Is there any way to turn off the 'Double-Click to Close' functionality for creating selections (such as a Polygon selection)? I am making complex selections and accidentally double-clicking with my Wacom pen and it closes the selection when I don't want it to. I have tried setting the Wacom pen preferences for Photoshop but have been unable to affect this issue there. Obviously, I can continue to add to selections, but the premature closing frequently ends up with wacked shaped selection which I must do more work to cleanup. If I could turn off the PS double-click to close functionality it would fix this problem.
When creating selection marquees, i.e. magnetic lasso, etc., I like to "set" lots of anchors close together when tracing along an object. I can't tell you how many times I've been 98% finished w/ a tedious selection, and accidentally closed a marquee because the system "thinks" I double-clicked. I've set my double-click speed in the windows control panel as fast as it will go, but this still happens. Del does not delete the last anchor point once the selection is finished. It cuts the selection out. Ideally, I'd like a way to specify an altenative method in PS to finish selections, i.e. SHIFT CTR click, or ENTER, etc.
Does anyone know of there's some registry trick, etc. to accomplish this in Windows w/ CS2 or CS3.
As there a way to do this in PS prefs, etc, that I've totally missed. I just can't imagine I'm the only one having this annoying problem, but I can't find a single mention of it on google with what I felt were good search criteria.
At minimum, I'd be happy with a way to "Undo close selection", so I could resume setting anchors & finish it properly.
The user is running Autocad 2010, and she was able to perform this function last week. Nothing has changed, and a system reboot did not correct the issue.Â
Any way to turn off the automatic launching of isolation mode on double click. It's highly annoying and slows me down every time I have to exit the mode so I can get back to work. I prefer to select elements using the layers panel, which is much more flexible. Â Is there a preference or other setting to disable isolation mode? Especially when using a Wacom pen, it's alll too easy to double-click unintentionally. So disabling it permanently would be a great.
Illustrator CS4 Â I'm not exactly sure what happened, but suddenly my Type Tool can not select type by double clicking or click and drag any more. Â I'm using Illustrator CS4 (14.0.0) on a MacPro with OSX 10.6.8.
Since we updated to CC, I have a very good chance of this not working evey time I try it. Maybe 10% of the time, it will select the word/line as it should. My prefs are identical for this feature as they have for the past several version of InDesign. My partner also has trouble with copy/paste in InDesign and Illustrator as well.
I just moved Photoshop CS6, Bridge CS6, and Lightroom 4.1 to a new MacBook Pro Retna running Lion 10.7.4Camera Raw 7.1 is installed. Â If I double-click a JPG image in Bridge or Mini-Bridge, it will open in Photoshop.If I select a JPG image in Lightroom 4.1 and then select "Edit In" Photoshop CS6, I will get the normal dialog box that asks "What to Edit" with the three options. The image then appears in Photoshop. Â If I double-click a CR2 (Canon 5D mk III) image in Bridge or Mini-Bridge nothing happens (the image does NOT open in Camera Raw).If I select a CR2 (same camera) in Lightroom 4.1 Photoshop immediately opens (no "What to Edit" dialog), no image appears in Photoshop and Camera Raw is not launched.If I select a CR2 (same camera) in the Mac Finder, Photoshop is launched with the image in Camera Raw. Â How can I fix the behavior of Lightroom, Bridge, and Mini-bridge?
I can no longer open Photoshop jpegs by double clicking on the icon, I must go in through the program and find the file name - how can I restore the function short of a re-install which will goof up my preferences, (and possibly be an older version and need updating)?
Some Photoshop tools allow you to change the cancel button into a reset button by holding down the Alt key. The purpose of this button is to reset the tool to its default values.
For 1 or 2 months I noticed that I needed to double-click on the reset button for it to work. Normally you only need a single click.
I got really got fed up with it today, so I did some research. I couldn't find any answers on the internet (including newsgroups), so I decided to close all programs that were running in the background. That solved it. I restarted the computer and started to close one program at a time to see if the problem would go away.
It was already 'bingo' after I cancelled the first suspicious program.
