Photoshop :: Copying Transparency

Mar 11, 2011

This may sound a bit of an odd question... I often find myself having to paste pictures into powerpoint, and, when parts of my picture are transparent, I have to save it as png before importing it into powerpoint, because if I use CTRL C in PS and then paste into powerpoint, the transparent areas appear as white. Surely there must be a way to copy in PS so that the transparency is preserved? I am using CS5 EXT.

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Photoshop :: Transparency To Not Transparency In Photo

Sep 10, 2006

I have two pictures.

I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right.
The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle.
The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.

I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)

I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.

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Photoshop :: Copying Layers

Feb 14, 2012

I'm taking a web design class, and we are doing a preliminary layout in Photoshop CS5. Last night the prof taught us how to do something he calls "slide copying." It's basically holding down Opt or Alt while clicking on the layer, and then sliding it downward. You then get a new layer and its number.
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a 1" border around my web page. I am typing in a single letter, and then copying it. How can I make sure that when I drag it into its new position, it will be aligned with the original letter? There are going to be dozens of these going around the border, so I want to get this right from the start.
Something like "distribute horizontal centers"?
I know that I can group layers and make any changes there, of course, but I'm wondering about the easiest way to do it in the first place.
The border will be around all sides.

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Photoshop :: Copying Text

Mar 12, 2003

I have a pic with text on it, How do I change what it says while keeping the same look?

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Photoshop :: Copying A Group From One Doc To Another

Nov 28, 2006

Here's what I want to do:

1) Open a pic

2) Copy a group called "layers" from one group to the pic I've just opened.

The problem I'm having is that the action dialogue only records me switching between documents, but not the copying of the group.

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Photoshop :: Copying 2 Layers At Once

Apr 18, 2004

I have a button that is comprised of two layers. I use this button extensively on my page so I'm trying to copy both layes at once. I make one layer active, then I link the other layer, then I use the Move Tool and press ALT, but only one layer gets copied. Is there an easy way to copy 2 Layer elements at once in Photoshop 6.0?

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Photoshop :: Copying Photos To A New Folder

Nov 11, 2013

I'm using Adobe Elements 8. How do I copy a photo from 1 folder and paste it into a new folder. I don't want to move it-just copy it.?

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Photoshop :: Copying Selection WITHOUT Moving?

Dec 15, 2012

trying to copy a selection and paste it into another layer, but no matter what i do it slightly shifts.  I need it to be in exactly the same place as the original, only on another layer. 

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Photoshop :: Copying And Pasting Text From One PSD Into Another

Sep 20, 2012

I have 2 layers of text in a .psd that I want to simply copy and paste into another .psd. I select both layers and link them together, though when I copy and paste into the other .psd only one of the layers is pasted. How do you do this?

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Photoshop :: Copying Layer Styles

Oct 17, 2013

I copied a layer style (Outer glow) and pasted it on another file, value of the size in Outer glow, changed when pasted from 6 to 64. Why? How do I make copying the layer style more accurate?

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Photoshop :: Copying Text From One Page To Another?

Oct 17, 2013

When I drag a text from one page to another, the text increases in size. Not sure why.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Very Low Resolution When Copying To Photoshop?

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying to copy some designs made on Corel DRAW to Photoshop and it copies them in very low resolution. Never mind I change the resolution of the document in : Tools -> Options -> Document - PageSize -> Resolution

Only solution I have found to far, is to over-scale the design before copying it, but that neither comfortable, as then the page-size in no longer applicable, the designs mess between pages as part of the design falls outside the page, or I need to resize also the page size what creates inconveniences for printing

Is it possible to increase the resolution at which objects are copied from Corel Draw ?

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Photoshop :: Copying Layers Between Files

Sep 29, 2007

In PS CS3, is there a simple way to copy the contents of a partially transparent layer from one image and paste them into another image of the same size without PS trying to center the pasted content? If so, how is this accomplished?

Here's the situation. I am trying to make a bunch of blending mode reference images. They consist of a base color layer, a blend color layer, and several different layers for labels. The base and the blend color layers have off center squares of gradiated colors, so you can see how the blend changes based on changes to the base and blend colors.

