I am trying to get my head around teh size of the layouts I have seen in tutorials. A lot of them atre about 770x 700 and the thing is this is not big enough for the width. How do you get round this. Do you use css to expand teh size of everything to how you want it to?
I have a bit of a problem with Autocad map 3d 2012. When i try to insert a scale bar or a north arrow or any other carthographic element i simply can't find the layout elements that are supposed to be in layout tools tab. I've done a lot of research online and can't come up with anything.
I use illustrator for several things.So i really need to use shortcut's.But there is one big problem : I have the english version of illustrator and i have a German keyboard layout.An example :
To blank a shape u use '/' ( English Version ) To blank a shape u use '#' (German Version )
I can't use '/' cause i have to press shift+/ ... I dont know its not working.Can i change the "Shortcut-Layout" and use the German layout ?
I recently made a poster which was taken to the printers, the printer said that my file was not the correct size, i had made the image to the A1 dimensions but when it printed it was much smaller on the page, they said the file wasnt the right dimensions but they can stretch it to fit, so what is wrong, is there another setting i should have used because i thought if you made the picture to the A1 dimension or to any dimension you wanted then it would print in that size?
If I'm creating a batch "text" for a number of files the strangest thing happens. I have to change 10 files all with the same or very close to the same pixel size. In this case 1024Lx . I want to insert a "copyright" text across the image. I create the action, that includes: text, text size of18pts and opacity. and then batch.
The resulting font sizes are very uneven. They are all show up in the individual files as 18 pt but some are invisiblley small some are gigantically large and some are just right. And my name's not Goldilocks. I've tried this on PS3 and PS6 with the same results.
I am creating a web page using CS6 Photo Shop and DreamWeaver. I want the photos to be 900 px wide and 294 px high. When I do this it distorts the image by making it look short and squat. Is there a way to change the width and height but keep the image looking like the original?
How can I migrate these Default New Doc Sizes?Is it just copy and paste - or is there an easy trick to it somewhere? I don't want to enter all 200 default sizes again.
I have an image with five layers and I need to know the width of all five layers so I know what sizes to put them at on the web as a picture banner (I have a limited width space).
Is there an option that lets you find out the width and height of a selected layer? I know of tricks to do this, like copying it and making a new image and checking the size there, but I want to know if there is a way to do this without creating a new image and just inside your own image your working on.
I have a question concerning the symbols on map. You see, I'm making a world map in Photoshop (atlas style), and I am wondering what to use as map symbols (for city sizes and such). So I settled for the standard ones (image below), but how to make these, or how to start making these.
Should I use the brush tool, or perhaps the custom shape tool (what is the difference between those two?), or something entirely else?
Don't say "Why don't you just copy the icons?", because they are kind of low-res and I really want to learn this myself.
I currently am running Photoshop CS6 on Windows 7. When I am using the Brush or Pencil tools, sometimes the Cursor will change to a curved X shape. This appears to happen at certain sizes (between 65px to250px) and then goes back to the normal circle shape when larger or smaller. The brush itself paints normally but there are times where I need to know exactly what areas it is going to color. I am using the default brushes, no custom ones.
Our 18MB 14-bit Canon camera produces RAW images (converted to uncompressed DNG) that are about 22MB. On a Win7-64bit CS6 workstation, the PSD file that is created from the DNGs has the following sizes (single layer, no masks/paths, maximum compatibility):
16 bit, DNG as smart object: 207MB (10x of the DNG)16 bit, DNG as rasterized layer: 187MB (8.5x of the DNG)8-bit (less information than the DNG), DNG as smart object: 115MB (5.2x of DNG)8-bit (less information than the DNG), DNG as rasterized layer: 95MB (4.3x of DNG)
a blank 8-bit image with a white background layer saves as 818KB, adding a few scribbles with the brush tool saves the file at about 30MB.
I would like to use pics from my digital camera on the web.How can I reduce file sizes for use on the web.Everyone seems to have a maximum file size when uploading.
When i have a project that contain a lot of the same images i normally create one Smart Object and copy/paste it as many times as i need to. This way when i have to change something i can edit the Smart Object and it will automaticly change all duplicates.
For example i have created a button and i need one that has to be a different width, i can change thewidth of the Smart Object. Only this way it changes all the duplicates too. Let's say i don't want to change my previously made duplicates, i can make a copy of my Smart Object this way it does not effect my previously created buttons. This have the effect that when i need to make some changes, ill need to edit 2 buttons instead of one.
In some of my projects i have 10 different sizes of the same object only the design is left unchanged. When i need to change the color for example i have to edit this 10 imes. You would say 10 times isn't that much. That is correct. But if you made multiple changes to the Smart Object's layers, let's say i changed 4 things. I have to manually change 4 x 10 = 40 things. That could take up some time.
In my case i need to have different widths of the same object everything else needs to be exactly the same. So in my perfect case i would have one smart object with different widths which i only have to change once's.
