Revit :: Creating Toposurface From Excel Spreadsheet?
Dec 5, 2013
I have an Excell spreadsheet with X,Y, and Z coordinates.
I wish to import it into Revit and create a Topo surface from the spreadsheet. Is this possible and if so how do i go about it.
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Jul 9, 2012
I've previously used Autocad 2008 Electrical. I've just started a new job and I have been asked to update some electrical drawings from a recent project. My current employer use Autocad 2010 as opposed to Autocad Electrical which I have previously used.
The problem I have is that I have a drawing with a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet that displays an I/O table.
Since the drawings have changed the amount I/O has increased.
I have a new excel sheet with the new I/O list which is larger than the old I/O list.
When I "point" the Table to look at the new spreadsheet in the "Modify Excel Link" Dialogue and alter the "Link to Range" Tab to my new desired excel sheet and apply the changes the table. The new excel sheet populates the table correctly until the end of the old table used to stop then the format goes all to hell and the new part of the table is way out of scale and at 90 degrees out to the original table.
I think I am possibly missing a step somehwere when updating the Data Table Links!?!?....Do I need to alter the table properties somewhere too?.
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Feb 23, 2014
How do I edit the points in the toposurface programatically? Like the elevations all increase 2 times the original one.
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Jun 19, 2013
I m trying to split a toposurface to subregions. I have a dwg attached and it contains several closed polylines. when i am in subregion menu i use the pick line tool pressing the tab to pick all the loop. I can pick some loops but not all. I cant see any difference between the closed polylines. why i cant pick all the loops? Is there another way to pick a lot of segments at one. Manually is very difficult . All the polys have a lot of segments
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Aug 20, 2013
I need to model a building that cascades down a steep sloped hill. Should I create a toposurface first and then model onto that or should I make my model and then apply it to a toposurface?
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Jan 28, 2014
I'm having trouble getting the visibility of walls within toposurfaces to display correctly. Please see the two attached images, showing a wall extending into a sloped grade. I have a plan view which in some areas shows the wall above grade, and in other areas shows the wall below grade. The red line through image 2 shows the approximate cut line of the plan view shown on image 1. The problem is that the toposurface pattern extends through the interior of the solid wall, in areas where the wall is buried below grade. The plan view display is set to Hidden Line, not Wireframe, and the wall is not set to display as transparent. I want the wall's geometry to cut out the toposurface - you'd see the concrete hatch on the wall, but not the fill pattern of the topography.
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Mar 20, 2013
How do you control the bottom depth of a toposurface? I have a structure with a basement and the "Earth" stops at the top of the footings so that my details show the footings floating in space!!
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Feb 15, 2012
Trying to figure out the best method to insert an IDW into an Excel spreadsheet without sacrificing quality. I have tried several methods to go straight from Inventor(2012) to Excel(2010) using print PDF at press quality, export JPEG, and even the snipping tool as a last ditch effort all of which inevitably loose all line quality when inserted to Excel.
I have only had success bringing a PDF from Inventor into Adobe InDesign where I am able to mimic the design of my Excel spreadsheet and create an additional PDF to include with the Excel document. It seems like there would be an easier way for Inventor and Excel to work together without sacrificing quality or adding additional steps.
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Feb 25, 2013
I am trying to link an excel spreadsheet to my acad but I can't see it once i've linked to it?
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Jul 24, 2012
Got a new computer, put AutoCAD LT 2010 on the machine, justlike the rest of the office, but also installed excel 2010, when the rest ofthe office has 2007. when insertinglinked spreadsheets from the new computer, and we update the links on our oldcomputers, Acad fatal errors out. Thisis because of the difference in the excel versions correct?
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Nov 21, 2012
I am trying to export some data from my BOM. I require the part names, quantities and lengths. I have followed a previous topic in these discussions which is now closed. it seems simple to follow but requires me to click on the export BOM icon in the top left of the browser. In my instance this is greyed out. D
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Dec 3, 2013
How do i create a spreadsheet for title blocks. i want to be able to fill in a spreadsheet and automatically fill in the title block....
