masking techniques. But,When I try to save the quadtone image as a tiff, the option to do so isn't there. Only CPT, PSD and a few other options are avilable.
When I copy and paste the original image as a new object, it's also automatically converted to the quadtone of the layer beneath it.
We have been using Revit's "Save as new file..." function to save out files from our Central Model. In our model if I select different floors I get different results. I don't know what causes it to grey out. See attached JPG. what in the floor might cause it to grey out? (unfortunately due I cannot upload the files).
I'm running Photoshop Elements 10 on a windows 8.1 computer. Pixel dimension is grayed out and unavailable to me. I cannot uncheck "Constrain proportions," and have no way to change the size of photos. If I change the dimensions, the resolution changes in proportion. I am perplexed and at a standstill since this is a critical function.
In this older and now read-only post, Sarah stated that only compositions created with Edge offers such ability because the way symbols work it's quite complex. Is that still the case?
If so that should be at the top of the list of the wishlist as conversion of even simple existing pages is not possible. Although complex, it should be quite feasible to gather the structure of the page (for instance a few nested div elements) and "wrap them" into a new structure as if it were elements created using edge. What it seems to be necessary is a parser which may require some user input upon "n from non Edge-generate html" so that if missing info are indeed the case, the user can then provide them at the time of conversion.
Not trying to trivialize or over-simplifying the matter in any way, but I know that it's definitely possible (and valuable) to have such feature in future updates.
It may require to come up with a new magic scroll, spell and potions and gathering perhaps rare legendary ingredients from far away lands by the Edge Animate Wizards and Fairies, but I know it can be accomplished... if you don't believe look at the first iteration of Edge and look at it now! I rest my case
Paraphrasing the reply that Wherner Von Braun gave to JFK when asked what it would take to put a man on the moon... "all that's needed it's the will to do it"
I have Photoshop CS6 installed via Creative Cloud, now I have updated Lightroom to LR5 and I wanted to update ACR from 7.1 to 8.1 but in the Photoshop menu the Update option is greyed out. How to update ACR to the current version?
I shoot AVCHD video from my Canon Vixia HF S 21 at the highest setting of 24 Mbps / 60i. I have a Lite-On BD Burner and make BD-R discs. Originally when creating the movie that will be burned to disc, I was using the Blue Ray option (MPEG2 25000kbps). I was not happy as I saw much degradation of the image. I know from users on this forum that H.264 is the prefered format, but VS X3 limits you to 20000kbps, which will result in an even more degraded image. (Will this limit be removed in VS x5??)
What I found by accident was in the above project, use the option "Same as first clip". This resulted in an H.264 video, VBR 22700 kbps and the video is very sharp on my 55" LCD TV compared to the MPEG2 compression. So I am quite happy with this setting.
My problem is on my project right now, the Same as first clip option is grayed out. Why is this happening? Could it be that this time I captured as real 24F rather than in 60i format? My only option is MPEG2 for BLuRay, or use MPEG optimizer which still shows Mpeg2 but now VBR is 22700 rather than 25000 kbps. There is no way to get it to render as H.264. BTW I also noticed this the other day when rendering a project from video from my wife's Flip camera.
Just upgraded from Lightroom V4.4 to V5. After this upgrade I find that I can no longer select the option "Edit in Photoshop", the option is grayed out and is not selectable. I have Photoshop CS6 currently installed and don't have plans to upgrade to Photoshop CC (out of my price range).
If Lightroom V5 only interfaces with Photoshop CC now?
I now have xscanimage running from a command line. I added a soft link from .gimp-2.6/plug-ins/ to /usr/bin/xcanimage and restarted gimp. In File/ Create the option for xscanimage remains greyed out. What must I do to make it active?
When I plug my camera in, its a Panny TZ25 in this instance, Aperture opens on my Mac and I can see the photos on the camera, Lightroom does the same if I open it but my trial version of Elements 12 doesn't see the camera, the import option is greyed, but if I select "open" I can open the remote disc icon and view the folders on my camera. I assume there is a problem with a twain plugin of some kind ? I would have thought 12 would have had the camera in its list by default. It did in LR as I mentioned.
