Photoshop :: Transition From CS4 To CS5 Safely?

Oct 19, 2012

My company is upgrading from cs4 to cs5, I have Photoshop files with a lot of layers for website mockups that I will need to open and keep working on those.

My concern is, if we upgrade, would I be able to open my old cs4 psd files in cs5 with all the layers intact? are the any risks or anything I should do before I get cs5 installed. We use window PC.

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Photoshop :: How To Safely Uninstall

Nov 12, 2008

I just upgraded to PS CS4 and want to remove PS CS3. Since I downloaded them both I have no install/uninstall disk. Can I safely use Windows XP's "add remove" program from the control panel?

Will it do a total removal?

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Photoshop :: Remove Safely CS5 After Successful Upgrade To CS6?

Jun 30, 2013

Can I remove safely Photoshop CS5 after a successful upgrade to Photoshop CS6? What is best and safest way to do this?

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Lightroom :: Can LR3 Safely Be Removed After LR4 Is Installed

Jan 17, 2013

Can LR3 safely be removed after LR4 is installed?

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Lightroom :: How To Safely Convert CR2 Files To DNG After Import From Catalog

Dec 8, 2012

Images on my laptop from 2 photoshoots in the studio today were EXPORTED from laptop as catlog and imported to desktop as catalog.
I imported without moving the files anywhere since I was instructed to move that folder to its final resting place.
The 125 images were importred into LR4 but I see they are still CR2 files.
Is there a way to convert these to DNG inplace? or is it safe to re-import these. I don't want the side car gig.

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Photoshop :: Transition The Background

May 27, 2012

I have a picture of the sun behind a mountain, where I can see in black the mountain itself and then the colors of the sky. I have a larger background (I need it) and I need to transition the background so that it seems it is the same image as the sunset.

In other words, I expect that the background will not be completely black, but rather getting darker as I move away from the sunset, so that I will look like one larger picture. The image can explain it better.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Extras And Transition Controls Not Working?

Oct 28, 2013

CS5 EXtended / WIN7. I have two issues.

(1) Every time I open up a new project, I have been getting grid lines that pop up, then I have to go to VIEW, and unclick EXTRAS, or Control-H...EVERY time, which gets annoying. How can I Stop this from happening?

(2) another problem is even though my SHOW TRANSITION CONTROLS are clicked Enabled, they don't show up when I want to use them, SO NOW, I now have to click Control-T...How did that happened?

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Photoshop :: Smooth Transition Between Color And Greyscale?

Apr 1, 2004

I have a picture, and I want it to move smoothly from full color to full grey scale.

When I combine to pictures, I add a layer mask, and use a gradient to make the opacity move smootly from 100% to 0%

Can I use the same technique, with a gradient, to smoothly remove color from one side of a picture?

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Photoshop :: Grid/blueprint Transition To Logo

Sep 4, 2007

I have a 4500x2700 450dpi company logo with drop shadow that I'd like split down the middle and make the left half look like a wireframe grid, similar to the way a 3D model might look, and then phase that into the finished half of the logo on the right.

I'm new to Photoshop other than your basic crop, convert, minor touch up stuff, but I'm thinking I need to select all the objects (logo and text), erase all but the outline of each letter/logo, and fill with a grid pattern then modify the colors and somehow fade the two halves together.

Does this sound feasible? I know with an image this large it will take a while to do this pixel by pixel, is there a tool or technique that could help me accomplish the same effect?

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Photoshop Elements :: Make A Smooth Transition In Two Ends?

May 15, 2013

take a look to my Panorama, with attention to the sky. [URL]
It is made from this picture: [URL]
There is an error in the stitching because they are from different colors on the sides..

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Photoshop :: Animation Tweening Is Producing A Transparent To Opaque Transition?

Sep 12, 2012

I have two frames with the start and end of my animation. My two layers contain a transparent background and an opaque object. When I choose the tweening option and add my specified number of frames, then test the animation, the start of the animation is 0% opaque and slowly becomes 100% at the end.
My two layers used for start and finish are opaque. I have all the checkboxes checked by default for the tweening, and I can't figure why I'm getting a fade-in effect for my animation.

