Premiere Pro :: HD Capture With Sony HVR-M25U Deck No Preview Or Ability To Capture?
Dec 29, 2013HD Capture with Sony HVR-M25U Deck no preview or ability to capture?
View 1 RepliesHD Capture with Sony HVR-M25U Deck no preview or ability to capture?
View 1 RepliesI am considering buying CS6 with Premire Pro. I use Final Cut Pro currently. I need to be able to capture from a sony using DV mini tapes for some old footage (DCR-TRV8 cmera model). I read some issues about firewire capture. This is on a MAC by the way not windows. Should CS6 & Premire be able to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI get a black capture screen when capturing with CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. I'm capturing through Fire wire from DV tape, via the VCR function of a Canon XL2 camera. I have tried restarting, etc.; also toggled the "preview video" radio from the Settings button in the capture Window. Nothing works and I need to be able to preview my video as I'm capturing. It is not good enough that the video actually captures fine. Also, I am forced to turn off Device Control in order to capture because it kicks me out of every capture (an immediate message of : "no frames captured") unless I do.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCapturing sd dv from a sony handycam using VS9 and a USB conection to pc. Few days ago all seemed to be ok was able to capture at 640x480 (I think) but now for some reason information section is showing 320x240 with a corresponding really poor quality preview. No matter what changes I try to make in the capture options or project properties etc it will not now allow me to capture at a higher quality. The options menus don't even show a higher quality available than 320x240. Tried at both AVI and Mpeg format capture settings but no change.
windows XP Home
ATI Radeon 1200 series
32 bit
1gig RAM
PAL region
I wanted to use the capture screen feature but when I go to file-import-screen capture - the setup and capture features are grayed out and I can't get to set up. What can I do.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 as well as the trial version of X4 which I have just downloaded. I am having the same problem with both versions. When I go into Capture, there is no image coming through the Capture Window, it is just black. When I hit Capture Video, it does start capturing and it does record video correctly, however when I stop capturing, the preview window turns black again.
How can I get the video to be seen in the Capture preview window?
My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. I am using a USB capture device, the Diamond Multimedia VC500 One Touch VHS Video Capture USB 2.0.
I have set my video capture format to 16:9 (widescreen). The picture in the movie capture preview window is 4:3 and stretched vertically. However when the file is played it is in fact 16:9.
Is there a way I can set the preview window to display the correct aspect ratio during capture ?
No video preview during capture and did not see a cure to the problem. I just installed and updated VS X4 on Windows 7 and have the same problem. The capture goes perfectly it just does not show a preview on the screen. I tried capturing in Windows Movie Maker and it shows a preview while capturing
Direct X upto date preference set to window preview.
Why do I allways have a 4:3 preview window ? Although the captured movie is of the correct AR, 16:9
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have to capture live feed from remote camera that I control, but I don't have a scope to calibrate the camera. Is there a hidden scope with the capture tool cause I can't find it.
I can't stand Final Cut anymore at least it had a scope with the capture tool.
Is there any software of Adobe's that will allow you to do stop motion capture? With OnionSkinning?
Tech Specs-
Camera- Panasonic PV-GS83/ Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000
OS- Windows XP
Current Software- AnimatorDV Simple+ (I just got Adobe's Master Collection CS4 Suite)
Also, check out my youtube channel: [URL]...
I'd like to know if it's possible to have a live preview when doing tethered capture in Lightroom 4.3. This seems to be a basic function. Why look at the computer screen and use Lightroom to capture the photo but still use the camera's viewfinder. You are forced to go back and forth from the camera's viewfinder to the computer screen.
Is there any way to do this in Lightroom?
When I start capture in Premiere Pro CS6 on my Mac (Mavericks OS), it stops capturing after a few seconds. I did not have this problem with CS5.5 or Leopard OS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently started using OSX. Using CS6 Premier Pro on OSX Mavericks.I'm capturing DV tape from a Canon GL2.Both "Scene Detect" and "Tape" options selected.
Two problems:
1. Capture drops out at the first frame of video. I press record a second time and it proceeds to capture the rest of the tape. It almost looks like Premier is trying to determine the aspect ration of the material as the preview window appears to switch between 4:3 and 16:9.
2. Scene Detect is off by a frame or two (not sure exactly how many). So basically the end of the shot has a frame or two of the next shot.
I have a Canon S100 and just started importing photos and video into my LR 4.3 catalog. I convert RAW to DNG, and the Capture Time on the photos in LR is correct. However, the video Capture Time is shifted forward exactly 8 hours. I know how to correct the video Capture Time, but is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in the first place? I looked at what the metadata looks like in Bridge.
Date Created = Correct Capture Time
Date File Modified = The time I imported the file into LR.
Date Created = Capture Time + 8 hours
Date File Modified = Correct Capture Time
Why does the capture date in the metadata panel not match the capture date seen in the grid extra view and how do I fix it? The images that I have in my library are digitized negatives and I've corrected the capture dates and times to be accurate; however, the capture date and in the metadata window shows what I've changed it to and the date in both the grid extra view and the Metadata>Edit Capture Time... options both reflect the date the image was last modified. Not all of the images in my library are this way and some show the correct information. When sorted by Capture Time, all images fall exactly where they should in the proper order (based on the changed, corrected edit time and not the modified date). I saved metadata to the file with the new date but it didn't fix it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAJA's web site claims Premiere Pro CC is compatible with the Kona LHi card, but I can't get the two to work together properly. After repeated tries, I uninstalled and reinstalled everything AJA, but still no luck.
