Photoshop :: How To Manually Adjust Chromatic Aberrations In CS6

May 21, 2012

how do you manually adjust chromatic aborations in CS6

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Photoshop :: How To Remove Chromatic Aberrations In CS 6

Nov 8, 2012

I've used Chrome Acute in Elements 7 with success, but I'm not sure that I can plug it into CS6, not accordingly to Chrome Acutes homepage, so what do i do?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Get Chromatic Sliders

Aug 26, 2012

I am learning Photoshop from an excellent book by Scott Kelby. He has a section which clearly explains the use of Chromatic sliders. All I have is a check box. How do I get to these sliders? I have CS5.

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Photoshop :: Chromatic Adaptation With PDF Lab

Jan 28, 2009

I have a PDF target job containing a few hundred patches specified in the Lab colour space. I can import this into Photoshop specifying the 'Lab Color' mode and when I look at the Lab values of each patch they are exactly as the PDF says.

The problem comes when I choose to convert the image to a profile (any profile) because Photoshop appears to do no chromatic adaptation during the conversion. It is as though D50 is assumed, since that is the ICC standard. I can change X and Z values of the white point in the PDF to any numbers and the conversion is always unchanged. If the Y value is changed to any number other than 1, the Lab elements are not rendered in Photoshop.

Is there any way I persuade Photoshop to honour the chromatic adaptation implied by non-D50 white points? I am using CS2 on Windows.

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Photoshop :: Chromatic Abberation

Dec 16, 2008

I just got started in digital photography and have some experience in PS from a class i took in school.

I used to shoot film exclusively and I LOVED my crappy little plastic lensed camera called a Holga which produced dreamy focus, tons of vignetting, and some Chromatic Abberations. I really want to reproduce the effects given by this camera with images I take with my DSLR.

I can figure out how to vignette and create soft focus effects but how can I create chromatic abberations such as this one?

I have found a billion ways to get rid of abberations but no way to create one. Are there any plugins, actions or filters I can download somewhere?

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Photoshop :: Chromatic Luminance

Mar 17, 2004

What can be done to reduce or alter chromatic luminance qualities in photographic subjects of people (skin tones) and liquids (beverages, water, ice, etc.)?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Chromatic Aberration Sliders Missing

Dec 19, 2012

CS5 camera raw, under lens correction tab, profile, no chromatic aberration slider. Under the manual tab, same thing. Do I need to download an update?

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Photoshop :: Lens Correction And Chromatic Fringe - Broken In CS5?

Jul 30, 2013

chromatic aberration correction has changed since CS3. It's limited to ONE pixel correction, or what ? It seems i cant get strong cyan/red bands anymore, i used it as an artistic effect and i need it back. I'm not interested in manual workflow (moving manually RGB channels),

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Photoshop :: Camera Raw - Chromatic Aberration Controls Have Disappeared

Feb 24, 2013

I am using bridge CS5 (version and working in camera raw. In the lens corrections tab in the manual control I have lost my chromatic Aberration controll, this is to say, it has disappeared. I now see under the manual tab I now see the transform controlls, below that I see lens vignetting. The chromatic aberration conrolls have disappeared, where have they gone and can I get them back and how do I do that?

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Lightroom :: Chromatic Aberration Correction In LR4 Not Carrying Over To CS6 Photoshop

Nov 7, 2012

I am a commercial photographer and have use Lighroom since it was introduced. I just updated Photoshop to CS6 and found that the Chromatic Aberration corrections I apply to an image in Lightroom 4.2 are NOT following the image when I open the image in CS6 using Command-E to open the image from Lightroom. All other Lightroom corrections have been applied, only the Chromatic Aberration correction is missing. One other piece of information is that I convert all RAW files to DNG when I inport the RAW file into Lightroom. I had none of these issues when I was using Photoshop CS5.

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Photoshop Elements :: Chromatic Aberration Or Purple Fringing Tool In Version 10?

Nov 6, 2011

The subject line basically says it all.  The chromatic aberration tool in Aperture doesn't do much for me.  Is there one in PSE 10?

