from several directories in cs3 bridge. the files are still there, and can be opened randomly, by simply clicking on the blank bridge screen. This is only a recent problem with three of the many directories of image files. Preferences are all set the same, and the files show up in explorer. None of the attributes are set to "hidden"?
Somehow I managed to "disappear" the thumbnail slider for resizing that's usually shown in the bar just above the Filmstrip. Missing in Library, Develop and Slideshow modules. I don't see a pull-down where I can reselect it. Had difficulty searching for info in PDF. Using Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7.
I'm going back to a project that has been dormant for almost a year. My project files are fine, but when I load them there are no thumbnails any more, just the default thumbnail library.
Are there library files associated with my project files I can search for and what kind of file is that?
I've recently been dealing with problems related to the startup Reading Preferences in which I deleted/hid/moved preference files to solve the long lagtime it took to startup. Problem solved but was unrelated to the Preferences files.
Now it seems I've lost ACR. Whenever I've tried to open Olympus Raw files (OCR) either in Bridge or Photoshop (CS2) I get a window saying "could not complete your request as it is the wrong kind of document" ! The OCR thumbnails still show up in Bridge and PS so it's not like the raw files have lost the ACR association. And I see the ACR plugin is still in the Files folder (C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobePlug-InsCS2File Formats)
how to get my photoshop cs psd files to show up under thumbnails in winxp. I've clicked on "thumbnails" but only my jpgs show. I didn't have this problem un PS7? Seems to me that this problem only appeared once i switced to PHOTOSHOP CS...
I like my folder view set to DETAILS (NOT thumbnails). I've been able to do this everywhere EXCEPT PhotoShop, where each one opens as thumbnails. If I change it to details, it still opens the next time as thumbnails. Any suggestions?
I have been installing PS7 to get PSD thumbnails to show their image (rather than a generic icon) in Windows. I understand this facility was dropped in CS. Does anyone know if this has been restored in CS4 or will I have to continue to install PS7 before CS4?
This has been confusing me ever since the time I joined the forums. Whenever I try to upload a file from my pc onto the forums, they appear just as a link to the picture. Is there any way I can get them to appear as a thumbnail?
I am using Photoshop CS5.1 on a Mac. When launching Photoshop from Lightroom, I got an unexpected error (don't recall now what it said). my custom workspace and all of my actions (default and user-defined) are gone. I utilize these actions heavily in my workflow and need them back ASAP. I have a good backup system, but when I click Load Actions from the Actions Palette, the default location
Actions folder is empty (and backup files of this folder are empty long before I had this problem). Interestingly, my
Photoshop CS5.1 Settings file still has an Actions Palette.psp file in it. I have shut down and rebooted many times without success. What I can do to get these actions back? I'm hoping it’s a matter of pointing Photoshop back to my preferences some how. I don't have to recreate all of my custom actions from scratch.
Suddenly, out of the blue, the saving as options for jpeg, pdf, and a ton of other options have disappeared from my Photoshop CS 5.1 (both for 64-bit and 32-bit). They used to be there. I have run updates and even uninstalled and reinstalled the program and still they are gone. I have to open projects in other programs in order to convert them. I can't work like this. where I can get the file or whatever it is that has disappeared in order to get this working again?
I upgraded from Photoshop 3 and had everything installed, then my mother was hospitalized for several weeks. I was unable to access my computer for weeks during that time and now I find that Photoshop 4 has completely disappeared from my computer. What the heck is up with that? It was never inadvertently deleted,
my toolbox has completely disappeared, and i have no idea how to get it back. This is on Photoshop 5.0, i'm currently using CS2 but it would still be useful to be able to use 5.0 aswell. And before you ask, clicking Windows > Show/Hide Tools doesn't work, and as far as i'm aware it's not off screen.
I just transferred my stuff from my old G4 to a new Mac Pro and I'm having a few hiccups along the way.
I had it working ok a few days ago and now I can't use my scanner because that Twaine software that CS2 uses to import from the scanner etc. has disappeared.
I've tried to find a place to download it but I'm not having any luck, you'd think that Adobe would include it with the CD but they didn't .
Is there any way to get the same looking thumbnails for shapes in CS6 ? Â With previous versions I could get the position of the shape just by looking at the thumbnail in the layers palette but now they are only generic icons, I have tried to resize them and set panel options ( Thumbnails contents) but without any luck. It's really a problem if they are many shapes in the document.Â
I've been trying to post this so if it gets posted twice Just installed my new CS6 PS6 and where the thumbnail view is? I have to use Bridge to see the thumbnails which adds an extra step. I know the thumbnail view is probably still there, because they wouldn't delete something like that, I just can't find it.
When trying to open a file in PS6 (13.0.1 32 & 64) I can't see NEF thumbnails (Nikon D800). Files will open but I need to see thumbnails to be able to select the image easily. ACR v is installed and I have checked that this is the latest version. I am able to see NEF thumbnail images in Lightroom 4.
Using CS6, infrequently and inconsistently, the thumbnails are not accurate, appearing over exposed. This mostly occurs with jpgs, made from tifs/ psds, but on rare occasion has occurred in tif/ psd too. This is not a constant issue, and I cannot fathom a pattern. I can process several images at same time and only one might be affected. I have emptied my bridge cache, so that doesn't seem to contribute.
Is there a way to create thumbnails in PS? When I import my pictures off my memory stick, they are 2832x2128. When I try to scale it down to a thumbnail size, the proportions are thrown off. I seem to remember you could create thumbnails in either PS or ImageReady,
No developments on this I suppose? I thought maybe that with Windows 7 MS might have reached an agreement with Adobe but it seems not as psd icons still show the generic logo. Bridge is irritating with W7 as you can't get into "Libraries" - their contents won't show. I keep hoping that one day we'll get back the thumbnails in Explorer.
My old laptop tried to self-destruct, so I was forced to move a huge amount of art files to a new laptop. Now, I have no thumbnails in Photoshop (PS3 using XP Professional) and oddly enough, it appears that often entire folders and files aren't showing up when they're actually there. The only thing I'm seeing is the PSD logo. .tifs, .jpgs, and other formats aren't even showing up as being on the disk.
I've gone through all settings that I know of and can't seen to find the 'fix'.
I was watching a J. Kost flash turorial and she selected the option to change the size of layer thumbnails and the options showed samples next to the size selection circles. When I went to change the size of my layer thumbnails all I saw were selection circles and no size sample pictures next to them. Is that a PC vs Mac thing or is something missing from my version of CS4? I believe I saw thumbnail sample sizes in CS3.