Premiere Pro :: How To Break Down Clip Into Smaller Sized Sublicps
Jan 29, 2014
I have a single long interview that I'm trying to break down into smaller, bite-sized sublicps. I'm naming each subclip based on a few keywords from the interview. I noticed, however, that, after setting a subclip, if I have to adjust spelling or change the name in the project panel, EVERY subclip from the same master clip changes to match the newly renamed clip. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? If not, using subclips to break down long master clips is pretty useless as it prevents me from ever changing the names of single subclips. I've tried checking and un-checking the "restrict trims to subclip boundries" but the result is the same.
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Jul 31, 2013
When exporting smaller sized files (e.g. jpegs with 1000px width limitation), some of them are 1px shorter (999px in this case). It does not seem to affect files around 2000px export size, so it might be linked to the fixed export problem with output sharpening and noise reduction (URL...)
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Nov 4, 2012
I have a design that is A3 size (i.e. 297 × 420mm) and 300dpi. I'd like to save out various versions of the image: one at full size, one at 150 dpi, one at A4 (i.e. 210 × 297mm) 150 dpi, and one at A4 72dpi. At the moment I'm doing this by saving different versions of the Photoshop PSD file and then doing a 'Save As' jpg from each of those.
What's the best way to save multiple sized versions of a design?
If I resize an image in Photoshop to be smaller and/or fewer DPI is that destructive or can I go back without loss of clarity? (I'm guessing not as the PSD file sizes are so different.)
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Mar 27, 2014
Not sure if this is possible, but is there any way to turn a 15 fps clip into a 30 fps clip?
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Jan 8, 2012
Can I use "edit in" in Lightroom to move video clips to premier or premier elements to edit them?
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Oct 31, 2012
I need labels of 50mmx20mm and I resize my tiff image and then paste onto an A4 page intending to copy paste until page is full.
1.Problem is if i use the ruler it shows that my image is only about 40mm wide even though the size boxes at the top clearly say it is 50mm?!!! see image
2. Is there an automatic way to fill apage with a specified sized image eg labels as the Impostion tab maxes out at 4x4(16up)?
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Mar 17, 2014
I have created 3 different sequences, and placed a clip into each one. I went into #s 1 and 2, and added a dip to black transition to the end of the clip in each. When I went to #3, I was unable to add the dip to the clip in there. Dragging the transition to the clip on the timeline gave me a had with a circle + slash. Double clicking the transition wit hteh clip selected did nothing. The layer is not locked.
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Feb 3, 2014
I used to have this problem with CS5 and hoped it wouldn't happen again when I bought in to CC.
In the timeline certain audio tracks will not allow me to enable clip keyframes. When I try the 'add keyframe' button is greyed out. I can add track keyframes no problem but using them is a lengthy work around. The error also seems to be radom and trashing my prefs makes no difference.
Specs are:
iMac 27" 3.4GHZ i7, 16GB DDR3, Radeon HD 6790M 2GB
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Feb 19, 2014
I have a project which requires a lot of different edits from the same clip.
Is there any way to do this without having to duplicate the same clip each time and then making my new edit?
For instance -
Clip 1 is 20 minutes long.
My first edit is from 1:10 to 1:35.
I then duplicate Clip 1 and make another edit from 2:40 to 3:55. I'm using Premier CS5.
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Dec 9, 2013
I'm trying to replace the audio of a clip. I know I can easily delete the audio once it's in a sequence, but I'd like to replace the audio entirely so that the new audio is always on the clip as it's viewed in the project bins. You can edit in Audition for the clip, but thre doesn't seem to be a way to save the changes.
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Jan 10, 2014
Is it possible to search the timeline for a clip, like you can do in FCP?
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Mar 30, 2014
What do the zig zag lines mean on a clip in Premiere pro? And how do I fix it as I can't see a video image for that clip?
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Jan 16, 2014
I saw YouTube video where a guy cropped down a video and then he somehow selected only the edge of the frame and somehow stretched it to extend the background over. The effect was that he made some junk at the side of the frame go away without effectively zooming in on his main subject matter.
I am unable to find this video now. I know how to do it in Photoshop. Just use the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the edge of the image, copy to a new layer, and stretch it out. I've got to imagine the steps are similar for a video - just need to know which tools to use.
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Feb 26, 2014
I had a multicam clip already created and have edited it into many sequences. I loaded it into my source monitor and accidently unchecked the enable option. Now that same sequence is no longer a mutlicam clip and when I load it into the source montior, my system crashes. is there any way to make it back in to a multicam clip?