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Lightroom :: Remove Chromatic Aberration Box

Jun 12, 2013

I have recently been playing with removing CA from pictures.  I have a particular RAW file picture of the inside of a church dome.  I have made a number of Develop Module adjustments.   There is purple and green fringing along the window frames and the columns by the windows, which I would like to remove.
I can remove most of this fringing by checking the Remove Chromatic Aberration box and then either use the dropper tool or just slide the Amount sliders a bit for both the Purple and the Green fringes.  I do see a noticeable difference.
However, I have a problem Exporting the resultant file.  Right before I check the Remove CA box, I can Export the RAW file as a JPEG, with, say, 80% quality, and leaving size/dimensions unchanged.
After I check the Remove CA box, however, when I try to Export the file, I get 1 of 2 results.  One result, probably more common, is that it appears as if the file is being Exported; however, after a bit of time, I get an error message that says "Not Enough Memory."  The second thing which can happen is that it appears as if a file is being Exported, but there is no disc activity, and, after it looks as if the Export completes, there is no file in the folder I specified.  If I try Exporting again, leaving everything exactly the same, I get no message at all telling me that the file already exists, confirming that it had not been exported the first time.
I have tried greatly reducing JPEG quality (down to 40% I think), and I still cannot Export.  I have tried lowering the dimensions down to 1920 pixels on the long side, and I have tried restricting the file size to about 5000K.  Nothing so far has allowed me to Export this file.
Yet, if I go back in the history, right before I checked the Remove CA box, I can Export that file.....although the only way I can do that is to first exit Lightroom and then relaunch it.
My PC is about 4 years old; I have 4 GB of memory.  Maybe I need more, but even by trying to greatly reduce the file size, I have these problems.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 RC2 Chromatic Aberration Setting Missing

Apr 29, 2012

LR4.1 RC2 for Mac.
In the Develop Module under Lens Corrections, the CA option is no longer present. It was there in the previous RC. In the Sync Settings, it is a still a selectable option.

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Lightroom :: Manual Chromatic Aberration Adjustment Gone In 4?

Mar 7, 2012

I must state that I am miffed that manual adjustment of C.A. has disappeared in LR4. This would have been easier to understand if some commonly used lenses that are not the latest release had profiles available. For example, I shoot the older version Nikkor Micro D 60mm and 105mm lenses for underwater photography. I built a preset to correct the C.A., which I now assume won't work. The automatic setting does not entirely remove it. Is there any way to deal with this aside from adding an extra step and editing CA in Photoshop (which doesn't do a great job of it, either)?

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GIMP :: Chromatic Aberration Plugin Does Not Work (2013)

Jun 21, 2013

I work with GIMP 2.8.4 on Windows XP. In order to remove strong lateral chromatic aberrations I tried the CA plugin version 3x What I saw in the preview looked good, but when I pressed the OK button no result appeared. What is the reason? How to install this plugin on Suse Linux step by step.

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Lightroom :: New Chromatic Aberration Tools Kills Old Settings

Jun 27, 2012

I've just recently found that new chromatic aberration tools kills settings for old chromatic aberration tools. Lets say I have a PV2010 photo with adjusted sliders for chromatic aberration reduction and selected defringe "all edges".Now I'm importing this photo to LR 4.1. I'm not updating process version!

Photo is automatically updated by Lightroom to new CA controls (note it still PV2010 photo). Well, I must say the the results are superb - they are the same as I was achieving with manual sliders, but now with only one click. But the problem is - Lightroom says that metadata have been changed, and I am writing back changes to XMP.But now XMP contains settings for new CA tools, but settings for old CA tools are LOST.

So if I want to open this image in ACR 6.6, or send it to someone with older LR version I end up with completely resetted CA settings, because ACR 6.6 does not have new CA tools, and settings for old tools are killed by LR 4.1 - they are just removed from XMP. So I am loosing CA removal settings completely when opening image in earlier version of application. And I am NOT updating process version!

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Lightroom :: Best Way To Use Defringe Tool In Removing Chromatic Aberration?

Oct 29, 2012

I am having a problem with LR 4.2 in correcting chromatic aberation.  When I try to use the "defringe tool" I receive the following error message, "Cannot set the purple or green fringe color.  Please sample a representative fringe color agian."  However, I can see the sampled pixel in the pallette and read the RGB values.

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Lightroom :: Remove Chromatic Aberration Doesn't Work

Apr 28, 2012

Unchecking the "Remove chromatic aberration" after it had been checked and adjusted does not work in the sense that the removal remains active.

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Lightroom :: Chromatic Aberration Checkbox That Should Be Under Lens Corrections Is Missing

Jan 27, 2013

The chromatic aberration check box that should be present under lens corrections is missing from my LR4 program, how to get it back

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Lightroom :: Can't Find Remove Chromatic Aberration Under Lens Correction

Jan 15, 2013

Why can't I find "Remove Chromatic Aberration" under Lens Correction?

