I created a path using the pen tool, but when I try the stroke path option it just doesn't do anything. I have selected my brush, changed the width of brush, etc. But when I stroke the path and choose brush and click ok, the path always looks the same as before.
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
I'm trying to stroke my work path with a brush I tailored myself. now, when I create a workpath from my text layer and switch to my top layer to try and choose 'stroke path' the option is shaded out.
I, i can't stroke a path. Pen Tool, design the path, click on the right bottom on top of the path to stroke path, choose brush and select simulate pressure and this just messed all of my pics with some lightning background effect.
ive been drawing round this photo in PS and now i want to stroke that path.
Basically ive gone to paths selected the workpath then gone to the bottom and hit stroke path with brush. Ive got a 6px round brush on but all its doing is stroking the bits where the path points originated. This has left me with a join the dot type situation.
I am having problems creating a stroke path in Photoshop CS. I will create a new path, and then apply a stroke path with brush tool setting. For some reason it only is stroking each anchor point and now along the line (path).
So basically I have a basic wave path. It has 3 anchor points, and the stroke path is only making a circle around each anchor point rather than stroking along the path. It is real frustrating because I tried all different settings on the pen tool. Are there specific settings I should have set when creating my path? What am I doing wrong?
I am currently having a problem stroking a path I create in photoshop CS. When I choose stroke path, it does not stroke the entire path I have created with the pen tool but rather only "strokes" the anchor points of the path I have created with the pen tool.
I'm trying to apply a stroke to a line that I drew with the pen tool however afterwards when I go into the paths pallete I don't get the option "Stroke Path", it's just greyed out. It shows my line as "Shape 1 Vector Mask".
I am using Photoshop CS6. I am not in quickmask, I am using the essentials pallete I am creating a path not a shape, and I have a new blank layer selected. When I right click on my path, stroke path is available but it just won't do anything. I have been able to get it to work by going to my paths palette and selecting stroke path from there but that is a lot more time consuming.
I've created a rectangle and a shape with the bezier tool. I've tried to make the stroke thicker but can't. I've tried selecting the path/mask several ways and chosen different tools in the toolbox but no matter what I do, the Stroke option in the menu is greyed out.
is there a way to do this?
either edit the stroke afterwards - or even specify the width before drawing a path?
I created a brush and I have created a path. What I want to happen is for the brush to follow the path and keep the angle of the path. What I mean is the brush should stay perpendicular to the path. So that on angles...the brush takes that angle. Does that make sense? Let me explain exactly what I have done. I created a brush that is just a rectangle that is about 1px wide and about 7px tall. I have created a path around some text. I want the brush to follow the path around so that it looks like stitching. But what is happening is on the vertical sides..the brush is staying vertical.
how to make dotted lines around a shape and when it comes to the point where i have to grab the pen tool right click and select stroke path..its light gray and not clickable. why can't i select it?
Im trying to vexel hair.. First I tried a shape for each strand,but that looks crappy.. now im trying to stroke my path with the simulate pressure button. Looks better, but I also want to have a gradient, not only 1 stroke colour.. is this possible? If not, how do you fill your shape with a gradient?
I have used the pen tool, in path mode, to draw a path. When I right click and select "stroke path" and then set it to brush, I am just getting dots at my anchor points, and no solid line over the entire path I drew with the pen.
I'm trying to turn a photo into a Line Art drawing.
I've been following instructions and it's all been working until I try to make a stroke path and it's disabled. I've read through these forums and have done everything suggested (ie. made sure the pen tool is set to paths in option bar, made sure the pen icon is chosen when I right click to 'stroke path', ...)
Here's what I did...
1. Set the pen tool to create new work paths
2. Used pen to outline the face in the photo. Finished the shape so the path joins up.
3. Right click to choose stroke paths
I'm using PS CS3 Version 10. Can anyone tell me why I can't access stroke path when I right click?
I mostly use photoshop for lineart on some pictures I do but the biggest problem is that the lines are not really smooth. I want to Use Illustrator just to ink the pen tool paths and then return it to photoshop to color. This is a recently finished picture I did using the Pen tool traced on top of a sketch I scanned. I want to know if there is any way I could do something similar to "Stroke path" in Illustrator so that I could get this picture done with crisper lines and if not.
Photoshop CS6 - Stroke path is ghosted both in the paths menu and when I right click on the path. How do I stroke the path - can it remain a vector or do I have to convert it into a selection then stroke it?
In cs5 i could stroke the path based on the brush size/shape when i choose "brush" and simulate pressure to get those nice faded out lines.
In cs6 I do the same thing but the stroke size never changes to the brush size even when i make sure "brush" is selected.
Second question... I want to add some lights with Knoll Light Factory; is there a way to preview the lens flare on top of all the current layers to see what it will look like? Sometimes i'm trying to position it on top of a very specific area. I know I can change the background layer to the specific place, but getting a full preview would be great.
When i make a new path with the pen tool and go to fill the stroke path it makes brush dot at all the anchor points? How can i fix this to go back to filling in the entire stroke path?
I created a brush representing a period of a tyre tread. I want to stroke path a path with it to make it look like a tire mark: >>>>>>>>>>>>>. My problem is the single brush marks are distributed far too close together. Where in brush palette or wherever can I make the parameters fit?
I have an open path in Photoshop CS4. When I go to stroke the path, Photoshop makes a stroke that closes the path from end to end. I want to stroke just the path with a specified stroke width in a specific color.
When you use the Photoshop CS6 new function stroke on the path of a vector shape, how can you convert the result in a vector shape ? Merging multiple vector shapes doesn't work. The strokes outlines are not vectorized in the new vector shape.
It's possible to convert in pixel and keep the stroke drawing, but no way to convert in vector. Illustrator has a similar function in order to vectorize the stroke.
I watched a video created by Adobe Product Manager Brian O. Hughes titled Adobe Max: Hidden Gems in Photoshop an excellent video (see link below). I have been trying his easy method of removing power lines from an image using the pen tool and stroke path method defined as follows:
Using the pen tool create a path of the line to be removed. Making sure the brush tool is small and set at 100% opacity; click on the Spot Healing Brush making sure it is set to "content aware". Then in the path panel click "stroke path" and it removes the line.
Well I have followed these instructions several times, very simple, but it doesn't remove the line for me. I can manually shift click the start and ending point and it removes it but using the stroke command within the path panel doesn't work. I am making sure the path is active.
Here is the link to the video, his technique is listed near the end, @ minute 56: