There's probably a simple explanation, but if I have a file open for a long time in Photoshop the blacks will start to appear oversaturated/blocked up. If I close and reopen file it looks normal again.
I am using OS X Lion, Photoshop 5, Apple 30" Cinema display. My monitor is calibrated with a i1 Display by X-Rite and resets according to amibent light.
How do I get my Sheet Set Manager to open up each time I open a CAD drawing? I turned it off and can't remember how to turn it back on. I use command SSautoopen, set to 1 but doesn't alway work. Sometimes if I close AutoCad and reopen it I can got to drop down menu and click on .dst extension and it will open but if I close out of it it won't open again unless I restart AutoCAD. I thought I used a command from the Express Tool menu but can't find it.
I got some psd files and when I open them it says "Reading Photoshop Format",and takes long time showing the progress status. It was not like that before.I always open that kind file every day and never get that message. Now I am getting. Why?
I don't really care for "tabs." I'm used to having open files placed randomly within PS.
So I uncheck this feature in preferences. BUT, this means when you hide/minimize PS, the open file remains visible. Is there no way to minimize open files at the same time as PS?
Every time I open a RAW file in CS6 (at 16-bit depth) it crashes, so I am unable to open RAW files after editing in Camera Raw. The RAW files open OK in Camera Raw and I can edit them, but then opening them from Camera Raw into Photoshop (by clicking on Open Image) causes a crash.
Further background: I also had CS3 (the entire suite concurrently) installed. Thinking that might be a problem, I removed all of CS3 using the Adobe Uninstaller tool to see if that would work. Then I re-installed Photoshop CS6 from scratch and then downloaded and installed all updates.
CS6 still crashes every time I open a RAW file if I open it as 16-bit. If I open a .DNG file directly from Photshop (without using Camera Raw), that crashes too. I'm opening them into Photoshop using Adobe RGB (1998), 16-bit, 3456 x 5184 (17.9 MP), 300DPI.
Thinking it might be a memory issue, I checked free RAM using Activity Monitor and I see it has 3.4 GB free with both CS6 and Bridge open, which should be plenty. However I do see by looking in the crash report from the system log (portion included below), that it appears the crash may have resulted from a failed MALLOC (memory allocation).
Here's the kicker: oddly, when I open the file up in Photoshop at 8-bit depth, it works fine.
Software and Hardware versions: Photoshop CS6 Extended (13.0.4 x64) Camera Raw 7.3 Bridge CS6 ( Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) 8 GB RAM 27" iMac with 2.66 Ghz Intel Core i5 ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics card with 512 MB RAM 1 Terabyte HD with 750GB free Canon EOS Rebel T3i Canon EF75-300mm f/4-5.6 Lense
Top portion of System Log file with the crash data in it: Process: Adobe Photoshop CS6 [4110] Path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS6 Identifier: com.adobe.Photoshop
i have photoshop CS6 in a mac os x operative system and when i drag one image from the tabs to make it as a floating window in order to keep that image as a reference for the painting that i am working on, that floating window disappears behind my PS CS6 window like if it was part of another program when i click out of it, why is this happening.
I want to keep that floating window open all the time by the file that i working on.
I've just bought CS6 (yesterday); everything works fine until I click to open liquify, when I get a message saying that CS6 'is not responding', and it immediately closes down.
re-set the file type each and every blessed time they want to open up a new file from within Photoshop (this is not a problem if you use Bridge)?
is no preference for this action and it is inexplicable that Adobe would make it this way unless they are determined that one can only open files using Bridge.
i have like 20 frames and the delay between the frames is 0,01 sec's, its perfect in the preview, but when im exporting it, its really slow. i've even deleted like the half of the frames and its still very slow, im using Photoshop CS4 and the file is like 500KB and there are like 43-50 colors, its also slow when i upload it on tumblr or something.
Everytime I open photoshop to edit a simple photo it crashes. Almost as soon as I press clone tool or any other tool it crashes. Its not my computer, or the space on my computer or my video drives. I was going to uninstall then re-install but I am scared because I have the CD but not my serial number.
I made a Photoshop® script (action) which works perfectly. (Open .PDF files in Photoshop®, to after save them as .JPG files into another folder)
The problem comes when I launch a batch process. It takes a while to the computer to open the large .PDF files, and when a file is opened, well it doesn't go through the whole script. In fact, Photoshop® already open the second file and so on. Then without running the rest of the script/action .
In Photoshop you can open one file, and then open another file and they show up side by side or however you want them to be. How can I do this in When I open one file, it will not let me reduce the size so another file can be in the same window.
i just got lightroom 4. how do i open just ONE FILE?? i don't want to open catalogs, backup files, create smart collections auto import or any of that. i just want to open one file at a time
I am Using Coral Draw X3 & when i drag & drop or copy & paste image ( small aswell as big) takes time and in between it gets stuck & not responding message.
I am running 2.8 with Windows 7 64 bit. This just started today. I had done a picture, then closed out gimp. When I reopened it, I could no longer open files in Gimp. I can start gimp, then click on open files, and scroll through the files, and as soon as I select one, it whites out and says Gimp has stopped responding. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program, same issue. I tried jpeg, png, and xfc files, none will load.
The problem is: From within Windows Explorer, I can only open 1 Illustrator file at a time. To get a different file to open, I either have to drag and drop the second file into the tabs under the menubar, or I need to quit Illustrator and re-open it. Also, I can not open additional files from Explorer one-at-a-time if one is already open.
If I go to File -> Open I can select multiple files from within the Open File dialogue window and they open just fine. but i can't do it from within windows explorer.This used to work and now it doesn't.
Seriously? 137 views and no replies? No one has run into this before?
Windows 7 SP1, Illustrator CS6.The end users spends 7 hours of their 8 hours in Illustrator. As part of the job, they have to have over 40 different files open at the same time because they are working on several jobs at the same time as well as working forward. So the answer is not "they have to close some files". This, unfortunately, is not an option. We recently upgraded them to CS6. They said that version CS5 was fine and didn't crash like this. But Illustrator CS6 crashes on them, closes itself, and obviously they lose all unsaved changes (saving the changes isn't a choice either, because the files are shared and have to stay original).The only modification we've done to the program is to UNcheck "Append" in the preferences.This happens on all 3 computers for all 3 users, so I don't believe it to be end-user related. Any way to get Illustrator to stop crashing?Is there a specific limit on the number of files that can be open?