I've finished grayscale versions for each layer blending mode, now I'm working on a color version. I have created one (Luminosity), and now I want to past the blend color and base color layers from the color Luminosity image into all the grayscale images so that I can reuse the labels in grayscale images.

When I drag the layers from the layer palette of one document to the document window of another document, it places the color squares in the location based upon where I drop them. If I copy from one document to the other, it centers the color squares (they need to be off-center to work with the pre-existing labels). I've not tried replacing the transparency in the blend and base color layers, because... well.. because I shouldn't have to. Dagnabit. But, I suspect that would work.

I'm running Photoshop CS3 Extended v10.0 on Mac OS X v10.4.10 w/2GB RAM.

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Photoshop :: Copying Layers Between Psd Files?

Mar 11, 2004

Do you know of a method to copy layers from an existing psd file to a new psd file?
See I'm doing a website design in photoshop but I want to be able copy over the menu bars which will remain on all pages without having to spend time constantly recreating the thing on each page?

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Photoshop :: Copying Two Layers Into Another PSD File

Apr 3, 2009

I have created a file with about 35 layers. The top layer is needed to make the lower layers look right. My plan was to copy the first two layers into the new file, turn off the second layer, turn on the third layer, and then copy it, along with the top layer still turned on, into the same new file. I want to repeat this process until all layers have been copied. I just cannot seem to find out how to do this without a tremendous amount of extra work. So I know how to do it the looong way, but surely there is a way I can copy two layers, in their arranged order, as one new layer into a new file?

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Photoshop :: Copying And Pasting Between Images

Sep 11, 2004

I'm a PS newbie, and I've been trying to copy a selection from one image and paste it in another. This normally works perfectly, but I've been having real problems with one image. Whenever I copy something onto it (with most pics, at least; haven't tried them all) the copied selection loses all colour and texture and becomes an apparently random selection of white and black pixels.

Is there a setting somewhere that I should change? Are the images just incompatible? Please help.

Here's an example screenshot. Request any further information you want and I'll try to provide it.

Edit: In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to copy the stick on the right onto the witch.

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Photoshop :: Clipboard/screenshots - Copying

Apr 13, 2008

I have no clue why, it does not occur with other programs than ps - but when I take a screenshot, it often will not be imported in to photoshop. I very often have to do it twice. This is very annoying. it is possible I have the same problem when copying from other programs and pasting into photoshop, although i am not really sure. (I some times intuitively use ctrl+c when copying images from firefox, and naturally that does not work, may be the reason why I get the impression the picture is not copied into photoshop)
But whether or not i have problems copying from other programs, I know for sure that taking screenshots often doesn't work the first time, only the second time. Does anyone know why that is? I don't think it has to do with memory as I have 2 GB ram and a these images are small...

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Photoshop :: Copying And Pasting On An Image

Feb 12, 2009

how do i copy an image and paste it on another image on photoshop cs4? i have already used the pen tool on the pic i need to copy but i cant seem to copy and paste it on the other picture.

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Photoshop :: Copying And Saving A Selection?

Feb 11, 2003

I am trying to save a selection from a photo to open in Dreamweaver. I am able to mask the selection and eliminate the background, but when I open up the image in Dreamweaver I have white where the background was. How do I eliminate everything around my selection to have just the selection appear?

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Photoshop :: Copying Entire Layers

May 29, 2005

Is there a way to copy an entire layer (besides CTRL-A, CTRL-C)?

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Photoshop :: Copying A Layered Picture

Oct 22, 2005

Is it possible to copy or crop a portion of a layered picture and still retain the layers ?

If I copy merged I lose the layers and if I try to copy normally I only seem to copy one of the layers.

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Photoshop :: Copying A Text Style

Aug 23, 2006

Im trying to create a spoof of an image but I cant get the style of the text right. You know how when people take say, the snickers logo but replace the word "snickers" with something else.

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Photoshop :: Copying Layer Style

Feb 6, 2006

how to copy the style of one layer to another? I'm trying to cut out time on applying the same style to individual letters poised for animation.