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Lightroom :: Chromatic Noise Being Added To Photo When Exporting At Reduced Sizes

Jun 23, 2013

I have a preset in Lightroom set to export photos with the long-edge at 900px in length. Whenever I use the resize feature, the photos that result have horrible noise and I don't know what to do about it.  I can export the images at full size without any noise, then use Photoshop CS5 to resize the images and still have cleaner photos.
Here's an example.
The following export preset it set as such:

- Export as JPEG
- Quality = 100%
- DPI = 300
- Resize to 900px on long-edge
The first photo is exported via Lightroom 5 with the above settings, then directly uploaded to Imgur.
The second photo only has the Resize feature disabled in Lightroom.  It was then resized to 900px on long-edge in Photoshop CS5 and the uploaded to Imgur.
The only difference between these two photos is which program was used to shrink them down to 900 x 600px.
Here is link to the referenced photos: [URL]
 What do you think could be causing this? Since the only difference between the photos is which program resized them, all I can think is that it's an LR5 issue...

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Photoshop :: Manually Update CS4?

Dec 23, 2008

I've just ordered a new PC and want to keep it lean, solely for photo and video editing. To that end, I don't want to install AV and intend not to use it for internet access.

Is there any way for me to manually update PS by downloading updates to my laptop and then transferring them to my new PC. I know I can do that with ACR, but cannot find any information on doing it with other updates.

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Lightroom :: Automatic Correction Of Chromatic Aberration Does Not Work Properly With Canon CR2-files

Mar 8, 2012

So why did you remove the possibility to correct ca manually?

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Photoshop :: Manually Set Monitor Profile?

Jul 20, 2013

Instead of Photoshop, et al using my Win7 x64 ICC monitor profile, I would like to set it manually, as I'm able to do in other applications.  Is this possible? 
The reason why is that I have a Dell U3014 and using the software that comes with it, I want to use its sRGB mode (and an associated sRGB profile from my Spyder 4 set as my Windows default) for all of my regular apps, and AdobeRGB mode (and profile) for my CS and other color-aware apps. My other apps DxO, PhotoMechanic, Canon SLR apps, etc. let me choose the profile.

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Photoshop :: How To Manually Uninstall CS6 Beta

May 9, 2012

Prior to seeing or reading the bright red warning of not trashing the beta, it was done.
Now CS6 won't install. Says an earlier version is on the machine.
Which specific files must be uninstalled to allow the CS6 installation?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Do Auto-tone Manually

Nov 4, 2012

While editing two very similar photos and using the CS6 auto-tone command, one of the photos photoshop was able to truly fix up while the other barely changed. Here is the example:
Photo A was very blue and dark; the auto-tone command magically fixed it up to have nice color variation in the rock and made it brighter. Here is the before/after:

On the other hand, photo B didn't work out the same way; the auto-tone command barely did anything, even though I thought both photos looked to have very similar problems (blue, dark, etc).Here are the links to the full original photo A and photo B in case they are useful...
how can I achieve on photo B the same effect that auto-tone did for photo A! Is there any way to find out what adjustments auto-tone made?

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Photoshop :: Download And Install Updates Manually?

Jun 14, 2013

I have just purchased Photoshop CS6 and ran the updater from within Photoshop. I know some of the updates worked but not all. So I ran it again 3 or 4 attempts now have failed with this message:-
It has failed to install -
Extension Manager 6.0.6 Update
with the error message -Installation failed. Error Code: U44M1P7
I have found a solution on the forum- Download and install the updates manually. Go to [URL]...updates and download the update that you are trying to install.There is no update available there which refers to Extension Manager 6.0.6 Update
I opened the Adobe Application Manager and run it for updates, it reports I'm good - no updates!  But when I then try for an update from within Photoshop I still get the same message telling me I need to instal ExtensionManager 6.0.6 UpdateI have tried to find the error log from within my system - but failed misserably (I am on Windows 7-64)
where do I go from here?  Do I need Extension Manager? What does it do? Is it vital I install this update?

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Photoshop :: Manually Aligning Images In Photomerge?

Feb 19, 2013

In PS CS2 I used to manually align 3 images in Photomerge to make a triptych (not a panorama).  I can't figure out how to do this in CS6.  Do I need to work with a tool other than Photomerge?

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Photoshop :: How To Place Cursor Manually During Action

Jan 4, 2013

I have a Photoshop action that, amongst other things, performs various fill-type operations on parts of an image. I want to run the action on a number different images, but I need to select different parts depending on the image.

Is there a way that I can manually position the cursor (i.e pick the correct area to process) while running the action?  Or do I have to break the action up into shorter actions and do the fills manually in between?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Manually Put Camera Raw 8.3 Into APE11

Dec 27, 2013

Ive tried the dng download but it did nothing in putting the new raw 8.3 into my Photoshop elements 11. How do I do it manually? Ive just bought a Canon 70D and now cant read the raw files.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - How To Manually Input Places

Oct 21, 2012

Photoshop Elements wants to use Google Maps to identify 'Places', and allocating place names in the Organiser. Some of the names are not what I want, and in an English Edition are even coming out in arabic script. How do I rename the place names or, even better enter them manually?

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