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Apr 3, 2013
I'm trying to link a text from Autocad to an excel spreadsheet so that when changed in Excel, be changed in autocad.
After searching on some forums, I started doing database through ODBC.
I made a table in excel selecting and naming fields, added the file in windows OBDC manager, able to make the connection through dbConnect autocad, created label ...
Now I need to put the information in the database autocad text entity and already there I'm not getting more done
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Mar 16, 2012
I have been trying to plot an excel spreadsheet within LT2009. See attached files.
Test Adobe.pdf was created using "Adobe PDF" driver, paper size A3. Looks good except for the exta lines running through columns 1 and 9.
Test Dwg to.pdf was created using "dwg to PDF.pc3" driver, paper size ISO A3 (420x297mm). The excel portion looks good but it has cut off the border all around.
Border size is 410mm x 287mm.
Using Acrobat 9 Pro and MS Office 2010.
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Jan 9, 2014
If it's possible to import Excel spreadsheets into my drawing, instead of using the tables? (Using AutoCAD LT 2014)
I guess technically it would be easiest if I could import LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets, but I can get access to Excel easily enough if it's the only option.
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Apr 17, 2013
I have a document that I would like to import an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into.
Basically, my document is a diploma that can range anywhere from 15-250 different names and corresponding dates with those names. It would save a great deal of time if I didn't have to manually type the names and dates into their respective spots.
I have a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that if possible, I would like to autofill the information into the Illustrator file.
Between the second & third lines of text is where I would like to enter the first column of text. It would be NAMES that go here.
Then, between the fifth & sixth lines of text is where the second column of text from my spreadsheet would go. This area would be filled with dates.
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Jan 27, 2012
Using AutoCAD 2010, and I'm having problems printing with one dwg, that I've had to copy an Excel Spreadsheet into. The spreadsheet was created with Excel 2007, and has quite a bit of text in it, and I'm trying to print it on an E size sheet, to an HP Designjet 4000. AutoCAD hangs up each time I try to print this, and my computer gets a message indicating that I'm low on disk space, even tho I do have plenty of space. It's like Autocad is taking more resources than it normally should. How I can insert this spreadsheet into AutoCAD and be able to print it? I've inserted the spreadsheet in model space, and the titleblock/border is in paperspace. I've tried printing to pdf and exporting to other formats to see if that will work, but AutoCAD keeps hanging up. Any other AutoCAD dwg works fine to print to the printer. It's just this one file with a spreadsheet inserted into it.
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Dec 22, 2011
I am using Auto Cad LT 2012. How do I import an Excel spreadsheet into my drawing?
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Apr 17, 2013
Im struggeling with creating a code that opens a certain Excel spreadsheet and retrieves / inserts info.
the spreadsheet is a list containing part numbers for purchased components, therefore the list must be filled with information from iproperty. But it has to be where the next available number is. i had this working in iLogic, but have to move it to VBA for better use. the code that worked in iLogic is this one.:
If possible it would be nice if the code at the same time retrieves the new partnumber and saves the active part as this part numeber...
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Nov 15, 2012
I am working on a gearbox design that requires multiple iterations on the shaft dimensins and other parts, so linking the dimiensinos to a spreadsheet would make this easier. However, I'm using the design accelerator for the shaft and other components and I cannot find any information on how to connect the dimensions I enter in that design accelerator to a speadsheet.
I know how to link to a spreadsheet for a regular component, but haven't used that much.
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Sep 13, 2013
Is there a way of inserting points from an excel spreadsheet that come into the part file already fixed, instead of manually selecting the points and selecting the fix constraint?
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Oct 9, 2012
I need to find a way to export my BOM data to an Excel spreadhseet. Some of my BOM's are in tables, most are not. I found a lisp routine that will export this data to a csv file, but it's clunky at best. I don't want to use the "ole" method, I don't feel like fighting that battle.
So outside of plotting to a "png", and pasting that into Excel, are there any other options that are feasible?
°°AutoCAD Rel 1 - 2014°°
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Sep 29, 2010
How do I insert an Excel spreadsheet into an AutoCAD 2011 dwg? Is it possible?
