Photoshop :: Using Toning Curves In CS5

Dec 13, 2012

I have a question about using toning curves...

In older versions of Photoshop, I was able to use Paul Butzi's beautiful toning curves (which are ACV files) through the Curves menu.

There was a 'Load' button, and if I pressed that, I could browse my curves folder and pick whatever curve I wanted. Is there any way to do that in Photoshop CS5? I can't seem to find a 'Load' button under Curves, and I'm not sure how to use the Custom Curve feature.

I can't seem to load them under Filters, either. How I could load them?

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Photoshop :: HDR Toning Crashes CS6 And CC

Aug 3, 2013

HDR toning crashes PS CS6 and CC on 64bit only.opening 32bit or certain 16bit file on photoshop(CS & CC) 64bit crashes every time.HDR images dont preview properly either.same file loads as 32bit in CC 64 bit mode and loads as 16bit in CC32bit mode.actual file is in 16bit mode.Photoshop 32bit mode has no such issues with opening or toning HDR image.

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Photoshop :: HDR Toning Changes After Closing

Aug 4, 2012

I am trying to learn what can be done using HDR Toning in Photoshop CS5.  At first I was impressed by its capabilities.  I was working on a photograph of a train in a wooded valley in eary spring (before most leaves were out), with bright sunlight coming from almost straight overhead.  So, the top of the train and the ballast in front of the train are very bright, the woods to the sides were shadowed, and the sides and nose of the train were in deep shadow.  HDR Toning seemed to be giving me very nice control over adjusting the various tones.  But when I closed the HDR Toning window, PhotoShop thought for a couple of seconds, and then changed my image, making it much darker than it was when the window was open! 
What's going on here?  Is this expected behavior?  How can I get HDR Toning to keep my photograph from changing after I close the window?

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Photoshop :: Blue Toning?

Dec 28, 2006

how to get the blue tone like in this picture, while maintaining the true whites and blacks?

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Photoshop :: Craze Curves / Visibility Curves Technique?

Feb 23, 2013

I am preparing a batch of images for test submission, for a stock photo library.Recently a person working for one of the visual effects studios in London happened to tell me that these strict agencies use some set of layers that can separate tonality and color values to check for banding, dirtiness, noise and all those technical flaws that the human eye can't notice on a monitor.He said they perhaps have an action for it so that they can review faster.

He said that it is known as 'Craze Curves' or 'Visibility Curves' technique.He further added that all the studios use it before giving the final files to clients so that there is no issue in printing afterwards.It is sort of a quality control check and has been used by digital and advertising agencies all over the world.

But now his email seems to have changed and I can't get in touch with him to know how to use the technique.

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Photoshop :: HDR Toning Windows Menu Too Large

Jul 29, 2012

when I click on the hdr toning menu it comes up too large, it obscures the image and I cannot move it around as the blue border at the top is not there a way I can make that menu/window that I can see the image and move it around...the sharpen image is quite large as well but there is a plus/minus widow which allows to see the image

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Photoshop :: How To Achieve Color Toning Effects

Nov 17, 2012

I've been experimenting in several programs (Lightroom, Photoshop) and playing with color balance and split toning but can't get these same vintage-ish color toned effects. Especially the toning and slightly opaque effect in the shadows.




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Photoshop :: How To Record HDR Toning Setups As Actions

Apr 16, 2013

I've tried to save specific setups within an Action script but while I can call the HDR Toning panel up, the settings are not remembered.

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Photoshop :: HDR Toning Auto Batch Process

Jun 14, 2013

Just recently got into time lapse photography and have been batch processing away to my hearts content. I have one scene that looks unbelievable with the "surrealistic" HDR toning preset. However, I record my action and set up the folders and set it to go, but it seems to want me to click "ok" after filtering each photo...there's 1685 of them, so not very keen on that.

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Photoshop :: Changing Colors [Sepia Toning]

Feb 15, 2008

how do you make the whole (digi) pic sort of brownish? like an old photograph. makes sense?