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Photoshop Elements :: Copying Pics To CD

Jun 27, 2013

how do i copy my pictures to a cd using elements 10

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcuts And Copying Layers

May 9, 2013

I have an issue with the behaviour of the alpha channels and layers.I have upgraded to the latest version.I have tried resetting the preferences per Julianne Cost's Key Board Short Cut (KBSC) method.  None of the preferences were reset.I still have all my saved workspaces available etc etc.
After making a selection in the channels pallet and saving using the "Save selection as channel" button I have what appears to be a bug when trying to import the selection into the layers panel.
I make the selection.  Save it as a channel.  Make the selection active.Then switch over to the layers pallet.  I then try to copy the selection across using the KBSC 'Cmd J'.On the first attempt I only get an exact copy of the layer (in a single layer document).
However, when I use the same KBSC a second time (immediately after the first attempt - no changes) the third layer created has my selection as masked.So after the process in a single layer document my layers stack up as follows (I have layed them out as if in the layers pallet).
-Layer 1 (with just my selection)
-Background Copy (an exact copy)
-Background (with lock icon).

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Photoshop :: Copying And Pasting Open Path

Feb 1, 2013

So, i went back to an image i made a while ago because i wanted to remember how i went about doing something. i also got out my notebook where i kept track of particular aspects of the lesson.sadly, i do not seem to have written down the one thing i am looking to recall.

see the open path that defines the arm inside the red circle?well, i'm working on a female version of this but i can't seem to recall how i went about duplicating the path so that the stroke and layer styles are copied as well.
i selected the pen tool > set to path > drew out my path > right clicked to select stroke path then i double clicked on the layer to add a gradient overlay and a drop shadow
now, when i made the guy above all i wrote down to do is to copy and transform but now when i do this only the path is copied.i have tried copy, copy merged, paste, paste special and paste in place.when i use ctrl + J and then flip it the stroke and ls's aren't copied?
ctrl + j makes a new layer with the layer styles listed but when i did it the first time this is what my layers look(ed) like how the "right arm" layer doesn't list the layer styles?
how one goes about copying and pasting an open path such as this so that one has a layer without the styles listed? i have also used alt + ctrl + t and dragged to copy but this also makes a layer with the styles listed.

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Photoshop :: Naming Layers The Same As The File Name You Are Copying From

Sep 20, 2006

I know that title sounds confusing, but i was wondering if there is anyway to automatically name a layer the same as a separate file. For example i am creating a layered Photoshop file that contains a bunch of photos and i want each of the layers to be named the same as the separate photo files i am copying them from - make sense?

Anyway, just wondering if this can be done without having to manually type or paste in the file name.

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Photoshop :: Actions: Copying Layers From One Comp To Another....

Nov 26, 2006

Here's what I want to do:

I want to process a series of pics for my photography business and I think I have a way to do a great deal of them with minimum effort. What I want to do is to work on one photo and create a smaller project that I copy and paste my Adjustment layers in. Then, I want an action to go through my queue of pics and copy the layers over, create a blurred layer (for skin touch up) and a sharpened layer. That way, when it's done, all I have to do is open each saved PSD and do touch up as needed.

The problem is that I can't get an action to recognize that I'm dragging a layer over from one comp to another. Is there a way, instead of creating a brand new action for each set of pics, to do what I want to do?

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Photoshop :: Copying Layer Sets To New Psp Document In CS

Apr 12, 2006

I am trying to copy layer sets from one document to another in Photoshop CS. It will not do it by dragging and dropping (like you can with layers). How do I do it in CS? I CAN do it in CS2 by dragging and dropping, but then the artwork on the layers still goes out of position. I need to "merge" two or more documents for a web site design. for doing it in CS, or how to have the layers come into CS2 in the right place?

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Illustrator :: Copying To Photoshop - Dimensions Changing

Jan 24, 2014

Having a really annoying issue that I've noticed since the latest CC update. If I have, let's say, a square of 100 x 100 mm in Illustrator and I copy it and switch to Photoshop, create a new document using the clipboard as the preset, it gets the mm dimensions wrong. My understanding is this should be consistent and not effected by things like DPI/PPI and I've ever had the problem before. It's effecting everyone in our studio and we're all running the Mac version of CC.

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Illustrator :: Copying To Photoshop Changes The Dimensions Of Object

Sep 9, 2013

When I copy a square fromt illustrator to photoshop this happens:
- illustrator: 6px x 6px
- copy
- paste as smart object 100% x 100%
- photoshop: 19px x 19px

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