I am trying to create a time lapse video and need all my photos lined up perfectly before i start, (all photos are quite close but not exact) is there any way i can select a certain point in photos eg the eyes, mouth and line them all up. i have about 30 photos. i am using photoshop elements 12.
I have a Canon S100 and just started importing photos and video into my LR 4.3 catalog. I convert RAW to DNG, and the Capture Time on the photos in LR is correct. However, the video Capture Time is shifted forward exactly 8 hours. I know how to correct the video Capture Time, but is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in the first place? I looked at what the metadata looks like in Bridge.
PHOTO: Date Created = Correct Capture Time Date File Modified = The time I imported the file into LR.
VIDEO: Date Created = Capture Time + 8 hours Date File Modified = Correct Capture Time
I've read thru most of the historial threads regarding making time lapse videos using VS X4. I am very happy with the normal videos what I have been able to produce using VS X4, however I am missing something when it comes to time lapse using stills taken with a GoPro Hero2 taken every 2 seconds in time lapse mode. The still images look sharp and clear in my photo editing software, but lose focus and sharpness when imported into VS X4 using Insert photo into Timeline for Time lapse/strobe. a process to improve the quality of my time lapse video I am making for our Boy Scout Troop packing up their campsite on a beautiful spring morning.
Why isn't there support for making a time lapse video from a sequence of stills? Perhaps with some motion effects like zoom and pan. im amazed that this is not in lightroom.
why is it that my videos are located at the end of a reel when sorted? when the pictures and videos are imported into LR, the import sort is perfect, but when i nav to the folders the sort places all the videos at the end of the day's captures.
I have just taken some short video clips and put them together in a 3min 40 second video. When I tried to save it to my desktop the rendering took a little over an hour. This is my first try so I am really a newbie Is it normal to take that long to render? I was planning on making 20 to 40 minute videos but at an hour for every 3 minutes it may not work.
Llightroom 4.4 crashes everytime I try to playback video causing the app to close. The video loads fine, I can see the thumbnail, but when I hit play I hear audio for a few seconds, the video doesn't typically play or plays for only 1 second then the app crashes. Video files play fine in quicktime or Windows media. This happened in 4.3 as well so not related to the upgrade to 4.4. Here is what is logged in the Windows error log.
Windows 7 64 bit
Application Error
Faulting application name: lightroom.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x514b016c
Faulting module name: MSVCR100.dll, version: 10.0.30319.1, time stamp: 0x4ba220dc
How to speed up and stabilize a video clip, however, the embarrasing discovery is that a Macintosh proprietary software that comes standard with each Apple computer purchase (Imovie), has a stabilizater and time remapper that works seamlessly.
When i´m rendering out a video with still images (timelapse) i use Timewarp. I like to have Timewarp at 50%, but then i only get rendered half the images. If i have 500 images, only 250 gets rendered to the final QT-video. There must be a way to get all images in the video??
How can I reassign the keyboard shortcut for playback on the animation timeline? Right now it is the spacebar. If I hold the spacebar, it switches to the move tool. If I tap it, it plays back my animation. Too often I accidentally tap for playback when I just want to use the move tool. I'd much rather have the two be separate keys altogether.
When I import photos and video using lightroom, I rename all my files based on date and time using a YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format. For example:
This works perfectly for photos. That is, the (LR renamed) filename reflects the time the photos was taken (I suppose this is the "capture time"). However, the video time is totally wrong. For example, a video taken at 7PM gets renamed to something corresponding to 1AM.
I notice the following:
- Date/time based renaming of this particular iPhone 4S video works properly in other applications (e.g. Dropbox and PhotoMechanic)
- The resultant filename in LR4 appears to correlate to "Date Time Digitized", which in my case does not reflect when the video was actually taken (I'm not sure if it should or not, I'm only saying that it does not).
Is this expected behavior from LR4?
The behavior I'm seeing means that I have to use yet another application (e.g. PhotoMechanic or other) on the front-end of my workflow (before LR) in order to ensure video files are named "correctly". This is obviously not the desired solution, I'd prefer to do the renaming inside LR at the time of import since it provides a function for precisely this purpose.
