When I am using tools such as Eraser, Brush, or etc. it displays the Precise cursor and not the shape of the brush tip. I never understood why this happens. I haven't been able to catch on as to what I've done previously to cause this. I've tried going to Edit>Preferences>Display&Cursors but that is set to Normal Brush tip. Any ideas?
My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.
Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.
I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.
For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings: X 1 Y 2 Pressure none xtilt none ytilt none wheel none
In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.
In Xcode, we have to define cursor as: Â resource 'CURS' (16001) { Â Â Â $"00 00 00 00" Â Â Â $"18 00 3C 00" Â Â Â $"1E 00 0F 00" Â Â Â $"07 80 03 C8" Â Â Â $"01 E8 00 FC"
[Code]... Â In Windows we use .cur file, simpler. Â I want to convert .cur file to the mac format above, how?
Photoshop CS3 and have stumbled across a bit of a problem. It seems that I have managed to lock my Photoshop file from all editing as I am unable to use any tool apart from the Hand Tool.
i downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CS4, and as soon as i installed it i had this problem. when i use the tablet, it would be fine and prefectly responsive however, if i walk away from the laptop for about 20secs or more, i just cant seem to get any response on photoshop when i use the tableti am not sure what is the real cause of the problem but its a constant annoyance, and the only way i can solve it, is to exit photoshop, and start it up again.only to have the same thing occur if i pause to do something else or alt+tab to check my email or whatever... i can confirm that theres nothing wrong with my tablet as it works for my other programs like Manga Studio EX or MS paint(lol)so i have NO idea why it is so buggy on Photoshop CS4. photoshop and vista just doesnt seem to get along... last year i bought photoshop CS3, installed it on my laptop(vista)
I've been trying the trial of CS3, and I'm encountering major performance issues which I can't fathom.
At first I tried it on my old machine, which was good for its time, but perhaps getting a little dated.
I built a new computer just last week, which is very powerful (Intel Core 2 Duo E8400; GeIL 4GB 1066MHz memory; Nvidia GTX 260) and CS3 performance is even worse than it was on my old machine.
Simply moving the mouse around on screen results in horrendous lag (the screen flashes each time this happens) to the point where it's so frustrating to use that I close the program. It generally runs fine; it opens and loads files and does its thing without any problems, and I've certainly noticed a big increase in performance when opening massive files, but moving the actual curser around the screen is an absolute nightmare, which results in general use being a nightmare. Zooming in and out with the scroll-wheel makes the whole screen flash too.
I haven't got a clue what's causing this, as people I know who use CS3 haven't encountered the problem. CS2 runs like a dream.
The OS I was using on my old machine was XP (32 bit), while I'm now using Vista 64.
I am having trouble with my tool cursors. Sometimes the crop tool changes to a crosshair and every brush size will only produce a small crosshhair cursor. This makes it impossible to see the area being worked on.
Rebooting fixes things for a very short time. Deleting preferences didn't work. And even a reinstall went bad after a few hours work. I have a P4 2.8GH processor and 1 gig RAM on XP Pro. Shouldn't those resources be sufficient to handle things?
creating some effects with an image, I've done something inadvertantly that has made my erase and brush cursor into a crosshair looking thing.,.. the sizing keys ([) (]) have no effect on it... no circle that grows and shinks when pressing left and right bracket. Checking at Edit/preferences/cursors... I see default setting I think:Painting Cursors=Normal Brush tipOther=standard
Double cursor issue in CS5/6? Â As I enlarge my cursor (for brushes, healing tools, whatever) at some undetermined point (different for all pictures) suddenly another cursor appears in the top left corner of CS5/CS6.The cursor is a duplicate of the cursor I am working with, stays in the top left corner of the app, and enlarges and shrinks as I scroll my mouse wheel up and down or use the [ and ] keys or however I enlarge and shrink my cursor. Â I have tried the desktop 99% thing, it doesn't work. I have tried Graphics Card on and off, it doesn't work I have tried wiping out my settings and starting from scratch, it doesn't work I installed CS6 over my CS5, it doesn't work I have tried everything along these lines and nothing is working!
I am running Mountain Lion on an older iMac (2007) 4 gb ram, and newer (2011) Macbook Pro with 8 gb of ram. Cursor disappears and will not comeback without click in finder or another program.
i don't have a normal cursor, which in my case is an arrow. instead i have what looks like three tiny hands in a row. this makes it very difficult to be accurate when cropping, or tilting. i uninstalled and reinstalled, to no avail. i'm using cs4 extended
I'm still playing around with CS-2 on the Mac and have got a question about adjusting how much the cursor will move, can't seem to find a place to adjust it.
I had cut out an object from one photo and was trying to place it on another photo. However it dosn't seem to want to move exactly to the place I would like to put it. The increments seem to be large when I try to move it around.