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Photoshop Elements :: Smooth Transition Of Tagged Photos And Catalog

Dec 26, 2013

I am planning to move from a PC Windows 7-based system to a MAC.  As part of this move I will need to migrate Photoshop Elements from PE 8 in Windows to PE 12 on MAC.  Back in July, I previously asked what steps would be necessary to migrate to PE 11 on MAC, but I delayed making the move (waiting for the new MacBook Pro) and will now be migrating to PE 12. 
Do I still follow the same steps for a (hopefully!) smooth transition of my tagged photos and catalog?  i.e., migrate from PE 8 (Windows) to PE 12 (Windows).  Then from PE 12 (Windows) to PE 12 (MAC).  Are there any gotchas or caveats that I should be aware of?  I've read a few horror stories in various places and am nervous. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Multiple Photos On One Page With Slide Tool To Transition Between Them?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a series of photos taken from the exact same location but on different days. I would like to display them on one page but use a slide tool/bar to move or transition between the photos. If the slide bar can display the date of the photo then that would be great.
Ideally I'd like to include this single page in a pdf document. Is this possible?

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VideoStudio :: Update From X2 To X4 - Less Transition?

Jan 29, 2012

i just update my old VSX2 to the new just bought VSX4, and i was surprise to discover that the number of album transition is decreased from 7 in X2 to 1 in X4.

so, is there any possibilities to keep the album transition from X2 in the new X4.

what's happen whe i will try to open my old VSP Project using these trainsition in the X4 product ?

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VideoStudio :: Third Party Transition Add-on

Sep 17, 2011

I just added 3 new blue fx transition packages to VS Pro X4 and have others to add ( boris, canopus, adorage).... I noticed that the first 2 new blue packages ( 3d explosions and 3d transformations) were successfully added to their own category in the drop down list of transition effects, so now the list includes the new blue sampler that Corel provided, and both these additional packages. When I added the third package New Blue Paint Blends, it did not appear in its own category but the effects are present when you click on "all".... ( which is a nuisance to search through). I'm wondering if the problem that existed in VS2 where by there were a limited number of transition categories you could have is still a problem in VS pro X4 or whether this is an issue just for Paint Blends. I'd like to know before I add on the other packages... I hate for all the effects ( 100s of them) to end up in my "all" list.

Also is there any way to manipulate this list... and force a location?? I can only see that all the effects are listed individually in the Vfx_plug folder.

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VideoStudio :: Transition Effect To Use In X5?

Sep 4, 2012

I saw this application that have thousands of effect, will that use in x5?


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VideoStudio :: X5 - Transition Blocks

Jan 4, 2013

I'm trying out a trial version of VS X5 before deciding whether to buy it or not.

Before buying I want to make the simplest of projects in 1080p@50fps. But right from the start it seems like this is not going to be easy.

I don't know if this is related to the "transition end blips" bug, but somewhere in the transition (probably at the end?)

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Transition In Preferences?

Apr 23, 2012

Settings >Preferences > Edit >Default Transition Effect

The transition I select here, no matter what I choose, reverts back to "Random" once "ok'd"

The workaround this is to disable this option altogether and select manually.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Transition For Different Corridors?

Nov 7, 2013

Designing a tailing dam I use a corridor model witch changing slope grade from 1:2 to 1:2.5.

There are assemblies and subassemblies with shapes defined for each slope grade, but how do I make the transition from one slope grade to another on? 

In corridor properties I included two regions for each slope grade.

For grading there is a transition function. But the transition for corridor?         

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VideoStudio :: Auto Add Random Transition In X5?

Aug 9, 2013

long slide show to change via pref. to have the transitions auto added.But it has not worked?

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VideoStudio :: Getting AVCHD Transition (blips)?

Apr 7, 2009

solving the problem of brief "blips" or "jerks" following transitions in video generated by VS X2 from AVCHD clips.

Last November, I reported to Corel the problem of brief "jerks" or "blips" in AVCHD video files or hybrid discs generated by VS Pro X2 from clips created by my Sony SR11. There was a long thread here in which several Canon users stated that they had the same problem. [URL]

In addition to transitions, I also get the same blips in the video at the end of titles placed over the top of video. I am not sure whether Canon users have that problem.

Since the problem still has not been fixed, I followed up last week with Corel asking for the status of the fix for this problem. In their reply, they asked for more sample clips and asked that I post their ftp site URL where you can upload clips that will demonstrate the problem. They want clips from the various AVCHD camcorder models which are having this problem. They didn't say whether they want raw clips or VS-generated clips that contain the blip, but I suspect they want raw clips so they can try to re-create the problem on their systems.

