Photoshop :: How To Write File Name To Text Layer Automatically

Jan 29, 2012

I wonder if it is possible to change the name of a file to a text layer automatically. is an example of what I'm trying to do.
I have a lot of photos then I intend to make a macro for editing it to make more precise the name of the file is saved in the image.

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AutoCad :: Rename Layer And Write Name Of Letter Б / Error And Automatically Pressed Enter

Oct 28, 2012

When you rename the layer and write the name of the letter "Б" is an error and automatically pressed "enter".When you click on a point in AutoCAD NumPad written comma.How can I avoid this problem?

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Photoshop :: Gray Transparent Layer To Write Text On

Apr 16, 2009

I am using Photoshop 7.0 on Windows XP

I have been watching a lot of how to videos to learn some effects, trying to pull off this one effect. In the end I would like to create an image file that will consist of a gray transparent rectangular box that I can freely write solid text on. I would like to take this image and "drop" it onto other pictures that I have so that it can serve as a description box. I would like whatever my picture is to be my background and then have this gray box file be the foreground so that I don't have to recreate this process for every image I want to add text to, I can instead edit my Transparent gray file with the text I want and then add it to the picture I want to have text.

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Photoshop :: Gray Transparent Layer To Write Text On

Apr 16, 2009

I am using Photoshop 7.0 on Windows XP

I have hit a wall when it comes to trying to pull off this one effect. In the end I would like to create an image file that will consist of a gray transparent rectangular box that I can freely write solid text on. I would like to take this image and "drop" it onto other pictures that I have so that it can serve as a description box. I would like whatever my picture is to be my background and then have this gray box file be the foreground so that I don't have to recreate this process for every image I want to add text to, I can instead edit my Transparent gray file with the text I want and then add it to the picture I want to have text.

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Photoshop :: How To Get JPGs To Automatically Be Read And Write

Sep 9, 2013

When I save a photo in Photoshop CS6 v13, as a .jpg file, it automatically gives me read and write permission, but not others.  This is a pain as I have to change it each time I want to send someone a photo.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Write Text And Image In Old CDR File Using C#

Jul 19, 2013

I am a c# programmer. i am now doing id card application project i need to write text and save image inside .cdr file using c#.

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Lightroom :: Automatically Write Changes Into XMP

Sep 16, 2013

I work with the option "Automatically write changes into XMP" enabled.
Which data are registered inside the XMP files and which are registered inside le .lrcat file?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Write Several Lines Of Text To TXT File?

Apr 13, 2012

I know how to write a single line of text to a txt file with LISP, but how do i write two or more lines of text to a txt file ussing lisp?

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Photoshop :: Tool Option Settings Same With New File - Layer Styles Previously Used Automatically Applied

May 8, 2013

I am having the darndest time figuring out what I'm not understanding with this, "bug". (I call it a bug because it seems to be one, imo.)
Mac OS X 10.75
Creative Suite 5, Photoshop 5.1
If I adjust paragraph settings, like indents, in one file, those options do not return to default when I start a new file. Thus, I find myself wondering why I have such large gaps between lines of copy or to the left, etc. when I start a new text layer. (This actually happens not only in new files, but in new layers - the latter is slightly more understandable in that it's the same file.)

When a lightbuld goes on for me: "Check your type settings." And, lo-and-behold, there things are: space before or after a paragraph; right or left indents. All settings that used to be cleared when a new file - or a new layer - are opened. This is excruciatingly annoying.If I apply a layer style (e.g., drop shadow) to a shape layer, and then I create another shape layer, the latter one automatically gets all the same style settings applied. That is, the new layer has the all the same layer styles applied to it by default. Meaning, I have to then delete those as they are often not what I intend.  

In any case, it used to be that I could choose what I want my own new files and layers to look like, not have previously used settings automatically applied.

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Lightroom :: Set Catalog Settings To Automatically Write Changes To Xmp

Jul 9, 2013

I am having trouble with reading xmp files.My assistant edited photos in Lightroom 4. I am trying to view the work in Lightroom 3.I cannot see his edits.We have done metadata>read metadata files
We have done library>previews>render standard size previewsAlso set the catalog settings to automatically write changes to xmp.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Write Content Of Variables To Text File?