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Jul 26, 2012
My "parameter names" and "value" columns fill in under the Inventor Parameter chart, but for some reason I can't get the comment section to fill in.
Inventor 2011
07 Excel
Inventor 2011
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz
Windows 7 Pro
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May 12, 2012
I created a spreadsheet of about 40 rows to be used to create different parts. I then created a part "we'll call it Board_A". I linked to the spreadsheet and used 3 of the fields for my dimensions. Lets say I named the length (which was the extrusion number) as "Len_1". I saved it and all is well!! I then created other parts and used the spreadsheet for the dims. I then went back and opened "Board_A" and saved a copy as "Board_B". I closed Board_A and opened Board_B. I then rt clicked on "Extrusion" so I could change the length from "Len_1" to "Len_1_A" which is another row (field) on that same spreadsheet which is still linked. When I tried I received a message that said I couldn't do that (I forgot the actual message!) I clicked the Parameter icon and the only fields showing on the popup spreadsheet box were the ones I had previously used for those parts that I made from scratch. I thought I figured this out once but if I did I forgot. I deleted the spreadsheet link and then re-added it but nothing I have tried has worked. Is there a way to get these fields to be usable with a Copy of an existing part or do I just have to start from scratch and make the similar part?
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Jan 16, 2012
I have a map in AutoCAD and I would like to fill certain sections of it. The colour that I require the fill to be changes according to varying data in an excel spreadsheet. Is there a way of linking the two?
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Sep 20, 2013
For Creating my own templates i want to use iLogic and embedded Excel-Spreadsheets. The embedded Sheet has its own data, but i want to create a rule to refresh the data from an external Excelsheet.
For now i use the following rule:
For I = 65 To 90 '65=A 90=ZBuchstabe = Chr(I) GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "999") = GoExcel.CellValues("G:KonstruktionVorlagenMaterialgrunddaten.xlsx", "Platte", Buchstabe & "1", Buchstabe & "A999")Next I
it works well, but wont insert a new single-sheet or refresh formats, i have to add the same code for each sheet. And its REALLY slow.
Is there a possibility to refresh or replace the whole embedded file via a simple iLogic-rule?
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Oct 15, 2012
I have a basic floor plan in AutoCAD 2012 that has blocks in specific locations which contain personel, phone, computer tag, desk key numbers, etc. I extracted the data to an Excel spreadsheet and I thought set up a "data link". But I don't know how to make the data update.
My problem...moves of staff, phone, computers are often made, but no one lets me know about it until they want a new floor plan printed and the computer and key tags get so messed up from the moves that it can take me hours to fix.
My goal is to be able to have our secretarial staff update the spreadsheet and in turn update the blocks in my AutoCAD drawing when it is opened and/or "updated".
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Jan 12, 2012
why I can't export the "Distance 1" attribute out of thsi drawing using the ATTOUT command. I need to build a series of constrained drawings using Dynamic blocks so I can send info from an Excel spreadsheet back and forth bewteen a drawing. I think I'll have to buy a 3rd party utility for that but for now, how to simply get the info out of ACAD and into Excel thsat would be a great start.
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Apr 30, 2013
I have some code (below) that will open my embedded excel spread sheet and it works great. Now I need the code to save and close the excel file after it’s been open.The embedded excel spreadsheet pushes some stuff the model and does a couple other thing. So all I really need is for the excel file to open, save, and close when the rule is run.Imports Inventor.
OLEDocumentTypeEnumExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Dim ExcelFile As ReferencedOLEFileDescriptorExcelFile
=hisDoc.Document.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors.Item(1)ExcelFile.Activate(kEditOpenOLEVerb, ExcelApp)
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Apr 19, 2012
Is there a faster way to create figure prefix i.e form excel spreadsheet or access.
I have one tip also. When you modify the figure database "C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuSurvey" by using notepad and you add "*" after each figure it will connect during linework codes that much the prefix code and will exclude the integer, EPN1 and EPN2 will be treated as EPN
The aterisks can not be added from the civil3d .
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