When selecting a clip to upload, what appears to cause the problem is that at the end of a transition or title, the video jumps back one frame and then proceeds forward again. Thus two frames are repeated, which causes the "blip". You can see this by viewing the generated file frame-by-frame.

So the blip is most apparent when there is obvious, but smooth, movement in the original clip. The raw clip I sent them when I reported the problem in November was of a truck driving down a highway, moving across the screen from left to right, and was shot on a tripod to eliminate any camcorder movement. In the VS-generated video, at the end of the transition, the truck jumped backwards slightly then went forward again.

A clip containing little or no movement, or a clip that is already jerky and unsteady, will not illustrate the problem well. So please select your clip accordingly. A single object moving across the screen against a non-moving background would be ideal.

Following is the ftp site where you can upload clips.


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VideoStudio :: X5 Sound Interrupts After A Transition?

Aug 11, 2012

I'm using corel video studio pro x5 on win 7 home p. 32 bit, 4gb ram and i have an annoying problem with the transitions. when i add a transition between two videos, after transition, the sound of second video becomes interrupted for a sec in the beginning, briefly something like plays-stops-plays.

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VideoStudio :: There Is No Gap To Apply Transition Effect?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm making great progress with my movie making skills! But.... I'm trying to add some transitions to a series of images and I keep getting "there is no gap to apply a transition effect". Trouble is I can't see how I can make a gap.

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VideoStudio :: Saving Transition Color

Jan 18, 2013

I am making a slideshow using Video Studio X4 and want to change and save the color in the transition from one picture to the next. I can change the color but have not figured out how to save it and possibly make the new color the default.

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VideoStudio :: X6 Locks Up When Click On Transition

Nov 9, 2013

I have Video Studio Ultimate X6. For some reason, when I click on a transition to drag it to the time line, the entire program locks up. Some times, I can drag 1 or 2 transitions without a problem - and on the third, it locks up. I have restarted the computer numerous times, and that doesn't solve the problem.

Running Windows 7, 64 bit, 8 gigs of ram, Intel Core i7.

The program seems to work perfectly other than this one issue.

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VideoStudio :: How To Make Custom Transition

Oct 28, 2013

I'm working in a new project and i want to know how can i create a custom transition?

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Transition Without Cutting Off Clip

May 4, 2012

I'm using the Fade to Black transition in X5. The problem is that the fade out cuts off the end of the clip before it fades into the next one.

I want the fade effect but don't want to lose anything of the clips even if it means there will be a longer black screen during the fade. Is this possible and if so how?

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VideoStudio :: Missing Transition Effects

Dec 12, 2011

I recently upgraded from X2Pro to X4 ultimate and I'm missing some transition effects that I had in X2 but are not in X4.

I'm really disappointed that transition effects and other stuff from X2 content pack are not included in x4 ultimate, and I cant find any content pack for x4 on corel website, is there any?

Can I use transition effects from X2 in X4? I hate to have to use X2 after paying for X4 Ultimate just for transition effects

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VideoStudio :: Transition Effect - Crossfade

Sep 21, 2012

I am using VSX4 Pro.

If I go to Settings>Preferences>Edit Tab>Transition Effect and choose 'crossfade' for the default transition I seem to be be able to set the duration to 1 second, but not less. I would like to set it to .10 (1 tenth) of a second, but it will not let me choose that. Now in the Video track I can edit each transition to less than a second, but I have about 150+ photos want to insert and don't want to have to edit manually each transition between each picture. I would rather just insert them all in one drag and have the transition be set to 1 tenth of a second in the project preferences.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Find Any Transition Downloads

Jan 24, 2011

I'm a fairly new user to Video Studio - started with X2 version 12, which had 30+ mask type transitions. I used these mask transitions the most for my editing. I recently upgraded to Pro X3 and now only have 6 mask transitions.

I have searched the corel site, this site, and the Get More feature in X3 - but can't find any transition downloads anywhere. The only options available in Get More are titles and templates (styles). I still have files from X2 on my computer - which folder transitions are kept in or what file type they are? I might be able to track the specific files down and move them over to my X3 files.I've only been using X3 for a few days and I'm ready to go back to X2!

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VideoStudio :: Default Transition Time

Jun 13, 2013

I am generating a video with lots of still images in it. I want the default transition time for the crossfade to be 0.5 seconds, but I can't find any way to specify anything other than integer values with a 1 second minimum. Is it possible to do this or do I have to modify each transition property?

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