Feb 17, 2013

I want to write content of variables to a text file but I should have conversion function for variables.

for example

(setq a 123); a is an integer type, contetnt of a is 123

so I should use (itoa a) to get "123" as a string and then I can write it to text file.

but what about another type of variables?
(defun ToString ( a / result)(setq result "")(cond((= (type a) 'ENAME) (progn (setq result "Entity names")))((= (type a) 'EXRXSUBR) (progn (setq result "External ObjectARX applications")))((= (type a) 'FILE) (progn (setq result "File descriptors")))((= (type a) 'INT) (progn (setq result (itoa


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Write Unicode Characters To Text File

Jun 27, 2013

I can't write unicode characters to a text file.

as you know, you can write chars on text screen easily: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122"))

but if you want to write chars to a text file, this command does not work: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122") TxtFileVar)

Here is a part of my code to test:
(defun C:HexGen ( / d f S w x y z h c)(setq d '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F") f (open "c:\0000-FFFF.txt" "w"))(foreach w d (foreach x d (foreach y d (progn (setq S "") (foreach z d (progn (setq h (strcat w x y z)) (setq c (strcat "\U+" h));;;<===character (setq S (strcat S " " (strcat h " = " c ))) ) ) (write-line S f) ) ) )) (close f)(startapp "notepad" "c:\0000-FFFF.txt"))

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Illustrator :: Possible To Automatically Export Each Layer Of File Into PNG Files?

Feb 28, 2013

Is there a way of automatically exporting each layer of an Illustrator file into PNG files, with the PNG files taking the name of their layer in the Illustrator file?

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Lightroom :: Automatically Write Changes Into XMP - Setting Relate To DNGs

Dec 20, 2013

How does the “Automatically write changes into XMP” setting relate to DNGs? If I keep this unchecked, is metadata still automatically saved into DNGs?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Write A Script That Renames A Layer And Group Within The Layer?

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
 #target Illustrator 
var doc = app.activeDocument;
 idLayers(doc)//IRename layers
idGroups(doc)//Rename groups
 function idLayers(doc){

I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.

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Photoshop :: New Layer Created Below Selected Layer Automatically?

Jun 18, 2013

Is there a way to change the functionality of the layers so that when a new layer is created or a layer is duplicated that it automatically is created below the selected layer? I always organize my files with elements at the top of the document at the top of the layers panel and have them in decending order (unless there is a reason for an object to be above another) so that it is easier to navigate the page. Right now this means I spend a lot of time moving layers up and down which gets rather annoying. I believe I saw at one point that there is a key command for duplicating a layer below the existing one, but I can't remember how anymore. ability to make a blanket change in preferences.

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GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically

May 1, 2011

I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?

Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?

I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).

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Photoshop :: How To Write Text On Objects

Aug 22, 2011

I am writing text on a picture of a road, and theres a bump I want to write text on it. How can I make the text take the curve of the bump?

Also how do I distort or add an effect to the text somehow to make look as if it was taken with a low-res camera?

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Photoshop :: Not Able To Write Text On Image

Sep 26, 2007

I have two directories of images in my hard disk.One one of them I am able to write text of my choice of font , size and color.And turn them into watermarks.But on the other if I write , it comes so small its not visible at all.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Write LISP File That Saves Current File Into R2000 DXF Format?

Nov 7, 2013

Is it possible, in AutoLISP, to code something that will save the current file (whatever it may be, assume ..dwg or .dxf, into R2000 .dxf?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Portable - Can't Write Text On Image?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a problem with cs3 portable.everytime i want to write a text on a image appear this "Could not complete your request because somethingprevented the text engine from being initialized"

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AutoCAD .NET :: Trying To Write Layer Gather And Change Program In C#

Aug 2, 2013

I am trying to write a layer gathering and changing program that will store a lists of layers based on layers they need to be changed to. I am writing it in C# and the part that is killing me is I need to store the old layers before I convert them so that way in the future the program will automatically know to change those layers to the appropriate layer.

I am trying to use an .xml file to permanently store the layers, and a serializer to read the layers into a dictionary so that I can search and see if I have already come across a layer.

I know that sounds very convoluted so let me simplify the problem. We have our layers which are only 7 layers. We get drawings from outside sources and they have their layers. Their layers correspond to one our 7 layers. We have a list showing which of their layers correspond to one of our layers. When we get drawings with layers we've never seen before, we need to search through the list to confirm it isn't already there and if it is not present, then ask the user to which of our layers their new layer should be associated.

