Photoshop :: Shattered Image In CS6 Like Big Blocks Of Image
Feb 7, 2013
shattered image in cs6 like big blocks of an image - link addedI have a problem with ps cs6 sometimes the image is shattered into small pieces, but ps itself looks normal. The problem accours more often when I use a second screen besides my macbook pro ( os 10.7) se link below.
my mac: os x 10,7 not 10.4 my processor is 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7 memory 4GB 13333 Mhz DDR3
my extra screen dell u2410
I have a box, and inside that box, there is another box. Connecting/joining both boxes are two lines on all four sides of both boxes. What I don't know is how to stretch the outer box (dynamically) from the top right corner, to any size i wish to drag it out to (keeping the inner box in the center at all times, and keeping the lines joining the boxes, connected to both boxes).
I can: -Dynamically stretch the outer box from the top right corner, keeping the inner box in the center
I can't: -Keep the lines joining the two boxes connected to the two boxes.
There is a picture attached that shows the box before it is stretched, and a picture of the end result that im looking for. I just need to know how to dynamically stretch the first image to generate the second image.
For no apparent reason I am opening images where there would be a blue background, and getting blocks or streaks of black pixels. Using CS 5. How do I prevent or correct?
I am trying to create some images in PS2 that have to be 3.5 to 4.0 mb. When viewing the Image Size screen, I might see an image size of 9.6 mb. However, when I save the image and run my mouse over the image in Bridge, it shows a size between 2 to 3 mb. I can't figure out why this discrepancy, or what math I need to do in order to figure out how to create the required image size other than by trial and error.
I'm trying to create a shattered/broken mirror for a print I am currently making. Its either going to be just a few broken pieces of glass, or what I am really trying to make is a mirror after it has fell to the ground and is beginning to shatter.
I have an image that is mostly alpha.Problem is that it blocks buttons from working.Is there any way to set a flag to an image so it is not part of the 'touch/mouse' collision funcitons?
i can arrange it behind the buttons... but that brings other issues, because something needs to be behind the image with alpha but over the buttons.
I'm wondering if there is any way to get a shattered glass or mirror effect. I did an internet search and came up with outdated tutorials from 4-5 years ago. Is there any modern technique (or better yet, an effect plugin) that can make this effect?
I'm trying to combine a monotone image onto a grayscale image to use in my Indesign file. The whole job has to print two colors.
How can I easily make the diaper a PMS color and add it to the grayscale baby and still maintain two colors (PMS + K)
Right now, I'm cheating and combining the PMS diaper onto the grayscale baby in Indesign..... but I really need to have this in Photoshop so I can add shadows to make it more convincing. I tried converting the grayscale to CMYK and deleting all channels but black, didn't work as it took away all the information from the image.
I am trying to find a faster way to save my images. I shoot in raw, save raw images as jpegs after editing them in Camera Raw. I am using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac version 10.7.5. When I save, I either have to save as a copy of the exisiting image, or replace the image I'm working on. Other forums I've read said to make an action to save and create a function key to make this process faster, but my function keys aren't working, and playing the action I've created still makes a copy of the image.
I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.
I would love to be able to export my image from 3d spherical panorama back to the complete Image. Raster image clips the image. Photoshop 3D is great for retouching the nadir (bottom) a spherical panorama image.
When I make a print from CS6 the image on paper is narrower than the stated dimension in the program. The height of the image is faithfully reproduced. I know that there must be a preference setting to correct this but I can't remember which one it is.
I am trying to take a handprint such as the one below and change the color of the handprint to say a light pink (or any color) but I want to keep most of the detail of the fine lines that make this handprint unique. The lines could even just come out as white as below. The main thing is to change the overall color while maintaining the fine details. I have been trying to accomplish this for over a week now in Photoshop Elements 11 and I have been unsuccessful as anything I do just totally color fills the image, which does not keep any details of the handprint.
I want to copy one image and paste it into a selection (masked) of another image. I have the option to paste into which works but would like to be able to paste in Place as I believe this makes it a smart object and references the original file.
I photographed a framed painting that, despite my best efforts, came out as a trapezoid rather than the rectangle I intended. The image has a slight taper in the sides going from top to bottom. The top of the image is 100% of the canvas width while the bottom of the image is perhaps 95% of the canvas width, so it is close to a true rectangle but not exact. What that means is that the bottom of the photo needs to be stretched by about 5%, the middle needs to be strecthed by about 2.5%, and the top is OK as is. Naturally, the amount of stretch required becomes progresively greater when going from the top to the bottom of the image. I'm new to Photoshop. Is it possible to perform such an image manipulation?
I'm putting together a series of images, and I want the horizon line to be a constant from image to image, though they were not that way in the original files. I'm assuming that I should go with the picture that has the smallest distance from the bottom of the picture and then crop the others so the distance appears to be the same in them as well. But is there a way to make that a simple process?
Was really wanting to get the first image at the end of a spotlight inserted in the second image of the city off in the distance. Kind of like how the batman symbol is in the spotlight. The symbol is my churches logo and was wanting to use it for our Instagram.
A while back I took a Photoshop class and remember a lesson on where you could select a region of an image and save it for the web with a high quality and select another region of the same image and save it for the web with a low quality, so that the focal point was saved with a high quality and the background was saved with a low quality. I have no idea where my notes are from this class and can not remember at all how to do this. Can anyone direct me to a tutorial about this?
i used photoshop to design the website sliced it with image ready and imported as html..but then i check out the website some of the image is can i fix view it as the same thing as i see it in photoshop while designing?
This Q must be very old. Why can´t someone invent a sigle button for this I have tried all the things by the book but still when I try to lay text image with white background over an image the white is still there althoug I made it transparent. tried to sa for web as png-8, png-24 and gif. nothing works. To use magic wand gives bad result when applied to text? So what can I do? I am trying to place text over image. I know I could write it over the image but I need the text as a transparent layer some place else.