I use Photoshop CS4, Vista OS, 8 GB Rab, 1 TB Diskspace, nad Nvidia Video Card. Recently I have noticed I get DOUBLE CUSERS when I use certain tools such as; the Move, Crop, Eye dropper, Stamp, Pen, Arrows, Hand, Zoom, Color Picker Eye Dropper. So far I have done the followings; downloaded the latest video card driver, uninstalled and reinstalled PS, downloaded updates for PS, downloaded uptates for Vista. I have checked the preferrances and they are OK. I have contacted the Photoshop's teck people several times and they have not been able to help.
Sometimes when I'm working with Photoshop CS2 all of the sudden my cursor disappears! (This can occur with brushtool, ellipse tool, etc)
Well.. It's not totally gone; It's just invisible above the window I'm working in. When I put it on my toolbar for example it's there. And when I want to put it above my canvas it disappears again. When I try to draw something anyway, it gives some sort of very thin line which kind of shows what I'm doing, but as soon as I release the mouse button it all disappears again. Closing/opening Photoshop or rebooting the computer don't help.
cursor locking in photoshop, ie you are able to select items from the toolbox but the cursor doesnt change from a pointed arrow. To say a text cursor. You can move layers around the screen with the keyboard but not with the mouse.
This happens about 10 mins into using photoshop and I have to restart photoshop for it to become "unlocked"
eraser cursor…. When it circle’s size is small, it the whole outline shows up. But as I zoom in, or expand the cursor size part of it disappears and gets to the point where only about 25% of it is left visible.
I mean any shape outline when using things like brush, blur, erase. If the cursor size is very small, say less that 60 pixels, the whole shape is visible. Let's just say it's a circle, if it get's any bigger it starts to disappear as the size goes up. All that will be left is a small line showing the very top left of the circle.
This is a nuisance, especially for custom brushes where I can't see where the brush will be placed.
I've been playing around with PS for over 18 months and I've never had this happen. My cursor changed to cross hairs and will not change back. Even when I pick a brush that should be round like the Clone Stamp Tool, Eraser, Healing brush etc. I thought maybe my Preferences got corrupted and checked there but nada.
I'm having a flickering cursor on my CS3 photoshop. This is version 10.0. It disables some functions in PS. I can't type anything in the top bar fields.
having installed PS CS4, my brush cursor can be as big as possible or as small as poaaible and all I see is a small x regardless. I checked the preferences for cursors and they appear correct.
my painting cursors are straying from their 'NORMAL BRUSH TIP' in the display and cusors prefrences window.
and when i go to see whats going on with them it says thats what its set at(NORMAL BRUSH TIP)..but the cursor is actually a 'PRESICE' tip when i go and use any tools, despite what i set it at.
I was working in Photoshop and not doing anything unnormal and when I clicked on the move tool, the cursor was replaced by a hand. When I have this cursor, it won't let me move it and when I switch to another tool, it stays as a hand and still won't let me do anything. How do I put it back to normal?
When working in Photoshop CS3 I get a lag on my cursor if I use the space bar to enable the hand tool and move around the canvas with my mouse. The problem disappears as soon as I use control + space bar and zoom in or alt + space bar to zoom out. However the very next time that I use the space bar to move around, the delay comes back until I zoom in or out. This happens with my mouse or my Wacom tablet. It makes the Wacom tablet almost unusable.
Most of my photoshop work involves adding or modifying mottled grey backgrounds or cutting around people photographed against a grey background using the stamp tool.
With the background grey and the cursor color grey, it's incredibly hard sometimes to find the cursor let alone see what I'm doing. I'd like to change the cursor color to something else, but I'm mystified as to how it can be done.
making this change in either CS1 or CS3 running under Windows xP sp2 or Vista?
When it happened this time I had selected the Elliptical Marquee tool and created a circle on an object. I then chose the clone stamp tool and proceeded to clone inside the circle. I was just using the circle as a guide for the area I wanted to clone. When I did this I noticed that the clone tool cursor would blink on and off it will also keep on blinking as I move the cursor outside of the circle for a small distance and then if I keep on moving away from the circle it will eventually stop blinking.
I am finding most brush and standard cursors difficult to see against similarly toned images. Is there any way to make the cursors more bold or increase their visibility in some other way? I have tried the various options available in Preferences and tried different colors and values but none are easy for me to see against many images. Makes brushworking difficult. Grateful for any ideas. I am using CS4, Vista and a NEC2690 (26",1920x1200) display.
I just got a tablet for drawing web comics in photoshop and in trying to draw with the pen tool i cannot hardly see the stupid cursor as it is some sort of tiny cross hair. Is there any way to make the cursor bigger or change it to something else so i can see it?