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Mar 5, 2014
In CS6, is it possible to navigate between clip markers in the timeline.
I'm talking about markers placed on actual clips, not markers placed on the sequence timeline.
I'd like to have a shortcut to navigate between clip markers but that shortcut seems to only work on markers placed on the sequences timeline, not on the clip.
Yes, you can open the clip in the source monitor, then jump to clip markers for that one clip but that's not what I'm after.
I want to mark my clips in the source monitor, bring all those clips to one timeline, then navigate between the markers placed on the actual clip.
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Mar 8, 2014
When importing MXF files they are all playing/acting like one clip. When playing in the preview or dragging to timeline.
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Jan 27, 2014
I'm on a macbook pro and it seems that I cannot move a clip by selecting it and entering + or - and a number. This can be accomplished with a full sized keyboard by using the number pad on the right, but cannot be accomplished by using the regular laptop keyboard. Am I missing something? Is there a way to edit the keyboard shortcuts to do this?
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Mar 23, 2014
If you double-click on a clip in a Timeline it will open in the Source Monitor.
That feature is sometimes confusing, because if you do it by accident and think that you are viewing your source clip and set a new Mark In after the original Out point, the clip will disappear from the Timeline.
Is there a good reason for that feature or is it a bug?
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Jan 12, 2014
I'm using Preimer Pro CC and I have a clip which is 1min long - I want the first 30sec to play at normal speed and the last 30sec at 200%. I can work out how to speed the whole clip up but not a portion of it.
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a short 5min film for a student film fest, all the audio and visual plays perfectly in the timeline. However, when exported, the last audio clip (which is a 'button' and comes after two soundless title slides) does not play at all. Again, it works perfectly in timeline. All audio files are .WAV and I've tried exporting it in several different fashions, none of which have made a difference.
For the film fest I need to export in 16:9, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I tried this, among regular Quick Time export, Vimeo export, and others...every single export the audio on the 'button' didn't play at all but the clip is there.
Side Note: I tried adding low volume audio to bridge the last clip to the button to see if that made a difference so there would be no gaps in the audio timeline, but it did nothing.
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Apr 20, 2014
When i try to drag a clip into the sequence, a prompt comes up saying Adobe Premiere Pro has stopped working!
i have a project due in a few weeks and i cant rely on windows movie maker!
I am running it on a HP Probook 450 with Windows 8.1 64 bit.
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Mar 31, 2014
I have a video that has an object with a logo on it I need removed. If I could work with each frame like in PS, it would be a 2 second fix for each frame. Does Premiere have a feature like this, or how do the pros blur out or delete unwanted logos or images that infringe on copyrights quickly and easily?
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Dec 21, 2013
I have a video clip that I have edited, and once it finishes exporting, I cannot open it in any video playing application. Upon checking the file's Properites, it says that it is a 24 byte file... this can't be right. In the Export Settings window it says that it's several gigabytes!
I'm using a custom built PC, running the most up-to-date version of Windows 8. I have a quad-core Intel Ivy Bridge Processor, AMD HD Radeon 7770 GPU, 8 GB of 1600 MHz RAM, a 256 GB SSD running the OS and frequently used applications, and a 1 TB HDD. I am running Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and it is completely up to date.
I have been digitally converting old VHS, 8mm, and miniDV tapes. I have a digtial converter that has Composite ports and an S-Video port on it. It connects to the computer via USB. I have a program called Debut Video Capture that records the video and saves it as an uncompressed .mp4 video file. Premiere Pro also has another issue where the audio and video are always out of sync because it can't seem to handle videos with variable framerates, so, I open the videos in Quicktime 7 Pro, and save them as a Reference Movie—This makes it so the videos are at a constant framerate. I take these files and import them into Premiere Pro. My sequence is DV - NTSC Standard 48kHz (the videos are all in an old 4:3 format). I'll drop the clips into the timeline and edit them, edit out the blue screens and splice different clips and such, lower the volume, and slightly increase the Scale in the Video Effects.
When everything is done... I'll open up the Export Settings.
I set the Format to H.264 and Preset to NTSC DV or NTSC DV Widescreen depending on the ratio of the video. Some of the videos are very long (1 Hour or longer... one video is almost 4 hours long). I will go down to the Bitrate Settings and change the Bitrate Encoding to CBR, and set the Target Bitrate to a reasonably high number. I try to have a minimum of 10 Mbps, or if the video isn't that large, I'll set it to 14. If the Estimated File Size is over like 3 GB (I'm not sure of the number, but it works for these long videos when they're under like 3 GB). If the videos go over, they'll encode for an hour or longer and when it's done, it will save and appear as a 24 byte file.
