Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Quadtones Won't Save As TIFFs / Option Unavailable
Apr 14, 2012
I wanted to convte an image to a quadtone then paste the original color image as a new object-layer beneath it, then experiment with the two with blending and masking techniques. But,When I try to save the quadtone image as a tiff, the option to do so isn't there. Only CPT, PSD and a few other options are avilable.
When I copy and paste the original image as a new object, it's also automatically converted to the quadtone of the layer beneath it.
I have an Epson Artisan 725 AiO printer. I have been trying to acquire an image from the scanner on this machine. It is a TWAIN scanner. When I try to select the source, the TWAIN option is grayed-out and will not allow to be selected. My question is: Why is this option grayed-out. Does Corel X6 64 bit support TWAIN scanners?
While "Draw" of Coreldraw X5 is working well, Corel Photopaint X5 does not "Save", "Save as..." or "Export" files. It just does nothing, when I choose to save a file under "something.cpt". It works, as long as it is a JPG, but not as a CPT. I am working on a Win7, with CorelX5 in german. Support told me to reinstall.
On some of my projects, the Save option is grayed out and unavailable. I can do a Save As and overwrite the previous file (which gives me no backups), but a simple Save doesn't work. It's not a central file or linked to any other files.
I would like to save only one of the color channels, for example the magenta channel of my .tiff image. How do I do that? Every time I save my image I just get a grayscale image, even though I'm able to see the magenta channel just fine.
The plague has struck my X4. I have done absolutely nothing to the computer in over two years. I can't save a file as a JPEG to most folders using Save AS. It will save a file as a JPEG to the TEMP folder -- but the preview in which I can set compression does not show up. However, it still works well if I Export to Web.
Every time I want to save an PNG image with no background corel keeps merging the object with the background, so it creates a white background. Even if I only open and click save a png image it merges with the background.
The Photo Paint program can save an image in several formats. However, I do not see an option to save an image file in the .png (portable network graphics) format.
Is it possible to save an image in the .png format using Photo Paint?
I am trying to save a tif file to gif and at the same time setting the white background transparent. I did this in Corel Photo Paint 11 with the following
Now in Corel Photo Paint X5 this doesn't work any more. What have changed and what am I doing wrong. According to documentation it seems to be correct.
A digi image, cropped (crop tool), resized (resample), and saved (save as). Everything on 'default' (usual settings for this) or as I would like. Close and re-open, the image shows as the cropped image, but the thumbnail is the original.
I bought a new camera card today, having run out of settings to try. Took a pic, copied over, and it cropped and saved fine. So I went back to those taken yesterday, still full image thumbnail. Took new ones on new card, but full image thumbnails. Recropped the original photo that saved earlier today with cropped thumbnail - the full image is now in its thumbnail.
I am doing a lot of saving new files over old ones. I am sick of the warning message that pops up having a default answer of 'NO' when I go to replace the files. Is there a way to change the default to 'YES' , or get rid of the message altogether?
Till X3 Photo-Paint opened and saved transparent PNGs as a seperate image with attached mask.Example:I have an image and load a B/W mask into it.
When I save this as PNG and reload it in X3, Photo-Paint displays again exactly what I have just saved:
However when I open this same PNG in X6, the image and mask get merged into a single object:
It's in effect doing automatically a "create object from selection" function and discards then the background.Why? I can't work with the full background image anymore, because the transparent parts are missing, and the mask is also gone. Is there no way to open the full PNG, without any merging and deleting of masks, just the way X3 was doing it?Also, the only way to save a transparent PNG in X6 is to check "save only selected objects"? When I don't check this, but still check "transparency" in the PNG export dialogue, then the mask won't be saved nonetheless.
Trying to edit and save this file fails silently, because Photo-PAINT does get confused by a file name like this: "filename.morename.extension". Nothing gets saved.
The actual file name taken from my example file is: "Flag_of_Germany.svg.png".
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
My NZ DMR-XW380 Panasonic DVD recorder will only read DIVX or XVID video files. My Corel Video Studio 12 has no option to save a clip as DIVX or XVID. I am able to save the clip and convert it with Oxelon, but can Video Studio 12 be set up to do this?
I want to know how to resize a photo without loosing quality....... in the image resize box the is a check box that says maintain file size ......what does that do .
I have tried to resize using it and the file stays the same as the original.
I am trying to change the background of a photo. Not just change the color but change the color AND make it keep it's original shading, etc. I have some family photos we had made recently and they used a beige color draping for the background. The ones we had made before had a black draping. I was wondering how I could go about using some sort of additive coloring to transform the varying shades of beige to the same varying shades of black.
I have already used the masking tool to separate the background from the rest of the photo.
Is there an easy way to do color tints on a photo in PhotoPAINT? And by that I don't mean just correcting the tint, I mean converting a regular photo into one that has a single color tint (e.g., yellow, red, etc.). I've tried graying it out and then adding a transparent color layer over it, but I'm not getting the result I'm looking for.
Also, while I'm at it, are there any (current) books out that cover PhotoPAINT in depth? I know that the official DRAW book has a section on it, but it's pretty basic.
The current crop of photo sharing apps like Instagram have made filter effects a popular way of adding some extra vim to your shots. What if you want to give the ‘retro’ look to photos that aren’t on your phone though?
How can we create retro looking photos in PhotoPaint?
I would like to use a photo frame from connect, and keep it in the Effects>Creative>Frame menu of frames. I have downloaded and clicked and dragged the frame to my image, but I would like to reuse this frame. Is it possible to add it to the menu? I can download it to the menu - but it is a temporary item in the list of views to the right, which can be replaced from any of the permanent members of the dropdown selection of frames on the left of the Frame menu. I would like a frame to become one of those "permanent frames."
How to alter a scanned newspaper photo to get it to look like a continuous line photo using cpp apps? is there a tried technique? i tried tracing in cdgs but it looks like the dabble app was applied in cpp i want to try and get rid of the 65 line printing ink dots. if no one has a way, i will post one if i am successful. trial and error can be fun if you have the patience and fortitude.
I am making a background image for a website in Draw. The main part is Black.
I export as a jpg and the image looks fine when I view it.
Then if I open it in photo-paint the black is not black, but rather has a grey color to it. The image is exported fine and looks great when viewing it with the normal windows photo viewer program.
Something is happening when it is opened up in photo paint I think.