LR 4.6 shows wrong Date (1988-02-07) and time after importing. Explorer shows the exact date and time of craeting the file. File type is MOV, camera Leica M (240).
I recently downloaded the trial version of VSP X5. And now, I have a new 12 MP camera as opposed to the 5 MP I had before. Anyway this new camera shoots in video mode at 1920, 1280 and 640. When I use 1920 or 1280 (HD), the file size of the videos are huge, so when I import them to VSP, they take a very long time to import. Is this normal when you want high res videos or is there something I can do to cut down on the file size. To test it out, I shot 20 second videos at all three resolutions. In 1920, the file size was almost a whole gig at only 20 seconds. It would be much larger than that for lets say a 20 minute movie. I'm guessing that would take all day to import.
Correction: Actually, It's taking long to "Create a Video File", not to import the video. Anyway, is it normal for the program to take so long to create a file? if it's a 15 or 20 minute video, it will probaly take at least a couple of hours to create at that resolution.
What I am trying to accomplish is to make a 10-sec video that has a real time countdown clock to a certain part of the day (Ie: 5 hours and 10 secs left till 8 pm). Designing the clock is simple, what I cannot figure out is what program i should use and how to make it link to real time. Is this possible in after efects or do i need to use flash professional or something else. To give you a little bit more information, typically I design ads that just run on a loop, this ad has to be different because it needs to run in a loop and somehow go and get the countdown according to real time and not just the videos length. (I've heard of somehow making a flash SWF file that either links to computer or RSS file, but how to do that in aftereffects.) This is what i can find, but NOT what i want: [URL].... I want it to use real time for countdown.
The media player running this 10-sec video ad is apparently compatible with Flash SWF.
Video files from an iPhone 4S (5.1.1) are transferred onto my Mac (this story is true under 10.7.4 and under 10.8) via PhotoSync. In Finder, the files reflect the correct creation date. On importing the files to Aperture, the correct capture time and date is shown in the metadata. On importing the files to Lightroom 4.1, however, the capture time shows as plus-five hours from when actually shot. I can't think of any setting I might have tripped in Lr to cause this to happen on import (I understand how to manually change the capture time).
The best way to explain, is probably just say it shows up when you add "Time Remapping" to a layer.. Is there any way to show a time signature like this, without editing the layer?
How can I select more than one line at a time? Until recently every line I selected would stay selected, now for some reason, I can only select one line at a time. If I select a line say to delete it, and then a second the first de-selects and only the last line selected will delete.
Would like to know if Autocad has any thing that i could use to break multiple line at one time with out going to each line and using the break command. Using Autocad 13.
I have created an assembly then the positional representations . When I want to animate them according to the process , the assembly Positional representation does not animate.
How do I extend a horizontal line like such... _________ outwards from both directions left and right simultaniously, basically giving the effect that it is growing longer from both ends out, like such ______________________________. ( and still looking very clean and as the same line, as it extends )
I've used AutoCAD 2013 on other machines and have no had this issue.
When pasting to the command line there is a huge delay from when I hit CTRL-V until the actual text is displayed in the command line. It takes roughly 4.5 seconds for the following to display after pasting: (command "-view" "D" "*"). The time it takes is roughly the same and does not depend on the size of the lisp that I'm pasting.
The command bar is docked to the bottom and there is no transparancy enabled.I have tried setting AUTOCOMPLETEDELAY to 0 and 10 with no change.I have completely disabled all Auto-Complete options and it still happens.
There is also a significant delay between Auto-Complete populating the list of suggestions and when I am able to use the arrow keys to move the selection box down to pick a command.
Ok some times when I go to run details it pops up that it can not load the component database AecDtlComponents (US).mdb file. I go to options and can not do anything there. So I have to close it all down and hope when I reload AA it works. 9 out of 10 times it does. But this is a pain to do when ever you need to add detail stuff. Oh also this happens on more then one computer in the office. running 2012 with sp and all updates on windows 7
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example, If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011 B file's capture time is 1/11/2012 C file's capture time is 1/11/2013 I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014 B file -> 1/11/2015 C file -> 1/11/2016 So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.