I need to batch capture DV clips from some mini-DV tapes on my Sony MVR035U tape deck. But I also need to upconvert them from 480i to 720p60 using my Kona Lhi card. I should be able to do this with Premiere Pro CC. But the PPCC Capture window won't give me any audio feedback when I select "AJA Movie Capture" in the Capture Settings pull down menu. I only get audio feedback when I enable "DV capture" but then I'm no longer able to upconvert.
I recently purchased VSP4 and when capturing from Panasonic camera via fire wire, the preview window remains blank but capture is successful. I can preview video on LCD screen of camera but that is all. All the settings seem to be ok. (PAL). However, the options panel is greyed out except for insert to timeline option. Also, the video properties in the options panel are all greyed out. I have a previous version VS3 on another computer which shows the preview window OK on capture. Could this be the integrated video card in my new computer or is there something else going on here?
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
MB Intel DH67GD intergrated HD Graphics Dual Display on board sound
CPU Intel Core i5 2500 3.3 GHz
8gb DDR3 Ram
Seagate 3.5 2 TB SATA2 HD
Panasonic NVGS400 for SD
Panasonic FZ100
Is it possible to capture video using Premiere Pro (or any other program from the Adobe Creative Suite) directly from my dvd player on my PC or my superdrive? If not, how can I capture video from DVDs? These are not copyright protected DVDs. They are copies on DVD of on-camera work I have done that I would like to digiitize to make a demo reel.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have an old video on cassette that I'm trying to capture to my computer to burn to dvd. It's fine on my t.v. being played in my vhs player. When I connect it to my computer using the program Video Studio Pro X5, I can capture, and everything is functioning fine, but the tracking is off in the preview section. I've captured, and played it back, and it captures like the preview. It's got the wave at the top, and a tiny bit of it on the bottom. How to adjust the tracking, like on old t.v.'s so that the picture is centered?
View 7 Replies View RelatedSetup: Designer Pro 7 on win 7 (64bit)
Trying to use the builtin screen capture tools under Utilities/Screen capture.
There appears to be no way to do a selected capture or partial selection of parts of a window. Instead we have:
Full screen []
active window []
content of active window [x]
So I selected the last one above as shown `Content of Active Window'
But what I actually get is a mini version of the entire Designer pro 7 application Including the menus, borders, and all that guff that no one usually wants in a capture of part of the full screen.
So what does `Content of active window' mean as apposed to `Active window'?
Its really unbelievable that there is no provision like `Region' found in most screen grab tools where you select with the mouse what you want captured.
Maybe I'm just missing how to use this thing, but have included the result of what a `content of active window' does. Its a mini version of the entire application...
find a way to import the XML files to fix the digitized look Adobe capture gave my footage.
These are not XML from Final Cut. They are files saved from Media Express, a Black magic design program used for Capturing.
is there a way to preview images on what they look like without having to drag the asset out onto the stage? If I have even two or three versions of a file imported into my library, I constantly need to leave the program to check which is which.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Ulead Videostudio 9. I am trying to capture from a DVD and following the manual instructions all goes OK up to the Import step. At that stage I get an error message "Temporary working forder does not exist. Report ID 0x8004083d(2109)" First time I have tried to capture stuff from a DVD. Program still works fine on all other aspects. I have checked the closed Ulead Forum and FAQ's but can find no solution. Is there anything I can do?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt was working before. Now I can't insert any audio at all. I even tried using some of the video clips that I have already extracted audio from and they no longer work. When I have it up in the source box I can play it and the aeudio is there. But if I ovrwrite the clip or drag the clip it adds the video only with no audio. Even if I try to drag just the audio it won't allow me to put it in any ofc the audio trays. Did I acidentally push a button and turn iaudio off. How do I fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOften I find there's a problem with the paint bucket where I click on the layer and it doesn't color it. Also, sometimes the color I already have in the background just keeps going to darker shades with each click on the paintbucket.
Also, how do you do a screen capture on a mac?
Lastly, worked with Sketchup in conjunction with PS? Is it easy to manipulate a Sketchup image once you get it into PS?
No Audio when capturing in VSX5. Also After I install the application any ac3 file or movie with ac3 audio will not play the audio.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just purchased Video Studio Pro X3 and I love it . In my opinion it is possible to capture video from the video camera. I have a JVC HD camera
This the camera I purchased.
I would like to hook my camera up to my computer
How do I do this. Now of course my camera records off an SD card and I can just stick it in there and edit. The reason I am hoping I can capture video just like I can with a webcam is because the view screen on my camera no longer functions so therefore I can only point in my general direction and center up the shot in post edit.
I just bought VSx4 but I noticed it crashes as soon as I try to capture
my camera: canon HV20 -firewire connected
my OS: windows 7
I already:
uninstalled, re-installed VSx4
turned off/pc - camera
connected/disconnected camera
since I installed vsx4 I can't capture in vs x3 too.
For convenience, I use my video camera for both video and taking still pictures. For video I use use a wide frame 16:9 while capturing stills I use a standard frame 4:3 (the standard frame allows a higher megapixel). I use VS X2 for creating my home DVD's and I use Photostory 3 for my slide shows.
I've never used the still capture function on VS until today. I needed a couple of stills from the video to match with the continuity of my slide show.
I realised that my screen capture would be wide screen but I figured I could edit the photo and crop it to 4:3. What actually happens is that VS X2 captures the image and squeezes it to 4:3 so in the end I get these long images!
I am using VS X6 ultimate that I purchased yesterday
I am capturing videos from VHS tape using an S-Video connection
I have tried different capture options settings and the capture always saves in MPEG
I believe that AVI has the least loss and would prefer to save in the AVI format since I intend to do some editing of the original content The end objective will be to burn reults to DVD
Can VS X6 capture files in AVI? If so, what settimgs should I use? Any settings that would be best for this type of transfer to HDD?