This is about Brush sizes. Here is an example. If I select the Paintbrush tool and select a size of 300 pixels and 100% hardness. The "Circle" that represents the brush is approximately 600 pixels in diameter. Almost twice the size of the actual colour that I want to apply. It makes it very difficult to be precise. Is this a glitch or is there a setting somewhere that I can't find.
Is there a way to make an Action for batch processing to take a folder of various file sizes of photos and make them all retain there proportions but end up the same final size?
I am wanting to put on web quite a few photos but do not want to down size each one at a time. If I want them all to be about 200kb, how can I do that where a 5mb pic or a 500kb pic could all be processed with the same action to end up the same size?
open two images photoshop. some objects in one image and put them in the other image. However, I realise that the size of the other image is bigger than the other.
i need to merge two photos (of persons)in photoshop which are of different sizes..i have to make them llok as if they are of the same size..how to make them of same size in order to merge them..
This question may seem obvious to some of you but I'd like to understand this issue. I've been taking digital photos in Raw format for use in photoshop, I'd eventually like to send them in to a stock photography site and the one I'm thinking of applying to, Alamy, demands file sizes of 48MB+ per photo in TIFF. I've been uploading them from my camera onto my hard drive and they end up just short of this required file size, around 46MB. Unfortunately a 1GB flash card full of Raw images, when converted to this size, eats up a lot of memory. I don't think I can use all the images for stock photography anyway so I started looking at how I can affect file sizes under "Image"-"Image size" so I can clear up some memory and I've noticed I can play around with the image size if I change the resolution. Currently the 46MB photos are at a resolution of 2000, if I change them to 300, the resulting file size is just over 1MB, which is great because the ones I can't use, I can still store at a reduced size and clear some space on the old hard drive. But I've noticed I can take the same converted 1MB image, change the resolution to 3000 and end up with a 105MB image. OK "So what's your problem?" you might ask. Well, where's all this extra resolution coming from? I can make it go up and down as I please and I have no idea how this is even possible. Shouldn't reducing resolution from 46MB to 1MB forever reduce the quality of the image? How is it possible to go back to the original size or even increase it?
I want to make a panoramic picture to say something like 20"x10" using cs3, when i go to upload it to a printing company i.e. photo box, the image always appears smaller.
I have tried using Genumne Fractals 5 but i do not seem to get any luck there either. What i need is a complete idiot`s guide on how to create and print succesfully a panoramic image.
I am trying to do a batch resizing of a number of pdf images/eps images.
Ultimately I would like to run a batch like so: ->file->Automate->Batch...
My Batch command: * opens a dir of images and then resizes them to 600px and 150px and saves them in two different new dir's.
This works fine but all of the images are different sizes so the smaller ones come out blurry. I can avoid this by opening each image at 600px. However, this is time consuming.
way to have a default size that an image opens to (i.e.600px) or is there something this
I'd like to find out the amount of all non-transparent pixels in a layer. For example, if there was a 100x100 box and a 50x50 box in one layer, I'd like to get the number 12.500 without having to count every pixel.
Why? I've bought myself a copy of "Homepage Usability - 50 websites deconstructed" by Jacob Nielsen & Marie Tahir. One nice idea I found in it was a break down of used screen estate. How much of the website is navigation, how much selfpromotion, useful content, and so on.
I've come as far as simulating the graphics for Amazon by putting each screen estate category on its own layer. What I'd like to do now is somehow get the percentage of that certain category. Like how much percent - compared to the size of the whole image - of the layer "Navigation" are non-transparent?
I have several hundred images with various sizes, and now I want to batch resize them into a certain height (1600 px). The width must be proportional to that pixel height.
When trying Automate --> Batch, it refuses to let me fill in only the height (since the images are various sizes I can't fill in the pixel width).
My photo files show in Windows Explorer as "400x400" but load onto photoshop project layers at wildly different pixel dimensions: 80x80 to 675x675; why don't they load at 400x400? (Win 7 64; CS6E)
I work with 2 different Mac Pro towers. The one at my home has Photoshop cs4 and the one at my studio has Photoshop cs6. The other day I noticed that Finder on my studio computer shows the file size to be twice as big as the finder on my home computer. The pixel dimension size doesn't change, just the file size. It shows up that way after I save it on my studio computer. If I take that file home and resave it on that computer then the Finder shows the smaller file size again. I guess the questions I have are: Is the file size is actually increasing and if so, what could be causing that to happen? Photoshop shows the files to be the same size, but in the Finder window is where I see the difference.
I'm in a Photoshop document, and I'm working with two different text areas. Both area registering as 14px in size in the Type menu, and yet, they're radically different in size. One is tiny, whilst the other is at least twice, maybe thrice the size. Why is this happening?
I've checked there's no overlapping text areas and things like that, everything should be fairly normal, it just isn't.
I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 x64 for Mac, running on a Macbook Pro Retina 1.83ghz and 8GB ram.