It has to do with the "1-Click Answers" add-on from Richt click the program in the system bar, select options/activations and change the default value "Alt + left click" to something else that doesn't conflict or just remove the whole add-on like I did.
I thought it would be useful to know in case your reset button is acting weird and you can't find any answers anywhere.
Photoshop cs5.1. I don't like double click title bar to minimize the window. I don't use it, I don't need it. Isn't there a way to disable it!?
I'm unsing Snow Leopard, but I do have "double-click a windows title bar to minimize" disabled in system preferences > appearance. So photoshop overrides those settings? Maybe I'm missing something?
I have created a psd file with 5 layers. each layer contains a plain un filled box of various sizes. I have created some actions to toggle the visibility of the layers. The layers represent TV format shapes (16:9 4:3 title safe etc). I want to be able to double click on a jpeg and for it to open in photoshop (ok I know how to do that in windows) as the background layer with the other layers I have already created and saved to a psd file on top. Is this possible?
Also. If I have the image with the layers open can I drag an image into it that becomes the background layer?
I am doing a Total Training class on CS4 PhotoShop. In the section on Learning about Layers I have opened two jpg files.
I double-clicked on the Background Layer of the Statue jpg and changed the name to Statue. All worked okay.
I then selected the unwanted Background area and deleted it.
I then moved the Clouds jpg which created a new Layer. When I double-clicked to change the Layer name to Clouds, the Layer box did not open but the Layer Style box opened.
I was only able to change the name of the Layer via the Layer Properties box.
Is it possible to turn off the double-tap feature of this lasso? Quite often, an accidental double-tap, will close the selection and I have to start all over again.
Under Windows XP I've installed Photoshop CS2 and CS6 simultaneously, therefore two programs with the same name exist:
...Photoshop CS2photoshop.exe ...Photoshop CS6photoshop.exe  By double click I want to open a *.TIF image by Photoshop CS2 (for certain reasons). I know how to assign an execution program to a file type in Windows XP. Whatever I do – pointing to the CS2 version – the operating system reverts always to the CS6 version. The same problem for In Design and Illustrator.
i get a 1 pixel size image when I double click the zoom for 100%.Fit screen or full screen is wacky too, not fitting or filling and sometimes going way beyond.Â
Since installing CS6 about a month ago, when I double-click on an image and PS is closed, PS will launch but the image doesn't open. If PS is already open, double-clicking works properly. This was an upgrade install and I'm running Mac OS 10.6.8.
I've been using Photoshop for more than 10 years now, more extensively in the last couple of years. I am a perfectionist, efficient and work very fast. Â I don't understand why Photoshop programmers are not listening to their users and considering requested features to perfect Photoshop...but concentrating more on, like adding yet another set of filters or more polygon shapes we don't need ! Â One of the most important tools in Photoshop, for me at least, is the LASSO SELECTION tool. I generally have at least 15 layers for a project, you can probably guess that the SELECTION tool is my best friend. Â The most frustrating thing using Photoshop is : the mouse double-click to close the SELECTION. You have no idea how many hundreds of times for the last 10 years I've cursed the Mother-F out of Photoshop...and time wasted on re-selecting again... Â Don't advise me to modify my mouse double-click speed, or using the pen tool to select and reconverting to work path...those are not THE SOLUTION and you know it ! I've hoped for years now, for a new feature in every new version of PS preferences to disable the selection double-click.
When working with Paths in photoshop, I have developed a work flow that revolves around adding anchor points to an existing path and repositioning the added anchor point with the Direct Selection Tool.
The Issue I am having is whenever I create an anchor point and attempt to move it too quickly, that it instead enters isolation mode and the point is not moved. The result either having to greatly reduce the speed at which I work or repeat the movement several times until it works. Â Is there a way to disable this feature?