I am using LR 4.2 (on Mac) and have been using LR since 2.0. Yesterday all the badges on all my photos disappeared in Grid View. I didn't change any prefernce settings, or update that I am aware of. When I go to View > Grid View Styles> Show Badges, that option is checked, however it is grayed out. On the Mac that usually indicates it is not a viable option.
I've restarted the program but the problem remains. how to bring back badges?
I have an Epson Artisan 725 AiO printer. I have been trying to acquire an image from the scanner on this machine. It is a TWAIN scanner. When I try to select the source, the TWAIN option is grayed-out and will not allow to be selected. My question is: Why is this option grayed-out. Does Corel X6 64 bit support TWAIN scanners?
Am using Inventor 2013. I have imported some surface models into an IAM. They are not visible in the idw. When I attempted to make them visible by right-clicking on the item in the idw browser, then selecting the "Include all Surfaces" option, the option was grayed out. How can this function be enabled?
Also, can "Include all surfaces" be enabled in advance for all surface models/all views in the idw so that it does not have to be done after creation of each view?
In expert mode under the Layaout Tab at the bottom of the screen I can see seven options for layoutas of up to four pictures - all work except the "all floating" option which remins greyed out - what do I do to bring it into use - it is probably the most useful option !
I had to reinstall Windows XP pro and all my software applications, which includes Adobe Creative Suite Design (standard edition). All loaded well and my computer is up and running nicely.
only one problem.... in Photoshop the "Save for web and devices..." function is grayed out and unavailable. :-(
This is a feature I use quite a lot. Before I try uninstalling and re-installing, which, as you probably know is a lengthy process with these Adobe products, I'd like to first verify if this is a known problem and/or something I can deal with without re-installing Photoshop.
I'm wanting to know how to fix this issue? Each time I create actions it has the "Save Actions" selection grayed out. So every time photoshop decides to have a fit and kill on itself all my actions are wiped out then I have to recreate them, rinse and repeat.
I have CS2 Premium which I'm running on an older PowerPC Mac (G5 - Dual 2.3 GHz ) running OS 10.4.11. I've had this setup for many many years (registered/activated with Adobe) but suddenly one day I could no longer launch my Photoshop app: when I clicked on the Pshop icon it would start the launch (open) procedure ... and then almost instantly it would quit (in just a few seconds ... before the application even got to the 'title/credit' screen).
I've recently tried uninstalling CS2 (everything except Acrobat) and I ended up doing a manual uninstall of Version Cue. I've been on Macs for 20+ years so figured this would be a pretty straightforward procedure - uninstall -> reinstall and then back to work. Nope.
I'm attempting a fresh installation direct from the original CS2 CDs. In any event, when I try to (re)install CS2 - and after going through the standard screens with Adobe's usage terms agreement and installation hard disk selection - I arrive at the screen where one selects which application(s) to install by checking the various boxes (or alternately, to install the entire suite) but the 'Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe ImageReady CS2' line and checkbox are grayed out, so it will not allow me to check them and continue with the Photoshop installation process.
I'm trying to import photos into LR3.3, and the thumbnails are grayed out, as is the import button. The photos come from two other cameras -- one Canon Elf, the other I'm not sure. I received them through dropbox, and they open fine with Bridge and Photoshop CS4.
We have just installed a new server at work. We have transfered all of our Revit files to the server and resaved them as central files. We cannot seem to create more than one local file per Revit file even though we have already set up the file as a worksharing file. The one that sets up the Revit file is the only one that can create the local file. For the other user the create local file tab is grayed out.
I've selected Symbolic lines for a family. I draw them and after importing them into the model I notice they're model lines for some odd reason. But when I go into the family and select the model lines the Convert command is greyed out.. What is causing this?
I have always saved my work (both in CS4 and CS6) as .psd and .pdf. I am working on a new .psd just as I always have but when I try to save it there is no option to save as a .pdf. I created it in CS4 and the option is not there and I have also imported the .psd into CS6 and the option is not their either.