Photoshop :: Where Brushes Stored Other Than Presets Folder
Jul 10, 2012
I have installed an abundance of brushes usually by double clickling from the download folder, and now I want to back them up. I have ran .abr spotlight searches and found nothing; they are also not in the photoshop > presets > brushes folder. Only the stock brushes are in there. Where can they be? I'm using mac osx.
I am creating lots of tool presets. Considering I could want to format my computer, in which Windows folder are "tool presets" stored in order to make a backup of them? I am supposing that in a new GIMP installation I could copy the saved tool presets to the correct folder and all my presets will be load, without the need to recreate all toll presets again. I
I was trying to install some brushes into the Brushes Preset folder but the only folders in the "Adobe Photoshop CS6" folder in the tree below doesn't have it. It's only a couple of random looking folders. I'm running OS 10.7.5 and CS6.
I have recenty had to reinstall all my software, and manged to find most of my old Lightroom settings in the Lightroom Presets folder (inside the Appdata folder on a PC) but I seem to have lost my custom tone curves.
Do you know which folder they should be in (indise the Lightroom Presets folder)
I STILL don't understand why there are TWO comminty forums for Lightroom;
I have a number of old external drives in "My Folders" lightroom thinks are still active mostly because the computer has assigned a new drive letter to the same drive several times. I would like to delete these from Lightroom and assign a new letter to the current drive I am using, how to remove the old drives?
Illustrator has a user section. Photoshop CS5 will display your custom brushes in the preset manager.
I use a Mac OSX 10.8. When I download brushes and install them in the User/Application Support/PS/Presets/Brushes they will appear in the preset manager without having to 'load' brushes each time. Yet, when you make a new preset and save the .abr file you can not save them to the proper location since Lion has the library folder hidden by default.
For instance, when downloading brushes, it's easier to combined multiple sets into one presets. I don't want 20 different smoke abr files. Yet, I can't save them to Application Support.
No one has a clear understanding of how this works (at least not on the internet.) The best thread (from Adobe forums) I found from 2011 stated I should do the above steps, but then a few other users reported thats out of fashion.
I created some gradients that I now want to delete. They show up at the very bottom of my photoshop gradients dropdown menu separated from the other presets by a line. I have tried to find those files to delete them and I cannot get to them from my Finder window. I can access the preset folder from Application--CS5.1--presets but the other folder where Photoshop saved these gradients is nowhere to be found.
I had a folder with a lot of presets in Lightroom 5. When I start the program I only see the Lightroom presets and a couple of presets I made earlier. I started all the backups I made since Lightroom 5 but none starts with the bundle of presets I want. Is there something I can do to start the program again with all my presets? By the way, I see all the presets-names I made in the Lightroom-presets map (in the folder Develop-presets more specified).
Whenever I click to show the presets folder in Lightroom 5.2 Beta preferences it wants to launch Path Finder to show me the files. I no longer own a current license for PathFinder and want Lightroom to use the normal Finder application. I do not have Path Finder even installed any longer and so clicking the button does nothing at all.
I just bought an iMAC... 3 days now... still trying to get it going and up and running.
Well I finally got my presets downloaded, by importing on the left side of the screen.. which is great.
But I still need to dowload my adjustment brushes...
When I go to preferences, and go to "show lightroom presets folder"IT WONT OPEN......nothing comes up.. I click and click and click.. I restarted LR, over and over.. nothing comes up..
When I create an export preset and then return later to use it, the folder for saving it to has changed (to whatever I used last. Because I use the presets to re-size images for my 40 odd web sites, this is really inconvenient. Can this behaviour be changed so that the preset remembers the selected folder? And if not could it be considered as an option for the next update?
On Windows, it is possible to move the presets folder to a user-defined location?
By default the presets folder is located at C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingAdobe. I use Lightroom on both a desktop and laptop and ideally I'd like to sync the presets between them by moving the presets folder to my SkyDrive folder. This way if I create a new preset on one device, it will automatically sync to the other device via SkyDrive.
Yes I realize I can store presets within the catalog folder and I could move my catalog to a SkyDrive folder which would technically accomplish my goal. However that would require sync'ing my entire catalog which I do not want to do; that would generate a lot of syncing traffic back and forth all the time. So I want my catalog and my presets in seperate locations, and I want to define where my presets are stored, which I haven't seen an option for.
i installed it shows up in my python i click it, it shows my brushes i choose the brushes BUT it does not load at all and i even try moved all of my brushes to another it because of the preferences?
I recently got LR4. I tried to put some brushes in the local adjustment folder and there is none! SO what do I do now. I've got pictures to edit and correct and I need these
Here is a screen shot of what is in my LR4 folder.
I typically use GIMP 2.6. Computer crashed recently so now I've downloaded 2.8. When I download ABR files into the brushes folder, the program won't start. It wigs out and doesn't work. I copied abr files just fine into my GIMP 2.6. Why is this happening?
I even went so far as to find GIMP 2.6 on the web for download. But the same problem. There are strange 'VBR' files now that didn't used to be in my old brush folder but are suddenly there now.
(and 'gimp doesn't accept abr files' my old 2.6 accepted them JUST fine. No fancy converter or anything).
When trying to print in Elements 11, after clicking "Print/Page Setup/Presets/Show Presets", the box freezes. Clicking Cancel or OK does not work. I then have to Force Quit Elements to clear it. Apple say that it is a problem with Elements. Using the same procedure in other applications, clicking Cancel or OK does work.
I am having trouble getting my presets to show up under presets on the left hand side of the screen. They are still in develop presets but there not showing up and Ive tried deleting them and adding them again then closing out of lightroom 4 and going back in but I can not seem to get them to show up again. I must have hit something but there not showing up again
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
When I first started using PS I didn't install actions correctly now I don't know where any of those actions are stored. I searched for ATN files but only found the actions that I know that installed right. Is there a way to send action from PS onto my hard drive and save them correctly?
I need help understanding the interaction between Camera Raw, Photoshop smart objects, and XMP sidecar files.
If I open a RAW file in Camera Raw, change some Raw settings, and click Open Object to open the file as a smart object in Photoshop CS4, an XMP file gets created. If sometime later I double-click the smart object layer in Photoshop and change the Raw settings again, the XMP file does not get updated. So where exactly did the Raw settings get stored? Did they get embedded in the Photoshop file along with the RAW image? If so, why did an XMP file get created? Can I safely delete the XMP file?
I would like to transfer batch commands that I created in CS2 to CS5. these are the commands created under import-batch. where are those files stored and will cs2 files work under cs5 (or are they version specific)
I've been working on some very large files where the primary image is converted to a smart object. For security I've backed up the PS files to another drive. Is the smart object part self contained? or stored as a separate lined file? Like if I had a PS file in illustrator. Backing up the Ill file would leave the image file behind?
I just don't want to get surprised with an X in my layers down the road.
Where can I change this so that all photos taken this year have the correct copyright date? Did I enter this text somewhere? In some Preferences panel? If so, I can't find it. I have set this to 2012 on the camera, so it's not coming from there. Searching Adobe Photoshop produces nothing useful. Searching the system for the character string produces nothing. Where does this come from?
Kikon D7000 Photoshop 13.0 x64 Bridge Mac OS 10.6.8
I need to reformat and had some shaped I made that I dont want to lose.
does anyone know where they are stored?
I looked in Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CSPresetsCustom Shapes but did not see anything for "user made" or anything like that. Would they be in the "all.csh" or somewhere else?