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Photoshop :: Toning With Black And White Filter Layer

Jul 23, 2009

I can't seem to get the black and white filter layer to work. When I click on "tint" a strong yelowish tone appears. When I slide the color sliders to alter the tint absolutely nothing happens. I have tried clicking on just about everything I can find in the B&W filter dialogue boxes to no avail.

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Photoshop :: CS Crashes Every Time Try To Use HDR Toning Option Or Text Tool

Aug 26, 2012

So i hit the little "T" text tool, and i get the generic Windows 7 "This program has encountered a program and needs to close" error. I click out of the error box, and all my work disappears as well as any changed preferences and recently opened files. The same happens when i try to use Image> Adjustments>HDR Toning. Yay. And what's funny is BOTH errors display a fault module of "CoolType.dll."
I have tried EVERYTHING that everyone has posted about on every computer-related forum that i could find. NOTHING has worked at all. I deleted every single font minus the system fonts, including anything mentioning them in the system registry. Tried new copy of the dll file, nothing. Reset Photoshop preferences, nothing. System restore failed. Uninstall/reinstall of entire Adobe Master Collection failed.
Oh, and in the 32-bit version, HDR Toning works but the text tool gives me an error message that "something prevented the text engine from being initialized." And, well, i just don't want to use the 32-bit version.

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Photoshop :: Apply Same Local Adaptation HDR Toning Results To Multiple Images?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a set of images in 32 bit .hdr format, which I would like to turn into 8 bit png files. Specifically, they are 6 sides of a cubemap, which join together seamlessly, and still need to do so after the conversion.

I've played around with the options in the HDR toning dialogue and have a setup I really like the look of, based around the 'local adaptation' method. The trouble is, if I apply those settings to each of the 6 images individually, they are no longer seamless (some have higher/lower contrast and brightness etc), presumably because these settings are 'relative to' the image being processed.

how can I apply the same kind of operations to each of these images (so they remain seamless), mimicking what the 'local adaptation' method is doing?

The specific settings I have changed in the dialogue are the edge glow radius and strength, the 'detail', and the colour vibrance and saturation.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Presets For Selenium Toning

Sep 18, 2011

I used CS2 for a while as my son had it for his business needs. In it PS had presets for selenium tones and there was one that used a purple in the quad set and after some minor tweaking by me really had that selenium tone to it. The purple made the blacks very dense and the mid tones very rich looking.

I don't have the combination of the quad set I was using but is it possible to use a similar set with PSP X2? They used curves to adjust each color separately so the person using the quad could adjust it to their own tastes. I used to have the purple very subtle, at least to my eyes, which left the image very rich looking.

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Photoshop :: How To Use Curves

Jul 3, 2008

how to use Curves, in CS3.

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Photoshop :: Get Bezier Curves In CS6 To Act The Way They Used To In CS5.5?

Jun 26, 2013

How do you get bezier curves in PhotoShop CS6 to act the way they used to in CS5.5? In 5.5 i would be able to move/adjust the path with the direct select tool and the control arms would stay at the angle they were created at. In CS6, depending on where you direct selected the path, would depend on how the path could be/would be adjusted. And the control arms have become more fluid, rather than static. They do not keep the angle they were created.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Get Percentage Value In Curves?

Jul 30, 2013

How do I get a percentage value in Curves-in CS5 it used to be command-click would make a dot on a point on the curve, to allow for accurate adjustment...

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Photoshop :: CS6 And Curves Adjustment?

Oct 25, 2013

When making adjustments in the curves panel the procedure in previous editions was to raise the curve in the upper section to lighten the image and lower it to darken the image.  Mine is working just the opposite.  When i raise (or lift) the curve the image darkens and when I lower it lightens.  The lower half for contrast works the in the same backwarsds way. 

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Photoshop :: Using Eyedropper With Curves

Oct 17, 2013

When using Curves to increase contrast for an image, I see that some people will use the eyedropper to define an anchor point on the Curve to manipulate, and others just seem to drag on a spot on the curve without first using the eyedropper.
1. Is there a reason to not use the eyedropper, and instead just drag a point on the curve?

