Ive seen a lot of this type of graphics pop up everywhere for sometime now. And i know from the animated clips that a lot of it is done in 3d. But if i were to create it in PS as a still frame, how do you go about making it look the way it does? I can imagine you could do it by creating lines and making copies of it and varying each a little bit, add some color overlays etc etc. And then there is the motion blur effect theyve got on it. Not sure how to go about that, but overall that looks like a lot of hard manual labour.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
How to using many tiny different pics to create one pic. Something like this: (excuse the quality, the pic is really a composition of many tiny pics of his face).
I just saw a concert on television (A-Ha in Norway). The stage was bathed in blue and there were these very intense green stage lights with 6 point light effects to the (I'm not sure what you call them, but they are like you see on Christmas cards or when using certain camera filters.)
I'm not really an artist or good with image manipulations, but I am learning how to create games on my own (using Unity3D currently) and have to create some basic art or animations myself when I can't find it available for free online, and I do that in paint.net.
Right now I'm working on an asteroids clone to further my learning and what I want to do is when the player ship spawns in the game, I want to have a little flash so that it doesn't look as if the ship just appears out of nowhere.
I figured that the closest thing to what I want looks like a camera flash and have been looking for this online but have yet found nothing. I've searched these forums, too, in both Plugins and the tutorials for creations and distortions/modifications but have also come up empty.
There was a plugin for a lens flare effect, but is not what I need, and one plugin that creates glitter/sparks, but that one seems to only work when you have a suitable image to work with, whereas I need something that creates this kind of flash by itself.
I am trying to replicate the attached effect and am wondering the best way to go about doing so. I need to make mocks of a Facebook game for this company so it should be a close as possible. Particularly, I need to generate the blurry circles and grainy-ish effect that is primarily seen on the orange background where the nav bars lies. I could, of course go circle by circle, but I feel like I've seen a filter to create these circles before.
how to do an animation effect. Its pretty common but I dont what its called. A 'light' or lights that travel down a line, straight or curved in one or both directions. Kinda like an old movie house marquee. In this example image, the red light moves to the right and reverses at the end of the line and goes the other way. I dont know if this makes a difference but the image I want to create may include use of the vanishing point tool.
I've been trying to achieve the same look as this chocolate bar... after many months I kind of gave up on making the aluminum foil part My question is about the wrapper. I can see the shadows and I was able to do that.. kind of.. but how about the light on the wrapper? I've been using bevel and emboss and tried 360 degree of light direction and it doesn't look like that at all...
Win 7 OS. I am trying to use the light effect filter and when I select it photoshop gets locked up and won't respond until I end task in task manager (it says photoshop not responding in task manager). Is there a fix for this? I did all of my updates and it still happens.
I'm editing a photo of my friend playing a musical instrument. The photo is completely black except for him and the picture is of his profile. I want to add realistic stage lights without the corney lensflare effect. The lights would be added to appear as if the camera is looking right into them.
I'm sure i can locate a tutorial for clouds, Just i am recreating this cloud BG effect but i cant find that really nice bright light effect over the clouds and the really bright shine around the human layer.
i design and print t-shirts and use photoshop for all my designs. a customer recently asked me to print a photo of her son on a shirt..but she wanted the image to look like it was airbrushed onto the shirt. ive looked around but havent had any luck finding tutorial on the subject.
I am having problems with one of FX effects in corel video studio x3. When I select 'stationary' on the tick box and play back the video, the light still pans around the screen regardless of 'stationary' being selected or not.
how I could achieve the effect in the attached image?
I.e. I have a blueprint drawing (dark background with thin white lines) and I want to add an effect as if the white lines were slits that light was shining through.
I have been trying to learn the chiseled effect on Discovery Center the video tutorial the girl voice came so distorted that I decided to look up the written version .In the step 3 they ask to Arrange Combine but Combine does not light up