Photoshop :: Landscape.
Feb 23, 2004im trying to make a mountainous landscape. only thing is, i dont have a clue how to even start.
View 4 Repliesim trying to make a mountainous landscape. only thing is, i dont have a clue how to even start.
View 4 RepliesCan Lightroom 5 combine two or three adjacent landscape overlapping photos into one wide landscape? If so, how?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there a way to set an a4 in landscape orientation rather than seeing it as a portrait? and i don't want to change the settings from a4 vice versa to make it like to know if there is a hidden option for the orientation we can set our document to.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a couple of vacation photos where I'm not sure whether the horizon should be straightened or not. There are really nice clouds in the shot, and they form a horizontal line across the image that isn't parallel to the line of the land. If I straighten to suit the clouds, the land is not straight and vice versa.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI know a landscape can be stretched into a panoramic in CS4 but, where to find the tools & how to do it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a document with two pages, and each page is two pages wide.
The document needs to be four pages on top of one another, but I don't know how to convert the original. I know how to change landscape/portrait views in Preferences, but the document itself is two pages wide.
if I have a portrait photo and want to change it to a landscape photo. I used resize to change the the dimensions of the photo but the results make the photo a bit distored.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is probably easy, but I'm a newbie to Photoshop. I was just on vacation, and took some pictures of some old castles. I couldn't frame the whole thing, so I thought I'd take several shots and see if I could merge them all together.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have a lovely picture that is taken in landscape and i want to change it to portrait so i can print it and hang it. how do i do this with out losing qualtiy in the print.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I get landscape orientation? I do alot of collage's, everything is potrait orientation.I am using photoshop 9 for pictures.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you change a picture from portrait to landscape in Photoshop CS5?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a hole on a golf course and need to be able to add some gentle rolling effects to the fairway layer so it doesn't look flat. Can PS6 do this? I do not currently have CS6 extended but could get it if needed. I was thinking maybe some kind of wire frame and then it could generate some hightlights and shadows based on that frame?
I know nothing about 3d but from what I do know that is what came to mind. Right now I'm doing it with the burn and dodge tools and other similar methods but it's time consuming.
CS6, no page setup? I see no option permitting me to choose landscape or portrait view. I'm using mountain lion and a canon mp560. There's nothing under print settings. "layout direction" Is it a compatibility problem between CS6 and my printer? Is there a workaround?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI really dont have any idea on how to do that :/, do any of you guys know where i can find a tutorial, if you do, link me up!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI find many references on the web to CS3 actions for resizing images. But I haven't found anyone dealing with the problem of the image orientation (landscape or portrait).
I want to have an action to resize an image to 72dpi (or 96?, which is best?) and constrain the width/height to 1024pixels. How can an action determine whether the image's orientation is landscape or portrait?
Photoshop is opening my landscape shots from my digital camera in portrait format. The thumbnail is landscape and Illustrator and all my other programs open it landscape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a PC with Windows 7 Pro. I have had Photoshop Elements 9 installed for awhile now but find I am unable to use the photomerge landscape feature anymore. When I click on file, new, the photomerge landscape option is greyed out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have also tried using photomerge in CS5, and the same results occur. I used a stable tripod and made sure that both the camera and the tripod was level.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI stitched a landscape but my parallax was probably too much. See the attached photo. I have used the clone tool in the past but many new tools have been added and I think I saw somewhere that theres a way to select this with a bounding box and then warp it over.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I select Landscape printing, Photoshop CS6 waitis a moment and then goes back to portrait printing. And it will not print landscape. I still have CS5.1 and it works fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am making a fiction map. I want a fast way to drop down mountains and trees and any repeating landscape. I figured a good way to do this would be to draw said tree or mountains and then set it to a brush preset, add some size jitter and spacing.
It works well except for 1 problem. The brush drops down images that are vaguely transparent so when 1 mountain overlaps another, it creates an overlay that looks horrible. As if the brush is 50% opaque.