The only thing I've got is to make the Target Bitrate very small, that's the only way the videos will encode, but then the quality degrades...
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm running Premiere Pro CS5 on Win7 x64. I have an MP3 audio clip that I've selected a sub-clip from, as you can see here:
When I click on the insert button, everything to the right of the insertion point on the timeline is pushed to the right, as if the clip were inserted, but the clip doesn't show up anywhere (I've scrolled up and down through both the audio and video tracks), as you can see here:
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Jan 22, 2014
I'm contemplating purchasing a Mackie MCU to automate some of the volume edits I have to make using 5 tracks in the Audio Clip Mixer over 80 hours of video. I've tried to contact Adobe support, but they are about as cluless as a bag of hammers. When I asked if the clip mixer works with a control surface (after 4 calls and 4 different agents) I was told no. Which is total BS as there is toggle in the clip mixer called "Toggle Control Surface Clip Mixer Mode". They read from scripts and have no clue what they are talking about. I guess I should not be surprised as its an outsourced call center staffed with drones who have never even used the software, much less in production! Adobe you should be ashamed of your support, it's appauling! (BTW I own an online Magazine in the 3d industry and will be writting an article about your appauling support soon)
Anyway, onto my specific questions:
1) The Mackie MCU has overlay cards for button mappings for many different apps, but PP is not one of them. What functionaliy is mapped to the control surface specially from PP and the clipmixer?
2) Is there a way to group channels so that keyframes can be written to multiple clips at the same time by using one fader?
3) In the clip mixer there is a keyframe toggle, does such a toggle translate to the control surface?
4) Sometimes I want to manually keyframe, rather thanan make adjustments while the playhead is moving, so I will simply click the fader slider to write a keyframe, manually move the playhead and then adjust the fader to write the subsequent keyframes. As faders on a control surface can not be pushed like a button, is there a way to generate a keyframe from the control surface?
5) Are there any known limitations using the control surface vs the software for both the clip and track mixers?
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Jan 19, 2014
Sometimes when working on a timeline, I come across a clip that needs to be reshot or otherwise modified.
Now I could use a marker but markers don't stick to clips and don't have any visible flyouts like in Vegas, making labeling rather pointless.
So the next idea would be to change the color of the clip on the timeline so it is 'at-a-glance' visible that it needs to be dealt with before the sequence is pumped out.
Kind of like a highlighter in a text document.
Before submitting it to wishlist, I'm interested in hearing thoughts of other users.
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Mar 12, 2014
I watched a video clip and I liked everything from, let's say the :30 mark to the minute mark. So, I import it into Premiere. However, when I put it at the end of the next clip, it shows the time for the whole sequence. Now, I know that I can do the math, but is there a way to show where the 30 second mark (in this example) is by avoiding doing the calculation? It's do-able, but seems a little tedious. Would like to "reset the clock" so to speak when working on individual clips within the timeline.
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Mar 28, 2014
I'm a FCP person who has gone to premier cc because I dont like the new ver of FCP which seems to be imovie on steriods. How do you move the timeline cursor from the end of one clip to start of the next. In FCP ver 7 it's a simple button.
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Dec 16, 2013
I want to adjust the level of the sound within a clip. I take my pen tool and just add 2 keyframes a few seconds apart from eachother. I adjust the height of the last keyframe, but when I playback NOTHING happends. This is so annoying because it has always worked. I use Premiere Pro 5.5.
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Dec 25, 2013
In Premiere Pro CC, if I have previously set an in and out point in my source monitor, the spacebar plays clips from the in point only. I'd rather be able to move my CTI to any place in my clip, hit spacebar, and play from there but it always snaps to the in point and plays from there.
The play around shortcut is a joke because it doesn't play from the playhead location and loops at seemingly random intervals.
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Jan 24, 2014
I'm trying to manually sync a section of footage that pluraleyes couldn't sync.
For some reason when I try to move the clip over to align the audio, it snaps past it or before where I actually want it to sit. This includes cutting the clip and trying to move it over. I'v heard wacom mice and tablet pens can have issues cutting a clip at an exact point somtimes, but I'm just on an apple laptop with the track pad.
Is there some sort of item I need to enable to cut a clip on the zoomed in audio time units?
See attached image below of the clip jumped forward from where I want it, and it jumps before it when I try to move it over manually or through shortcuts.
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