I'm running Photoshop CC 64 on a Windows 7 64 machine and am only able to open files in Photoshop by going to File->Open. Double-clicking from Explorer doesn't work and i can not drag/drop files into the open application window or taskbar icon. Right clicking on files and selecting "Open with" also doesn't work. Â I checked file associations and made sure to choose CC 64. If I right click on the shortcut and choose "Run As Administrator" which I have to do in order to get files to open between Lightroom and Photoshop (both need to be Run As Administrator), I'm still unable to open from Windows Explorer. However, if I check the box to "Run this program as administrator" in the shortcut's Compatibility tab, I can double-click to open from Explorer but am prompted with a UAC warning every time. Dragging/dropping into the open app still doesn't work. Â Opening between Bridge and PS works as expected so long as both programs are "Run As Administrator"
Currently in PS and Camera raw, double-clicking the Hand tool fits the document and double clicking the zoom tool zooms to 100% (1:1 pixels)
This isn't good since it's completely unusable:
- dbl click zoom shows 100% - there's nothing to zoom, since it's zoomed... - dbl click hand shows the image fit to window - the hand tool wouldn't make anything  switch the current double click behavior on Zoom and Hand tools so:
- dbl click hand shows 100% (1:1 pixels) so I can look around and see details
- dbl click zoom shows fit to window so I can zoom in to a region I want
My friend here at work can't seem to double click on anything to edit it. If he single clicks it to say change the layer it wont change it. We have looked in our 'options' menu and everything is set up correct for double clicking. we have re started his computer but that didnt seem to work either.
I've just upgraded to ACAD 2012 from 2009 and have copied over my CUI settings and getting different results when Double clicking on regular ( not Dynamic ) blocks. The macro for this i've set to ^C^C_refedit.
This previously would automatically select the NESTED block in the list of reference names if double clicked on in the drawing, however now in 2012 the parent block is always selected and i need to hunt through the list to find the actual nested block that im wanting to edit.
Is there a setting / variable that has changed in the upgrades? I have Automatically select all nested objects selected in the Reference edit dialog box  and all other options match my 2009 as far as i can tell.
I want to change the blocks and hatch double click actions, but when I open the cui customization there are no commands listed in the "double click action" option. Double clicking does in fact work properly, so there should be no reason the default cui (C3d.cuix) does not show any commands in the "double click actions" option.
Arcticad gave me code to work out the right keywords to search for. The only google hit was a chinese website.I added it to his/her code but didn't delete any of the existing handlers just in case.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ApplicationImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput<Assembly: ExtensionApplication(GetType(VbExtApp))> Public Class VbExtApp Implements Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IExtensionApplication Private DocMan As DocumentCollection 'Initialize sub. [code]....
The pre-loaded double click options in the CUI were getting really annoying, so I deleted all the double click attributes (while in the CUI tree) to have a clean slate to work with, but now I can't figure out how to add DDATTE to work on a double click.Â
I followed the Help guide and got all the way until it told me to "drag the command you want to add the double click action in the Customizations In <file name> pane", but I cannot find the DDATTE command in the Command List.
Trying to change the Hatch double click command from quick properties  to the familiar hatch edit dialog. When I go to the cui, hatch edit doesn't even appear as a command. There a lots of commands that don't appear in the CUI command list.
I added it, but I cannot get it to stick when I drag it to HATCH in the double click list. The the HATCH Advanced element box "ID_QUICKPROPERTIES" is greyed out so I cant retype it to "hatchedit"
It could be because I let autocad migrate from 2008 (pre ribbon) when I installed.
My mouse has a nasty habit of accidentally double clicking when I don't want it to and the VPMax command is really infuriating me. Is there a way to disable the double click to VPMax?
When I go into CUI & try to customize the double click for say line & set it to bring up the properties box it works, but it changes all double click actions to do that unless there is already a default double click for a particular command. When I set the double click in the hatch command to edit the hatch (hatch box pops up) it works but it will change the line double click to do the same thing. I don't remember having this problem in 2009. I'm saving in the CUI every time I try this.
Just installed 2013 and have a couple of buggy problems.
1.I can't double click on dims to add  / edit text. I've added / changed the cui double click settings but that does work.
2.The new array command does bring up the associated ribbon panel after the array has been created. I can get this to work while using Civils as AutoCAd, but not as Civils?
I have altered my CUI so when I double click on civil 3d objects it opens up their properties for quick editing. Never had a problem pre 2013 and I am sure this is something I did but am lost.
Every time I double click on any object it just opens up the properties box. It skips right over my double click customization.