2. Won't using the eyedropper always be more accurate than just eyeballing a spot on the curve to drag?

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Photoshop :: Shortcut When Using Curves

Mar 29, 2011

When using Curves, one used to be able to move from one point to the next ("point" is what I use to refer to the points that determine the shape of the curve) by holding the Control key and pressing Tab.

This no longer appears to work with Photoshop CS5. I am wondering how I can move from one point to the next without having to click on the next point. More often than not I end up actually moving the point when trying to click on it.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crop And Curves

Apr 4, 2012

So, I absolutely love a lot of the changes I've come across so far. I am very happy with the crop tool changes except for one thing. I work on hundreds of B/W headshots at a time where all I do is crop>curves. Up until CS6, when in the crop tool it would still show tone info in the info pallette. Now it shows nothing. This puts a crimp in my workflow because I either have to open the curves dialog or switch to the eyedropper tool to see if I need to apply curves. I have noticed that if I hide the crop area it will revert to showing the info .
Also, with the curves dialog I am going to complain about something that started with CS5. The 'click and drag in image to modify curve' feature is pretty cool but it should respect my option settings. I work with it displaying the amount of pigment but the click and drag feature doesn't respect this setting. 
As I said small issues (especially the second one) but it would be nice to get them changed.

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Photoshop :: Use Of Curves BETWEEN Images

Mar 21, 2006

I am stumped with this problem and havn't found a thread that seems to give me a points in how to simplify the procedure/problem described. Is there a plug-in ?
I am using PS7.0 and am at the beginner end of the spectrum.

I have TWO pictures and want to duplicate the colour values at certain points in the picture. The manual operation would be to:

1) Open Picture #1, put colour samplers in at the points I want duplicated (max 4) and write down on a piece of paper the RGB values at those points. I make the assumption that the points are all present on the Picture #2 and that the tonal values are all different enough that they fall on different parts of the tonal curve. ....

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Photoshop :: Drawing Curves

Dec 1, 2004

how to draw a curve to get this kind of effect?

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Photoshop :: Drawing Curves

Dec 20, 2003

how to make curves with a set pixel width. It's hard to explain my dillema with words beyond that... Most of my question is detailed in the picture I've enclosed... (I needed a few visual aids to get my point across, lol)... I'm going to post again in this thread with another picture to help further explain, so check that out if this one doesn't cut it for ya.

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Photoshop :: Duotone Curves

Feb 4, 2008

I'm using photoshop 6 and have a problem. When I use dutone curves,I can't reset it. Namely that when I finished tinkering with the curve and save the image, when I start on a new image the old curve is still in place. How can I reset the curve back to its original state?

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Photoshop :: Invert Curves

Jun 5, 2009

Is there a way to invert photoshop curves? Like making the opposite curve to neutralize an existing curve that I have.Actually it's simply switching all the input and output values,

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Photoshop :: Curves Adjustment Bug

Nov 16, 2008

I have PS 6.0.1. yes I know its an old version but it does everything i require so I have no need for upgrade.

One of the main function i use it for is adjusting curves. recently I have noticed when i open a jpg and select adjustment/curves. Photoshop automatically selects the eyedropper tool and the curves window is NOT displayed. When i attempt to do anything i get the windows error bell/noise. The only way i can carry on is by selecting escape on my keyboard.

This also happens if i attempt to add a curves adjustment layer. The eyedropper tool becomes selected and no curve adjustment window is displayed.

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Photoshop :: Bezier Curves

Oct 21, 2008


Windows XP

how to use Bezier curves for PhotoShop CS 3.

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Photoshop :: Nice Curves

Nov 25, 2004

creating nice and smooth curves, curved lines etc.

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Photoshop :: Curves Settings

Jun 2, 2008

Using Photoshop CS3 I am unable to change my darkness to lightness orientation as recommended by Dan Margulis (lightness on left, darknss on right). That option was available in CS2. Is it no longer possible in CS3?

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Curves

Jun 1, 2004

i`ve created a shape using curves, how can i antialias it and get a smooth curve (and a smooth outline for my mask)?

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