I need to reproduce wavy contour (blueprint) lines which will follow the undulating landscape on a lot of images I have. As per the attachment, they almost have a neon glow and are in a grid format. I can do a grid but adding the wave filter doesn't allow me to adapt it to suit the pic.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have now finally taken the plunge and added a D100 to my camera bag (cracking camera).
Having been to a local camera club however I was dissapointed to see that all the phorographs displayed had drastically overexposed sky's and much detail lost as a result. It strikes me as somewhat lazy that nobody appears to have made any effort to compensate for this.
I do like night / available light photgraphy and notice from working with friends on night shoots that digital cameras can give unnatural daylight effects (partly because they dont suffer reciprocity I guess).
When using my F100 I would naturally tend to use filters (polarizer, ND grads etc) to retain some colour and detail in the sky. Similarly when using Mono I would use the usual red, yellow, green filters etc or I guess I could carry on using my Cokin P filters with my D100 or get a similar effect using photoshop (one I have worked through a few tutorials)
I know that P/Shop can emulate grad filters but what about polarizers?
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically crop a photo to say 4x6 INDEPENDENT of whether it is landscape or portrait while running a batch script. This is after I have done all my editing on the file (the first thing being that I turn the portraits the correct way).
I can sort (using windows) the file size and that tells me which are portraits and which are landscapes. I then create two directories, move the files to the appropriate directory and then run the crop script (making sure the horizontal and vertical crop dimensions are set correctly). This is a pain and wanted to see if there is some way to automate it without having to parse the files into two directories to start.
I am trying to change a landscape 4x6 photo to a portrait 4x6 using compose in ps element 12 and it doesn't seem to work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWindows 7x64.
I have a number of multi-page docs created in PSE. No matter what printer I select, and despite them being in a standard portrait size/orientation, the print options ALWAYS default to landscape. I've checked the actual printer under "printers and devices", and the actual settings there are portrait.
This is worse because I must actually use the print options dialog box to move manually through EACH PAGE of the document to be printed, and set the printer options to "portrait" on every page. If I fail to do even one page, the entire document is printed landscape, cutting of page contents.
The preview shows each page is indeed landscape until I do this procedure, at which time it flips the page to portrait, one at a time.
Doesn't matter what printer is used.
Also, once printed, if I immediate open the print dialog again, same printer and everything, once again it has landscape.
There seems to be no memory whatsoever for orientation (other settings, like resolution, are maintained during the run on PSE, but are always lost when PSE is closed). Again, in particular, orientation for every page, individually, on each print attempt, is always set to landscape, no matter that the document is not in that orientation.
Is there even a way to specify document orientation? Is there something PSE does to attempt to determine orientation that might be wrong? Can I make PSE remember printer settings, or at least use the system defaults for the printer?
How do I print a collage in landscape format (horizontal) from Photoshop Elements 11? I'm using 8.5 x 11 paper.
View 1 Replies View Relatedadobe photoshop: how do i create cutting lines in adobe photoshop if my document is landscape 8.5 by 11 inches and the image are two side by side 5 by 7 in (so appearing 10 inches wides, 7 inch height)... so basically this leaves a 0.5 border top/bottom/left right...
i need corner crop marks and a little line in the middle top and bottom (in the crop area) to designate where to cut the 10 inches into 2, creating my two 5 by 7 inches for each image... my guidlines are perfectly aligned, i just need to know how to make cut lines out of my guidelines except in the middle
I recorded these two Actions:
1) resize a Portrait orientation image to a height of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
2) resize a Landscape orientation image to a width of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
How can I create one Action that will work for both Landscape and Portrait images (setting the longest dimension to 800 pixels keeping the other dimension in proportion)?
I am using Photoshop CS5 v12.0.4x32 and Windows XP Pro SP3.
I make regular use of a Flash image gallery that requires me to provide small square 50 x 50px thumbnails whatever the shape of the original images. The only solution I have found so far is to first manually sort my original images into landscape and portrait folders and then run a different action on each folder to create the thumbnails.
Is there any way to design an action that would work equally well on both landscape and portrait images?
When i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
How do i solve this little problem?