I want to store the data in a xml file in a manner similar to this <ourlayertheirlayer> ourlayer1, somerandomthintg ourlayer1, anotherrandomthing ourlayer1, thisrandomthing ourlayer2, whatisthis ourlayer2, whoisthis ourlayer3, whycantifigurethisout ourlayer3, canyoufigureitout</ourlayertheirlayer>

 Then I want to serialize the xml file and save the data in a Dictionary<string,string> type whre the first string is one of our layers and the second string is their layer.

I want the data in the xml file to persist between application sessions, but the dictionary would be filled each the program is started.Later in the program I will use the Dictionary to gather all the objects based on their layer, the second string in the dictionary, and convert them to our corresponding layer, the first string in the dictionary.

I am having trouble setting up my types in C# though. How do I create an xml serializer that will read ourlayer, theirlayer from an xml file and save it to a Dictionary. The data doesn't have to be in the xml file in that format either, I just can't think of an easier way than commas to sepearte the two pieces of data.

public class OursTheirs{ public List<string>[,] goToDict { get; set; }}public class oursTheirsComma{ public string commaPresent { get; set; }}public static class SerializeAddToDict{ public static string getFromXML(string xml) { XmlSerializer xmls = new XMLSerializer(typeof(string)); return xmls.Deserialize(new StringReader(xml)) as string; } public static List<string>[,] ParseXML { //Stuff here

I haven't figured out to convert the string to a //List<string>[,] where the first column is one of our 7 layers,second //column their layer } //Then some other stuff here to add the stuff to a dictionary}

 I just starting learning C# and .NET.

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Photoshop :: Corrupt File Changes When Clicking In Text Layer?

Jul 3, 2013

I have a really weird problem with one of my files. When I click on the text, it changes the text to completely different words. Seems like it is corrupt somehow... see below images to see what I mean. Is there a fix? I'm on CS6 mac OS 10.8.4.


Out of curiosity I also opened up the file in text edit to see if there was anything obvious, and here's some of the code. I'm assuming this is preview text for search, but either way seems a bit fishy.
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
                  <photoshop:LayerText>WE WILL BE...</photoshop:LayerText>
Trying to edit the text and saving it out corrups the file.

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Photoshop :: Change Text In Layer In Saved PSD File

Nov 19, 2013

I want to change the text that says ''gangsterturk25'' I created this file like a year ago, and saved it on my pc, because I thought I might want to change it one day, and the day is today. I made this with the use of a tutorial so I can recall how I dit it exactly. I am a ''noob'' in photoshop so to say. How could I possibly change this.

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Photoshop :: Read/write Psd File From App Other Than...

Nov 2, 2008

1) Can I use photoshop SDK to build independent desktop app (not photoshop plugin) to read/write/edit psd file? If yes, is there any license rule I must follow?

2) Can I use photoshop API to build more module to read/write/edit psd file,
then use this core module to build complete web-based app with wonderful flex as front-end and that core module is back-end?

If both above 2 items it not capable of implementing, is there another way to build independent desktop app or web-based app for read/write/edit psd file?

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Photoshop :: How To Write Or Design Text Letters Using Images

Sep 13, 2012

I am trying to learn how to write or design text letters using images for instance I want to know how i would write Photoshop using noodles or electricity wires.

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Photoshop :: Write Text Overtop Of A Picture But Very Softly

Nov 3, 2005

I want to write text overtop of a picture but very softly.

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Photoshop Elements :: Write Text Directly Onto A Photo?

Mar 29, 2013

With Elements 11, can I write text directly onto a photo?

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Photoshop :: Saving A File - Write Protected

Nov 12, 2013

I am using the photoshop cs6 cc trial and after editing I try to save file but it gives me an error message and says something about write protection.  

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Photoshop :: Does It Always Write Scratch File To Disk

May 2, 2013

I am building a new computer and have heard that, no matter how much RAM you have, Photoshop always writes the scratch file to a disk. Thus, considering a second small SSD drive to use for scratch and Windows page. Other people have said that if have enough RAM, Photoshop never uses disk. Which is true?

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Photoshop :: Screen Goes Black And Flickers When Write Text On Top Of Photo

Nov 26, 2013

I have a problem with photo Shop CC: When I try to write a text on top of a photo the screen goes black and flickers?
I uninstalled the progran earlier on today and downloaded it again but the problem is still there.

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